FACE TWO TII15 SPRINGFIELD NEWS TinTRSDAT.DFrK.MnWt.14, 1022. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rublishtd Every Thursday at Springfield, Lan County, Oregon, by FREELAND A HENDERSON SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear $1.25 ( Three Months 50c v , Six Months 75c . Single Copy 5c One Yr, When paid In Advance $1.25 Entered at the Postofflce at Springfield. Oregon, as Second-class Matter. February 24. 1903. In Society A pleasant change from the regular tfternoon of needlework for the Prle cilia club members i Introduced by Mr. Wm. Berry, of Eugene last Frl Jay afternoon when aba was hoateaa (or a line party at the Rex. After the how th Jolly crowd waa escorted to the Rainbow, where they wer. served with a ilalnty two course luncheon. placea being laid for fourteen, On December 7th. Mra. Wilbur Lloyd waa hoatcaa to the Tine Noodle club, a leasant afternoot waa apant :a needlework, followed with delightful refreshments. Mra, Norman Howard waa the ctub'a guest for the afternoon. Member present were: Mesdames, Aril Casleel. Otla Klser. Alva Me- Oregon, December 10. tl. II and IS, commencing at a. m. Wednesday morning. All peraont expecting to take tha tiamtnatlon ran get a ropy of tha schedule by applying to E. J. MOORR. County School Sui t RISING TO ITS RESPONSIBILITIES At last someone? has been found who Is optimistic or fgnor nt enough to come before the public and declare that the action taken by the Hardin administration on the Soldier Bonus is one cf the occasions when the said administration haa risen to its icsponsibilities. The following is a rather lengthy quotation ...... uc ""v.. v.i rw ' c """-rheraon. Charles Dorlty. Wm. Darling. . masterpiece of Republican optini sm is contained. . I MorheMOB Mr, Wm . 0n tw?lt,ccaslous "arding administration has risen to , In c,ub its responsibilities one in foreign and one domestic affairs. The- , , januarr 4 first was its act in calling the Washington conference and the! 7 ' pecond was its opposition to the Bonus Bill. The two manlfesta tlons were important in their immediate results, but still moral NOTICE TO CRIDITONS Nolle la hereby given that M. ft lluntly haa been by tha County Court of tha 8tat. of Oregon, In and for Lane rounty. appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Ann K. lluntly. deceased. All peraona having clahua agnlnsl aald estate are hereby notified to pre aent the name, duly atated and veri fied, to M. 1. Uuutlv. SprlniflcM. Oregon, within art montha from th! lt day of November. 1:S. M. H. IICNTLY. Admlaltrator with wilt annexed. JOHN WIU.IAMS. Attorney. pursuit NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given that Jessie Neabltt, administratrix of the estate of Henry Neabltt. deceased, haa ren- At the regular meeting of the United i"1 nd tlM ,n ,h- Vun'T 'our, in their implications. Thev eloauentlv demonstrated the spirit Artiaana. December . the foiiowina.01 ,n" s,,,e 01 ,n ior tne lounty which is needed in both foreign and domestic affairs. As the officers were elected: late Walter II. rage wrote to rresldent uson as rar oacK as ivi .Master Artisan. France smith, virgie of Lane her final account aa auih ad mlnlatratrlx and' that by order of aald j.be world was ready at any time to accept the leadership of the Reynolds, aupermtendenL Lavina Kes- .ourt- swy ,h d ' Decern- United States; this leadership waa made Inevitable by our eco- ter. inspector; Maud Potter, secretary; I1'1 ,ms ' lh our or ' ' 1x . . nornical predominance and by the unique position which Ameri- Sr. Con, Mary Male; M. C. Lottie ,lh? r'nwn bounty Court room can history and the political genius or tne American people nan Ralston; Jr. Con. Robt. ii. Reed; War-i vwu" """" " Lloyd Elliott; Inst Ada Midwim"" "" '"a "na 'Vf"" " Field committee. Afl. Man w.rln. ;dJr- t,IM PUr 'or h''ln b- ington conference brought it home to the American people with chma. e smtth and John Manwartng i"""" ' ,,n' rrou" no given this country. The European war demonstrated tne ac- den. curacy of this look into the future, and the success of the Wash- tng. Vlrgle Reynolds, Finance committee, Lavina Keater and Ada Manwarlng Visiting committee. Ada Van Valiah. Grace Orr and Jennie Vogt. i Installation of officers will be held the first Wedneaday In January. j e Mra. W". N the Needlecraft club at ita first meet Ing for the month at her home on Mill nil fmjjuasia iuai was iaiiijr buuiuii. rvi iuu itic uiuiumua- ' tion has already earned its place in history: and it should be kept in mind when Its failures in other directions are 4-ecorded against IL "This action makes for a high degree of citizenship In Its "world aspect; Mr. Harding's attitude toward the Bonus make3 tfor good citizenship in the Btrictly American sense. The Idea that millions of American young men should accept a money compen sation for performing an act of citizenship for doing their duty is a revolting one. The greatest need in American life t pre- . . . m m a t . a m iit cent is a mener one tne sense 01 puonc amy, 01 unsenrauness, i 4 Via AnntantlAn r Vi of tha fyArornm on la CAmot rlln IT tn Ka SaTVPrl and not something to be plundered. To those familiar with the,e,c,ub pn .ww: "?,e"-.xv TnBlon Mstorv of tho Civil war. the activities of the American r' .nur.to legion have been a matter of the deepest discouragement. They 'en- Km c- P''?"0' - .m It.;o ,o iho unu nf nuKiix TOaTncthilit v tiaa Springfield and Mte. Herbert Walker V UUiU DVCIAA .J ill C V411 OVUJV uttiv a vuj'vionn .j umm "retrograded in fifty years rather than progressed. For the point -usually Ignored Is that the Bonus is essentially a Bervice pension. The only man entitled to compensation for war service is the man who has suffered such disabilities from the war service that "his power to care for himself has been impaired. The only pension that should be considered, that Is. is an invalid pension. ' The other Idea that a soldier Is entitled to a money reward Ir respective of an injury or disability 4s one that Bhowed Its head soon after the Civil war, only to be immediately hoefced down. It 'was not until half a century had passed, and practically all tht soldiers of the Civil war had reached their seventieth year, that the service pension became a part of our system. Probably most thinking people regarded it as an unwarranted largess even then. Hut the demand for a bonus a free'glft based not upon Injuries t)ut merely upon service by millions' of healthy young men, prob ably half of whom never left American soil, and a demand made immediately after the ending of the war, is quite a different mat ter, and President Harding is entitled to public thanks for oppos ing it." Unless better examples of "'rising to Its responsibilities" can le found the writer will bertempted to quote in part the words of Ftedman, one of the well-known American critics, "I hope that in time some dialectician as absolute as the grave-digger In Ham let, will hit upon an exact reply to the question." When will the Harding administration ever rise to its responsibilities? (Settlement thereof. All objections to said flnnl account must be In writing a id filed with the ckrrk of aald court on or before said day and time. Dated this day of November. 1131. JESSIE NESniT, Administratrix of the estate of Henrv Nenhtt. rfiM'AafMt Dennla was hostess to p,,, of nn pob,lrMlon Nor , lti3 Dat of laat publication. Dec, 14. 1131 peace Aft The dove of peace makes its abode in the household where appetizing, nutritious foods are, served. That's why we mention c or rstA " . a -TV!, - :-v- -r. , - . - - r ticrr pmrr Hnesf F our MANUFACTURED BY SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY street, on December 7. Members of and Carl Fischer, of Eugene. Mrs, Dennla was assisted in serving by Mra. Killeen. The afternoon waa very pleas antly spent chatting and needlework. The meeting of the club are post poned until after the holidays, the next meeting being January 4. with Mrs. Carl Fisher, In Eugene. Mrs. J. C. Dennis was the club's guest for tha afternoon. REPLY IS RECEIVED th lines therein mentioned? FROM COMMISSION I "Answer: Both the original petitlni (ConUnusd from Page One) and the petition in intervention ii the matter referred to were au'liorlzf 1 that he has either bsen mlsunlerstctid and filed hy the commission, request ! Cr misquoted with reference to tal.-,ing that the interstate commerce com ing a partisan E'SDd in favor of any mlHsion require the railroad corn particular railroad. fpan'es named in the original petition. "(6) Did the public service commlj eion authorize the complaint present ed by Mr. Corey at Washington, D. C , fcefore the interstate commerce com mission atking for the construction of or some of them, to build the extn tlons specified in the said petition, or so many thereof as In Its wisdom it should see fit to require. "(7) We should be pleased to know the attitude of the public service com mission of Oregon generally In regard to tha unmerglng of tha Central Pa cific and the Southern Pacific rail roads. What Is It? "Answer: The commission has taken so poaitlon In thla case, either for or againat the anmerger, nor sr we now taking any position thereon, "(8) Why Is it that the public ser vice commission of Oregon favors one line of railroad, aeemfngly, In this state as against another line? "Answer: This question assumes a state of facts that does not exist "Trusting that tiie above will ful'y Inform you as to the attitude of the commission In this matter, we remain Very truly yours, Public Service (.'ommlHsion of Ore-' eon. Wm. P. nil!-i, Secretary. TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS The regular examination for teach er's state certificate will be held in the county court room at Eugene, fill ill YOU5 fj I 1 O", K "1 TVWAJtS 1 p ITT T r T to weas mo JA .f AovTwout -rovse'?. ow tk ieto 1 noil Wife PSip lijfAljj ' T-') , . wrwT if r cam MA4t it "J I unoonrxJ I "eo0 mockW -' AX&OVj vHOviT 'gja L A. WKUt II tt- HO ." Nft " fM U W yglrJ U ijfffni TW'- I AC CMtt -' ; Jr j-lii! ui j j vp I I 1 ( 1 i t EE THE ATR1 Week Days Sundays First Show 7:15 First Show 6:10 Last Time Tonight Thursday SEE IT, The Immortal Picture 44 HUMAN HEARTS' 9 This stupendous production at regular prices last chance to see it. Saturday, December 16 He vas better at pun ching cattle than jam ming words. But he looked like the gover- r i l . nor. oee mm piay two great roles as governor and plainsman. William S. HA MM h Li"- I ejRfiAND (ZQammounlQidurc SUNDAY DECEMBER 17 Wallace' Reid in hia. newest picture It is based on Booth Tarkingtons successful stage play of the same name. (i -i Coming-Wait-See It Here "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" , ".. '.; ' ' ' ' . .t - v.' !, :', . - ... r ma . n. a 1 s-.' Starring ; 1 iiedore Uoberts U u , v -I an 1