PAGE EIGHT TIIVKSDAY PKCK.MUKI fi. 1P23. TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Cl, at Corvallla. spent his vacation via- T. Barber, of Coh'irs. Oregon Ititi« his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ì W II CANNON, Hcglstor Price. PI 13 20. 27. J3 Misa Mildred I'rlca, who la loach 1 Ing at I.»>«l)Urg, spent Sunday at tlivn of officers a givod turnout Is an Thurston j F C llecketl. employed al lhe un- . PLEASAN T H IL L By J A N » GORDON th Ipated. efreahmeuts will be served ' Ion depot In l*ortland, slopped off on !hla return from southern California' e In spite of the fact that a steady after the meeting N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N < £ . IS M , W « « t« ra K a « a p « p « r had been falling for over 24 hours. T5 Word has been received from Mr. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR and visited his father, II. II Beckett. ' arrett dknuy looked a t th* people turned out «*»• community and Mrs. A. G. Cruse, who left Pleas­ In Springfield V. 8. Land Office at Rosehuig. Ore «»man he had loved aud moved dinner held at the Pleasant Hill com ant Illll In August for Alberta. Can­ g»in, I eceinher 1 » , 1923, uneasily In the pretty tlrealde chair. munity club Kail On Thanksgiving day ada. that they are located for the Notice la hereby given that Grain i Janet, there In her always attrac­ The long table which extended the winter In Washington J Gray, of Eugene, Oregon who. on tive frock, her dear eye» »«. her full length of the hall was loaded with cheeks flushed In the happy excite­ May 14, 1920. made Hom estead entry, TH U R S T O N NBW S NOTES Improv»*« w ith age. We have ment of his presence; he oppoalte. ad- chicken, sandwiches, salads pickles, Serial No 01272«, for th* lad 4 of Four pi»«e stove coil desserts, cakes and plea and coffee , h„ ,,ght mirtn«. content. Mrs Mabel Crow visited with rela­ Section 8, Township 17 R , Range ,| Stove connected lo hot water tank f|.uU cuUc ,,ow ,M„ h What had happened to banish the was served by the ladles of the Worn tive» at Thurston the week-end. W Willamette Meridian has filed nnd dark color«. It 1« MITY 1 5 .0 0 chann of years? How could he await on's club. Mrs A J. Hlggans. presl John Taylor, from Sluslaw, spent notice of Intention to make Final coldly, now. her reception of his ab­ dent of the Woman's club, managed NICK, fill«»»« w»h rich frul’« and rupt confession. I Jarrett had told her. the dinner After dinner all attention the past week visiting his brothers, Three Year proof to os'uhllsh claim nil of ‘lie goodness that Is char- Io the land above ri»*"1 sang until time to de­ fanled by Miss Cecil Sm all. »P*«I ¡T hom ». Green of Cvbnrg, Oregon; | It will he taken care of prom ptly tnnity In pressing his suit with Dolly. part Thanksgiving at her borne here and efficiently. This applies She must take him as he was. Ills The young people of the Christian The high school basketball teams not only to cake« of any sort, visions of the pretty, disturbingly Endeavor society gave a social at the went to Elmira last Friday evening modern Miss Gilmore stirred his emo­ but to home of their president. Miss Mary and played the team s there The tions as he sat watching Janet, with Harden. Thursday evening, Nov 29 Thurston girls won but the hoys lost her disillusion. "If there Is nothing to he said be­ The home was decorated with chry­ •They also had the misfortune to lose tween us but 'good-by,'” Janet said, santhemums and the evening was their basketball in returning home “let us say that 'good-by' quickly." spent playing games. Those present There was a basket dinner a', the •'Good-by,“ he echoed hurriedly, and were the Misses beta. Gladys and Ha- church last Bunday. few pnrtlcK. dub«. e‘c. We are left her. xel Wheeler. Helen Miller, Anna Lal- Mr. ami Mrs James Calvert, from Janet drew out the little tea table cHpeclally prepared to handle ten. Elsie Smith. Belle Olson. Verna Junction City, visited at Ray Baugh's methodically, and began laying the order« for anything In pastries things for her evening meal. Garrett Manning. Bertha Manning. Effie Gib­ Wednesday night that will add a real touch to any had so often partaken of that meat son, Mary Harden. Mrs. Cnrrulhers: Mr. and Mrs. Earnest W est enter­ Light-Six two passenger Coupe Roadster $1195 with her that it seemed odd not to and the Messrs George and Lawreitce1 tained Thanksgiving day Mr and Mrs. table. Smith. Allan and Lawrence Wheeler, place a plate for him. Light-Six five passenger Coupe $1395 A knock at the door happily dis­ Wayne Overholser. Torvll and Carl John West, from Eugene, also Mr. J turbed her reverie. It was only Peter. Robbinaon. Paul Harden, Taylor Cir­ W est’s brother and family. Light-Six five passenger Sedan $1485 Peter, who had come so patiently cle Mrs. Genevieve Beaman, from Co-, Don't forget that our when she might have a little time left burg, spent ’Thanksgiving vacation Mrs. Houston arrived Thursday, Special-Six five passenger Coupe $1895 from Garrett's visits, to spare to him. with her mother, Mrs Harblt. Mrs , Peter, so kindly advising, so unselfish November 29. to stay indefinitely at Beaman had her tonsils removed Weil i Special-Six five passenger Sedan $1985 In devotion. Peter had asked her to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. nesday evening. Swift marry him. Big-Six fiv e passenger Coupe $2495 Garrett dismissed uncomfortable Carl Carruthers left W ednesday.' Mrs Herbert W eiss and daughter,! scruples as he and Daily settled to­ November 28, for Washington, where Bonlne Gene, returned to their h o m e! Big-Six seven passenger Sedan $2685 In Eugene Sunday. gether In the new home. Polly had ex­ he expects to spend the wln'er. 1« the leader in It« line -a n d la cellent taste in furnishings—Polly Miss Effie Gibson who taught in ' Mr. ami Mrs Ross Mathews ano A ll prices F, O. B. Factory a Home P naluct. was charmingly ingenious In her de­ fam ily visited In Eugene last Sun- : mands. It was disappointing to return the Pleasant Hill high school last year day ) Studebsker's increased production and reduced coal of Closed at evening, weary from Increasing la­ visited with friends at Pleasant Hill Miss Heersma spent Thanksgiving ‘ bor necessary to his growing expense, Thanksgiving week end. Miss Gibson Cars made in the new £8,000.000 car plant nt South Bend (the to a house empty In Its luxury—with is attending the V niversity of Ore­ in Eugene with Mr and Mrs. Henry j no wife to greet him. and the solitary gon for her master degree this spring Hendkemp finest in the industry! makes possible these low prices. Mr and Mrs. D. O Baugh and Mr meal set before hitu by a tired and Miss Verna Manning, a student in 5 ou cannot afford to buy any car without fust seeing these sulky maid. the Springfield high school, spent sev­ and Mra. Ray Baugh and family spent "Sirs. Penby said 1 was to have this eral days at the home of her aunt last Thnksglvlng with Mr. and Mrs 8lan splendid products of one of America's greatest manufacturers. day off,” was the maid's usual griev­ ley Baugh at Donna ance. “and she forg •{ again and went week. Mrs. Allison, who Is teaching In the There will he a regular meeting of eff herself.” Polly usually forgot. high school, spent her vacation ln Eu­ Dolly was still the admired butterfly the Pleasant Hill community club Sat­ urday night. December 8. at the hall. gene. of his former admiration. 1040 Oak Street, Eugene Oregon Phone 44») Mrs. Lane spent the Thanksgiving He was heartsick and waary with The Women's club will meet W ednes­ things as they were. The great empty day afternoon. December 12. at the vacation in Portland T H IS IS A S T U D E B A K E R Y E A R Mrs. A B. Mathews and daughter, rw m s mocked him. the telephone hall. rnromoned a« though urging his haste I Norma, Mrs. Margaret Campbell and The Trent local of Fanners' union , —“P olly; | m at the Rensaler. Pin­ held its regular meeting Wednesday Alta Jooa attended the negro minstrel ner party. Couldn't call you earlier. | entertainment at Leahurg Saturday for we were at the matinee. Leave | evening. presiding. ' The subject of having the the door unlatched. Good-night. Gar­ Springfield basketball teams are to rett.” He stood before the Instrument; tubercular test for dairy cows made the receiver had clicked before he In the district wag discussed and a play the Thurston team s In the local might reply. committee consisting of C. E Jordan, hall next Friday evening The Creswell grange Is going to How the image of Janet rose fresh chairman. H. C. W heeler and H. Ja­ In Ita old place in his heart Garrett cobs, was appoln'ed to »ecure the stage a play ln the Thurston hall next Saturday evening. entitled " T h e' could not know. He only knew that names of those farmers desiring the he was driving feverishly, eagerly to­ Farmerette." ward the comfort of Janet's coxy test and arrange for such test to be Curtis Price woh attends the O. A home. Janet would be there. And made. W L. W heeler was chosen as this incomiiarahle gift he had thrown delegate to the state convention of away for a brighter face—a flaunt of Farmers' unions to b» held In Eugene ga.vety. Janet o|>ened the door to Gar- , December 18-19-20. The nex meeting rett, and in her honesty cried out soft- j of the Trent local will be held ly her surprise. “I came to you." he Pleasant Hill Wednesday night. De blundered. “to try to And a touch of I cember 12 As there Is to be an elec home. Janet. I have had no horn- but yours.” She was not shocked by j SATURDAY hi» confidences; she listened, the old dear frown of concern wrinkling her I ■month brow. Nor was she aware of ' triumph In his return. She looked ; Two reel comedy— “Giddap Into the face which had. for years, filled her dreams, and was saddened you will find here all of Napoleon” to see lines of trouble there. She played for liiri. as he beyg»*d her to, the good thing» that go then sent him home with a promise to to m&ke the Christina* call upon his wife. SUNDAY Janet calling upon Dolly! lie could j dinner a huge success. see no benefit to either in the a»- j qnalnrance. Janet talked her plan j j Cost you less too. over with Peter. She had a habit of City Delivery confiding in Peter, and knew that »Jar­ with rett's perplexities were safe in his keeping. Then, too, she wanted the Douglas MacLean and Madge ■ man's penqiectlve In her plan. "Gar­ rett's wife may he a restless, thought­ Bellamy. Don't miss ‘ his great­ less young thing,” she told peter, "and est of all horse race pictures. he may not realize her need of the Formerly Farme- Exchange pleasures of youth. 1/ I can coax her Comedy— “T he Uncovered Grocery D eptm ent lo like rne. Peter, I shall teach her I.onie-maksng as Garrett likes and needs It." To her own mirror. Janet . Wagon” said wistfully, “Those qualities which »Jarrett loved In me will be doubly dear in those added qualities he loved m his wife— which I failed In giving.” j MONDAY So Janet labored end—won. It wag strangely sweet revenge—this kin- ' dllng of home Interest In the estrnnged wife's heart. Then, seif-effaced. Janet returned to her silent home. Counry Store Night with regu- , "Garrett Is happy in finding Dolly In that beautiful cheery home to wel­ lar pictrue program. Many Get acquainted w ith Westing* come him,” she told Peter. “She real­ honse A ttention— the d iffe r­ ly enjoys banking the (lowers, play­ ¡prizes given away. ent kind o f batten» service ing for him, wearing the dresses he b u ilt on the idea o f keepin g I -------------------------------------------— likes. And he doe« not forget her yo u r present battery on the youth—so also, they go out together." i »b to the la s t-r-a n d at the Send them T H E S P R IN G F IE L D NEW S ast possible cost to you. WEDNESDAY "I suppose," said Peter, in hi« slow for a year, i t ’s a dollar and a quarter. way. "that Garrett enjoys the society “VALLEY OF LOST SOULS” of Dolly because you hate made her an understudy of the girl you used to ¡A Canadian Northwest Mounted BATTERIES be. And I've been wondering, if I were Westinghouse Service to understudy Garrett, In a way, 1 ¡Police Picture. a would you transfer that old dear in- ’ a ___ Eugene. Ore. Y71 Oak Two reel comedy— “Fire, Fire.” terest to me.” There was no wlstfulness In Janet's «mile; Its radiance caressed him. | S T A R T IN G S A T U R D A Y , advertis­ “ Why, Peter,” said Janet, “I would HOUSE W IR IN G have y»iu as you are, dear—no change ing cards w ill be accepted at 10c ex­ Prepared to do Hous Wiring of all at h H.” cept fo r vaudeville and special a ttra c ­ ”Oh, would you?” asked Peter con­ Kindt. A. P. G R A H A M , Corner of tions. fusedly—-"then will you?" 9th and M streets.. P. O. Box 188 And Janet did. UNDERSTUDIES Community N ew s By Sp adai Correspondents A s you know FRUIT CAKE G Holiday Special The Raymond Marlatt Plumbing Company STUDEBAKER N ew Low Prices On Closed Cars Special Orders MITY NICE BREAD Sw eet-D rain A uto Co. Springfield Bakery Fred Frese, Prop. '■BELL THEATRE Certainly Christmas Printing ‘The Ragged Edge’ Christmas Cards selected from our large and varied T he H ottentot assortment carry your own Greeting to your friends. Eastm an’s Grocery Personal Cards are always acceptabte as Xmas Gifts Country Store t WESTINGITOUSI 4