The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 31, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Pacja. rocit
riHIWliAY. AUOUST 31. 1022.
at homo that's the strongest
statement w. c.n offer about
oar Ic. cream. When you can
get cream like our which com-,
pare. In quality and flaTor with
your own delicious, creamy
homemade, why bother with
making It at home? The cot
la about (ha tame and you sav
all the fuss and annoyance.
"Say It With A Brick"
A CALIFORNIA BANK 4arge.t bank In Southern California.
ON RAILROAD CRISIS of July 15. we reproduce
;a portion relating to the proposed
From the monthly financial letter cf aeparatlon of the Southern and On
the rarmera and Merchant- National rnl Pacific railroads:
bank of Loe Angeles, the oldest and, ."It 1 the duty of all good cltliens
:ooo w
Aa yont motor begta. to "warm op, what happens to
the oflf It thiaa. of course. Bat Jost tovdota it thin and
bow doe. it act wheo .objected to the high operating
lerinisfaluf ear1
Upon the umrw to that queetloc depends the proper
lubrication of yor cat;
Zerolene, being made from eelected erode and adentif
ically refined by oar patented vacuum process, taeJata
engine heat; It retains ita lubricating "body" at all op
erating temperatures . It doe not decompoee or "break
down." It cling to the bearing eurfacee and maintain a
perfect Aim of lubricant
cA Minimum of Soft, Flaky Carbon
V the motor la gatting proper lubrication, some oil sflpa
past the pistons and is consumed by the Same of coco
bastion. In banting, all oils deposit carbon on the cylin
der walla and cylinder heads. Inferior otia deposit a hard,
gritty carbon In considerablaqnantity.
h is this hard carbon deposit which causae pre-lgnitioo,
breaking and sticking of cylinder rings, overheating, loea
of power, warping and splitting of exhaust valves, and
wear of valve sterna
Zerolene deposits a minimum of carbon of a soft, flaky
nature which can do no damage and la usually blown
oat with the eahaaet.
Labriosts) exclusively with Zerolene, adopting the ree
ommeodebona embodied In the Zerolene chart of rtcom.
meorterlooa. and yoq will develop the raerimom powec,
speed and gasoline mileage of yoaf car.
mare powerfispeed
less mdoa and wear
thru (bmd Lubrication
It always pays to trade at
We are headquarters for Fruit Jars all kinds low prices
McKenzie Blend, 49s $1.43
Dalles Diamond, 4fJs
Kerr Best 49 2.05
Luna White, 10 bare 23c
Crystal White soap, 11 bars 50c
foap Powder, 3 'a lbs. for 25c
We hande the Beaver line of Feeds
i I, i i i i i
to bow to the decisions of the United
State supreme court, no matter how
drastic they may be. Th Central Pa
cific and Southern Pacific railroad
are applying to the court for a re
j hearing In the case recently decide I
which ao seriously affects both or said
mails, not from any disloyally to the
court, but la the hope that they can
convince the court that It has orer
locked some facta of the case which,
't duly considered, might lead to a dlf-
Iferent conclusion.
Fortunately, under the EschCum
mings Railroad bill, now In force. th
Interstate Commerce commission can.
when the facts Justify It, allow Just
such a consolidation of railroad inter
ests as the suit Just decided sought
to terminate. Tb fact that from IHTO
to 1S. the same people who own the
Southern Pacific railroad ayttt
owned all of the stock of the OntMl
Pacific, and that, since ISM, the
Southern Pacific ha been the owner
of all the stock of the Central Pacific
railway, and that the Southern Pari-
fto has operated the Central Pacific
for more than 37 years, under a leas
fioin that corporation; and that the
Irate from the latter to the former
road ha been recognised and ao
qulesced In by the Cnlted States gov
ernment for ao many years: and that.
j since 1ST0. the road hay bven oper
ated as one system should have
'great weight with the Interstate Com
merce commission.
"A long aa IS year ago the gov
ernment arranged with the Southern
Pacific for payment of the Central
Pacific debt of BS million dollars to
I Uncle 8am. The Southern Pnclfte
had been In control of the Central Pa
cific tor St yeera then, and It wa
through that control that the goverr
ment got Its money. After over half
a century of real progress In furnlsa
lag the Pacific Coast the railroad sys
tem we alt approve, some way should
be found In fairness to continue that
operation a we are accustomed to
hare It. and as we understand It, be
cause It tit our business.
"The people of the Pacific roast will
be a unit In favor of allowing the pre
sent relstlons and management of the
Tare la at the elf ef tee
ehiM. Seie. thereueii -tae
mk Celol rWauif OU
yfl aa) reftihaa mh Zereieee el
JCO the cemct (rede.
tfrjje COMPANY
Coming to
Dr. Mellenthin
in Internal Medicine for the
past eleven years.
, Will be at the Osbom Hotel,
j Wednesday September 20th.
Office Hours 10 a. in. to 4 i. m.
Sanitary .
T, F. BENNETT, Prop.
Salmon, 15 cents lb.; Sliced. 20 cents lb.
Today, Friday and Saturday
Nice new lot of
Picnic Hams. Minced Ham,
Wienies, Pickled Pigs Feet,
Dressed Hens, Friers, and
Spring Lamb.
Free delivery at 9;30 a. m., daily.
Phone 80 II 5 th and Main
Only. $5.25
and return
Sale Dates
Friday and Saturday
Return Limit
15 Days from Sale Date
Travel now and realize big pro
fits In transportation cost.
No Charge for Consultation
roads to remain aa they are. To sep
arate the system. In accordance with
the decision of the court would
visit Inconvenlenc. a no .'Indranre
upon every bunlnrss lnfT."st an.l a',', iff the public using the Southern P.t
the people of this coast. It Is goner-'rifle service and approving it T!i!
ally beloved and tlevi-ully hoped, th. t no doubt tan and will bo art-out
lion, for our highest court seeks to
follow the path of wisdom. Let U
not wevwr In the faith that the pro!,
Inm will lie nolvtnl to the t lifott.oti
Dr. Mellenthin Is a regular graduate
In medlch.e and surgery and Is I
rented by the state of Oregon. He
vUf professionally the moie Im
portant towns anj cities and offers
to all who call on this trip free con
sultstlon. except the expense of treat
ment when deilred.
For further
particular, ask
the preference of the people of this
roast rr tne eyatems remaining a
they aie. will be a deciding factor In
the solution of tba questions by the
Interstate Commerce commission.
"The reads are so Interwoven. In
both construction and operation, that
It Is almost a physical Impossibility
to separate them. Any kind of separa
tion so far suggested Is really a modi-
According to hi method of Ires'- fld form of merer, but why modify
ment he does not operate for rhroiilc a merger that has never beon a mer
appeadicltls. gall stones, ulcers of ger at all. but for every practical pub
stomach, tonsils or adenoid. 1 1 lo purpose ha been on. transports-
! He ha to bis credit wonderful re- ,,on conc,,r,T
sulu In diseases of the stomach, liver.! ,n" "'hern Pacific Is corn-
bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart. th" ' n
kidney, blader, bel wetting, catarrh,
weak longs, rheumatism, aclatlca. lea
ulcers and rectal ailment. ,ro1 of ,h, Central larlflc would, of
necesttty, rata to aome other railroad.
If you have been ailing for any roM,h,r , th. Vnlnn rtl.f(. b,
length of time and do not get any bet- wouM ,h h, n, rUh
ter. do not fall to caiL as Improper , ,rqlre lh c,ntnl ,,(.,flri un(1r
measures rather than dlsesse are verv lh. oh.,m.B i.. th., .h. a ....
often the cause of your long a'andlng Pacific
pllshed by lawful process.'
tra! t'actflc roull not. of course, se
nt! Ire the stock at 'icb sale. The con-
NutiiHt U hereby given that the
County ltrd of Equalisation for
lne County, will mert at tho Court
House In Kugene. on the Hecond Mon
dsy In September (bring the lltb day
thereof) l:j; and will publicly ei
amine th. assessment rolls and cor
rect all errors In valuation, descrip
tion or classification of lands, lots or
other property assessed In said rolls,
at which time and place all persona
Interested are notified to appear.
tHtted August 17th. 1111.
Assessor. 814.
Remember above date, that consul
tation on this trip wilt be fr4 and
that bis treatment I different.
women must be
thrtir husband.
ac coin-
Block. Minne-
n Married
l! JOHN M. SCOTT i j panled by
j . Ceneral Passenger Agent 11 Address: S36 Boston
JcsaBSBaaBaaaHa119aaElaH1HBaIBBBasi2 spoils, Minn.
III! Cfi'l I W '""Nacarowner V
Illir&J ' ! ' ! W runs across tlie S 1 1 III
I best tire value he ever
IllllfV'iC 4 I discovcredhe'sbound f . 1 1 1 1
tu to uik about iU I I I WW
' III II rV"'';l That's why so miay motor Ln J ll
Mill '" berssbouls hsvj btsrd t
Mill V W of the Hertford 3s34"H" M
i I I tVa1 Tread at S10.6S. And tbal's II
! l I ' whysomsnyof Uicm sr. iff J i
"The loss of the Central Pacific
woulj ao cripple the Houthern Is( Iflc
as lo rnder It po rles to fun -lion
In the future for the good of Califor
nia and Oregon, as It ha done In the
I'ast. It bel-rove everyone on this
rosst who believes that the Houthern
I'aclflc and Central Pacific relation
shin should not be disturbed, to dve
10.00 "IWAAO
By order of th. Board of Directors.
School District No. II. a warrant for
ten dollars ($10 00) Is hereby offered
! to any person or persona for Inform
. tlon leading lo the arrest and coovir
jtlon of any party or parties who have
aamaaea grounas or ouiidings, or any
school property In this district.
J- J. BRYAN, Chairman.
J. W. COFFIN. Clerk. tf
Causa of Appendicitis.
When th. bowels are constipated,
the) lower bowel or large Intestines
become packed with refus. matter,
purine expression lo his views on the; that Is made up largely of germs,
subject. Only by very prompt eiil( These germs enter the vermiform ap
peraJstnt artlou on the part of the pendll and et up Inflammation.
Influential cltlxen of tire const cn which Is commonly known as appenl
we be ssved from a most serious busl- Icltls. Take Chamberlain' Tablet
n colurnltv. Himthrn Pacific pen when neeild and keep your bowel
pie huve done we In axklng the 't- reaular and you have little to fear
preme court for Its further consldfi- from appendicitis.
A bigger tire money's worth than was ever before put out
and that covers over 25 years of good Hartford making.
iVac oi Hartford Paswngtr Car Tir and Tubs arm not tuhjtc to
T4rol EmcU Tm. th to having hn mborbd hy th manmtaenmrtr.
Nature's Wonderland and Americ
Most Famous" Playground
IU hotels are marvel us establishments. Ita csmp are pro'.ty little
tent and cotttge village, model of clearllnoss. asnltattcji, comfort,
uni in-lc, Infornml I'vlng. lino mllos of fin? bouleva.dn. An I'IohI
pWce for vacutlim pleasures. 8nd for beautifully Illustrated booklet
tn llng alt about Its wonder In word and picture.
Operated DAILY between
Portland and West Yellowstone
by the
OO NOW. Th. Tark closes September 19.
Lt our representative explain th various
tour which enable visitors to see th. Yel
lowstone so comfortably and at minimum
coat; also quote fare, prepare your ltlnr
. ary and make your reaHrvatlona.
J. H. O'NEILL, Traveling Pass iger Agent,
wl'h headquarter t 701 Well F.rgo Build
ing, rortlani, will be rt'd to call personally
oo.anyon. wlxh'ng to visit Yellowstone, and
arrange detail. Jjrop blm s card or address
WM. McMURRAY Oen.ral Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.