TOWN AND VICINITY I 45 Courteoue, Mother Arrives— Mr». Farr»», ot Hlokmin, ttrrivod *n Hprlngflalrt Bat* unlay for axtanfl««» »hall with har daughter, Mra. W C. Itabhan. PAGE F IV l THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY- DECEMBER«. t>23. Ellicient Sales People to Make Your Holiday WE PAY POSTAGE ON GIFT MBRCHAN OISE EXCEPT SPECIAL HALE ITEMS ANI) BREAKAB1JC8 Oirtad with Keeeey* Mr and Mr» (I w Whit nay »hil daughter Mary Kiuabath hail Hunilay dllutar with the (» (I Kaaaay family Shopping Pleaaant PHONE 4 DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OP CITY— SHOP EARLY FREE lln<«e%oee Operation A minor op oration « » • | orfortniMl upon Ftorroat Kilita at tl>° Hprlnafli’lil hoapltal o t i || Friday. Her» ’ or Medloal Treatment Mr» Walter fa r te r and »wall daughter wore here from l.eaburg Tueaday for nodical treatment. Ho! for Christmas! Went to Weatflr - Gworge Kelly, of the We «tar n laimber company, went thiynigh Ktrlngfleld Munday tyt hl» way front Portland to Weatflr THIS GREAT CHRISTMAS STORE SUPREMELY READY! EUCENE EVER HAD OF BE AND USEFUL GIFTS. FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE PRICED WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. AND MATTER HOW BUSY WE ARE THE SUPERIOR SERVICE OF THIS BIG STORE WILL BE MAINTAINED ALL THROUGH SHOE Dainty “Gift” Lingerie Should By All Means Be Selected Now Lovely New English Broadcloth Blouses $3.50 PRICED LOW FOR SUCH EXCELLENT QUALITY Broke Arm— The i-niall daughter of If If Brown «,f Mohawk fell and > broke her arm laet week end. Hhe la now able to go on to erhool. FILIPINO HAND EMBROIDERED GOWNS Returnd ’ root Idaho Mr and Mrs. W J. McDowell returned Monday from aoulhem Idaho where they vie- lied aona for the taut two month» Oletrlbuted Calendars — About 40 calendars for 1024 lamed by the Houthem l*a- railway company ami a**nt here from Portland were distri­ buted around town Tueaday Kicked by Horse While on hl» ranch near town Saturday morning, I O II K enny attempted Io drive a number of horses through a gateway One of them kicked hint several time» but not with aertoua reaulta. AND CHEMISE REMEMBER WHAT YOU Exquisitely made of fine English »ilk broadcloth In several smart plain tailored styles; white only. Keally sensible gifts greatly appreciated by any woman. Smart Beaded Blouses $6.95 to »19.75 Overblouses In a most pleas­ ing selection of new styles richly beaded with scintallat- ing beads of almost any color one could name. SAID LAST YEAR ABOUT $2.95 EARLY SHOPPING? WITH ONLY 15 SHOP­ vh rgsa. Went to Sutherlin Mary Klleabeth Whltnny went to Kullierlln to »pend Thankaglelng with her grandmother, Mra, G W Whitney She ratuiyiwl home Sunday. Snowy v.hite gowns and che­ mise from the far away east em isles; hand embroidered in charming floral designs such as only the Filipino women can accomplish. De lightful gifts for a woman intimate friends. PING DAYS TIL CHRIST­ MAS. WE ARE URGING STRONGLY THAT NO MATTER WHERE YOU SHOP—SHOP EARLY EXQUISITE CREPE DE CHENE -B a ; i CHEMISE AT $2.95 The Art of G ift Wrapping Went to Wendllng fln y to n Bar her lefj Springfield Saturday to spend the week end Big mites above Wend ling 11« went In company with Cecil Wooley and George Thompson of Ku gene and A, W Wooley. Kenneth lla il and Roger Hall of Wendllng The mon »pent their time l^n completing the building of a hunting cabin, and parried auppllm oyer four tullea to the lodge. Lace and ribbon trimmed in dainty shad­ es of pink, flesh ad niaise. Perfectly made of heavy durable crepe de chene. You are preparing first impression for your g ift when you spend time wrapping it attractively wealth of available S U G G E S T IO N S 4 THE NEW OVER BLOUSE CAMISOLE and thought in and with such a material anyone can $1.75 to $3.50 A new innovation to individuality. | Here is snowy white tissue ribbons galore; gay Christmas tags. Christ­ | mas seals, etc., etc., all conveniently arrang ill ¡S FARM REMINDERS Beekeepers Overhaul Plants. It pays beekeepers to overhaul their equipment In the winter. All extracting rymiba are Jooklrd k>vei\ graded and patched with worqa foun­ dation. Excess comb ajid bee glue arn cleaned from all parts of the equipment. Parts that need renatl- Ing and painting receive attention a» there 1» no time to <1° these thlga when the equipment la needed, Material which la beyond further use la beat disposed of In aome way. All of thia la In preparation for In­ voice to be taken the first of the year. Many W illam ette farm er, burn their straw Macks In the fall A Ion of ordinary straw contains practical ly the name amount of plant f° ° ‘' material aa a ton of barnyard ma­ nure. but It ta not ao quickly avail­ able When straw Is added Io the heavier solla and thoroughly disked in. the aoll has given Increase In yield alm ost as large art for barnyard manure * Sucre«« In controlling fruit tree peata and d iseases depends upon having everything ready at the. right time Overhaul the spray outfit n,nd and arrange for spray m aterials so they will he ready for use In the ed for easy selection. 'A HANDSOME MANICURE SETS $1.95 to $5.50 What woman wouldn’t appreciate a new manicure Ret. Thd-e's a splendid assoit nient of sizes and prices in these new mani­ cure sets. Cases of fine soft leathers, all silk lined and fitted with plain or fancy decorat­ ed Ivory ankles. Better selections are to be had right now, of course’ FOR HIM In the Basement Store! IT'S REALLY JUST A LITTLE WORLD ALL BY ITSELF. A WORLD OF CHILDHOOD HAP I’lNESS. A LOVELY WORLD, FOR THERE ARE FAIRIES AND SMILES AND LAUGHTER. THERE ARE SO MANY TOYS. SO MANY NEW KINDS — THEY ARE CERTAINLY WONDER­ FUL. BRING THE KIDIES TODAY TO SEE THEM AND YOU’LL ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF THE TIME SPENT HERE YOURSELF. PENDLETON PURE WOOL “ GIFT" silk in all wanted colors. FOR HER Electric Curling Irons House Coats Madras and Silk Shirts Gloves Silk Sweaters Traveling Bags Silk Umbrellas Motor Robes Corsage Bouquets Monogram Kerchiefs Hosiery Neckware Fancy Aprons Groves Novelty Beads Driving Gauntlets Mesh Bags Belt Buckles Vanity Cases Mufflers Pocket Mirrors Silk Hosiery Pearl Necklaces Thermos Bottles Bar Pins Cigarette Holders Hair Ornments Golf Hose Lingerie Clasps Suspenders Lingerie Ribbon Belts Garters SERVICEABLE GIFT HOSIERY--- CHIFFON SILK HOSE $3.00 Kayser pure chiffon silk hose in colors ot black and g unmetal. A very* durable and smart hose; the favorite of discriminating SHOP EARLY women. LA FRANCE SILK HOSE $2.75 Black, cordovan and cinamon; extra heavy lisle foot; an ideal hose for g ift giving. WHILE THIS LOT LASTS WELCOME TO EUGENES GREAT TOYLAND wear with the over­ blouse. Madeof lingette. tub silk and radium give to the simplest g ift decided charm and Drove to Albany—Roy A. Humph rays accompanied by L. J Mannoll of Kugene. drove to Albe.ny Saturday night, returning on Sunday Mra. Humphrey« and son» Kuasell »¿in (' liar I ea came back w-lth them. Mr» Humphrey» had spent several day» In Portland with her »later, and the children had been with their gr»,nil J mother. Mra. T. M. Humphrey» of Albany. AMOSKEG GINGHAM HOUSE APRONS IN DOZENS OF PRETTY STYLES AND COLORS 99c Real amoskeag M e u rily color.faat gingham .. ing under frequent tubbings. patterns. All bright, pretty colors >h.t w ill co m . up sm il­ Teatefully and cleverly trim m ed! choice selection of many new Complete range in all sixes. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS BLANKETS $10.50 THRIFTY SHOPPERS W ILL BUY AT LEAST FOUR! THE REMARKABLE VARIETY IS AS UNUSUAL AS THE LOW PRICE A new lowered prove this season on these won On Sale Second Floor derfully fine wool blankets called "Glacier National Park” blankets. They are pure snowy spring. white with black, green, yellow striped ends. Continued success In the production of honey Is not an accident. It 1» <« combination of good heevr good bee keeping, good equipment and good lo­ Also In tan w ith colored striped ends. cation. GIFTS UNDER ONE ROOF -IS YOURS FOR THE HOLIDAYS." THREE BIG FLOORS FAIRLY OVERFLOWING WITH ««NORED Had Minor Operation The arnull aon of Mr and Mra Troy llulburt un­ derwent a minor operation at the II« ■ Hprlngfteld hoacltal Balurdav era, taken home the aome day Vlvlted from Mollalla -t.eo Shaver, of Mollalla, Oregon, a former atudent of F li HnniUn'a In tin t city, cam s to Kugene with the O A f . rooter» at the Oregon O. A. C. football game lie came over to Springfield and »pent part of a forenoon visiting Poet master Hamlin He wm accoupau led by his wife and little dnughler. THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF CHRISTMAS From Nashua M III.-7 2 « 8 4 F in . Woolnap B l.n k . t , in H .ndeom . Blue Pure Virgin Wool Gift Blankets ...............L. "..................................... Genuine Pendleton Indian Blankets— New Designs........... • .......... • • • ' . Headquarters for Fraternity and lxxlge Emblem Blankets- Emblems Made to Orde • to • ' S13.50