The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 28, 1922, Image 1

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    1L U.,
NUMBER. -50.
Manager Dixon Predict Era of
Prosperity; 800 Men
Now Employed
Oneontas Trim
Wendling 30-24
With the production now In excess
In an usually rough, but very speedy
tussle, the Oneonta Atblntlc club Of
8prlnflld waa victorious over the
Wendling teem by a count or 30 to 14
last Friday night at the Worldling hall.
While the team work and floor ability
of the Springfield Quint was superior
to that of the five from the upper val
ly town, the game was not decided
until the final whistle.
Local Legion To
Welcome Owsley
" Members of the Springfield post of
the American Legion have been ex-
Mre Alice Writlev Atburv N J 'Springfield Organization Unite !.tfn1ed " ,D,rltou Prtlcipat in
mra. Mice trvn.iey, tDury, N. l. . r tb, reception to be, tendered National
Donates Fund for Use of
U!!!0!l COilVEflTil
University Students
Ten thousand dollars In cash was
in Monster Community
Yuletide Event
"The most successful community
Commander Alvln, Owsley at Eugene
on January 4. The National .com,
mander Is now on an. Inspection trip
of the wst.
A monster reception has been ar-
of 300.000 board feet par day. which Doth teams showed the results of the Christmas gift made to the Unl-! -0"lni" celebration ever
Is at the rate of over W million foot rir.fu t ir.inin. .4 r.r.rii,. ., verslty of Oregon todar br a friend o( county was ut way
Much Accomplished at Meet at
Lebanon Dec. 21-23, Say. ,
" Lane County Delegate "
Th 12th Annual convention 6f the
la prima condition for the
the Irutltutton who IWei S.000 mile
held ,n Lh,fh .n T0fr 10 EUkB 10 ranaerr" Educational and Cooped
:bJClTj!!.. B.m!m.rV0f Itfve Union, which wa. held Uat
on the
Booth Kvlly Lumber com'
pany looks forward to a very pros-Murray, of the Oneonta squad was "ra Eugene. The donor Is Mrs. Alice Merc,e Md " street, near A,
parous year, status A. O. Dixon, mana-, easily the outsUndlng star of lb,w- Wrlsley. of Asbury. N. J. She Las ,a,t 8turday enlng. .A crowd estl
gnr. Ovrr BOO men are npw employed game, converting IS of the 30 points requested that her gift be used at alml(1 ,l over 1500 attended the cele
In Urn mill here, at Wendling and at 'for bis side. Van Dunn also played a!ulnt loan fund. It-ration. About 900 gifts were distil-
the company's eeveral camps. About atellar game at center for the victors. Tn" " ls the largest benefaction ! ojr th" committee In charge,
400 men are employed at present tn J For Wendling. Hufstader showed the received by the university since alum-n4 11 ' ltel br those In charge
Bprlngfleld. 175 In the ramps, and most speed, and at all tlmea waa a nl others gave 128.000 In Septem-'1"" nal cm,a ,n BPngneld was
about 125 are doing reconstruction dangerous man on the floor. Roach
work In the mill at Wendling. was thwlr mainstay at guard.
The plant at Wendling. whlrh wa This Is the first time since the
partially destroyed last euiunwr by erection of the new 4L ball at Wend
fir, will be reconstructed and ready ling that the home team has suffered
for operation about the last of May a defeat on their own floor. This la
or erly In June. Thle will Increase due In part, the losers claim, to thej10' De ud narantee fund upon
the cutting rapacity of the plant fact that three of the. Springfield WnlrD t0 bM ,'n, ranging from an
greatly: New machinery for a mod- squad. Van uyn, C. Barber and T. 'rt or 150,000 to 1100.000. Thus
Barber are ex-W endllng stars, all(lM onf H". under the plan, may
three having played several garnet. I1 m1 nr t0 tn Mi m0T effect! v.
ber to launch the endowment canviml,,,1, nd Torl came around for
palgn of "Ten Million Dollars In Ten' "econd belplng."
Years." ) The entire affair was Planned and
i -
President P. L. Campbell of the onl'c,,1 out by committee beaded by
rerauy is the originator of a plan M- Hootley, and composed of mem
whereby the Wrlsley gift of $10.000, usr" of organisations In town. The
success of the meeting, states Mr.
the Women's. Auxiliary audcltlxen
are Invited. The commander has e
pressed a wish to meet at many, of
the business men of Lane county as
Lebanon December 21 to S3 was large- '
It attended and many Important prob-'
lems discussed, according to 'Lena-'
eounty . delegate who attended th ".'
eaalon. AcHviMoa nil I. "'
A dinner, to which only member, of of tha league extends ttrodghontril
son. Southern Idaho, knd a rery ao-''
tire interest Is taken fn the Orgafll- '
Uoa. . ' - -.-,
erg up to date mill la now being In
stalled The entire plant will then
be run by electricity.
Three Shifts to Continue
The plant here will clntlnue to rati
three ahlds until the Wendling mill
Is ready' to start, states Mr. Dixon
"The future of the Tdmber Industry
Is very promising," ta ye" Mr." Dixon.
"Demand for lumber la greater than
the supply at prevent, and will likely
continue for some time,"
Production of ' lumber up until
tha holiday eson has' continued the
pace' set by the Indestry In the last
several months. C. C. Crow In bis
current 'leeue of his "Monthly Sum
mari" has listed IN mills In Oregon
and Washington. Of this number 101
on 'December II were In operattaa
and! were catting 104 per cent of what
the Vwtlre number, might cut under
normal condition; Of the "141 'mills
nth' a dally ontpot of B0.OOO teet pr
and spent a seaaon or more practicing
on the 4L hall floor.
The Oneontas recently lost th sea
son opener to the C club of Eugene
by th low score of H to II. Th next
gam will ' probably b played hare
January I, lb detail of which will
be announced later.
. The lineup last frlday at Weadllog
waa aa follow:
SprtngfUW . Wendling
R. Mrray..... r . Boidstrom
C. Barbour . T Hdaatader
Van Duyn. . C Baas
T. Barbour O Roach
Davidson O Pagr
ta usually th case with such
A number of Individuals In recent
years have made gift to the univer
sity to be nsed as student loans. Ex
clusive f Mm.' Wrfileyt gift, there
la IlLttt available for loan. Pr(
dnt Campbell la Investigating th
possibility of making this sum. also.
basis for Increased loan, with th
Wrlsley; 110.000 benefaction and th
111.131 loan fond aa guarantee fnada.
It will be possible, ft u believed, to
baa loans amounting to 1300.000 at
th mamlmum with perfect -safety to
we- nmtarrttr. Th- record of
dent tn spaying loan mad by th
University of Oregon and .In fact
other InstUaUoae, has been exception,
al. according to Presldaat Campbell.
Fader to nw plan, a student who
xaoifi toe wer reenlng and wey cnt.i,Pl. K. rt a ct Vtoc 1113.
tln 111 per cent of what th attr
numoer woum oramartiy cut.
right Day Ahead '
Rngardlng market, condition Crow'
summary eays!
"If th present trend of condition
holds out there are aome very bright
Harry Anthony, waa cboaan Chief
Patriarch of th W. B. Pngra En- " a:eaary U oorrow In order 'h.n .,.,! ,". .i.., .
Huntly, wa due not only to th com
mtttee, but to the whole-hearted sup
port given by the townspeople..
Dulles Well Performed
Each organisation waa alloted a cer
tain duty to perform, and In every
case they "came through", according
to Mr. Huntly.
The tree for the affair, a .targe,
plentifully follaged fir, waa. provided
by th W. a W. th Loyal Legion, of.
Logger and. Lumbermen attended to
h decorations, and th , gprtngflela
school .children put on h progran. ,
t The. fir company, furnished. "Santa
Claus.", th Ladles of the ILa, the
Robekaba, . and. .the, Wlllinj .Workers
arranged t presanta. the Amertcan
Legion auxiliary, attended to tbe,dl-.
eto-.trlbutlpn of.tb alfta, while th Aa-.
lean Lgtoa raided, the fund, and -,
pervlsed tha yarloa detail .connee
Ud wlth .thf nVaie. . . -f ,., ,., ,..
rTb program., wa oxcallanUy. ren
dered, and wa well received by th
day ahead of the lumber Industry
In the Northwest.
"The demand from every quarter Is
excellent and there Is every reaaon to
bnllnve that cars are going to be plen
tiful' by the end of another 30 daya.
This' means that there will be plenty
of proltable business and plenty of
cars In which to ship IL
"Much to the surprUe of everyone
the middle western agricultural and
stock raising sections hsve come Into
the market for large blocks of ysrd
atock. which they are finding It diffi
cult to place. The doniand for all
klnda of factory lumber was never
betler. Bnough car material Is al
ready In sight to supply the mills
with all of the orders for this clnss
of stork they can get out for the first
half or 1023.
Atlantic Coast Boom
"The Atlantlo coast business con
tlues to boom along without a break
In spite of unfavorable weather condi
tions. The Atlantlo coast Is coming
to know fir, to like It and demand It
as well as to know homlock. New
fields are contlnuslly being reached
by extended back hauls from Atlantic
nt a meeting held last Friday night
Other officer ' elected were! Benlof
Warden. Oswald M. Olaen, Junior War
den. John Retela, Sr.: High Prteet. E.
W." Walker; 'Scribe. If. A. Korf; and
treasurer. P. P. Barnard.
Installation of the newly elected of
ficer will take place January 18, at
which time th appointive officers
will also be deaignated.
to eotfec oducatloivimll ' ... .Z.:'
s Name rery body... ,
Invocation Rev. Sater..rr ,
Up On the House, Top all children.
Duet-Otar .of tha
nator-et two friend a endorsers. It
is propoaed that th secretary of the
loan fund will make a personal atudy
of ursh application and will also keep
in close touch with students who have
mad loans during their college career
gMng them inch advice and counsel
aa may be warranted. Thl counsel
I at Vint Inland a. t I
w vui Ufa r ran mem nj
esubllsh I HoIy Nht aDd It came npou the
rill be Of ,Mlrlnlvhr r-lo ui.k o-i .
IS ' rlnh
Address Rev. Luther.
Music .mlzAl) nilartAf rf.4.l..
In the high schools 'hu
Knv. ..1 ,.t..... ' n . n. coma,
the American Legion are Invited, has
also been arranged at th Hotel Da
bum for 1:30 p. m. on January 4, Two
delegates from, each post In th coun
ty will be In attendance,
O. M. Olson,, bead of the .local post
of tha American Legion, urges all for
mer service men .In Springfield to at
tend the exercise In Eugene In honor
of the commander. He also . wlshea
to prgea full attendance at the meet
ing of the. local poet scheduled for
Sunday, January 7.
OVER. $2000- S DIVIDED .
' ' The- fuj4 which Vairalaedl in En-
gen and Springfield for ,tho famjUlerj
t Iver .Johnson, and Jam, church,
whjch amounts .to orer $2,000, wa
apportioned juatjMfor Chrlstma by
a commute .lecd,.fromVue, E
Kn lodge of alralop army
and, the. Eugene Chamber of Com
merce. , T.b,e commUtee' flnt , paid all
outstanding b,qi. and the, divided 9
money.., ... ' .' . ' ' ' ', '. .
Two main topic were discussed at
the meeting, marketing and" leglsta- '
Oon. It waa also decided to push tnV '
organixatlon Of the' body Vigoronsly; ' : -:
'JlC. Jackson,' representing tnar 5
county union, wa placed in charg " '
of organization ' work for this' XTnlon, -nnd
1 already at work' upon plan tot ' ,
rapid expansion. , !'' '" ,4'
. , Several'seaaloii J4! , " .1 .
; The, bnslnes session were 'held fax-'
the city hail '.with 9Pn pnblicv meet-
figs, the'flrst and aecond evenln la
th. Flrt 'Ji etiodist. . chnreb, Jwhlcd ;
wore very largely attended ,'. . ' !
On outsUndlng featur of th eon-
gaiea were iruiy representative of tha
riis Tlctatnral . enUrprtee rel-
opedtj erritory twed; fr .thir '
convention.. ' . . , J.- : ,
4 Tha sexpresslon.wa roteed by thi .
cjdet. member t attendanc thet'thi' ' ,
eoavenUra stands out greater tn nan
Part Of the fund waa alan riwn la 'MHita Iku an lmitiw ' l. LatA
rr, .1 r 1 T. r- .T7 jf . . ww ;
Henry NeaUa's . family, alaee the(pejijon tpf 0ie mlghir probretteoo '
tragic 4lrownJBof...M,,Netl .lefjffronted and actual aeectaBnhmeaf or: .
them in nnfottaiat; circums tance. c J th imrnoeet, of ,thc JwbnUoil K ?
jkigm. nwmoers at nrionnonand .snhject . wa paaaenT over -wlta tndafl-' '
Chnrch miqe era ;rttJly0bnrneAr tha four to bk';
Th.. na9mJ predU.ciha i. Br
rett. ra preawnt darlna: .tha tint tw
da and ellr.at4.the TnMIc 'lecture-v
oa. horn early la th month, and all I
Utei a0aeaooa ,wera ala .deatroyed
atwuivma. .......
Mr. Johnson U abas to be about.
town now. and hla Uttl aoa, the only .Thnraday; .evening;,; eovarmc'r nainiv
EMt Charlln ' ' ' r, i , pwioix pi we .organisation ana
Lambert, and Myrtle Harvey. . r?"0 e noapuaj.. airnnrch mmdto program npon which it !1
ExerclaePW .a ".-" wrmj, BttrMU, ii uowiyiworxmi.,,, . '. 1 .. in
" .... rs.vuu KaAUBB I . - , '
Song Hang up the Stocking lt'
any way, but rather Is to
friendly relationship which
real service to the student who
working his way through college.
The secretary of the loan fund may
be able to find
The annual Christinas program. In
which all gradea took Dart, waa the I
tVature f the Prnl Tenrher. meet. PrOmlslng
Ing held last Friday afternoon at the!D,eatli t0 t0 college. After discus
Lincoln school. The program was very I lno m,"er WlU parents anJ
sbly rendered, and showed the results ,r,endg of the high achool students, ar-
of careful training and excellent super jranfments m b mad to provide 'out of tnf) preaent8
vision on ir.e part or tne teacnera. 1 uj.0ry 10
E. church, and Baptist
Benediction Rev. Tarnea.
!' auaiionnm rriday even
Ing. Governor-elect Walter M. Pierce.
delivered Jha second public address. '
A large groun of parents and others ."PPmeni money the students them-
heard the program, which consisted of i"clTes cn command,
a large variety of Christmas songs. Tto P'nclple of glfu made to the
recltatlona and apeclal atunts. The lon fund h,i been Increasing through
children, under the direction of Princi
pal C. E. Lambert and other teacher,
OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR .tlng for hi nbject "Farm Problema
,. T7T.'-. t t . : . nd .TBlr. SolnUon.".-The following-
The .local lpdge of the Masonic or ( off lcer were elected and Installed for'
der held Installation of offlcera Tues-.tbe ensuing year;.... :' 1 I- 1 1
day night. The officers elected for President, Herbert Egbert, 'Th)
the coming year are John T. Kerels, ,DaIKss; vice-president, A. CC RempeL
worshipful master; C. . A. Swartx, 1 Dallas; secretary-treasurer. Mr. O. B.
senior warden: B. A. Washburne, 'Jones, Monmouth; executive hoard.
Junior warden: C. E. Wheaton, aecre-.W. W. Harrah, Pendleton: a J. Wbib-
Entrance of Santa Claus. and giving UrT: Thero" CoK'U' ,enlor beacon; ,ker, Cambridge, Idaho; A. R. Shum-
wowaiu vnuu, juuiur urmvunj i-eTi f w,, ,uiu ,,, n. . jacason, Springs
Neet, Junior steward; and Fred Louk,. field; F. F. Ingallg, Duiur. '
The officers were elected
meeting held December 13.
worked very bard preparing for the
occasion, with the result that every
number waa very well received.
Word hail linen vmcaIwa i .
... . . . . . . ! - -. - MW.V
in.eresi in recent years. One for-lP. M. Stroud, former principal of the FIVE
u. n:, .lUaeni wno was com- High echool here, lost the sight of his
pelled to borrow In order to complete 1 wt eye In laboratory explosion at
his course made a gift to the unlver- Kapowsln. Washington, where he Is
slty loan fund of $1,000. after be had .uperintendent of .chools.
f'n !,,"C,pa, "d(1,nt:7,t f hIS A larga piece of glass struck Mr.
loan. This former student la now on e(.. .... .... , .
member had to be removed at a local
hospital . : .
Jacksort To Head Expanalon '
at the! -The executive board placed " th
sute .organisation work In the hand
of H. C. Jackson. ,
ARRESTED DURING The . im. convention was 'secure
WEEK. BY SPEED OFFICER ,for ne count, at which the attend-
Miss Ollv Baasett, of Newberg,
stopped over for a day with her aunt, the economics faculty of the Unlver
Mrs. F. E. Louk. the first of the week. of Texas.
Miss Bassett waa on her way to Sac-j Besides Mrs. Wrlsley, those who
ramento, California, where she Is ts bar made loans to th university In 'tAIMCFn r TFi M rtrrrtrc
oy emiiuu um'K hu .x. 11,-.. , . , 1 - - - - - . , w w , w
. . ... .. ,t, m . 'accept a position in me tiling uepan-1 ' muuun in lununr jor are; j.
por... It 1. h" A"ftment of the .tat. c.p.tol building. - C A.n. worth.. R. A. Booth, class of
,iu"' , . 1911. Thomaa Condon. Mx Handman.
Pacific coast lumber next ye.r than Mr. an4 Mrg. p,r, Vaughn have Joha r R1, A g RoherU. Ben
It baa thla year. Consumption ther ronte(, n)tm,9 lB ,h, Vltu. building geUing. and D P Thompson
has i already passed the most optlmls- where thoy wll maka their home. . ,
tic estlmatea. They have been residing at the Alta
"California Is again buying heavily, "vista ppartment nous hT Eugene,
hnih hv c.rca and ralL The Inland ; . '
territory In th northern and central mut be remembered that two very
...A. nf th. .t.te have become recon- 'decided UUk In buying brought on by
died1 to the ndvances wnlch took break In trenail market wer weath-
plac when they were ont or in mar- vrvi7 ..... ,.
Five arrests and a total of $47 In
fines Is reported tor the week by the
local court. In charge of Vina Mc
Lean, city recorder.
The arrests and fines are as fol
lows: W. A. Fischer, apeedtng. $10;
Norman Anderson, speeding, $15; R.
E. Moshler. parking too near hydrant.
ket during th early
Th export business '
weight fell npon while' at work tor th
company Wednesday'
fall - month, on atock ror mm smpmeoi. aomeining
! Improving 'nubeard of before. ' '
steadily especially with Japan, whose I Crtdlt!n Improving
voinrha. of nurchas of 'squares' 1 "Every brnck of th lumber Indus.
Increnslng weekly. A jtrjf seems to be .becoming mor anibf., welf f"0 Wthitteoberger1 hand
The Winged C. basketball team, of
Eugene, In a fast and clean game,
easily defeated a team from the Chase
Gardens last night by a score of 41
to I. The gam was played on the
High school court here.
Following 1 th lineup and mm-
Otto Whlrtenbe'rter, employee of the ' mary of the game.
Booth-Kelly Lumber company suffered .Chase Garden . Winged C
a seriously crushed hand when a huge Cn 0 R stewart
C McFberson 0 ...F...... B. McLean I
B. Chase 0 C F. SmUh 30
Griffith I ..0
Four nen wer necessary to remove a.4 Chase 1 0
1 i Substitutions: - Chase Gardens. L.
ance or President Barrett Is again:
expected, through convention date ar
rangement with the Washington and!
California state union.
.The entertainment of the visiting;
aeiegatea to the Lebanon convention
wa under the auspices of the local
comprising the Linn eounty union,
which received the hearty co-operation,
of the citixena of Lebanon. Special
mention J due the ladles of the Linn
union for. th banquet given in th
Mrs. Frances Mitchell left Saturday , room pr me First Christina
for Hood River to spend a month with church. .' '
elatlves there. I Th following I the Lan county
: . 11 ,i 1 . . . . do''0011 union represented: W.
. " ' ::: r u: ,7:. u -i"."&. ac. jack.
on,,eounty..unlon Ralph Laird. Mt
vernon; E R. Hogan, Mt. Vernon; r.
CHASE GARDEN 49 TO 9($3:;H. R. Pressnoff. speeding $10;
Harry A. Withers, speeding, $10.
W. Hall Tuesday, January 2. 1921.
I '
Miss Grace Male I spending thl
doubt that price last negun to realise that th price Vtenberf , to the Eugan
even though car thy ar to get lor ueir product rest wnar it wa necaaaary to
"There la
win remain firm vtvii ihuuku xumj mtw w ivi utvi uivwvu .
ahnuM audrteniv " become normal. ' for entirely In their handa The whole-1 stitches in the palm of hla hand
It would "lake 'at least' 80 dai Wr'thvialer '"r :gnduny developing 'mto rXftei' hie hand had bona dressed,
mills to ship out th atock they hare speclallat and ar thus better able Whtttenberger wa able to
on land already sold It they did hot to serve the mitts. Even thw loggers borne. :
out1 stlek la th meantlm. Owing and 'lumberjack; "wttli Improved t- ArxinrtlMg to Dr. Pollard, It will be Morrison.,
to loo Immense amount of business fag eoadttlons are becoming mor neoeseary for Whlttenberger t dis
now "being offered, with what will h content, a la vidried : by the fact continue work for at leant a month,
developed the first half of 1133 seem that dnrlng th current yar when pro-
week with her narenta here. She i -n". MCKensl river; A. JB. Dart
a teacher In the school of Portland, McJCan1 river; M, J. BuUer, Camas;
jPied. Wallace, Jasper; c. B. Jordon,
Glen F. Woolley, of Modesto. Calif- Trent; Ed Petty. Clovordale.
Spyder I oral. 1 visiting with ,frlnd and rel-1 n . a,,yor u-Kldnappad:
Nlson I atWes In tbia city. Aa i.t-re.tin. rtn - .k
t i ' T ywv-w ya, ai flMTfJiww
E.;w. Collin and eon Edgar," of relate. ,8; cjkeon., .acetate?
Behind In Order. 'mor'' aUbtlllu4,'V'fre' mlUj haTe'. atjDr,- IT.' Poird''iii.hd Mr. Whit- Chase for B. Chaae; Winged C. Cole- Mahf,el(J 1 Stlnf ,t tB, hom, from Lan county !wa.Vhe "kidnap.
hospital maa (4) for Snyder, Snyder tor Nel
Uk tan son.
t Carrol Morrlsot, of Portland. . r-
return ' turned to that city yesterday after a
visit' her with hi brother E. E.
of : the parent. of E. W. ' Collins tn Pula 9 JM tMJop, of Lebaftpp. The
Sprtpgfteld. Mr. Collin and son delete aIae.;tola.M th. pp jragon.
cam. a week ago and expect to x- rod" th n54'0' the meeting ta
near uovernoreieci nerc. addrese
the Union. Th woeaHajTv, wag
well !provldd for. A new order to auction ha 'bead' tb, highest 'verj, Florence )and Esther Fursset, from
thldga aeem to bav com over tie known On lb' paltl''coaL't&r haa Calif ornta, ar vMUng their parents.
UmVer Industry of Oregon and Wash- been less shortage of labor and leas! Mr. and Mr. R. A. Furuaet, of West
aigim. for n rertewlng th. yie.r ItU .Lifting about than wa. .vet known." i Springfield.- - - . -,
tend; kla jplait tw. week longer.
Mt. Fenrer Travl. formerly em .taken ta good fun, and the tutl4.wg
plovr of Tbia- Commercial '6tUt Bank, !nkvad ImmauHl )i All ill,' vn.wl
Fpr; Ratob Dlppel. di.Mt. Spring- T't "T ,,. , -- menweo. te.fMr,,Jaf,koh.. ,
leto! rreeon ' om ,B It,!,ho ,or Ter1 ,vu' Although the W wa c.
- -w- -- ' h- "--uivu kuwutujlid , a-UKeoa,' larmer
The family of F. ,Lk spent tnti Mr. and Mrs A C. Trala, Alw
Qhriatma day at Creawell wtth Mre. vktlng-wttU Mr. and Mr. Travis, If
Louk'. brother, M. A. How. and fam-j thalc son Hobrt Travl, of 8gcra-
V- ' mentq, OeUrojalk ... , ,.
ta th. vicinity of prtngfWd are pla .
aing to bring tome, of the ,e'8son
ever hare. Th. date bag jbo( yet been?
ecld4npon , M f , ...