THURSDAY. DBCEMtlKH«, IMS. of November. 1 0 « , vouncll In the manner required by par. t h . money u .r e ..« r y jlatoreto there»«, Taw; Thai le to say. by publication Wole YEAS. 4. lowing proposed amendment to th. to refund the bond, hereinabove pre- M Y - ,if this resolull.ui In full In the NAYS. None charter of «aid town and th«' aatne , vlded for »hall be paid out of the gen *«* Springfield New». a newspaper pub RKSOLVEIl FURTHER That this Submilled Io the hereby are proposed for aubmlaakyt eral fund, but in the event said bond* Habed In the town of Springfield, for to the legal vo'er. of the sal.l town *ara sold at a premium, the amount resolution tor the proponhd charlar two consecutive publications within 26th. 1913 Mr« Pearl Crowe wag here from Approved by Hie tor their adoption or rejection at the thereof shall be paid Into the general amendment submitted to the voler» the fifteen days Immediately prerea Lorane Sunday by the Council be filed with the He 26th. I »S3 special iown election to he held on the fund Ing the »perlai election, and aba. to C C hailee Grant was in from Thurs lT th d .v of December 1923. a . In this I RWOLVED FURTHER. Thai for .ordet' of the Tow„ of t'prlngfteld for Vosi a copy of the »«Id reaolullon» In 1 . „ „ I 1.1 to w ii the hereinabove proposed charter auhmlsalon to the legal voters of the . ton Tuesday. reso u m pi» . . . . ------------------------- amendment», the following ballot title »aid lo a n at a special ele lion which three public place« at least ten <101 I day» before the dale of »«Id election I Alleai C H A R T E R A M E N D M E N T S S U B M IT Dave M ills of Camp Creek was In be ej»d the same Is adopted, to wit | shall ami hereby Is called to be held ) Adopted by the Council of the I J W COFFIN. T E O T O T H E V O T E R S BV C H A R T E R A M E N D M E N T S S U B M IT - on the 17th day of Dacamber. IS « . business Tuesday T own of Sffln gfleld on the Wlh d ay' Record*. T H E C O U N C IL during the legal voi tog hours on »aid T E D TO T H E V O T E R S BV Anderson Renfro of Pqnu* was An Act date. T H E C O U N C IL To amend an act entitled "An act here transacting bualnaaa Monday RKSOLVESD FURTHER. That the An Act « e , 7 Z T ™ . a ^ . s ' l n d ”X TO amend U m ^ r i e r of the Town City H a l ............. id .own I. hereby de» The Springfield Mill and Grain company received a carload of bulk of arts relating to the Incorporation of Springfield, filed iu the office o f|ig u a le d a» lb« polling place for said 2 X io w n Springfield, and all «he Secretary of State. February 10, ap ecl.l election. and C K Wheaton. corn from South Dakota yesterday. . / • m i » The ^ouncl .h ad each year cm the 17th day of December. 1923, « ‘ he tlm e of makfn,! Ule at which special election there will pU^ ' , *"ClU"‘ be submitted to the legal voter» of a »um e ff ic ie n t to pay In-, .a id Town for their adoption or re- tori"“ on outstanding bands of this Jection »aid proposed charter amend »»sue and to retire the principal , ment» 3ubmltted to the voter» by the thareof at maturity. . . . , Council, t o w n : P E S O L U T IO N S t WHY NOT SIL V E R W A R E FOR CHRISTMAS? Beautiful 26 piece buffet sets in the latest patterns. Lady Helen, Bird of Paradise, Anniversary. Liberty, and many other patterns to select from, at prices ranging from $12.75 to $32.75. ~ Many separate pieces of silverware, from $1.00 up. that In the science that In restoring health to thousands « ho Buffer from stomach trouble. tonalUtta, nervousness. Bleepleaaneaa. headaches, enlargaad prostrate glands, high blood pressure etc., by sclnetlftcslly co-ordinating the prln- olplea of Chiropractic mid Electro-Therapy. 1 he results ure Safa, Sane and Sure. OR. CEO. A. SIMON Over Ludford's »16 W illamette Street Examination Free Phone 355 J E U G E N E . O REG O N Hall’s Cash Store Men’s high grade shoes underwear, flannel top shirts,hosiery »neckwear suits, overcoats, rain clothes, rubber foot­ wear, hats and caps and shoe repairing. make nice gifts. D. W. ROOF Jeweler SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday Only The REXALL Store is headquarters for Christmas gifts. Make your selections * early while stock is complete. CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTIONS at the REXALL STORE FOR HER FOR HIM FOR CHILDREN Floato Toys Razors Rainbow Playhalls Strops Baby Water Bottles Cameras Children’s Combs Stationery Children's Toilet. Brushes Sets Children's Brushes Shaving Sets School Supplies Hash lights Stationery Novelties Fountain Pens Silver, Gold Pencils Water Bottles. etc. Photo Albums, etc. Perfumes Stationery Combs Toilet Sets Ivory Sets Brushes Cameras Flanery’s Drug Store Royal Club Coffee 1 lb. “ * “ “ 3 lbs 5 lbs Kellog Corn Flakes, pkg, Carnation milk tall can Large pkg Citrus Sweet spuds. 5 lbs Crystal White soap 6 bars for Good Spitzenburg apple« bu. 2 cans corn or 2 cans tomatoes 2 large loves Butter Krust 3 lbs soda crackers Snowball flour, sack 4 lbs Macaroni. . . . 2 lbs seedless raisens in bulk .38 1.11 1.80 .09 .11 22 .25 .25 .65 .25 .25 .40 1 30 .25 .25 A. R. Sneed Dept Store Phone 15 Springfield. Oregon