m SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTIWTH TRAR 13223720 SPRINGFIELD, I^ANE COUNTY, ORBÖON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1923. TOWN ANO VICINITY BASKET BALL SEASON ROY KIZER AND FAMILY REVIEW OF TWO SERIES BURNED OUT AT ASTORIA| THURSTON MOTE8 NUMBER 6 FILBERT CULTURE! IN NORTHWEST Mrs. Maurice Knight, who baa boon Mr. and Mrs Ray Baugh visit« III tinca about January 1st. la now In tbe laat baaknt ball game of the Mr and Mrs O F. Kiser receive I ' Marlon Jackson and family at Avard able to be up and around th« bouse season, played laat Monday evening, a letter from their aon Roy. Tuesday. Sunday. • bit. M ra Knight first had the flu. th« Springfield Methodist team was stating that the dwelling house they and evidently got up too soon, and defeated by the Eugene Baptist team, bad been occupying in Astons waa ' OrBndm» Fowler who has been quite was taken with plural pneumonia, be- by a score of 25 to 1«. The season, destroyed by fire Sunday night, s n l ,U tor • ome Um# *• “ ucb ---------- -- *• I Ing confined to her bed for over five as a whole. Is regarded as s success- all of the effects of the fam ily e x -!r ,o ’ * i - H er *on* Charles, Olles, an J P-T Meeting«; Principal Chosen week« 'ful one for the Methodist team. In spite cept the clothing they had on and a Jo® Eowler from Bluslaw have be it Points iron an Oregon Grower—» Play Equipment; Game«; of the fact that they have been unable few things In the drawers of a dresser * * r- Filbert« on W. H. Clark’s Whole pork shoulders |g ornts per Institute Planned to win a game from the Eugene teams. Mr Kiser had been in the emplor McKenzie Ranch 2 Washington’s birthday w ill be ob­ pound at Swsrts A Washburns -and that they lost to the local Baptist of the Hammond Lumber company served today with a basket dinner at Mr. and Mrs James Hllterbrand. team, by a score of 15 to 13 In the until Its great mill at Astoria was the High school for all. County su- The 1‘arantrT'MK'har«' aaaolatlon who came to Springfield some six final game of the series. The two burned several months ago Since J pertntendent E J. Moore w ill talk in Filbert calture haa been attracting mat In the assembly room at the L in ­ week, ago from St Ixmla. Missouri, I Preceding games of this series wen. that he has been In the employ of tho ¡ r t / " a f t e i i ^ n “ o« 7o7solldatin7 " th i considerable attention In the vtclaKr coln school building at 1 p. ni laat | Intending to visit for a short tlms won by the Methodists T. M. C. A of Springfield for a number of years Thurston and Lie vis school district: Friday, the lit h The room waa well I with relatives here, have decided to ' past. W. H. Clark la one among the filled. The president. H F. Crusher«. I ' - r u e i « v e c o i n c a ía n • a. ,a remain for the revt of the winter, at T H E LA TE COLD SNAP EXPERT NURSE JOINS Tb«ra *’ • P«tltlon •»••a« circulated later ranchers to engage In thia pur being absent, Mrs It. G Masters, the ' least, and bave rented the Sraltaon IN EASTERN OREGON DR. REBHAN'S FORCE ,brou,b a w r ic t to try end get snit on a large scale He has, on hie vice president, presided. Details of ---------- another teacher at the High school, McKensle river ranch, north of here, property on 2nd and B streets, re- llm plans for ihe playground equip­ From the Fossil Journal of the 14th '4 «set. There are filberts A plan suggested by Prof Lambert ’ - - - - - ------- iTwo an<, n#a and a snow-plow sent hospital, in Eugene, for the peat two U j s ' team wee defeated. on the George Dorris farm, that are for lbe remodeling and enlargement o f ' The millinery shop of Mr«. M N. from Arlington to clear a way throagh. or three years. With Dr Holmes as M r. and Mra. Ernest West went io- over 30 inches la circumference at Ihe old gymnasium at the Lincoln * Thom peon Is to he closed for a few ) Thermometer 2 degree« below aero an i r y expert, and Mias Wyae. as a : Eugene Saturday to see Mr. West's the base. So. as Mr. Clark says. “Us school and the conversion of It Into a days for Invoicing, preparatory to be- for three morning«. nurse. Dr. Rebhan has now a strong brother who under want an operation filbert tree la no bash, uoless yoa general playabed ware discussed Ing taken over by Miss 0 Gray and | A Fossil doctor frosted his ears on corps at command, and will be able for appendicitis a tew days ago. make It so.” Ruch a change haa the approval ol M ist Wilson, both of Twin Falla. Idaho a long drive. to take care of many Caere here that Mr. Claifc hands as the following Mr. aad Mrs. W alter P*«tt and Mr. , The shop when reopened. will be the school board Ice « to N Inches thick on the John ' otherwise would have to be cared for article from the Western Farm er, Mrs. O. A. McMahan, and John Price It was proposed lhat a social meet known as the “Mode.“ Mr and Mra. Day river at Spray. In a hospital elsewhere. . • « wrnt to Eugene Tuesday to hear Rev. which sets forth the vital points la in« of the association, w ith a supper ; Thompson are undecided as lo what th« culture of filberts sod thelr atept- and perhaps some kind of an eater ‘ hey will do. but w ill spend some Um« | Jrsse Kellems that evening MRS. EMMA SHEEKEY MRS. EMILY BAKER ablllty to this regioo in aa fall, clear tatumenl program, be held between In traveling. They leave lu a few Mr. A. W. Weaver, end son Clifford, aad simple a manner aa we have seen the monthly bnslneaa meetings It days for southern Oregon. ' l 4 WiM 3 b°D le d , ai’ c i m . 7 hw « h ' r l h B“ " T M ’ acha“ waa h“ ™ st » » « * • > « * to Corvallia Tuesday with a lost it dose: w a. agreed that auch a meeting should H#ndanip g U U a b reb Inson, New Tork, March 10, 1942. She of cbeeee. worker . . t«’ \ a -i ° a a FILB ER TS bn held In the evening of March 3. the . ' ' 'l» S n S n r tiL ii an.i =2 T*"'1 7*ara *nd ’ da’ * married to Bid red Baker. Theyl details to be worked out by the ro- w k interest of * * . ’ “ * tbe dao«btar <* Joel Oordon. p«.,ed most of their life In Mlnne- l' ,ank Campbell ' • «erlovaly ill with By A. M. OdelL Milwaukie, Oregon Ï0 LOCAL SCHOOLS « C*®“ ’ W 8 ’ >"ii"'i, Consparatlrely tew people know th a t helping to nnrse him. ' part ot b e r: Angelee. California, seven or eight J* Blbew*’ .u ’rvlv’ d " ^ ' h r 'h t . t a n d D ari i w *’ ° B* ker dl" * “ r ,nd M r* ErB~ t W e « borrowed the climate and soli of western Oregon Baker died there and Washington are peculiarly adapt It baa been found necessary to change . . . - h iid r - . ’ " rT,T* a Dy nr nu»t»nO- Davl.i M r, cam# to Springfield t W (tiie W llllan Bros truck Tuesday even ed to the growing of filberts. T h e t h . date of thia meeting to March ». ‘° .A ^ \ d on Ture n I lau gh ter.. M r. Mabel or three years ago She made her h.g and took Professor Cady and the to avoid a conflict of d a t e w ith Ihe X r n ^ n and tS l I J?«. AH CUr’ home for a while with Mr. and M r. High school stedents to Eugene to tree requires a mild climate such aa ours of the Pacific northwest, and IIKII .Chool Dlav A nlata shower Is d 7 an(,rnoon- ,n<1 10 lh * AW Davidson and Mra. Maude Hoxie, of High echool play A p lats shower la Wedw, , day She la to go Saturday to Camas Washlnxion two hr-nth«™ C. Meacham. She bought property. hear Rev. Kellems lect ir e nowhere In the world la a be ter not drelred to cooiplole the equipment for , ’ ,, “ „ v‘ a"nln* Ion « •» brothers. land built a __________ good home opposite the Junction City. H F. Go,don. of Springfield, snd homa of Meachama on‘ D „ ’ I John WIHlan. John Edwlston. and produced, both as to alae and flavor, ■serving refreshments. ls a U ’ e L -i,ln a » A n - « . . J e -------- a e». . . . .. . than right here In our midst. T h e T h . young people of the Baptist ‘k ' rdon' 07 8 ' * s m " t t le- W ’B’ bl» t f ° n ; and between Nth and 9th. She died there w *''r’ nk Chlvaller attended the lecture filbert, the fresh home-grown variety, The High echool play, to he given ■'»nrch are to have a Washington’. J * r*h p * * * #.U about 7 o’clock yesterday morning. !il Eu* ene Sunday afternoon, by Slste.- is a delicious nat. aad while rich in February 21. jM rry Angel, ex-nun. in the High school auditorium on the birthday party at the home of Mr and Bowm an n t V o»t° 1 m i M r. Clarence Chase, In Pruneyllle. on J;11* Bowln30- nt Notl- and Mrs. A li-e The funeral will be at W a lk e d | Maude Edmiatou hml rome dental food value is not only harmless when evening of March 3. la not a contln-1 eaten freely, but on the contrary is Hnke. of Springfield. The fu.i-rnl nous performance, but a piecework ol Friday evenlug. was held at W alker’s chapel at 2:37 ’ ’ 2,? T ' A , wortt d<” *< 'n Eugene Wednesday. exceedingly nutritious and healthful. *.nd WM i'* ” at ¿ u 'r e l'H .n " ' ' UrU' WUl| The boy. who are working at Boom- humorous skits, under the general It grows and thrives in any ordinar­ title of ’’Humoresque ‘ ily fertile eoil if well drained. It is ma Travia hare been kept from their duchsd by Rev. E B. Lutuer. She Mrs Baker leaves one sister and k . e lly camps returned to camp Tuer not advisable to plaat an orchard on , work In Eugene for the past week by was buried at Laurel HUI. beside her Hires brothers: Mrs. Phoebe Gray and alter. beln’ Uyed 0,1 for low ground nor on a steep hillside. The work of constrnctlog the play- • selge of lagrtppe They are resum- son. Jack Itently. i’ Sidney Meacham, of Drain. Oregon several days on the account of snow. The filbert la of the same family as ground equipment for ihe two schools mg their work one by one Chauncey Meacham, of Springfield; la w«ll advanred lt la hetng don« by i the wild haael, and wherever that bush Mrs. Ross Mathews Is III. PROSPECTS ON MILL and Roderick Meacham, of New York. thè students of thè manusl train ing * a HAPPY FAMILY; le found lu abundance indicates good W N. Ixtng le chairmen. The meet in , . . to be at lb . Lincoln building. |n |h # X c h . and *"' /* department, under thè direction of P rofessor Morgan. The work will be dona without charge. The equipment I WORK BRIGHTENING soil for the filbert. The filbert tree requires and re­ sponds readily to cultivation. The for each school will he combined In F. Bennett mak« up a happy fa m ily ,, Ing the logging crews for the camps. The following dispatch, originating yield, site of the nut and flavor is en­ I-ast Monday evening, the third ■me strong frame, with end posts, posts or occupying the large orilce office room In It waa was expected that they would open ng iram e, w im run cup) ing me 'a t Klamath Falla found Its way Into hanced by thorough cultivation, es­ strongly braced; mlddlo posts, taps the ground floor of the Fry Rankin work Wednesday morning As t o | Mond* r eT* nln* ln ” »« month, was the newspapers within the past week pecially during the summer, to con­ ic two divisions; and upper building Mr «. Clark an.i mr Mr uicory Llchty now how long u It wouia would taae take mem them to clear 1' ,be regular meeting of the Methodist n came to us through the Southwest serve the moisture. rating the »w„ ............................ »■« ium Imams Four swings will occupy one are In the real estate business cot as their way for full operations, no de-' Brotherhood Pollenation Is of first Importance la Once or twice in the ern News, of Marshfield: division of the frame, and four teeter partners, but In Intimate association [finite Information Is available here!year the ladles are admitted to their K L A M A T H FALLS, Ore’ , Feb. 17.— planting an orchard. I t has been boards the other. In addition, there Mr. Bennett Is engaged In what might yet. No logs have come do frotn banquets This was one of those oc | Tbe S««*1»«™ Pacific w ill be In a demonstrated that the different var­ ieties are not self-poHenatlng. It la sill be a chinning bar, forming an ex- be described as a lumber brokerage the camps yet. Some report from fifty sat _____ down to the P08lll0n ,0 ’ t , r t ,h# Natron cations About _____________ necessary in planting, say an acre, of tension to the frame at the Lincoln He has mill and timber Interests be- the camps Is expected this afternoon, , , soon, without awaiting regrouping of school. 'sides In nearby localities. It may not and probably some logs will be regular supper Beside, these, th e . the raIlroada Pau, 8houp‘ the Barcelona type of tree, to distri­ Superintendent Roth thinks that, he know to alt o to u r readers, even In 1 brought down this afternoon or to- ladles who served the supper, who ident, advised M West, president of bute among them at least ten trees of owing to the near approach of the sea Springfield, that M r Llchty Is a reel- morrow ate at tho second table," and some the chamber of commerce here. The a different variety, such as Du Chilly, son when shelter for play w ill he dent of Springfield; having bought The second shift has the run at ! whn ' am” ’* n,ed least 20 feet apart eaclx Washington’s birthday Is to be oh y a t ’ to almost causa their mummies, es- ' T ” " ‘n ‘ *“ ” » » » m aking ION¡trees m . n ' . p « Superintendent Roth Is working up­ Peclnuv that of Tutankhamen, which d° n’ hUS,IW,M an’° n' thP“ ’ and ° f ,he > ' on a plan for on Eastern latne teach- served by a program at tho High tb , pleasant business and personal re la-1 As ,o Tarieties, the Barcelona has ers’ Institute, to be held here on March school auditorium, beginning at 10:30 iviFTHODIST in« explorers lift a not yet looked upon . . . . . . m m « to ho tho ms««* In l i t v hnfrtro tho n.sfttoro tions thftt have «ubslstod between,' ome 1 h mast approved type, 24 The details of Ihe plan will b* and occupying the rest o( the fo re-1 QUARTERLY MEETING to In e before the audience There . . ... . . It in a steariv honrar tmf aftor wtts.v. W .. none of ... the musty odor . which . . . . . and h° r e that they will extend thvl" 8 y*» r after year. announced in a few days. noon. Tho principal feature will be [ -------- was same favor and good w ill to my suc­ and a heavy ytelder, besides being a --------- sn address by Rev J M Walters, of Th„ dletr,ct quarterly mooting of the '" ‘•»•■-«0:1 usually brings up In large, round nut of exquisite flavor. cessors. thn Fre(, Methodl, t rh „ reh wil, h„ 1(, poring over such a subject, aud none A series of inter-class baskothnll Kukene. It drops from the husks ln September MRS. M. N THOMPSON. garmes Is now In progress The first ------------------------------------------- --------------- at the chanel In West Springfield the of the dron* l' nd ,,rnwl of the c,asfi- and requires no special handling to game, between Ihe sophmores and ranged fo- a series of basketball latter part of last week, eontlnslng room ,rc’ ‘,rp Everybody was Intense Thoroughbred Ancona one when gathered should be placed ln a noon, beginning after dismissal time Cottage Ornve H xh school teams. Cottage Grove attended Mrs. W. F FTof. Dunn seemed to grently enjoy ceckeral for thoroughly sale. Frank Murrav warm, dry room until Tho ereshmnn won by a acore ot H Tb„ f|n t ?Bme in this aertirs is to be Childs, the w'dow of a former pastor. tbp »octal mingling with hla auditors, s.rr ngl'leld, Oregon 3tp dried. to 4. The next game will he between place I hare on March 23rd. The se- now living at Newberg, scent »everil before snd after th's sddress. and to Aa yet no pest or disease has ap­ the Henlors shd Juniors The winners rond ^ ¡ j t,e played at Cottage Grove days among friends In this vicinity appreciate the good attendance and i* cement walk Is being laid In front peared to annoy the filbert grower e( these two games will contend In a some time early In April. on thia occasion The revival meet- the keen Interest manifested. .of Mr. and Mrs. George O rr’e residence and no complaint has ever been heard third. |Ing «t the church, which had coatln- The brotherhood had heard h lm ,on A , t r ***» between Nth and 7th. by any grower of his trees having Tho total enrollment at th» High ued for seven weeks, closed with the ones» before, and will be glad to hear Mr« Frank Fisher, Jr., bas a pretty been damaged er his crop Injured la Manager Graydon M w ls has ar- school now numbers 152. quarterly meeting him again. bed case of fin. m F*gg 11 CLARK. LICHTY, BENNETT _____ J L. Clark. W J Llchty, and Geo A Booth-Kelly train went up to Wendllng Tuesday afternoon, carry- CUT-OFF PROSPECTS BROTHERHOOD SUPPER FROM ANOTHER ANGLE LECTURE ON EGYPT