p. CAGX TWO Tics enuxonmi -nets TinmBDAT.OCTODEa t, im THE SPIUNG0ELD NEWS i i 1 c . 1 roljBsibed Ererj Thursday t Kprfogfleld, LnOouJitj, Oregon, by FREELAND A HENDERSON . Entered at th Postofflcs at Spring field, Oregon, a Second-class Matter, February 24, 1903. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ... t i . Om Tear $1.25 Three Months 50c Btx Months ?5o Single Copy . 6c One Tear, When paid tn Advance $1.25 THE REGISTER'S VIEW The following editorial, ap pearing in the Eugene Register of September 27, refers to the Action of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce on the 25th. It is a fair statement of the case. The interests set forth are held by all communities in this region in common; not all equally, not all alike, but all together: la endorsing the Southern Pacific aide of the Union-Southern Pacific controTersy orer possession of the Central Pmclfic the Chamber of Com merce baa chosen th bird In the band la preference to the bird that U whlet J;ng oat la the bushes. Th Southern Pacific baa nineteen and a half mil lion dollara to spend la Ore iron nst su aooa aa "tta ownership of the Cen tral U confirmed by the lateratate Commerce Commission, and of thia aunount thirteen and a' half milUooe re tor completion of the Natron cnt tt construction of -the Springfield car ahopa and electrificattoa of the P. IE. 4b B. from Eugene to Corrallls. The Union Pclflc ha offered nothing aave vague premlaea baaed upon "it a" and ,-ande." I The Union Pacific baa aevr Prom ised completion of the Natron cat-off. 'or the Natron-Vale line, except upon (certain Indefinite conelderatione. In cluding common uwrshlp of Southern ramie iinea in western uninn, ana there la no reason to believe that It la even seriously Interested In thia line. What It (The Tnlon Pacific) wants out of the Central Peclfle eontreverey la an entrance to San Franoiec and common weerehtp of Southern Pacific tinea north of Tehama., If K (The Valoa Pacific) aecvrtd that It would own the Pacific Ceaet In fee simple, and would not need to build another railroad aereee Central Oregon. It conld route tbe rich traffic of the Willamette Valley out either to the north or to the south, renin tbe lone hanl orer tta own More either way. Under each favorable condition a, whr ahonld It build another coatly railroad merely to compete with Itself? ' Thb Union Pacific la frankly not In terested la car ahopa at Springfield.' and baa aald aa much.. Tbe Spring- Sanitary. SEE AT MABEET T. F. BBIIIETT, Prep. Salmon, 15 cents lb.; Sliced, 20 cents lb. Today, Friday and Saturday Mi AL LONG AS IT LASTS 10s $1.45 5s $.75 Free delivery at 9;30 a. m., daily. Phone 00 :sStfL flic flour that never disappoiii .town ntnvr : r OUR ICE CREAM la amoat dellcloua treat Made of para, rich cream, with nat ural fruit flavora. under sani tary conditions. It la a delight to those who eat It Acquaint yourself with It. We will be pleased to aend you a trial order. EGGIMANN'S "Say It With A Brick" field car ahopa plan la essentially a part of combined operation of the Southern Pacific and the Central Pa cific, baaed on the fact that Spring field la a cross-roads of the system These ahopa will mean aa Initial ei pendltnre of a million dollara, and a payroll In the neighborhood of $100. 000. a month. But really most Important of all Is the fact that award of the Central Pa cific do the Southern Pacific will pat an end to the unmerglng suits that have been so disastrous to the trans portation hopea of thia community. Back In 1911 the Natron cut-oft was being rushed to completion, a line was being poshed westward from Vale up the Malheur canyon to a Junction with the Natron line at Odell. and land was being purchased for tbe Spring field ahopa. These developments, when completed, would have built a city here, but suddenly, out of a clear sky, came the suit for unmerglng the Southern Pacific and the Union Pa cific, and Inatantly development ceaaed. The Unloo Southern Pacific merger waa dissolved, and shortly thereafter tbe Southern Pacific formulated Ita plana for completion of the Natron cutoff aa a part of the Southern Paci fic Central Pacific system, setting aside the money necessary for Its com pletion, but In 1M came another die solution suit this time for unmerglna, the Southern Iaclfic and the Central Pacific, and once again action waa dropped The suit hung In tbe courts until last spring and in all thoae eight years not t evlke was driven and tha Natron cut-off and the Springfield car ahopa have remained only a haty a ream. Tha Southern Pacific company has formally asserted Ita Intention to com plete the Natron line Just as soon aa ita ownership of the Central Pacific la confirmed, and It baa the money to do it But If the Central Pacific la torn loose from It we shall faro years of uncertainty and Inaction while new alignments are being made, and In ad- It has endeared itself to the careful housewife who believes in foods of unquestioned purity and excellence r , ii ib i KTf Mel 111 1 0 -' Ss"eWswpe E'oriliijcsi It mm MANUFACTURED BY SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY dltlon there Is tbe possibility that nVw owners may not care to complete tbe Natron cut-off at all. There la no hostility In Western Oregon toward tbe Union laclflc. Tbe passea of Jhe mountains are open, right of way la abundantly available, and ir It should decide to build In here from Eeastern Oregon In order to share In the traffic of thia rich val ley. It will be met with brass bands and the keys to all the cities. Nor Is that all. If It ahold complete Its Mal heur canyon line to a Junction with the Natron cut-oft at Od ll. It can send Us traffic representatives Into Western Oregon and secure the routing of Its full share of freight by that gateway. It la only when It (Tbe Union Pacific) I seeks a warranty deed to the Pacific Coast attspmts te cripple Ita principal competitor by forced common usee ship rights and givse In return nothing but vague premlaea of development at some time In the distant future that Ita desires will be opposed here. Let It ao much aa mention entering thia part -of Oregon on Ita own rails and It will be aa wildly acclaimed aa waa tbe Oregon Eloctrla a few years ago. O A Nebraska paper reports the marrlaee of Charles E. Sneetler and MIrb Annabelle Skldder. iThls union was no doubt expe dited by the spark plug. ALL'S LAS I I .W,iwl Fall Goods For en Just Arrived Men's Flannel Shirts Unequalled for the Price Men's Fleece Lined Union Suits Men's part wool and part cotton UNION SUITS I Now Have the Exclusive Agency on Felders "Buffalo" Logger Shoes 12 and 16 inch, spring and regular heel, double vamp, leg shape, best grade of sole leather. Guaranteed to give satis faction. Seeing this shoe is buying if you need Loggers. Men's Army Shoes Lined and Unlined Mens Dress Shoes All Styles of Toes aamaBsgvaaet Mens Corduroy Pants Light and Dark Brown Mens Moleskin Pants That wear like Iron We Have Also A full line of Oil Clothing and Raintest Aquapelle Clothing which will be here about the 15th of October. Aquapelle will do the trick turn water Men's and Boys' Bib Overalls Men's waist Overalls and Jackets Work Shirts, Socks, Mitts and Gloves Main Street Betveen 4 & 5 HALL CASH ORE Look For The BIG SHOE