u I M... Wrisht » Hon«1 window Wright • e,nd arm. but aa th» nwu hlnery had | Teddy Leavett w a. In town Mon 1 P**> not yet gathered momentum It was gin revival meeting» stopped. and the injury l<»» aerlouc Returned to Shanno»»—R K Yoder stopped Over Sunday - Mr. amt Mr«. C .B. Bicknell who moved from returned to Shannon Friday morning, Eugene io Donna on Monday, »topped after spending Thank «giving with Mr». Yoder'» parents. Mr. and Mr». over Sunday in Sipringfield W M. Grets« Mr». Yoder and daugh Left tor Florence — Mr. and Mr*. ter Martha will remain with the Floyd Thompson left Monday for Oreena for a w ee kor inn «lay». Florence after spending Thanksgiving Pol tarda Hava Gussts— Dr and with Mr and Mrs L. K Thomp*on| Mr». W H Pollard had at dinner H ere from Mabel -Mr. and Mr*. H gueats for Thanksgiving dinner Rev McFarland of Mabel vlvlte^ with Mr» two so n s .. Lawrence aatd Raymond McFarland's parent». Mr. and Mr». Yarnea and two «on». Ia»wrenew and Raymond Yarnea and daughter. De Jim Morelock. on Sunday Laurie* Yarnee. Returned to Idaho—Ben Vannetter, who spent a week here with his »la­ Return from Mount Hood—Mr an« ter. Mr». Kate Bidwell. returned Sun­ Mr». W. H. Adrian return«»! to day to hi« home In Cnugnwait, Mon- Springfield Mogulay afternoon after spending Thanksgiving near Mount sana. Hood a« the gueats of Mr and Mrs W heatons E n te r ta in — M rs Maud Ralph Kadderlv of Portland The and Herbert Vincent of Eugene. were Adrians also stopped In Portland on dinner suosie of Mr and Mr. Clarke their wav home. E. Whentou tyt Thanksgiving day Had Family G athering— Mr ami Mr». X A. Howe entertained with w family dinner on Thanksgiving Tho«e present were Mrs. H ow«» three sons and their famllle» from out of town; Mr and Mrs. Johu Lumbgrty and daughter Charlotte from Albany. Mr and Mis Pete Ixm berty and An­ nette Curl from Portland, and Nicho­ las l.aiuberty also of l*ortland. Johu and family returned to their home on Thursday evnnlng. the other» left Springfield ou Friday A Good T hin g — D O N 'T M IS S Buy Something for the Car for Xmas IT Send your name and address plainly written together with S eenta (and thl» slip l to Chamberlain Medicine Co. Dee Molnee. Iowa, aud receive In re­ turn a trial package contalntug Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, cold a croup, bronchial, "flu" sn«f whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tah lets for stomach troubles. Indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, bil­ iousness and constipation; Chamber- lain'» Salve, needed in every family for burn» scalds, wound», piles, and •kin affections; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don't mis» it. Home fo n t Canada — X. J Ward re­ Underwent Operation — Mrs R. C. Park of W olterville underwent a ma­ turned Sunday night from a three jor operation at the Mercy hospital in ,month's sojourn In Canada At pre­ sent he Is visitin g h is brother. R. J Eugenie ou Saturday. Ward and fam ily. He experts to go Stopped to See Father—F. C. Beck­ on to the Booth Kelly lumber camps ett. employed at the V,nion depot. Port­ at Wendling to work. N O T IC E OF EXECUTORS SA LE land. Oregon, stopped off In Spring- O F R E A L P O P E R T V Gave Short A ddress A five mlnnte field on his return from southern Cal­ ifornia to visit hi» father. B. B. Beck- talk on the spirit of cooperation be­ Notice Is hereby giveu that by vir tween employer and employe was tue of an order of the County Court to O’eg on where it rains. made by D W. Crites, head saw filer of the State of Oregon, for the Coun'y H e re from M apleton— M r and Mrs. at the Booth Kelly sawmill at a m eet­ of Lane, duly made and entered of Otto Rice and family arrived Mon ing Monday n ig h t The meeting was record In the »aid court on the 25th day from Mapleton, and has rented an informal one held at the m ill by day of November, 1923. In the matter the McCullough residence on Broad­ time Mr Crites is an employe mem­ jot the estate of Entity M. Baker, de­ ceased. directing m e as executor ot way street Mrs Rice w ill remain ber of the 4L board o f director». said estate to sell all the real prop here for some time. Goes to Washinpton — A- C. Dix­ . erty belonging to said estate, towlt; All of the lota numbered five and Visited Emery»—BerL Win and Em­ on. manager of the Booth-Kelly Lum­ aix in the block numbered seventy- ber company has left for Wushing- mett Purdy »pent Friday with Dr. ana nine In Washburne's sub-division of Mrs X W Emery while on their tcgi D C.. where he will attend the the Springfield Investment and Pou-er way from Montana to Oakridge. lumbermen's conference with Secre­ Company's Addition to Springfield. They were old neighbors of the Em­ tary of Commerce Hoover on stand- Lane County. Oregon ardiztion of lumber manufacture. Mr. NOW THEREFORE, 1 will on and ery» in South Dakota. Dixon will represent the W est Coast after the 29th day of December. 1923, P. E. O. to Meet__ -The Springfield Lumbermen'» association. W hile away at the office of Frank A DePue. at members of the P. E. O. sisterhood Mr. Dixon will visit the Booth Kelly torney for the estate In Springfield, w ill meet with the chapter in Eu agencies in Xew York. Chicago. Min­ .Oregon, offer for sale and sell at pri- j vate sale for cash In hand or upon gene next Monday evanlng at the neapolis and other cities. . the best tempt obiainatxle. all the home of Miss Lulu Howe. Injured at Mill— Ernest Stuer. an ' right and title and Interest and e«tate that the said Emily M Baker, deceas Spent Sunday w ith Rowes— M r. and tnxploye of the Booth-Kelly «awmlll, led. had at the time of her death. In Mrs Charles Rivett. who have been injured his arm Monday morning and to hereinbefore described real visiting their daughter. M rs Percy when the machinery of the lath mill property. Doted this 28th day of November. Tyson, »pent Sunday at the X. A. was set in motion while he ««as mak­ ing some repairs. He caught his hand 1923. Rowe home CHAl’XCY MEACHEM Executor for the estate of Emily M. We have a complete line of automobile accessories at prices that can’t beb cat. S. A M. SPOT LIGHTS BOYCE MOTOMETERS TRICO AUTOMATIC SWIPES BAR CAPS BROWNIE AUTOMATIC SWIPES VULCANIZERS HAND SWIPES REAR SIGHT MIRRORS KAYBEE SPOTLIGHT KLAXON HORNS LEATHER PUTTEES Don’t forget that we install Stromberg Carburators and Bosch Ignition Systems on free trial Springfield Garage B aker, deceased of all kinds di» Dr 8. Ralph Dlppel. Dentlet. Vitus „» building. Hprlngfl.W, Oregon, Frank A. DePue, Attoroney foro the estate. X29- D 13 20 27 Authorized Ford and Chevrolet Service Dr 8 . Ralph Dlpple. Dentist. Vitus Building. Springfield. Oregon. h a y — CRAIN — FLOUR — Buy Here and Save There is a real, tru e m eaning to the word ’‘QUALITY’’ W henever you see it in our advertisem ents it m eans "QUALITY”, and th a t’s w hat you want. cA D ifferent cAluminum Sale Morrison & Clingan “The Store of Quality’’ Corner of Third and Main Phone 44- Quality Brand AhuninumWe SPECIAL XMAS OFFER, With each purchase of any two of these specials you g e t any oue of these eight articles, your ’’i Guaranteed for 10 Years o ice t TEA KCTTLC • CUP C O L O N « TEA ROT W IT H TLA BASKET • OT COLONIAL KETTLE 4 R ltC C C O M B IN A TIO N C OOKING SET F o u r-D o o r Sedan I n t e r i o r F eatures >685 O. B. Demnt hu cor con be •lom eé ikroog h e b o ré W e e kly t r e b o t e Pion. A cozy, attractiv e interior has been achieved in thoF ord Four-D oor Sedan. B roadcloth upholstery, s o ft brow n w ith a slightly darker stripe, h arm o n ­ izes w ith th e lighter s h a d e in the he. d lining. O r n a m e n ta l i n t e r i o r f it t i n g s are finished in nickel. D oors are m ade of one solid sheet of heavy alum inum .very light and strong »0 QT COLONIAL KETTLE ROUNO ROASTER 19 INCH 1? OT R P rS F R v iN G KETTLE Sale Begin MONDAY MORNING »0 Q T COLONIAL 8AUCC ROT I or PERCOLATOR RRCSCnviNO KETTLf See our windows for the display of these article.s. • or r.(*m RtftCOLAIOR 1 OT OOU8LE B OILER ‘Values up to and ‘More W righ t & Son