The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 01, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    T h u r sd a y ,
which he will find hitnaelf, for th« m iiu of 1408 35 with Interval th«r«-
it will indudeiinoat of the states­ on at tha rat« of • per rent per annum
from tb* 8th day of June. IM S, which
men Of the world.
A good m any persons who said waa enrolled and
Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Laos County, Oregon. by seem to be well inform ed are doeketad In the office of the clerk of
now convinced that the indus­ said court In said county on the Sth
trial kings of w estern Germany, day of June. 1923, and aald execution
Hugo Stlnnes and others, were to me directed eomtuandlnc iuo In the
among the instigators of the name of the State of Ofvcon. to sat
.world war, hoping to profit by Isfy said Judgment. Interest, costs and
disbursements, and the coats and ex­
One Year .......................... $1.25 Three Month« ................... 50c it, a t the expense of France and penses of and upon thia writ out of
Belgium: that they have built
the personal property of aald defend- ■
Six Month« ......................... 75« Single Copy ........................... 6c up immense fortunes during and ant.
or If sufficient could not he found.'
since the war. largely at the ex­
One Year. When paid in A d v a n c e ............................. ................ 51-26 pense of their own countrym en; then out of the reul property belong­
that they have wrecked the fi­ ing to said defendant In l.nne county.,
Entered at the Poetofflce a t Springfield. Oregon, a« Second-das« nancial system of their own Oregon, and being unable Io find any
personal property belonging to said'
M atter. February 24, 1903.
country and destroyed its credit
defendant upon which Io levy, I have
for their own enrichm ent; that
A political w riter speaks of m an In Texas, inquiring about they have largely shirked the levied upon the following described'
- th e approaching end of con-1opportunities and prospect« in
of taxation which are* real property In U n t county. Oregm.
gress,” with reference to its spnngi.em
Springfield. . He
tw w
.» « at * “ a loss
• '; £ j ' cru8hln< the common people of to wit:
bearing on political m ovem ents.¡to know how the man SOt bis
bv foreign invest- The Northwest Quarter of Section
h i n k of “th e a p - ' name.
J h e c h a n c y are that
T en In Township Sevenl<s>n South of
G enerally w-o
we t think
preaching end” of anything as he saw J „ L ... ™ ...e
i n r i ‘™
v nv m ales an
a " , ‘ ch,eflv
<*!*«>' responsible
responelble for Oer-
Ger- Kange Six West ot the W. M In Ijtn e
the front end. but it seem s th at paper
to places m any’s policy
n/ | 1rv of evasion
evasion of
of the
the County,
rpr goes k regularly
« to »h o t n iir ti
. Oregon; also Lots 7 and 8 In
. o. reparations agreed block is in the Town of Veneta, bane!
th is w riter m eant the latte r end. in Texas, but not to that parti-
MARCH 1, 1923
--------- 0-
w w
In the battle cf life, you need the
p rop er am m unition. On baking
day get—
" A™
T h i of
? ™ It might
I by tre
" “ a i ty r ' and
»»" so?
!?• that they
'.»«r are I Now. therefore, in the n«n». of the
T he political w riters are i b f e ; -'* A 'a * >'8
lh at '. ¡ a „ S
ginning to discuss Democratic have come under his eye.
'chiefly responsible for the pres- 8i«te of Orwgon. in compliance with
presidential possibilities. It h a s ' It will be to th e advantage of ent crisis
said execution, and In order Io satisfy
been said, som ew hat unkindly, your town if every copy of th e | prance and Belgium were the »•M J°<>«menf. interest, costs snd dis
th at Wm. G. McAdoo removed town paper which goes outside ch(ef 8Ufferere by the depreda- hursments. and the costs and expenses
to southern California w ith a of Its home field carries your tJong of the Qcrtnans. most of of and upon (his writ. I will on Hat
view of approaching the presi- ham e. And when the t ° * n then, inexcusable, even under unlay, the 17th day of .March, 1S2S.
dency from a Pacific coast an- benefits from this publicity, it {h utmo8, stretch of the law s, at the hour of one o'clock In (he after-
gle. If so. he will need to im- m ay ultim ately bring cu sto m ersioi w ar They were to be. n a t- |noon of *•'<> «*»*• •• ,he •‘’“"’west
prove every opportunity to m ake and profits to you. Send a copy u rajjv and rightfully, the chle. T” ”» d,K,r ot th* County Court Hous«
himself solid with the people o f,to one of your friends abroad beneficiaries of the reparations ,n Eur*n«- Lane County. Oregon, offer
th e Pacific coast: a need of once in a while, and some new award Their need was the for
* sale and sell for cash, st public
which a m an of Mr. McAdoo's persons will learn what your pre8te8t of a i, the nations that auction, subject to redemption as pro­
vided by law. all of the right, title
experience will not be likely to. town has to offer, This is a Germ any owed.
snd Interest of aald defendant Marti
overlook. How would it do for good time to begin.
Neither the French nor the nue Lee. or any other person or per­
the cham ber of commerce or the
Belgians are a pjeople to sitj sons claiming by, through or under
M ethodist brotherhood to en­
down and wait for som ething to
.1 --
In snd to the above described
gage Mr. Mac to address a
¡turn up, while
the ruins of their hIm
Springfield audience, at w hat he
We have a suspicion, a n d 'country
rem ain
m ay consider “the psychological m are than a suspicion, that not They have already burdened
Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon
m om ent” on “The value of the m any persons outside of Ger- them selves to the limit of endur-
N atron cut-off.” “How to con* m any, not everybody in Ger- ance ¡n w hat they have done to Date of first publication Feb 15. 1923
stru c t a great highway system m any and very few in the United
them Germ any agreed Pate of last publication Mar 15, 1923
TnroA m
° i States
ver>’ wise concerning to bear this burden. She has
some such topic of vital local German affairs of the present evaded it. as Is now pretty gen-
time, or know m uch about the eraiiv believed, through the ’
actual political or economic con- m achinations of the G erm an
ditions there, what caused them industrial m agnates. The treaty
¡or w hat the rem edy is. So if a provided for occupation as a
W hen a business m an is fig person ventures a few guesses, __
| ________
m eans
of ____
of the repar
uring on his advertising budget, ¡and the happenings or supposed ations. in the event of failure to
if he is/a public spirited m an. h e . happenings of the next few days pay The French and Belgians
needs to take into consideration prove, o r seem ta prove, his are undertaking it.
som ething besides the direct guesses to be wide of the m ark j Those friendly with F ran ce'
cash returns he expeats to real­ (not the German unit of value recognize th a t she has under-
ize on his present stock of goods o r symbol jot lack df value), he taken a risky thing—risky to
One of our physicians re-¡w ill have no reason to he her own Interests and to the
ceived a letter recently from a asham ed of the com pany *n peace of the world. The case is
m uch like th at of an individual
who finds himself obliged, as he
thinks, In a desperate situation,*
to resort to a desperate under-)
taking. If he succeeds, people
will applaud his courage and far­
sightedness and m ake a hero of
him. If he fails, they will say
th at anybody could have seen
th at he was em barking upon a
hare-brained adventure, and will
call him a fool.
There seems to be in Germany
-x -.-W
a large party or class, lately In­
creasing rapidly in num bers and
power, who. while they have no
love for France, are not in sym ­
pathy with the policy dictated or
» M O U C T IO *
fostered by the industrial kings
and believe th a t it will be ruin­
ous to their country. They seem
to be already bringing pressure
upon the governm ent to make
term s with France.
M3 Issala
Sunday First Show 6 p. m.
“Mity Nice
C e c il B,
De M ille s
W ight'"
Excellent Remedy for Constipation
remedy for constipation than Cham­
They are easy to
take and mild and pentle
We have Just bought a trem endous
stock of Army Muson *ast sbo*.e t
to sold to I t« public d irect. These» a re !»>•% solid le a th e r w ? j
heavy double scles sewed and tailed .
The up p ers m e of lirav y •« i chrom e
le a th e r with bellow s tongue, t>cr-liv
re in in g them w aterproof T bes j shoes
a r t selling vf-iy fast and we advise
y it to orde* nt once to ’nsttre > >ur
c .d e r being f'll<jd
T he sizes We 0 to 11 at! v d th s;
price $2.75 Pny postm an oil 'e c -lp t
o ' goods or »» nd money o ’de.- Money
refunded If shoes a re not satisfactory
Fresh Smelt 3 lbs. for 25 cents
The U. S.
Stores Co.
Wienies and Bologna
20c per lb.
High Grade Standard Ham« for only 30c per lb. . .
Why not a nice Young Dressed Chicken for Dinner
Free delivery at 9;30 a. m., daily.
Phone 80 || Ä
Corner of
“Saturday Night”
Don’t forget wp will be open Rnturdny Night.
Don’t take a bnth until Saturday Night and then see
Saturday Night at The Bell.
Cast Includes Leatrice Joy, Conrad Nagel, Edith Robert«
and Jack Mower..
If an heiress eloped with her chaufeur anti a millionaire
m arried his pretty laundress, what would their wedded lives
be like?
The answ er Is told In this marvelous photoplay showing
the two greatest fire ami railroad rescue scenes ever filmed.
“The Half Breed”
Give them a trial when you have need.
U. S. Army Shoes
Saturday, March 3rd
Wheeler Oakman in
It would be hard to find a better
berlain's Tablets.
Week days 7:15
The Half Breed will enthrall yon with all his strange,
subtle fascination, his primitive call, his appeal, his polish,
which covers a savage heart.
A Ride
For Life
A Mad
"Bride To Be”
Wednesday, M arch 7th
T h o m a s H. Ince P re se n ts
“T h e C u p O f L ife”
1441 B roadw ay, New York C! .7
with a distinguished east, featuring Hobart Bosworth, Madge
Bellamy, Tully Marshall and Niles Welch.
A thrilling story ot the Pearl Sm ugglers of Old Singapore.
And a Nervy Ned Comedy
N otice Is hereby given th a t by virtue
of an execution Issued out of the Clr
cult co u rt of the S tate of Oregon for
the County of Lane on the day of
F ebruary, 1923, upon a Judgem ent
rendered th e r e in ‘ on th e 8th day of
Ju n e, 1922, In favor of W ayne E,
E lliott and ag ain st M artlnus L ee for
And coming FRIDAY and SATURDAY, March 9th A 10th
“When Knighthood Was In Flower”
Would you he willing to see Douglus Fairbanks m aster­
piece: “ ROBINHOOD” in Springfield?