The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 14, 1922, Image 1

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Th Rugcn Guard of the 7tb, In the
-oure of a brief report of ea Inter
view with Wm. Sprout, president of
the Southern PasINc, who halted In
Eugene, on hla way to San Francisco.
Wednesday, on hla return from a tour
of Inspection, quotes thla atatemant
Jrom him:
"The Woodburn Bprlnnflold line wl.l
be the ah orient route from Portland
and polnta In the northern part of
thft Willamette Valley when the Na
tron rut-off la romoleted. A more ei-
tensive uae of thla line for freight
traffic and the electrifying of th
wrat aide line from Corvallis to Eu
gene would greatly rllvt Hi crowd
ed condition of the main line and faci
litate train service. Doth of these
nrrangrmenta are among the present
plana of the Southern I'aclflc, otic
the litigation In which the road I In
volved la rlnared up. Doth would bo
done ahortly after the Natron cut-off
I completed, and the former plana of
the company In retard to new con
atmctlon In Oregon are allowed to
piocced unhampered.
Nearly all Methodist Episcopal con
ference! reiutarlv meet at o'clock
Wednesday morning, and nearly all."1""'- Jl proved to be an entertain
the larger conference, are obliged to
iwcupy all or part of the following
Monday with business. Tue
Kaday b
ss I
. .. . ..- .
octal gathering Tuesday evening.
The ordination, of deacons and elders
and the consecration of deaconesses
.ni naiiitn .lav Tnnra la B-t-nHraiiT a
mi-imr the Sunday afternoon. This
I th regular order of all Meihodibt;". " lrter In
Tha nam. 'Vnnf erencn"
la applied to the annual bu.lneaa aea ! "'" I "
alon and also to Its territorial jurlv! t ouheast f.-om Seattle, through
dh tlon. The Jurisdiction may or may . Southern Idaho and Wyoming, doubled
not correspond with alate lines. In " between lnver and
most ca-a doea not Include ao much;P" north, through Eastern
a a atat. For Instance, the Oregon
Conference met In Ita annual business
aeaslon at Salem on Wedneaday. Sept.
t. and adjourned on Monday. Sept. 11.
Thla waa an annual conference.
There la a general conference, not for
the t'nlted States but for the whole
world evety four yeara. the year of
the presidential electton.nelow the an
nual conference, each dlatrlct die-
trlct aunerlntendent'a field may, If
It chooses, have either one or two dis
trict conferencea la a rear. The Ore
gon conference ha no district con
ference. Down at the foundation,
each "charge" whatever the paator
haa charge of, whether a "station"
or a circuit of eeveral "appointments"
ha It four quarterly conference
during the yar. Thla taat arrange
ment la In process of change.
With this long preamble, we give
bctow a small Hat of tb appointment
made at the wcent conference, aa re
lating to persona and places likely to
be of Interest to people of this vici
nity: The districts and dlatrlct superln
tendeat are as last year.
Pastors and flaea
Coburg. Oraoe Driver (daughter of
tha late Dr. I. D. Driver.)
Cottage Grove, 3. H. Ebert
Creawelt and TJoshen, Robert
Springfield. Thos. D. Yarn
Eugene. J. M. Walters.
Fall Creek, Unity aad Oakrldga,
Walter Roas.
Junction City, N. W. Phelps,
Marcola and Wendllng, Earl Horse!
Ikevlew, A. 8. Ortaaom.
Beaverton, Q. A. Gray. .
Clackamaa. 8. J. Keater.
Madras. A. F. Lacy.
SI.ertdan. R. R. Blahop.
Yamhill. P. O. Drake.
Hall's Ferry, near Salem
W. J
W. R. Hutchinson, who had supplied
Canyonvllle for two or three years,
retired from th-e work to take up
aome per Dim I business. 1
Frank Lattln and Mlas Isabel Use
were married In Portland oa Tuesday,
the 6th. They are now living In Ea
gen. Mis Uae was for a long time
Might operator In the telephone ex
change here. Her people live across
the river.
NOTICE Having sold my Interest
In th Secood Avenue Garage, I will
not be responsible for any debts con
tracted by the above mentioned
gare; on and after August 18, 1822.
R. O. Maaters.
Th roof oa C.' W. Peftljo'hn' houS
la being replaced an! the da mag to
other parte by the recent fir repaired
this week.
D.iB. Wortey Is rerootlng his houae
a 8 street, betwsen 6tn and 7th,
How occapled by Wm. Darling. K.
7. McKlIn Is doing th work.
fete Savol waa arrested Monday
reding on a chare of eelllng clgs
rettea to minora. He was brought be
fore Recorder McLean Tuesday morn
ing. Tha often charged waa aald
to bar ben committed on the lli,
but a number of other were testified
to by boy a who had bought of him.
The warder assessed a fine of $2S.
Tet complained that be waa not doing
much bualneaa now, and could not af
for to pay auch a fine. The tec-order
told him that he would make more
' n,on"J, would obey the law
M. Dunn and family, of Bend, ""'District No. 1
on our ground Friday night. They
had come over the McKemle paaa, and
gone aa far south aa Roaeburg, their
chief obJi-tlve being a lslt to some
relative at Yoncolla. They were o.i
their way home. They made a slml
lar trip about the aame time lent
year, and stopped on the
on me preneni
camp. They ato came tnrougn three wnt.out" n any
yeara ago, and camped on the old!.uch mentioned
camp, near the present atand of Bpen-
A lore mun turned Into the corner
nearest the south entrance Monday
' '' " A. Brown,
lie n a a ror me nam nve year a, dmd
- wintering at various point In Central
x!n,, Southern California; then, wheu
nHn waa mnii aiivanred r.iin nnnh.don also, la a carpenter. They apoke
r- -- -
"landing some time at Seattle, where, of having worked at ome points to day afternoon were from a grass and
' Property, touring over some,tbe west and south this summer. OnJtmber rire whch WM itarted by a
,Prt of the country northward andlthe preaent tHp they had been aa rar )r,rmer trylBg t0 barn out an old fence
' . - . j .i i t I. r. I .n.i , K mm r.p 1 n Onn rt tha hova waa ..... ...
. V auiornia. ma eamwaru lour mis
Wyoming, apent a week In Yellow
alone park, and went through western
Montana, through Spokane, a circuit
through British Columbia, a while at
Seattle, and thua far on the way to
California- Figuring either up to the
point of hla return to 8eattle or to
thl point, bl summer tour bad meas
ured 4900 mllea; be had consumed 1ST
gallon of gasol'ne. costing an aver
se of between 82 and 33 cent a gal
lon, or a total of between 860 and $65
The highest price paid for gasoline
waa 48 cents, and the lowest 25. Mr.
Brown has not yet decided upon a per-
manent abiding place In California.) Ivan Richard, of Corvallla. waa a
Municipal and business conditions In guest at the Rar Baa go home Satur
Seattle aro so unfavorable that he day night
would be glad to pull loose from that
city whenever be can dispose of his,
holding tbeie.
. ,
Flv cars turned In for dinner Tues-j
day: two of them traveling together,
and bound for Ban Francisco; the!
other going in varloua directions. In -
dependently. These, with two hold-
overs, made a good attendance for the
middle of the day. tt4aVr
Tuesday evening, about dark, a Car
rlth two men and three boys turns!
In. They proved to b not altogether
strangers. In fsct quite like neighbors,
They lived In Albany, and had passed I
- - r- -( 'fi lawn a au,imta m laaaaiaaia-aaj -i iii-iiiai,mn,iaa i L ijii'Ju.ji i in in r m if , ,, ' M P
Rdltor Springfield Newa:
Information baa reached ma to tb
effect that a report la being circulated
In that vicinity regarding an attempt
by an organiser of the 4L organiza
tion to organic a 4L local at a lum
bering operation bear Cottage Grove,
resulting In a walk-out on the part of
the men. There la abaolutely no
truth In the statement as no 4L of
ficer haa been In that neighborhood
for about a month, and no attempt
waa made or ever baa been made ts
organise any mill or camp near there.
Would conalder It a big favor if yon
would Insert a atatement from me to
that effect
M. W. MILLER, 4L Field Officer
Ceo. A. Cox. chairman of the 4L
local, received a communication from i
Norman F. Coleman, president at
general headquartera. Portland, to the
aame effect aa Mr. Miller'. The local
officer confirm Mr. Mlller'a atate
ment aa to all the facta aet forth In It.
Tbey no knowledge
no knowledge of any
lumber concern.
In the rumor re-
,.rr(1 to ubo. If any auch thing oc-
currol. It aeema certain that no 4'.,
people were concerned In It In any
thla way before, and camped on our
.around at other times. The man who
" i"!" w ' "
E. 8. Ge
Cordon. Mr.
wa E. 8. Oeer, bla companion W. M.
Oeer. perhap Mr. Gor-
i ,
, -
Mr. Geer's son. the other two were;,, . KvnnH raimi .. h,. i
friend. One of tbo.e, whose name la
Dlnkel. aald he and bla people live
in npringtieia wnue me new weioo-
ant cnurcn waa oeing duiiu
Charles Lamkln. wife and two child
ren, of Caldwell. Idaho, camped with
ua laat night, on their way to Callfor-j
nla. Mr. Lamkln was moved to leave hv tha hiiaftiaaa itnrAftalOfl Ore.'
vailing there now. on account of the,
poor market for some of their peculiar
product. - .
Mr. Hubert Gray ha Just returned
from Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mr. Edmliton and family
were visitors at the Calvert home Sun-
Christian Endeavor and regular
Sunday aervlces have been d I aeon
Untied during hop picking season.
Mr. and Mrs. Roth and family,' of
Springfield, were visitors at the F.
Taylor home 8unday.
Mr. and Mr. Shaffer and family
war dinner guests at the Wllsoi
home Sunday.
Harold' Baughmaa. who baa spent
his vacation at Thurston has returned
to Eugene, where he will attend high
school. -""'
Mr. and Mrs. RaT Baugh and family
were guests at ths Calvyirt horns Sun-
svrUrv arot1rl o frxilflt
. mil vrvutu u vviuuu
The regular 1:80 aupper of the
Chamber of Commerc will be held
at Spong'a restaurant next Monday
evening. After the aupper the mem
ber will adjouan to the new rooma
over the Commercial State bank. The
room bave been cleaned and are now
ready for the furniture to be moved
la. The commute haa severs! Inter
eating feature planned and everyone
Interested la cordially Invited to at
tend. Supper CO cent.
Thoa. McKlnnl baa been doing hi
own work, with the help of bla boy,
oa the construction of hla new boase,
op to the point of preparation for the
plastering. He ha been waiting on
a plaaterer. The plastering will prob
ably be done thla week. The plumb
ing, wiring end aewer connection
bave been done.
The houae front to the north on
D street between 8th and 9th. In the
eastern half, there I a porch under
eparate roof In front, a double room
occupying the front part of the body,
with a kitchen to the rear of that, and
an enclosed porch at the rear. In the
went halt there are three bedroom
and a bath.
It will be some weeka yet before the
bonne will be ready for occupancy.
The heavy clouds of smoke aeen oe-
yond the hills to the southwest Tues-
;row a snon aisunce soutn or Eugene.
a ,ontherIy dlrecUon burnIng UD .
-M of fenc,ng Bn(, tjabr
and (janj,,.
aome green timber, but
destroying no buildings.
The number of traffic offenses
- " u "V" f
revenue Is not so good as at first The
cases tor the past week have been a
ROT.' Carlton, parking oa wronaj
side, 83.00. '
J. M. Gibson, parking too near a
' hydrant. 82.00.
M. L. Tobias, speeding. 815.00; N.
Smith. 810.00; B. C. Barnes. 815 00;
E. D. Paine, 815 00.
For no UH light: A. B. Kepae . I
82.00; W. F. Bettls, 83.00; Joha Doe!
82.00; H. N. Thees, 83 00; Clayton
Clark, 83.00. ' . ...?
For Improper lights F. L. Holme.
JJ.00; W. A, Lloyd. 82.00; McKenxIe
Stag. 82.00; C. W. Brooks. 83.00.
We daalre to express our thanks to
our friends In Springfield . tor their
many acts of kindness and helpful
service, and especially for the floral
offerings, on the occasion .Of the fun
eral of our dear one. ''ii '
An abstract of the record of the
change la Springfield Rout No. X,
how the following essential facta:
Change effective, September It, lilt.
"Baals of change, to aupply patron
of Camp Creek postofflce." Addition
to the, rout described "northeast
erly on Camp Creek road. 2.4J miles
and retrace, 9.99 mile." Prior length
24 65 miles; present length. 11. H
miles. Name of carrier, Burton O.
Sankey. Former salary, 11830 per
annum; preaent salary, $2040 per an
num; Increase, $210. "
The Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union of Oregon Is promoting
the establishment of a farm home for
dependent and orphaned children of
Oregon. It Is to be under Protestant
control; but no restrictions are to be
made on the ground of race, color or
sect. In the reception of children. The
children are not to be herded, under
strictly Institutional conditions; but
are to be provided with a real honn
life, based on the activities and ea
vlronmenta of the farm.
A farm of 245 acres has been pur
chased, three miles front tb city of
Corvallis. The cost of the farm was
8200 per acre, or a total of 849.000.
The farm consists of 80 acres of land
in a high state of cultivation, 80 acres
cleared. 80 acres pasture and timber
and 5 acre of lake. It Is furnished
with a good farm house, 26x34; small
bouse for employeea; two large dairy
barns; two silos; two poultry houses;
machinery shed, milk and pump
houses; two good drilled wells; pres
sure water system; buildings In gool
repair, and electrically equipped.
Easy payments bave been arranged,
andsome payment have been made.
The plan for the care of the child
ren Is to build a group of cottages,
each cottage to be a completely equip
ped home unit, each ander the care
of a woman selected for character and
fitnesa for the place; not to be the
i1 ln,t,tuUoB'
but . the
mother of this family. .The grouping
jot the cottage will give some adran-
Stages of Tillage life,
- nie children" win attend ' public
school near by. thoae of hlxh school
i -
age will attend th Corvallis high
school, and the O. A. C. will cooper-
w,t" tn executive board of the
borne in Its plans to give the inmates
tbs bnaflta of literary and. vocation 1
f taatitutoa.
A campaign has ben Inaugurated
o raise a fund of 8135.000 to carry
I out the plans for the complete eqatp-
ment of th hom An 'flo'rles and
" 11 correaponaence- mwy o aaaressea
to Mrs. Ada Wallace unrun. f 13
Stock Exchange
Oregon. ,. t,
Oa-fldlng, Portlanl,
V Edgar B. Luther. Pastor
10:00 a. ra. Sunday school.
11:00 a. m. Morning worship.
Ject, : "The Greatest Thing- u
World." r- " .
tle 7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. TJ. meeting for
young folks.
S:W p. m. even'rj service. Sub-
lecL -X Pool There Waa." ..
Wednesday,-: 30 p. m Ladies Aid
Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Choir reher
Thursday 8: p. m. Prayer meeting
If you haven't a church home, come
and worship with us.
Roy Allum will take his place at
the second Chair, Monday, in Ander
son's barber shop. Haircuts will
raise to 40 cents starting Manday,
September 18.
Moving In two special trains, twelve
new "J-102" type locomotive, valued
at nearly a million dollars, and con
signed, to the Southern Pacific com
pany for use on Its Pacific system
lines iav Just reached the Pacific
coast yta El Paso. Texas. These
huge engines, th second consignmeut
of an order st 50 placed by the Sooth-,crn-
Pacific with th Baldwin Locomo
tive works, are) to be put Into service
on" thy Southern Pacific ltnea across
he Tiatiajchapt . and Siskiyou moun
tains. Tbey afs equipped with the
latest f'lel'conse'rvg'ioa and auxiliary
power devices.. -
There Is a' herd of buffalo in east
err.!.:gton. linowa a the Yakl
m hri owr.ed' by' parties living in
V'.KI-ua. Th's hard' Is tb-e remnant of
's Coaral hrl" ot' KalispelL Moa
tstta, The "owners' b'aVs bean expert
insttir.j fjr soma yaars with running
buffal-i on cattl ranges, and thsy
statia tat the experiment la entirely
practlc(C. , ' ;,
-A th result of the work of t C
Oakee, of Springfield, field orgalT
of th Fanners' Union for Lane coa.v
ty, eight local anlona are bow orga
Ised In thl county, all within a abort
distance of this city' .
The plaa la generally to organtsw
at the county achool houses. . The
eight locals are at Mount Vernon.
Walterville, Jasper, Unity, Treat
Cloverdale, Camas and Goshen.
Th officers of each local anion ana
a president, rice president, secretary,
treasurer and two or three minor of
ficer. In most case, th office of
secretary and treasurer are held by '
the aame person. The officers of th
local -union constitute aa executive
committee. Th vie president of they
local anion Is, exofflclo. a member of -the
county executive committee. '
A county union for Lane county was
organised at th Mount Vernon achool
houae June 28. Th county anion is
organized on the same general plaa aa
the locals. The membership of tber
county executive committee equals th
number of locals la the county. Tb
county executive committee plans. In
general, the work In th county, and .
promote the coordination of the work
of the locals in the coanty. A board
of five directors Is elected from the.
membership of the executive commit- .
tee. This board will direct the bust
ness operations of tb county onion;
and when the county is more extea- ..
sively organized, and the business) .
plans of the county anion matured, tha .
board of directors will be an Import-
aa part of the machinery of the or- .
ganizatlon. There will be a county -manager,
who will handle the business) '
affairs of the county anion under tha
direction of the board of director.
The principal officers of the coanty
union are: W. L. Wheeler, of Trent,
president; Ralph Laird, of Mount Ver
non, rice president; H. C. Jackson, of '
Walterville, secretary and treasurer.
The county anions are articulated
with the atat. and th state with, the)
.national in much the- same way as
the locals with the coanty.
ReV. Albert BeaS. a Free Methodist -evangelist
' traveling under a special
horn missionary commlssaioa from
his church, with a com pie t oatflt.
consisting of a round teat, evang-ella-Uc
car. tc will open aa evaagelistle
campaign on the aouth side ot ta
auto camp ground this evening. Ser
vices every night at 7:30 and at S p.
m. and 7:30 on Sundays. The even
ing services, at least for the first few
evenings, will be preceded by a meet
ing oil the street. Mr. Bean is assisted
la this summer's campaign by Arthur
and Delia Botcourt. who are both
stagers and preacher. Vat -"
A. G. Eater, Paator. ,f- J
Our services for this Lord's day win
be as usual, except that th evening;
hoars . are changed. . C. E. meets at
8:30 and evangelistic services will b
At 7:30, You are. welcome at all ser
vices. Come and bring your friends.
The Hoyt Manufacturing eomnaar .
hav built a section, of dock from tha
angle betwssa th) aula railroad
track and th spuY to th Washburn
field, over 200 feet They Hav erexjt-
ed the frame of a planer ahed, se"t Odd
planer In place and built a Ua of
rolls from the planer to the car track.
They are accumulating- considerable
stock of lumber. The connections
with the power plant are now being:
made. This 'haa required the aettinc
Of a line Of new hearv nnlna alnna- .
Wall street to '5th and down 5th as
tar aa O. The company will probably
be ready to begin operations by Mon
day. . 5
Tuesday, Sept 5th. A. A. Amdersoa
the. bsrber, nve the entire receipt
ot his day's bjafness, which amount--ted
to to 811 less 81 tor general ex
penses, to the Christian church build
tr.g tuad. ..
The building commltte Is basv
working oa plans for a new church
building, but at this Um ha not d'
e'ded oa a defnit plaa. Many of
the cltiseas of 8prlagfleld and vlcio
airy have offered their ttnaaclal aid
for the new building. D. B. Murphy
la chairman of ftnaao committee,
Thos wanting to help can get la
touch with him at Cray's Cash ' ft
Carry stor. . . , , ,