T H V R K P A Y MARCH S, 1»2S PAGE T H R E E T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEW S INVESTORS SYNDICATE OPERATING HERE play w»ra a boot 3M which « III gojcraiag coata to «all tha following da- to raplanlab (ba fand for laddaatal acrlkad raal proparty. ta-wll: All of tha Waat half of tha Soath- «spvnaaa of tha «tadaat body. l CanUsaad trum Pag* Oaa) waat Qaarter of Haltloa (waive, and don. Ualalsr, Freewalsr, Drevartow, N O T IC I OF »H E R IF F 'S B A L I ON tha Baalhaaal Qaartar at tha Hoatb (Jraafeaai, ll»nd. Um atilla am) nib or« aaat Qaartar of Rartloa alaran, la ■ X IC U T IO N IN F O R K C L O IU R I Th« Byodtcat« «aUkllahsa relations Towaablp alitaaa Haatfe of Rango two Notlre la h»rahy giro« that by vlr- Waat of tha W illam ette « Ith tha local banka lu nearly «very W rld lan , pirns «bar« It d«»a basinets. The tu« of an siscutlon and order of tala (oatalalag Ona Handrad and Twenty < <>nta«rclal Mint» bank and tha First In forecloaara laauad oat of (ba Cir­ arras la la a a Coaaty. Oragon. to- National bank « III r » * l» » monthly cuit of l-an« Coauty, Oragon, on tha , „ bar „»th tha ( » « » « ., ( , haraidltt- Inatallmonta nn tlia savings eartlfl- tnd day of March. 1928. In a aalt in ant a. a ad appartaaaacaa thereunto rat»« bald ban» Mr Kaaaay com­ wharaln on (ha I7(h day of February, belonging. or la any wlaa appertain­ mend» thia plan a« In treeplng «Ith 1923, In aald court Paul K. Uchrslder, ing appnivad financial op»ratlnne of thia plaintiff, racor«rad Judgement agalnat Now. therefore. In the name of (he Claaa In tha pr«a«nl day ithP defendants Dsulal 0. Carr and State of Oregon In compliance « lib — - ' Mar) • C arr for lh» sum of 1100000 aald »aeration and order of Bale and with Internal (hareon at the rate of In order to aatlafy aald Judgement, In TOWN AND VICINITY 7 p«r cent pnr annum alnce Octuber bereat. attorney's fees. coala of ault Wani»d: — Men or women 1» lake or Sr<*’ * ni1 • l,orneJ' • an<] accruing coata. I will on Saturday, d „ for ganuln« ...aranbaad boa.-ry • h,’ h for men. woman, and children Eliot ™ T r tha 7th day of April. 1923, at the hoar ® '*rk ’ ° " “ re<’[ ? of one o'clock In tha aftarnoon of ira te , darning «alary »76 a wp(.k In . .I d ( ounly on the 2».h day aald day. at tha Southwest front door ¡of February, 1923. and ..id a . « u t lo n l(if (h< hoUM (|) full tima I I Ko an hour apart tim» to me directed commanding ma In the Iieaultful Hprlug line lu te e Jitlonal Ia n s County, Oregon offer for sale name of the Hint« of Oregon. In order and sail for cash, at public auction. I Storklog MID«. Norrlaloo. P« M3 (o aatlafy aald Judgement. Internal. The-net receipts of the High achool! attorney's feat, coats of ault and ac- subject to redemption * • provided by law. all of tbe right, t i l l , and Intereat of aald defendant. Daniel D Carr and Mary F. Carr, or »liber of (hem. and all persona claiming by. through or under them or any or either of them In and to aald premia»« FRED O. S TIC K LE«. Sheriff of I .an a County, Oregon 3 1 23 3-29-23 NOTICE TO UOO OWNERS MEAT MARKET Thousands Go East this Way- Since it affords an opportunity of stopping of at San Francisco, "T he City Loved Around the World.” And it enables them to tell their E astern friends about this great and gay metropolis. Then too, a choice of routes and liberal stopovers induce m any to go East through California. If you are planning a trip E ast let our agents help you and provide de­ scriptive folders, o r write DURHAM DUPLEX “Priceless” Razor This is an advertising offer to acquaint you with tbe shaving qualities of the fa­ mous Durham D u p l e x Blade. JO HN M SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon There are no strings to this offer. We only ask you to pay w hat you think the razor Is w orth to you. Our window tells the story turn a trial package containing Cham­ berlain'. Cough Remedy for coughs. ' colds, croup, bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs, and tlafcllng throat; Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, Indiges­ tion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation; Cham­ berlain’s Salve, needed in every fam­ ily for burns, scalds, wounds, plies, and skin affections; these valued fam ily medicines for 5 cents. Don't miss It. All persons owning doga are hereby rol'fled that all dogs must l»-i kept T, F. BENNETT, Prop. Phone 31 Springfield, S P E C IA L 4 to 12 which was the entire surplus stock of one of the largest U. S Gov­ ernment shoe contractors. Thie shoe Is guaranteed one hun­ dred percent solid leather, color dark tail, bellows tongue, dirt and water­ proof. The actual value of this shoe la ffi.OO. Owing to this tremendous buy we caji offer same to the public at $2 95. Send correct sire. Pay postman on delivery or send money order. If shoes are not ns represented we wtll cheerfully refund your money prompt­ ly upon request. ,9 9 'Quality and Service’ B ank Cement Work of all kinds W hy not let us figure on your next job? W e are local men and our estimate will please you. Gale ® P ublic Sales Ketchum FINE SHOE REPAIRING t r,,aI property To C. J. Gravatt and all person* un­ known, if any, having or claiming an Interest or estate In tha hereinafter described real property tha above named defendants. In the Name of the Stats of Oregon; You are hereby notified that M. A.- Sheridan. the hoider of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1894. issned on the 1st day of i nne 1920 by tha T a * C ollector of the County of Lana, S ta te o( Or?«, the bolder of Centhcats of Delia- 1 ,, , __ . ■uency ..» b e r e d 1925. issued o . tha 1st UP °B reaI « .e ase d to ¡day of December. 1920, by tha Tax C4- Ton, of which you are tha owner aa , leetor of tkv Cmuty of Ease. State of appears of record, situated la said Oregon, fer tkv auouat of forty-two and CoUBty and S la te , aara h r t h c r notifled that sad eight west of wulaaenc Mendiaa, ia Ore-I . A Good Thing— Don’t Mias It. one hundred and sixty M A Sheridan has paid ta x es on said gon, containing Send your nam e and add ress plainly prem ises for prior or su bseq uent acre*. w rlten togeth er w 'th 5 c e n ts (and th is You are further notified that »aid L. M. vwnrs. with the rate of interest on slip) to Cham berlain M ed icine Co.. Watson has paid taxes on said premises said am ounts as fo llo w s: -»g Deg M oines. Iowa, and receiv e in re for prior or subsequent years, with the 1919 year's u x paid Jun e 1, 1920, rate of interest on said amounts a* iol- tax receipt num ber 14997, am ount of low* : Tax Rate < f 319 44, rate o f in te re st 12%. 1920 Year's Dite Receipt lnt-reil year's tax paid March 1, 1921, tax re­ No. Brnxn • Pet. Tax Paid c eip t num ber 174, am ount o f 343.42. Ì9J8 Dec. 1,1920 25230 $36.60 12 rate of in te re st 12%. 1921 year's tax 1919 Dec. 1.1920 23.-84 43.36 12 1920 Apr. 5, 1921 18961 41.0) 12 paid March 18, 1922, tax receipt num ­ 1921 Apr. 5, 1922 6995 19.70 12 ber 2432. am ount of 343.19, rata ot ln- Said Austin P. Walker, deceased. as t’-e ownrr of Ar legal title of the above di- 12 %. scribed property as the same appears of Said C. J. G ravatt as tka ow n er of record, and each of the other persons the legal title of the above deserlbe't/ above named are hereby further notified __ __ . that L. M. Watson will app'y to the Cir- P ' ° f e r t-’ as th «“ 8am » a P I*a ™ of re- cuit Court of the Countv and State af ire- cord. and each of th e other persona -aid for a decree foreclosing tbe te n above nam ed are hereby further notf- apainst the property ab-ve described, and (<«1 that M A Sheridan w ill apply , mectioned in said certificate. And you r.___ _ . ... „ are hereby summoned to appear wi/hin t 0 *he C ,rc0,t Court of tha ConBty Mxty s after the fir«t publication of a n “ ^tate aforesaid for a d ecree fore- ihi? ftummon«, exclusive of the day of said c lo sin g the lien a gain st the property first publication, and defend this action « toT e described, and m e n tio ie d in 50 Wienies and Bologna 20c per lb. PhoRe 80 I Oregon SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Eugene Business College 5P.0RTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Ask for Our Free Catologue National Bay Eugene Business College A .E Roberts, Pres. State Shoe Co. EUGENE OREGON 296 Broadway, Naw Yerk, N. V. together with cost, and accru ed interest. ind in case of vour failure to do «o, a de- cree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs agatot the land .-.nd premises ab>ve named. This summon, i, published by order of the Honorable G. F. Skipworth, Judge of the Circuit Court of the S:ate of Oregon for the County of Lane, andI saidI order was made and dated this 9th da\ of Janu- ary, 1923. and the date of the first publi- cation of this summons is the 11th day of January, 1923. All process and papers in this proceed- in- mav be served upon the undersigned re-iding within the Slate of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. FRANK A. D e P u E Attorney for Plaintiff. \ddress: Springfield, Oregon. Date of first publication Jan. 11. 1923. Date of last puhlication. Mar. la, 1923. __ ____________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS sa itl And you ara hereby sum m oned to appear w ithin six ty days after the first publication of th is sum m ons, e x clu siv e o f the day o f * u»x . . . . . M,<1 firat Publication, and d«rf»nd th is action or pay the am ount due as ab ove shown, togeth er w ith c o sts and ac- cru ej In terest, and in case of vour j ... ^ failu re to do so - a decree will ba ren dered foreclosin g the Hen o f said ta x e s and c o sts a g a in st the land and prem ie?« above named, Th ’ »’’ " ’"ions Is published by order fit- H onorable O. F. Sklpw orth, Jttdge o f the Circuit Court of the S ta te O regon for th e County of I>ane and »aid order w as m ade ar.d dated th is i 2 nd day o f January. 1923 and the . . , ,. , ...... date of the first pubiieatlon of th is summons Is tho 25th day of Ja.narv, ,1923. th,.! A ll process and papers in this pro- Notice Is hereby given that >tr .errigned has been duly appointed reedl-g may be served npoa th« ’■> >i.e County Court of the Stale o f ,«-'nderslgned residing in the State of Oregon for the County of Lano, exe- Ore«gon at the address hereafter men- cutor of the last will and testament (tioned. and estate of Emily M. Buker d e-: FRAN K A. DePUE ceased, and all persons having claims ; Attorney for P laintiff against said estate are hereby notl ¡Address: Springfield, Oregon, fled to present the same.properiy v e r-!^ « *8 first publication Jan 25, 1923 ified to me at the office of Frank A. Date of last publication Mar. 29, 1923 DePue, Attorney for the estate, at Springfield, Oregon, within fi months —- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . •ftrom the date hereof. Nothing So Good tor a Cough or Cold CH A U N C EY M EACHEM . Kvecitor "Everyone who has used Chamber­ .o f the estate of Emily M. de­ lain's Cough Rtemedy speaks well of ceased. t," writes Edward P. Miller, Abbotts­ ' Frai.lt A. DePue, Attorney f ir th» town, Pa Peorle who once used this esista. preparation are seldom satisfied with Date of firat pub March 1. 1923 ' any other It la excellent to allay a J Date of last pub. March 29. 192*. coagti or break wp a ee4