The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 07, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    TAGE TTC 0
nnniSDAT. FiiTTiainirrr t. mi
In Society
Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by
I 1 i
l?ntered at tha Poatoffice at Springfield, Oregon, its Second-class
. ' Matter, February 24, 1903.
One Year $1.25 Three Months 50c
Six Months 75c Single Copy 5c
One Tear, When paid in Advance $1.25
A recent forest fire bulletin men's strike on the first of July.
ays: "Idaho had much fire Did the unions utter a single
throughout August, due to ex- word of protest then?
cesslte lightning.- So far as "All the facts are of record.
has been reported to this rreat Months tcfore government
eentral news agency, there does own e r s b i p terminated, the
not seem to have been any more tracks were in such a condition
lightning in Western Oregon that Director-General 1 lines
during the month of August made wholesale reduction in the
than was really necessary.
In support of the strike of the
railroad shopmen, the report
has been circulated that, be
cause a large part of the union
shopmen are out. and their
places are filled by non-union
men, therefore there is such a
eenM-al ftfatp nt riierennir on th
lines that operation and travel 'ect,3r weU known to Mr. Goril
la highly dangerous. On this P ana his friends, but not so
point the Wall Street Journal' W$U Known to tb public,"
ias this, to 5y: j n
this place before that the charge!
against ine rauroaas or operai-
running time of express trains.
The time of President Rea of
the Pennslyvania was wasted.
in Chicago and Washington, ex
plaining why it was desperately
necessary to supplement theraii
road shops with outside assist
ance in repair and construction,
entirely because of the ineffi
ciency brought about by gov
ernment ownership and super
vision. All these facts are per-
For the convenience of
patrons who live at some
distance, and cannot often
come to Eugene, we make
possible banking by mail.
You may open a Savings,
Commercial, or Time De
posit Account, and both de
posit and withdraw money.
It Is a simple thing to do,
and we will be glad to fur
nish all details to those in
tcre:r. Ar.d w?' J
ways glad to give Invest
ment advice, or solve busi
ness problems for those
who live in the country or
other small towns.
"39 Years of Helpful Ser-vice"
The First
National Bank
Resources of over Three
W notice by tha morning Issue of
tha EttPD Register of 8pt. Unt
LaVerne R. Smith :.d Mm Edith
Rftdall have been raited Id hoi
wedlock. Oh, bojr!
We !o Ukt notice that thl ha
bun la effect tor iom days, although
not rubltshed till Wednesday, and of
all the gol dura, mean, low down,
shabby trick to play on hli old cu
turner, frienda, relation, and hop
n:ate well we never thought tht
Vera Smith was equal to turn an
occasion. Hut It party of the first
part does not come through with the
smokes he'll ba out on nice "Ao!
Iran Beauty" electric lftn that Is at
IUII and Henderer' dump; given
a wedding present by hi beloved
brotbeMn-taw. V. r. McLagan. Cre-w-ll
and Cottage Grove paper pleat
this is about what we find when
we rub our glasses and take n
look at the plain, homely facts
that lie before us. And even
j while we are propagating the
finest and most popular theory.
ilt is best not to get too far away!
rrom me simple racta In which
we were all schooled from our
childhood up that Is. If we
would take schooling at all.
Ing locomotives and cars in a
state of disrepair is really a
charge against the Interstate
Commerce commission. It is
one, moreover, not supported
by a single case of such opera
tion in defiance of the commis-
-eion'a inspectors. Mr. Gompers
and the chiefs of
brotherhoods are
Most of the laboring men in
this country who are their own !
bosses and their own paymas-
and should be a happy class;
ters find that they are not able fnd thy "bould be willing to
to do enough work In eight lrt other People be happy,
hours a day to maintain a fam-l whether those others belong to
ily in what they consider a pro-jtnfl' or not.
per style of living and get a lit- Most of the men in this coun
tle "ahead of the hounds" every. try who are popularly classed
the railroad -year. laoonng men, ana wno are
well aware If there is a large class of per-.setting aneaa. and majtlng
that the charge is false. For sons in this country employed tnemselves towers of strength
months before the railroads J by someone else and paid by him In the communities where they
were restored to their owners.! and can persuade him or com- live, are working for two bosses.
conditions were Incalculably pel him to pay them enough for, They work eight hours a day'tory.
worse than they could be today, eight hours work each day to for one. ana get tneir pay rrom
E. E. Ttrattain and family were up
from Cuihman the tatter part of last.
week. They returned thl morning.
They bar arranged to put their
younger children In achool at Cuih
man. Their ton Wilbur will enter
high chool here.
With the old home removed and
the rabbi h In the rear of the new
houia cleared up and burned, Law
rence May' f remix begin to how
np a they ought.
O. P. Klser and family bare morel
to their new home near the Loud far-
If. there had not been a single .maintain such a style of living
Inspection of locomotives since and get ahead a little each year,
the inauguration of the shop- they are a highly favored class.
Successful Graduates
Are the Best Recommendation of
O. A. C.
Thl institution effer a thorough, prececal, and Unol-d education
at a cost within reach of the high school graduate
It offer training fcr ccllegiate degree in:
mm in casn dally, weekly on Je Lorah house en n treet
monthly. They work for the 'Just vacated by the Klier family, Ij
"ther from one to six hours a'now being repapered, and Mr. and
day additional, and get their pay Mr. Lorah win move into it in a few
upon the maturing of the pro-daya.
B;uuit9 vi Bume uiuc inn?, or in I
some unmarketable, but vital NOTICE Having sold my Interest
.benefit, of which they are their jln thfl Secoa Avenue Oarage. I win
I .OV'n administrators. not reronalble for any debt con-
i v. . , I traded by the above mentioned
' ery few of the men who ac-l ... . .......
tually laid the foundations of !!,, "URU"
their present fortunes by their!" ' s,,Ier"
lown labor and there are manyj subrribe for the NVw at 11.25. and
such and who are now employ-j get a photograph of youmrlf or any
ing numbers Of men, and pay- member of your family free.
ing them a dav s wages for
'tight hours' Jabot, laid those
'foundations on eight hours of
All-Thrifty People
Insist on getting products manufactured at . borne from
their dealers they not only feel It their duty, but they
know the real economy In using borne products. The
N OX ALL Drand of poultry and dairy feeds and NOHTII
WEST flour are all home products.
It always pays to use NOXALL feeds better quality
means more feed and then at a saving.
The best groceries In town recommend
Nor til west
No Substitute Offered.
Bay what you will about -drugglat
offering onwlhlng "Jut a good" bv
rause it pay a better profit, the fart
till stand tbat ninety nine out of a
hundred drugglata recommend Cham
berlain' Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy,
when the beat nwMltdiio for diarrhoea
I aiiked for. and do because they
know firm what their runtomera say
of It. that It can be depended upon.
for the sum of MSI IS wim Interest
thereon from Auguit 14th, 1)21 at tha
rata of ten per cent per annum until
paid and for the costs and disburse
ments of this suit and for tha further
sum of 110000 as plaintiffs attorneys
fees herein.
Fur a Decree that the plaintiff's
mortgage be foreclosed and tbat tha
real property described therein and
covered by said mortgage, to wit: Tha
undivided ono half Interest In and to
all of lot number eight In Dim k num
ber sixty four (4) of Maude's sub
division In the Town of Springfield,
IN THE CIRCflT COCRT OP THE Una County. Oregon, as shown by th
STATE OF OREQON FOR TUB pt thereof, togvlher with the tene
COl'NTY OF LANE. ments hereditaments and appurten-
J. 8. Cook, I'lalntlff. vs. George Rus- ances thereunto belonging or In any
sell and .. Risll. hi wife. E iWisa appertaining be sold by tha
M Russell and Rusell, his sberlff of Lane County. Oregon. In tha
Engineering and Macilr.e Arts
Home Economics
It offers training also In: T'n
tlon. Industrial Journalism.
Vreatlonal education
Cieaical Engineering
Mi!!Ury Science and Tactic
Schccl cf Music, Physical Educa-
Advlre from the O. A. C. experiment
tation: Staking good, healthy do-
labor to the day; and Still fewer ftato vine for ed solertlon before j-lalnt filed against you In the above
wife, and A E. Mathews.
To Oeoige Russell and Ru-
itel I. hla wife. E. M Rull and
. . Russell, his wife, and A. E. Math
ews, the above named drfendunts.
In the name of the Hlate of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com-
they die down will holp rid the stock
Fall Term Opens September 18.
For circulars cf Information and illustrated bloklet, wrl'e to
The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College
Corvallis, Oregon
of the men who are now insist
, me on limiting tneir lanor io.0f two bad diseusei iotato moamc
t eight hours a day will Le fur-tsnd wtt. Weil ar.d, dtapd hill
nishlng work for other men, at look pretty much alike after the tops
,any kind of wages, or for any have dtcd flown, and apran-ntly good
number of hours a day. In the potatoes may prove on trial to be dls-
years to come, ineue mings esrd with wilt cr mosaic. At dig
are not done that way. tng time the aed most desirable
O course these are only
crude, ADC thoughts on social of tubers, yield and soundness can be
and domestic economy. W3 finally selected from the stoked hills,
should not expect them to win
a diploma In any curbstone
school of those sciences. - Hut
entitled suit and court on or before
the 12th dsy of October. 1922. said
dute being more than als weeks from
the date of the first publication of thla
summons and being the time pre
scribed for such appearance by you
in the order of publication herein en
tered of record. And If you fail so
from the standpoint of size and shape; to appear and answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the rourt
for th relief in tha complaint de
manded and prayed for, to wit:
That the plaintiff have Judgement
against the defendant, George Russell
0 morr a oaop'.fu.
nnmc II -msx o use tc2s5Sgjr :S.
BUllst vou-roAeGue.rr Jj fffl c r5A
Eugene Business
Invest in a business educa
tion. It will pay you well.
A telephone call or a postal
card brings you our cata
log. Monday is enrollment day.
Eugene Business College
A .E Roberts, Pres.
manner provided by law to eatlsfv
said Judgement and that you and each
of you be forever barred and fore,
closed cf and from all right, title In
terent or claim or equity of redrmp
tlon In and to aald lands and premise
and every part thereof.
Thl summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof pursuant to an
order of the Honorable C. V. llarnard.
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for tha County of
Ijine made and entered of record on
the 24th day of August, 122, ordering;
that this summon be published once
each week for sis successive week
in the Springfield News, and the dat
of the first publication will he August
31t, 1922 and of the lust publication
will be October 12th. 1022.
FRAXK A. DE ri'E. Attorney for
Plaintiff. Residence and post offlra
address Springfield, Lane County, Ore.
Tha Key that Unlock tha Door to
' Long Living.
The men of eighty-five and ninety
year of age are not the rotound, w ell- j
fed, but thin, spare men, who live on
donder diet. Be as careful a ha will. (
liowevor,' a man past middle age will
occasionally eat too much or of lornn
article of food nut suited to hi con
stitution, causing Indigestion or con
tttlputlou and will need a dose of
Chamberlain' Tablet to move bis
bowel and Invigorate bis stomach.
When tbl I dom, there I no reaion
why the average man should not live
to a ripe eld age.
Lane County Fair
September 19, 20, 21, 22, 1922
Low Round Trip Fares
From all agency stations in Lane county. Minimum fare:
COc adults; 25c children. Sale dates September 18-22 In
clusive. Good until September 24. B
Hfe the horse race, the live
stock show, the weulth of agricul
tural display,' the contest and
exhibit of varloun kind. Includ
ing home product.
Amusements and fun for everyone
For further particulars, ask agents or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agsnt