The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 06, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Bids for1" grading the 114-mlle »so­
il on of the Roseburg Reedsport high­
way will be received by the bureau
of public roads on December 18. ac­
cording to word received In Itoeeburg.
The government has aet aside the sum
of I »5.000 for (he grading of this
taction, end la preparing to atari work
without delay.
Tba Interstate commerce coramle-
slon. In a letter received by the pub­
lic service commission, has admitted
Dragon prune wn*h will ba observ
that It* valuation* of propertle* of tha
ad the weak of Dtxatubrr 11 lo IT.
Huinptrr Valluy railroad la eastern
i Corvallis high school claim* thi Oregon are Incorrect, (engineer* em­
W lllam atta valley football champion ployed by the commtaelon will be
' ••
I ordered to make an Investigation to
’ John It llycra of Oakridge ha* be*r correct tha error*.
. J * , •
named poelmaatar at a new office Ir
When a car loaded with logs broke
U n a rounty In be known a* Wrat Kir away on a heavy grade near Coch­
1 The W alla W alla Railway compan> ran and came lurtllng toward tha lo­
ha* authorised the construction of at comotive on which they were work-
eitenalnn of It* line from Milton tt lug. It. C. Hemrelnger. 28. engineer,
. tf,.
t •
and II. C. McKIddy, 24, fireman. Jump­
Apple shipment* from llond Rival ed to escape injury. only to be killed
this year lo date are nearly loo pet by flying logs from the car, which
cent heavier than for the same period struck a derailing switch.
a year ago.
A. K llurghduff. atate game war­
Clearance* of export lumber carga den. Hen Dorris and Harold Clifford,
at the Portland cuatom* hottae foi members of the state genie commis­
November were 87.768.800 feet, valued sion. and Matt Ityckmnn, superin­
tendent of atate hatcheries, announced
a t 31.167.055
The fourteenth annual convention upon their return to Eugene from Coo*
of the Oregon Butter Makers' asaoeia county that they had decided lo ea
turn will he held In Portland 0M4UB labllsh a new trout hatchery on a
small stream Just south of Handon.
her IS and 1*.
Brief Resume of Happenings ol
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
IM IR N__ At Ihelr boms on D street. M r*.
December 8, 1828. to Mr.
The new wing of the easlern Ore
° c »*>«««•
gon state hospital at Pendleton has «««•»
-tackoon county during the
been formally accepted by the stale. administration of Rawles Moore as
The new wing will provide acrommo district attorney, was removed from
elation* for approximately 250 addl office through an order Isued by Oov-
: ernor Pierce. Liquor cases In Jack-
tlonal patient*
son rounty previously assigned to Mr.
Robert Eggleston! wns killed and
Iloggs hereafter will be handled by
W illiam (Irshstu was Injured, perhaps
Newton W . Ikirden. who was appoint­
fatally, when a wagon In which they
ed district attorney to succeed Mr.
were riding plunged over a cliff on
the Lace cr>-ek road between Ulachly
Prune growers of the Vmpqua val-
and Hwlas Horae.
1 ley will udopt cattlemen's method* of
Deschutes county's tax next year
selling If the trip to be made this
(or county purposes will require a
week by R. E. Holdridge and Otto
slightly less millage than that In el-
Watxlg of Riddle Is successful. The
fe<l (or the prmcnl year. Next year's I "
. . 'tw o prune-growers have loaded all of
millage will be 15.85, as compared lo
, . „ . , ..
. ....
i their 1823 prune crop Into a freight
a present millage of 16.84.
. . . .
I car and are going to Montaoa In an
The atate treasury has receive | Btlpnip, , o BoU i! r t c t
, he retailers
from the motor vehicle fuels tax a of Hutte, Great Falls, Hillings and
total of 34.887.128.48. according to a other cities.
atatement prepared by Sam A. Koxer.
Revision of freight rales and elimln
secretary of state. Receipts (or the allon of bedding charges sought by
month of October aggregated *228.- the Oregon Horse and (tattle Raisers’
624 88.
assodai Ion. Portland Livestock ex­
change and Northwest Livestock Ship­
pers Trnfflc league, will be contested
by the Kpokune, Portland & Seattle
( rM||r„ad. according to an answer filed
with the public service commission at
Salem. The rnllroud corporation asks
that the complaint be dlam'Hsed.
Members of the state tax conitnla-
m I oii will meet in Salem thia week,
when plana will he outlined for the
organisation of the state Income tax
Initial Income reports
under the law are due before March
15 of next year. Earl Flaher, stale tax
com mt** tonor, under whose direction
the tax will be collected, says it will
1 require between 30 to 50 employes to
operate the department. Mr. Fisher
estimates that there w ill be approxi­
mately 70,000 Income reports the first
I year the law I n hi effect.
There were nine fatalities dne to
, Industrial accidents In Oregon during
the week ending November 29, accord­
ing to a report, prepared by the state
Industrial accident commission. The
1 victims Included John Goas, Hood
' Illver, brakeinan; W illiam Trankle,
I London, fireman; Pasquello De Vln-
conxo, Linnton, laborer; Manuel Ja­
cobo, Fort Klamath, quarryman; Lee
Smith. Portland, checker; Frank OIL
Wauna, dry kiln puller; F. C. Stevens,
Portland, loader, and Fred Colclaugh,
Estacada, brush burner. A total of
845 accidents were’ reported.
Wallace ('. Wetzel, a daughter.
Laura M. H e y t Rscemm snd*
C ham berlain's Tablais.
“I have frequently used Chamber-
lain'* ablets, during the past three
year», and have found them splen­
did for headache and bllllou* attacks.
HORN—At the home of M r and I am only las pleased, at any time,
Mrs Knut Lindley of Natron. Decern to speak a word of praise for them,”
her 2. 1823, to Mi and M t » K. O. writes Mrs. Laura M Hoyt, Rockport.
Funk* of near Florence a daughter. New York
Infant has been named Gladys Ksth
The limit placed on loads of trucks
Member* of the Oregon Muslt
Teacher*' association from all part» on I j iiio county's gravel and macadam
of tho slate met In Portland for a two roads a short time ago has been rais­
ed, after a largo number of truck own­
day convent Ion
ers had protested agulnst the lim it as
The Oregon Grower* Cooperatlvt
being so low that they would be un­
association of Salem will arrange 15
able to operate at a profit. The lim it
exhibits In connection with the ubsorv
was changed from 300 pounds to the
ance of prune week.
Inch width of tire per axle to 350
Curtis L. Hawley, atate dairy and pound*.
food commissioner, died at the sge of
Permitted to spend Thanksglviag
64 In Portland, following an Illness of
day with his family at Fossil, Henry
four months' duration.
D. Keyes, county Judge of Wheeler
The ninth annual meeting of the county, must return to The Dalles mid
Wealern Oregon Walnut Growers' as serve 20 days In the rounty Jail there.
social Ion was held In Salem. Wed In addition to [laying a fine of 1250 as
ueeday and Thursday.
a result of a sentence In (he Justice
Completion of the extension of the court at The Dalles on a charge of
Oregon-Washington Railroad Navlga having Intoxicating liquor In hl* pos-
(Ion company's tracks from Crane to ¡session Illegally
Hums 1* hoped (or by July 1.
During the first 28 day* In Novem­
The labor situation In Salem Is far ber a total of IS fatal accidents were
from satisfactory at the present time, reported to the state Industrial acci­
according to announcement made by dent commission. This was said to
the federal employment bureau
be the largest number of fatalities re­
W B Kyler last week sold bis 33d ported to the commission during a
acre farm north of Irving to John similar period of time In the history
Michel brook of lilchlsnd, Wash , the of the department. The most deaths
consideration being reported lo be occurred In the logging and milling
about 170.000
Advertisements for rock for con­
The practice of soaking or "»well­
ing" oysters before offering them for struction of the north Jetty on the ,
sele, a common custom among certain Umpqua river have been sent out by
dealers, ha* been prohibited by the Captain George Mayo, United States
army corps of engineers. In charge of
atate dairy and food commission.
A short oourse in dairy manufactur the first Portland district. Hid» are
tng, Including butler making. Ice to be opened December 27. The con-
cream making and cheese making, will
• bout 1130 000 • n<1
be given by the Oregon sgrlcullural “ >•
r,M" ° f ,ho «,r°J8C‘ wlU
college January 7 lo February 2.
about 3553.000.
The Southern Pacific company has
notified the public service commis­
sion that It will comply with the order
Issued by the commission some time
ago and proceed Immediately with con­
struction on new depot facilities at
Oregon City.
The Oregon supremo court haa re­
versed an opinion handed down a
week ago and holds that the organlxn
tloti of thu Jordan Valley Irrigation
dlatrlct was legal.
In the former
opinion II was hold that tho notices of
elect Ion were Insufficient.
Though the margin of profit will
not lie large, the Oregon Growers’ Co­
operative nsMorlatlon of Salem haa
cleaned up Its Spllxenherg apple crop
at prices ranging from *1.2* to 31 85
n box for extra (ancle* and from 81
to 86 coni a for leas choice grade*.
Oregon penalons have boon granted
as follows: Alfred Q. Desert, Silvia
ton, 312; Van E. Hallbsrg, Baker, 312*
Henry Hockcnyoa,
Portland, *16;
Manoy Bernard, Pori hind, *12; Fred
ertek l ’elxold, Portland, *12; John
McPherson, Oregon City, »12; Frank
Gard, Albany.-*16.
RusUioas on the line* of the South­
ern Pacific company haa Increased
approximately 23 per cent for tho
year 181* over 1822, according to a
letter reoelvetl nt the office* of the
public service commission from E. L.
King, superintendent of (ho Southern
Faclfic lines In this stale.
Xmas is Near.
Take A dvantage o f Our
Low Prices on Staple Mer­
chandise and practical gifts
and Toys.
$ 1.25
Sanitary Meat Market
The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make
you a regular customer.
Holverson Bros, Props.
There are many reasons why
you should buy your Christmas
Candies at Egglmaun's thia
Christmas. A
wonderful as­
aw ait*
From the finest chocolate and
bon bona, to the great variety
of fancy mixed candle* you w ill
find Just what you want. O r­
ganizations who buy In quan­
tities w ill surely want to get
our price?.
Ladies wool hose in brown, green, gray, camel
and black at
65c to
Ladies Silk hose in all colors, at these low
prices, only 89c to
Ladies aprons in light£and dark colors
at only 85c to
Ladies black sateen aprons, beautiful trimmed
specials at only {1.98 to
Ladies crepe dresses, organdie trimmed,
specials at only {1.98 to
Ladies satin pumps, medium or light heel
at only {2.98 to
Ladies black and brown suede, one or two strap
pumps, kid trimmed at only
Ladies felt slippers, leather sole and heel
at only {1.39 to
Indies felt slippers, good heavy felt sole,
at only 98c to
Children’s felt slippers in soft soles at
only 98c to
M en’s felt slippers in gray and prown, heavy felt
sole at {1.25 to
M en's leather slippers at only
Mett's dress shirts with or without collar, in
stripes or plain color at {1.85 to
Men's genuine velour hats. Your best buy in
hats, {6.50 value at only {4.50 to
kinds of neckties in silk or knit, at only 75c to
Have Not Been Sold So Cheaply for Years
G ra y 's buying direct from producer in carloads and
selling for cash, has taken
out of the luxury class
M en's dress cat>s in light or dakr color at only {1.98 to
M en’s all wool union suits, extra heavy grade of fine
wool, {6.50 value, our price only
M en’s wool mixed union su'ts, all grades, our
price only {2.85 to
Men's wool sox for dress or work in leather or plain
color at only 35c to
M en's dress shoes in black or brown, perforated
or plain toe cap, specials atj
a ^ O
Copeland and Ryder dress shoes in black or brown, 1 A C A
kid, calf, kangaroo, try these for real wear, 7.95 to 1 V . J v
Men's dress oxfords, black or brown, perforated or
plain toe caps, at #3.98 to
M en's work shoes, good heavy uppers, extra heavy
sole at {3.45 to
.M e n 's reliance high top shoes, good heavy sole
at only {8.50 to
Suitcases and traveling bags of all kinds. See us
for better prices tl.9 5
A ll kinds of toys and dolls for Xm as presents ror the kiddies.
See our toy department early and get the best.
52 Store*
52 Store*
605*409 Willamette St,
Save $3.94
On Y our W eek-end
Trip to Portland
by Buying a
m a k e a» s e n s i p \ e
C h r is tm a s
i t "
h e r.
ROUND TRIP TICKET Gifts Galore for Children
Week-End T ickets on Sale Fri­
days Saturdays and Sundays,
retu rn limit following Tuesday.
15-Day T ickets are on Sale Dai­
ly to Stations in Oregon.
Regardless b f\ W eather, St is
Safe, Com fortable and Depend­
—Ask Agent for fares and other
inform ation or w rite
A *»t
J O H N M. 8 C O T T ,
Paanenger Traffic M anager
Portland, Oregon.
SPECIAL— Nest of 4 Glass Mixing Bowls................. 64 cts.
Baldwin, Ellington- Hamilton, Howard and Monarch Pianos
and Sonora Phonographs Sold on Easy Terms
Berry Piano &, Furniture
Southern PacificLines
PHONE 1470