'or'.: I w-mw 't J . .... i -V. d t . NINBTEUNTJI YEAR. ' SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1922 NUMREull' MiL. CAMP CREEK ROADS AND POSTAL CHANCES Postmaster Hamlin received notice Tuesday of the discontinuance of (ha Camp Creek poatofflre, to take effect September II. A petition has boon circulated among the people Interested, and for; warded to tl'e postofflce department, akin that B. O. Bnnkey'a rout. No. 1, be extended from the lower Camp Creek arhool house to the upper one, dlaUnra of approximately 4 and one- halt mlloi, to serve the famlllea along Mrs. Mollle Woodcock, of Oregon City, and Mr a. Ellia bows, of Albany, and Frsnk Steer, a aon bave been visiting bare In the past few days, on account of tba stroke suffered by Mrs, K. W. Holmes. Mrs. Maud Spencer, of Los Angeles, another daughter, ar rived Just before. TO REPAIR PAVEMENT AND BUY NEW HOSE NEWPORT OUTING AND FAMILY REUNION ' Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Batcbelder took a month's outlpg at Newport, going down August lat and returning on the SOth. By previous arrangement, they met at Albany two nlecea of Mr. Batcbelder, Mrs. Abble Keeler. of Portland, and Mlas Emma L. Stewart, of Kansas City, the latter coming west aa a delegate to the national Hume weeks ago, The News put! convention of the Protestant Episco pal church, now In aesslon at Port land. The last week of the stay at joined by forth a queatlon, emanating from the city government, for the consideration that line, bnlng mnlnly the families.0' people of Springfield, concern served by the dlseardet postofflce. No '" th replacement or repair of the definite anawer to the petition haa Pvnient on Main street, or soma niece of Mr. Batcbelder. The three yet been received, but there Is good , " 01 wlln ' tot expressions nieces were from three different fam Newport, the party was Mrs. Alice Conrad, of Seattle, also a hope that It will be granted. This eitensrlnn would serve over SO families. Including about 76 per sona who would receive ,mall by It, Trey would thus get dally mall ser- as to the course that should be taken In the matter. Since that time, the mayor and council have been looking Hies, and alt cousins to each other. Tl'y uaod to exchange visits and LOCAL MEN TAKE OVER MILL-WOOD BUSINESS James Laxton has sold bis wood business. Including bis stock and equipment, to Harry M. Stewart and 8ldney V. Ward. The tranafer Is to be made September H. The title of the new flim will be the Harry M. Stewart Fuel company. Tbey will deal In 18 Inch wood, block and planer from the Booth-Kelly mill. A new 1 ton truck, lately purchased by Mr. Laxton, goes In with the deal A. A. Anderson proffered to donate CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RENEWING ACTIVITIES tna dar's recelots of hie Wrfcer ahon to the building fund of the Christian' church. Tuesdsy waa the day spect-l Bears go Into a torpid state in win fled. The gross reoelpts for that day ter; churches, social clubs and chain were 116.00. Deducting fl.00 for lsun- bers of commerce fn summer. To dry expenses, the amount of tba dona- bring about a rejuvenation or' a re- tlon was flS.00. AN ENLARGEMENT ENLARGED UPON newal of the efficient activities of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, a luncheon, to be followed by a meet ing for counsel and planning waa ar ranged for Tnesday evening. The luncheon waa held at Mrs. BldweU'i Wben the Improvements com menced by D. E. Worley on bis little .t.nriit .t tin nin. . i no new men expect to do their uuu, "u axreei, oeiween nn ana partook, not aU members ot the best to fill all orders promptly, anj(8ttt wer mentioned a month or two chamber. The after meeting was held In ourf. By the previous Invitation of Miss nto the legal and financial aspects 'of the case, and titer are now advlaed i vice. Instead of only a weekly ser- ln further bond Issue for the ie- vice by a star mute from Waltrvllle.ll'l"cem'nt Pment Is out of Stewart, the other member! of the s heretofore; and at but little more ,ne "."'Ion- Nothing remains, there- party were to be her guests in this expense than under the old plan. jfo but t0 repair the worst of the 'reunion. After the break up at New The people of this section have been ,P"nt. and the r resent thought of port, Mrs. Conrsd went home with -greatly Interfiled In tho Improvement th" council Is to limit the work to Mrs. Keeler for a short visit, and Miss of their mail service, and In the lm-;b"ul ,wo M. from about Second Stewart came borne with the Batch provement of the road to provide for 'ret to fourth. They are In coin-'elder for a visit of a couplo of days. It. About $1000 of county money has nunlcatlon will: the Warren Construe- before going on to the convention. ton spent on the section of road ,on company ana other parties, and covered by this proposed extension. 1 th" roB,h' " extent of the repair Besides this, the people along the line work wl" doubtless be decided upon have done several tundred dollars oon- worth of volunteer work. I wh" unrll has been consld- will stand ready to put on extra equip-1'0, tb Dot WB bsed on what was ment and extra force to meet . any ,n sl'Dt of th flr,t n,t and greatly special season's demand. Among the nnderslsed the extent of the under special features In contemplation, uk,n- t doubtful If Mr. Worley they win put In a telephone at the Bf- n,nW foresaw when he started meet In family reunions when all the! flee, and put np signs at conspicuous wnre be w going to land. He has members of this party lived in Miss- places to direct Inquirers to the of-. "I 00 ontn ont literally all flee. . . - . . lrouna and ail over and nndpr the old The members cf the new firm arJhcnM; ontn erytblng that win be well known to the people of Spring-j'n ,,ht ,n",de and ouM&a, when It field. Mr. Stewart has lived here all U don"' w,n be Dw: new "t new bis life. He served as oostmaiter -, nnotion, new rustic, a new porcb eUht years until recently, and had I ,n front pe,r i enlarge ment westward, new doors and win dows, new floors, new outside chto ney on the west, with fireplace In side. . Mr. Worley has been his own archi tect, making his own plan, and enlarg- m, oWn carpenter and his own plumb- lar Anrf h ... .11 ,1.1. . . tw u .... i ine iinrarr naa been e.inaA to h - - u The Waahbum Hall people have 'e state of the funda with cmc h,Khway . mlle or two iouth of!publlc. ao far aa the use of the books ' """f of re5u' work JOHN DEVINE HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT previously been In the grocery busi ness here. Mr. Ward carried on the moving picture business here for nesrly two years. LIBRARY ENLARGED also constructed under county rc-n- reference to this mstter. they have . . Ttrmf h.VT1tv tnftl Dm I. n Jl B..1..11.U ti., .v .nss oeen concerned, xne lad nt " -- nmui.ira trsct. a section of about three miles'1''0 ,n consider the necessity of pur- mnti not from h, nome Tutg. the library board bave been putting '"J the tajw of buying an of macadam road, commences: )ut s "' nose tor me m or tr.e day ,fternoon. He ,.Bd nl8 eye n ,;in such time as they could spare la'"" "l"' "uu " n little beyond the Hendricks bridge on ,,r" """nmr"' ,n"r nTe prscn- ,ruck whlcn wai approachng him ,a menamg and putting them In order the McKensle river. With all of this clly l"ermlnod to buy 600 f.-et of fronti .,, dl(1 ot oblerTe t carJfor public use. It will be possibly n w none nut. me order has not rat a., .... .... . . itwo weeka mora hnfnr ih. iiv.rr - uriTu II T mm. ijtnnin. or Mnnnv. - - - - - field, which was coming from behind ,c,n be tMr VB6i again. i He was near the meeting place of the ! Bome tlm a"0' Fred Waters, an THURSTON NOTES two vehicles. When the truck drew e,derl'r ot Salem, now retired, near, he stepped to the right. In front menlloPed J- W. Perkins thst ne naa a number ot nooks In his II- work, the mads on the whole of the extended route are now In excellent . b"en n,"le. condition. These Improvements hsve been greatly needed for general traffic; and this rhsnge in the poMal service, If Inn. able. the people get the rleaired exten-(dr Miss Ruth SchsHel left last Thurs- rf Mrs. Lenharfs car. Instesd of step y for West I.lnn where she Is em- ping off the psvement at the left .is rill make them still more vslu- SPONG' RPSTAIIPAMT OPEN FOR BUSINESS The new Spong restaurant wi opened for business last Sunday. It bears the elmple sign "Spong's." T. O. Thomas. Mrs. Spong's son-ln-Isw, will be associated with her Ip this business. He will give bis atten tion chiefly to this plsce, and Mrs. Spong will give her personal atten tion mostly to the hotel. They leased the property from Mr. Kepner without limit of time. ployed teaching In the high school for an autolst would expect him to do. m. coming yesr. Mr w kn0(.ke(J d(jwn Md miss ia spencer returned Springfield Mondsy evening ep.umg a weea visum Marinda fractured, br a stroke in th. h.ir One of his anklea was sprained, one brary that he would be glad to give to some public library. Mr. Perktna put In a plea for the Springfield II- been offered more than enough for his property to make good what it will bave cost him. ADDITIONAL NOTES CONCERNING THE FIRE I lo'sr-atalned considerable Injuries. Some I""" nd Wr0te t0 th llbrry board! ft-r of his ribs were wrenched, possibly ?er6, ,Ai ,be bookB h". 8thffer. about ISO In all. W a. a Mr. Schaffer. of the UrK.n.i. knee was somewhat ir.iur.rf nrf ..' vepuer, wno waa lately sort- Cheese factory bas purchased a new received aome cuts and bruises about !nf nd rducln h,i Prtwte library, McMURRAY'S NEW STORE BUILDING J. C. McMurray's new store build ing, on 6th street. Just north ot Oeo. W. Perkins' new residence, Is so fsr along towarda completion that Mr. Perkins, the builder, soys It could be occupied next week. Mr. McMurrav will probsbly not be ready, however, to open buslnoss until after the mid dle of the month. With an all glass front and a large, finely finished storeroom, Mr. McMurrsy will have a good business stand for any part of ttie town. The fumlly will occupy rooms In the rear of the stor. The resr of the building has a wing to the aouth. CARD OK THANKS We desire to express our thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and hnlpfuVieus and for many gifts of flowers on the ocoimlon of the death and funeral of our bnbe. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Helmor. Kord truck Mrs. Rosa Ba ugh man; who worka at Hill'a atore la Eugene, was IH Mon day and unable to go to work. Mlaaea Mildred Price and Maude Edmlaton. who have been attending normal at Monmouth the pent aummer, returned home Friday. Mildred Is going to teach at Lea burg the com ing year. Maude la planning to re turn to Monmouth to attend the wl li ter term. Thos. Wllllan went to Oakland Tues day for an extended trip. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shnugh, of Blue River, spent the week-end with J. M. Price and family. Tl-ere was not a very large attend ance at the social at the church last Saturday evening. Several families from this neighbor hood moved to the J. W. Seavey hop yard Wednesday. Mrs. Maude Fowler and daughter. Audrey spent the week-end at the Frank Taylor home. Miss Audrey stopped on her way home from attend 'ng normal at Monmouth and Mrs. his besd. He is being cared for at P""00 lor P eny re hom. moval. donated a number ot books to the home ..library. . teeth extracted They -mea at the Taylor home and after a visit there, returned to their home on the Slus-l law. ; 8CHOOL NOTICE What might be called the core of the late Christian church building was built somewhere about 1868.- It stood on the hill above the old cemetery In the south part ot town. It waa moved Hown across the race to the alte it lately occupied about 18 years ago. There bad been several . additions made to the original building. There was $1000 insurance on the church. . Frank Schober. of Eugene, the owner of the residence adjoining tbs church, occupied y the McDowell family, had some insurance on the house. store ing the hop picking. Carrtbel ani,P8lb,e Austin Msthews are going to run the store and postofflce at Thurston. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICE Edgar B. Luther, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Morning wo-shlp. Sub ject. 'The Light of the World." 7:00 p. m. B. T. P. U. meeting for young folks. 8:00 p. m. evening service. Sub ject. "Ssved." Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Choir reversal. Thursday 8: p. m. Prayer meeting. You are cordially Invited to attenl Primary pupils who wilt be alx school. any and all of these services. "Come Fowler came to Eugene to have some let us reason together, salth the Lord." Tt.A UnTV.Hnll I1 A ... Th. Rnrlnl.M ..kl. -Ill ' """"J "l " UlBir Ross Msthews Is going to run a Thursday. September 14. All pupils .. " k ?T 7 ore at J. W. Se.v.y. hoy yard dur-. . -red to enroll a. promptly a, .IT Z!TLlVJ Af the articles, could not be estimated. Tfiaav h at j mm lti.it. wm. w .a years old on or before the New Te.r " ' . " 7 win be accepted. All primary pupil, JV.h . " u t . report to Mrs. Page in the Lincoln ;m',J "J"1 w inui ucu iiuuiB last ounaay evening. Mr. McDowell contracted a dysentery which waa epidemic in that region, and returned in a somewhat enfeebled condition. C. W. Pettyjohn works away from and his family have not been regularly living In their bouse here for some time. They had a stock of household goods In the h'l'ld'n which were removed during the fire. The damage to the roof has been temporarily repaired wnn tar paper ana tne goods re- rlaed in the house. Mr. Pettijobn bad sufficient Insurance to cover his loss. F. M. ROTH. Supt. J. F. Powers went to Newport Mon day. He expected to spend the first week or more ot a two-weeks vaca- hom. . ..w.,w H. uuu iuci o. uu mmjm ue neeaa a resi and a relief from the monotony and the strain ot his duties at the mill. J. E. Stewart will be ready to open his meat market in the rear of the Cash x Carry store Saturday. His fixtures are all new. Waiting on the arrival cf aome of these has delayed his opening a few days. Morrison's halL Several ot thos who attended the supper had Impera tive engagements for the following hour. About 25 attended the business meeting. W. F. Walker, the president, mad a brief address, la the nature of a. general report, assuring those present . that the Chamber of Commerce had -continued Its activities, chiefly through its board of trustees; though , no stated general meetings had been held through the aummer season, and only one or two special meetings hastily called together, on Important occasions. He gave some account of the activities of the board of trus tees, chiefly through correspondence, - and stated some of the matters now pendlcg. He desired that the meet ing should be aa free as possible front formality, and should be devoted to free exchange of views and sugges tions, in preparation for future work. The exchange became quite-general ' and seemed to run along lines that ' promised good results. Toward th- latter part, after the reading of on or two of the most Important sec tions of the by-laws, a membersmp ' paper was laid out and nearly every one present who was hot already a member, signed. It waa agreed that the provision of a aettled home for' the chamber Was an object of the first Importance. Two auites of rooms were 1 mentioned as available, and a com mittee was appointed to look into tho . matter. The plan of holding luncheons In ' connection with the regular meetings " was declared by several to have bee a, found tn many places, large and ' . small, to have been one ot the best means of maintaining interest and promoters; good feeling. Inasmuch as Monday, evening. . September IS, would be the date of the next regular- ' monthly meeting, it waa decided to : f hold another luncheon and meeting ' at that time. It was prooosed that ; the place ot ' luncheon should be chanced from one to another of the restaurants. All Ready But The Horses NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALISATION Notice la hereby given that the County Board of Equalisation for Iane County, will meet at the Court House In Eugene, on the Second Mon day In September (being the 11th day thereof) 1923; and will publicly ex amine the assessment rolls and cor rect all errors In valuation, descrip tion or classification of lands, lots or other property assessed In said rolls, at which time and place all persons Interested are notified to appear. Dated August 17th. 1922. HEUBKRT K. WALKER, County Assessor. 814. Mrs. J L. StiRgs and her daughter Mrs. Mabel Chilstofferson, ot Astoria, sister 0"d niece of Mrs. Henry Coglll, arr'ved last evening for a visit of In definite length with MY. and M.s. Cos-Ill and numerous other relatives here. Dr. PHlaM e"d fnm'lv bve heen for several days occupying their en larged and. remodejled home. They can enjoy It all the more from the reflection that they, came to near losing ft by the great fire. : ORDER your tomatoes from Bar tholomew Gardens. Phone' 49F4. tfs Wheaton and Wtltpey are painting and calcimlning the Interior of their barber shop. They are their own decorators. Walter Rauch. of Walterville, was orerated on at Mercy hospitsl last Saturday for bowel trouble. He is so far recovered as to be considered In a safe condition. Dr.' S. Ralph Dip pel, dentist. Spring teld, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gordon, who had been at KHscn Sprlrgs about hree weeks tor the benefit of Mr. Gordon's health, returned home Mon day. Fred Bosse:man, who was run down ALL GRADE PUPILS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE All grade pupils are directed to re port to Prof. C. E. Lambert on the opening day of school, Thursday morning, September 14. It will be determined then what grades or class es will be assigned to the High school building. All grade pupils who have books that they have finished, and which, they wish to sell as second hand books, are requested to bring them to the Lincoln building on the open ing morning. by a car about 10 days ago. came tn (d rot get tn name back from the hospital after three or four days, and has been about the tr;ets ever since. He Is a little ore about the chest yet, and has -ark s'ot under his left eye. It is msrvelnus thst he escaped as well fs he did. TRAFFIC OFFENDERS FURNISH GOOD CRIST There were a dozen traffic cases oa the recorder's docket during the past week, but the cases were mostly not serious. The. list, classified, was aa follows: Parking too long. H. H. Moore, $2.00. No tail light. R. D. Kircher, $2.0d.' Same, John Doe, (2.00 Same, John Doe, $2.00. Same, John Doe, $2.00. Improper lights, W. R. Wallace, $3. Ssme, Harry Chase. $6. Parking too near hydrant. Albert Bush. $2 00. Same, Arthur Curry. $2.00 Srae, John Doe, $2.00. - Speeding, Clyde Luper, $10.00.' Seme, 8. King, $10.00, The "John Doe" cases were cases where the tra'flc officer collected the In some of there cases, the number did not correspond with the record. ' MI" Clivs Edwards, accompanied l"y her trotter, sister and brother, left Wednesday for Yoncolla, where Mies' Edwards will teach thls'comtng term. Alf Walker .eccnMy sold the house, Those accompanying her will also r- lc&g occupied by the Van VaUan.si end the winter there. "ain;iy, cn the corner of Snd and ,A ret to Chtsttr Nya, son of E. A. "' Sine) that t'e. aasotlatloua ! i"e be J going oa between Mr. Ny a.nd tHr. va Valxah, looking to the purchase or real pf the house1 by Mrs. Van Valsah, but thus far no definite conclusion has been arrived at. FpR SALE Household goods. In nuire oyer S warts A Washburos Mar ket It Mr. tnd Mrs. I. p. Larimer and jMr. and Mrs, T. V. Headarjoa went huckleberrying up In the Cold HUL resloiJBcaiiis.tl .Mpnfiy.. .