THURSDAY DECEMBER A SS ES SED JOAN EXCELLED V A L U A T IO N H IG H E R Public utility valuations In roanty exceed laat year by nearly one million dollar«, according to the re­ port of the state u x tommtoaloa to Assexaor Ben Keeney The a ssess­ ment thl» year to 85.220.413 as com- I pared to 34.289.180 last year With the valuation o t auch property ' fixed. Ihe total assessed valuation o f all property In Lane county this year ‘ to 337.435.113. as compared with 335.846.014 In 1922, an lncrea»e o f 31.589.119 In the Circuit Curt of the Blata of Oregon, for tbe County of lame, Iva Jackaon. Plaintiff, va, Clyde Jack I Bend, Oregon, Dec. • — (apeclall. • a ll w h a t yeu w ant te M il, buy atoet yeu w ant to buy through those By M O L L IE M A T H E R son, defendant Dr. E B Bryan, PrealiU-nt of the Ual- To Clyde Jackaon, the above named eolumna. W rit« o r phono T W O i veralty of Ohio, one of the leading defendant. ( £ . IIZ X . W « » (« rs U s i« » I In the name of tbe S ta le of Oregon. educatora ot the Colled State»., and FOR SALE—4n tom bouse In Spring- You are hereby required lo appear and well known aa a brilliant platform OAN'8 luugliler echoed through the W ANTED T o bur «««»I milch cow. field Ebwtrlo light, water. Price answer the complant filed agalnat orator, has been »«curd aa lecturer room and Patty looktpl up from her T. K I'rlchard. north and Mill 11400 terma. or would oonstdor car you In Ihe above entitled and Court for the annual »««talon of the Oregon hook surprised. »treat ,l'’ aa part payment Phone 1875 J or on or before the 20th day of Decem­ State Teacher»’ Association by the “It is no subject for mirth," aald ber. I#23. the aaine being more than call at 1075 Lawrence, Eugene. Joan, "hut we might a» well be cheer MAN ANI» TEAM wanted to work 46 'president of the asam -toll<«n. Superln »lx week« from the date of tbe flr»t - , __U- — j ~-~ fui ln our misfortune. 1 aiu reading an arroa of river bottom 175. care ot FOR BALE—two good utllch cow», al publcatlon of thin nimmn» and be ‘ tendant O W Ager, of Bend, also household furniture, (leo Eck- log the time pre«crbed for «uch ap­ ' The convention will be held Ln Port­ article, Patty, regarding one'» proi«i Newa, *H3 hart, Mill and I atreta. Sprlngfleld. pearance by you In the order for the land at the Lincoln High chrool on vocation. And as 1 must have »ouie , T E A C H E R S E X A M IN A T IO N S N 29 puhlcaflon of thia «umniona herein vocatlon very soon, I hope«l to find In The regular »emkannual teachers’ FOR KENT Two dm’plni rooms. December 27, 28. nod 29 For the formation. Listen to thia : "One atiould ■120 F t ’ R N lB H K D A partm ent« and room« entered on record and tf you fajl ao to examinations for l-ane County will b <38 1» atroot general »esalon» effort« are blng made fo r rent by day or month. E lite appear and i n i « * for want thereof to secure another speaker of equal consider one’s greatest aptitude and he!d at the Ctountv Ccrnrt room com­ FANCY WORK for «■!« for Xmaa. A mencing on Wednesday. December 1». comiuerclallze It.' ** Ihe Plaintiff will apply t“ the Court Hotel, 2rd and M ain atreet. tf The annuil Patty'« brown eye« glinted—“Ad­ at 9 o'clock a. m . and laattug the largo aaaortment, 688 1» »11**1 <120 for Ihe relief In her complaint de­ rank with Dr. Bryan balance of the week Those who are manded and prayed for towlt: For a aesslon will open at 9 o'clock, Tues vertise,*’ she quoted. required to take It should be on hand TAKEN HI*— Nov 30, 3 culvm. 1 N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ' “My deart" cried Patty, “we will do I Notice la hereby given that Anna decree of the Court dlaolvlng the day, December 27. with a meeting of promntly nt that tim e A schedule brown heifer, I black bull, I brown Katrliun. executrix of the late will that very tiling. We will Insert an show ing the days on which subject» bond« of matrimony now and here­ the representative council, which con- and whit« W. E, Macklin. Hprtng anil testam ent and ealate of Ellaa- tofore «slating between you and the sista of acting upon all regular and ud. in tonight's paper, recommending wfll be given may be hsd op applying fW d . Oro. 11,3 beth Bruce McDonald, deceaned. ba» Plaintiff on the ground« of cruel and special buxine»« of the asaoclatlon. "a versatile young manager and pro­ •to rendered aid tiled In the County Inhuman treatment, end for »uoDsiblllty taken from the hostess, County School Superintends!!». R A D IA T O R C O V E R S aro a nocooalty. accredited delegate» have the right and unquestionable reference given. the Couly of lame. her final account, D-5-13- »Ilmlnatn cold wnalher motor trou­ and Saturday the 16th day of Decem­ Th'la aummna 1» «erved upon you to speak and vote during the dellbert- “We must be aupported someway, un bles and make winter driving a ber. I #23, at the hour of ten o'clock ! by publication thereof pursuant to tlons of the council, though the til I finish thia trying year at school, C ham berlain’a Cough Remedy the pleasure, provide free flow of oh In the forenoon of »aid day. ha« been ¡tn order of the Hon. O.. F, 8k p- | nseetlngs are cfcen to all v ls ltln i and may then teach, to furatoli our Moeheria Favorite y id bettor lubrication and P«P In fixed and appointed aa the day and | worth. Jadge of U - above Court, teachers. The tooting and healing properties family larder. If you don't get some time for hearing of objection« and madu and anUrad of retmrd on the »be motor aavlng In gaa alone will for the paying employment, Joan. I'll give up of Cbambellaln's Cough Remedy. I'» final aettlement thereof ,16th day of November. 1»23. order the last year and go to work." la a few week« pay the coat of the All persona having objection« to I once each week for «lx ’ “‘•‘•J’*«'*" pleasant ta»te and prompt and effec- O M Spagu», Mutual Life Insur­ “I guess," tbe elder orphaned ala tual cures have made It a favorite cover. Drive your car over and let »aid final account are hereby noli ling that thia summon» be publish'd ance Co., Eugene, Ore , Pbone 877 tf ter answered, “you wtll do uo such with people everywhere ua put a Will A Matte lUdlator fled to file the »«me with the Clerk i once each week for six »ucce»atvo It is es­ thing, If I have to take ln w ash in g- pecially prized by mothers with Cover on your car today. I'oTTER of mid Court on or before aald day 'w e e k . In the Springfield New« and and lim e „ „ __ . _ the date of the flr«t publlcaton will barring the success of the 'aptitude.' " SUMMONS M A N U F A C T U R IN G C O ., o p p o lln young children for colds, croup and Dated thia 18th day o f November. he November the 15'.h' 1923. and of Patty hurried home from school the l*ootofflc«s Hampton building. Eu In the Circuit Court of the State following day. “Any answer?" ahe whooping cough, as it always affords the laat publication will be Decem­ of Oregon, for the County of Lane.. VRANK A. M P H B «.I,.- 99 quick relief and to free from opium Attorney for Executrix ber 27th. 1923.. , John Francis Wtkoff. plaintiff, vs. called from the ball. ■ Joan wiped the flour from her hand» and other harmful drugs. Frank A. DePue Attorney for the ANNA KAIHIAN LOT for aale on very eaay term » Can Marion K. Wlkoff, defendant, to Join tn tbe opening of the three en residence end post office Executrix of the laat will of Eliza- I’laln’lff. pay for It In w ork. Bee E E belli Bruce McDonal an order of the Hon. G. F. Skip- evidenced by her financial backing. • Including R egtoter No. I4»14- daled. Ilienl of Ihe estate m- bini—entranced him. She bad seated Johnson, deceased. That boy of yours- How much denlgnrd have been nrreinted hv the thè notable upon the right of a cer­ Pre. k A» DePnw. nttornev foe Auto painting and auto top« P»>»‘ has he learned about earning N 8. 18. 22. 22. D-8 County Court of the «Pate of Oregon, tain important member of tbe fairer SUTTON TRANSFER In wholesale quantities for Ijine Countv Administrates for sex. She hoped, as she glanced across | and saving? Won't it be a great Ihe estste of M ry Ann Chapman, the flower-decked table that this bad j deal harder for him to learn Phono 57 Near «he mill race. E u g e n e O r a .■pcpa.ofi All persons having claims | the value of money in later life 382 E 8th Ave. Phone 1287J against said estate are hereby notl been a happy choice; so very much de- ; thau now? fied to present the sem e, duly Veri­ pended upon the notable's ease and pleasure. His dark eyes twinkled. ; fied and with the rnv-er voucher« ! lo the said administrators a* the of- meeting hers, as though noting her GEO.. N, M cL E A N We have a great number of , flee Of Gordon S W ells, in th e Morn- curiosity. Once, when she had made W. F. WALKER Autom obile, F ire and L ife little fellow s saving here at the ' '.ng Register building. P u r-n e . P re- a clever, merry remark to her own IN S U R A N C E f u n e r a l d ir e c to r 'fzon, within six months from the fir s t; companion, the notable smiled openly First National of whom we ex­ Surety Bonds,. Phone 517 i uhlicatlon of this notice. pect great things for they have bis enjoyment. He found her after­ F ull Auto Equip'.««” » My butine s It to protect you' Dote of tb» first r«ht|(-»tlon of this ward in the sun room. the ba ic principles of econo­ business • notice is December 6 1923. W . O. W . block "A shrewd little politician,” he said, m ics firmly established. Thomas I. Chapmen 860 W illamette St. Euflenc Oieaon Office Phone 82 M He» »'hone 82 J THOMAS 1 CHAPMAN hiking Ills place beside her, “1 refer to your remarks at dinner; couldn't WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN Come in s.nd start a savings ao Administrators of the estate of help hearing, for the man at your side M bs every good feature you can A. A. ANDERSON count for YOVR boy. It takes repeated your sallies tosone farther Mary Ann Chapman deennsed. think of lu a pencil. Leads al- but a dollar—and you have nev­ D 6-13-20-27 :J-3. along. And you are also an inimitable piano lessons BARBER SHOP wa) i sharp and r> ady for writ­ er invested a dollar better. singer t>f those songs we never forget. Ruth Scott Byrne ing No whittling or grinding. Razors fo r Sale Pardon me. Miss Webster, but your Press on the eraser and a Accredited Teacher thorough enjoyment of this evening H a irc u ttin g a Specialty smooth, shtirp lead slips out, has been refreshing to—pardon me Phone Eugene 941-L ready for use. Slips back In fot again—a man wearied with things in general. Is this your flrst social sea­ protcctlcjt. Light In weight anu 39 Years of son, that you can enter with such en­ comfortable to the hand. Good I I viable xest Into a formal dinner party d r . n . w . e m er y eraser, alw ays ready. H elpfu l Service of stahl anil tiresome beings?” DENTIST Joan looked Into the notable's kind­ No screws, spring« or compli­ Your Homp When In Sutton Bldg. ’aJ ly face, then she knew that she might cated parts to puzzle over, Springfield tell him. Out came the story, inter­ Rasldancs Phone 129 W w aste time, get out of order o. New classes will be organ­ polated with her soft laughter, how she Springfield, Oregon break. You will wonder how a ized on the followng dates: bad read anout one's aptitude for cer­ pencil can bo ao durable, slnt- tain tasks—how great was Patty's DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL September 17, 24 and Oc­ pli) and hnibly until you use and her neeil; how she had launched D E N T IS T tober 1st. boldly, but with secret upp'cliension. thl< tyie. D. W. ROOF OF EUGENE as social entertainer. Phone 3 Attractively finished ln nickel JEW ELER Courses: The answering twinkle In the man's Springfield Since 1883 plate, either red, blue or black F IN K W A T C H R E P A IR IN G A attentive eyes encouraged her to con­ Bookkeeping, Stenographci Oregon backed enamel. tinue. .loan leaned forward earnest­ SPECIALTY or Secretarial, Complete ly. “The evening was a success?" she A Good Xmaa Gift for Sprlngfleld. Oregon asked; “you think I dare go on?" Business and The Bur­ School Children He stood up before her. "There roughs Machines. YOUNC <& RAY PRICE 50 CENTS was one regrettable mistake,” he said, Attorneys a t Law hut Ills tone Fas whimsical—"You (A cts like |1.60) Special coures by arrange­ WM. G. HUGHES guve me the wrong dinner com­ Specializing In the law of Real ment. F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E panion.” Property and Corporations. "It hud to be a lady of Importance," Only qualified, experienced Successor to John Edwards and Offices 860 W illamette Street she confusedly explained. "Mrs. Howe teachers employed. Eugene, Ol Ballinger * McPherson Insurance cautioned me." agencies. Offlce at The notable bowed. His good-na­ Our rates are reasonable, tured smile mocked her. "Who more our equipment Is up-to-date We make a specially of FIRST NATIONAL BANK Important than the evenings enter­ FRANK A. DE PUE Sprlngfleld, Oregon and you are assured of a tainer?” he challenged. a t t o r n e y a t law certified milk for babies Phone 31 Patty looked up from her books at thoro, practical training. N O T A R Y P U B L IC a late hour, as her sister entered. and sick people. “Well," she remarked, “your work Sutton Sprlngfleld W hen You Are Constipated agrees with you; you are a blooming EUGENE Buldllng Oregon. To Insure a healthy action ofthe rose." bowels and correct disorders of the The elder sister answered Irrele­ BUSINESS COLLEGE All kinds of gravel for con­ vantly. "Mr. Tyler, the gueat of honor, liver, lake two of Chamberlain's crete or road work. We MACK'S UMBRELLA SHOP Tablets Immediately after supper. drove me home In hla car. He Is com A. E. ROBERTS. President make a specialty of crushed Ing to cull tomorrow, He Is lovely.” Opposite Post Office, Eugene, They will not onlv M 8M * gontl” 992 Wllamette St. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Patty grinned. "As I anticipated," rock and rock sand. Bunk­ Box 166 P movement of the bowels, without us Phone 666 she aald, "the entertaining aptitude to ers at foot of Main on Mill f, effects, hut banish that dull, stupid PHONE 34F3 to end In matrimony.” Black or Colored Coover.. All Re­ Eugene, Oreje011 street. , feeling, that often nccompalot cons And Pnttv w ai once more right. ClassifiedAdyer^sements J For Your Plumbing and Heating Needs See The Raymond Marlatt Plumbing Company B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y T he Christmas Gift for the Boy For Every Writing Need The Dow Pencil Always Open for u The Loop ENROLLMENT T h e First National Bank Riverside Dairy Springfield Gravel Go. W . F. Cline HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. p air Parts Msds to Order. I