TI miS DAT. AUGUST M, 1822 THE STRING HELD NEWS i'aue. mur.n . p;-. 70 WW AND VICINITY The house baa been entire- outside, hlmaelf. LOBT A brass ruler, at tha fir Irg room imi Psiurday, Ilea pla measure on ly repainted oo (Ida nd agate on the other, all tbe work rtase return to Nawa ofru. i . I DARTLETT PEARS FOR BALK V. B. Stover, whoso prospective 76c a bushel on Iree. Frank L. Holme cr-ming or a vulcanising chop ba near Deadmond'a Ferry. bn announced bjr a atgn on tha win- dow of ill old Ilalllnger A Mtl'herani Mr- Mra. Ceo. W. Stewart, of office room for auroral weeks, opened P"lrif .J, and Mr. and Mra. Ilrlmel, for work In hla Una th flnt of (hit or Portland, left here lait Runday to Mr. Clark did ltp. week. Ilia Th Nawa. ad appi-ara elsewhere In "Mr Old Kentucky- Home" at the I:i Hsturlay, Keptember 1. A story of tha south, of mother love, with a br-autlful romance running through with treniemlloua art Ion espi-ilslly In) lb racing scene. a visit to tha Oregon cevee. In Joseph ina county, Tby expect to be gon about 10 days. Milk for aala. 10 canta par quart. Tow tuharculln testd. Cor. 3rd an! U. F. E. Louk, alc I Mr. and Mra. C. A. Wytnan and Miss !Kllth Randall mfurned boma on tha Frank Murray hai bn ilolng tha 2fb from two-weeks outing at Bel- carpenter work on Mr. Klngwells , ""P fpnrga new greenhouse. Rteve Howies haa purchased a 35 Mr. and Mra. A. C. Travis a-i-l "rr ranch about two mllaa tbla aide daughter Emma spent last Sunday in ,1f Oakrldga, known aa the Gray home a trip to Triangle Lake. lefead. Ha and Mra. Bowles have no , Wlnlte Intention ot removing from their present home for aoma time to U'll'TPn T h..- I... .a ..... .1 I- I price within four blink of Main afreet. Inquire at Nawa office. if. Donald Lawa. of Portland, la riot ing at the boma of R. W. Smith. come, at leaat t Milk fed crate fattened chickens. Gat one for your Sunday dinner. M huley, IRS 8. Srd Street. A. Pierce, of tbe new grocary. la In Newport, Washington, on a business erranq. lie will oe gone until aooui , bean visiting the middle of September, lie will ( I - Mlsa Theda Parklna and her nleca. Miss Carman Ilarwood, of Salam. bare her for the paat few probably bring Mra. PWce with him whan he returna. Ida partner, Mr. I Freeman, la carrying on tbe atore dur ing bla absence. Dr. 8. Ralph Dip pie. dentist, Spring field, Oregon. L. W. Clark haa been making eonw considerable Improvements on his residence property In the north part of town. Ha removed a partition, to throw a pantry and wellroom together and convert them Into a kitchen. The former kitchen will ha used aa a din- that case, Mra. Davta will aitend her visit through tha week. Frank Fnodgrass, of Portland, la visiting hla brother, RlJty gnodgraaa, of this city. Weep no mora my lady, O, weep no mora today; Wa will alng ona aong for tha OIJ Kentucky Home, -J For tha Old Kentucky Home, far away. Sea tbla beautiful plctura at tha Ball Saturday. I SECOND growth dry fir wood for aala cheap, delivered. Addresa bos :i2, Sprlrgflald. S7p. John C. Ketela haa purchased the property at tha northeast corner ot 2nd and A streets, purchased a few month ago by John Hutcblna. Mr. Hutchlns expects to purrhae a homo In Corvallle, so that hla aon may enter (be O. A. C and Mr. Mutehlna will rent farm property near by. Mr. Ketela expects to make soma Improve ments on hla purchase, and move In about October L Tha W. O. W. meeta every Tueaday evening In their own home. Mra. Julia Godman waa taken vio lently sick on Tuesday of laat week, and waa quite aerlouMy alck through the reat of tha week. Py tha first o this week aha waa reported greatly Im proved. j Ti e Fischer Weber Fuel company, of Eugene, haa sold out Its business to the Anderson Fuel company, a new ly formed concern. Tha transfer la to be made September 1. Riverside Dairy FRESH JERSEY MILK . AND CREAM DAILY T- B. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PHONE S4F3 Mra. James Allen, of Cascade Locks haa been visiting her daughter. Mra. A. R. 8 need, alnca the 18th, and will be hera for aoma daya longer. Her two granddaughters. Misses Matla and Emo Gibson, accompanied her to Salem, Springfield, and made a abort visit, .avenlng. and than weat on to San Francisco, for a visit there. All ordera of hemstitching left at Egglmann'e, 8c per yard for all colore. Mra. A. C. Travla made a week'a visit at tha boma or her daughter and Bon-ln-taw, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Morrow returning ltut Thursday, A Trusty Tooth Brush A poor tooth brush not only causes annoyance but It is also apt to prove a menace to health. Loose bristles are dangerous. You will find It safer and more satisfactory to buy one of our special guaran teed brushes. The bristles In these brushes are put In to fctay. They come In a variety of shapes and sizes. . Select a style which is es pecially fitted to your needs and use it regularly. Price 35c & 50c Phone SI -J Eugene Business College SHORTHAND. .. TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Invest in a business educa tion. It will pay you welL A telephone call or a postal -card brings you our cata log. Monday is enrollment day. Eugene Business College A .E Roberts, Pres. EUGENE OREGON of tha ffracot to them, they wrote; that, aa tha tnlacbl waa - already I dona. It would do no good to rush through their return trip. They ar ;expected to arrive at any time. j Try "gplrella Corset. Orders' Larlaon. 114 E evenlnga. Ralph Davla look Mra. Davla to Yon colla last Sunday, for a visit with her mother. Mr. Davis expects to make a trip to Portland thin week; and 'n E. E. Morrison made coma, occuplng a week, laat Tburaday avenlng. ho are under condition In any of j their atudlea will be held at tha boma a trip to Ta- of Prof, Lambert September 7 and t Ha returned School will open on Thursday Septem ber 14. ' Mil 1C They an GOOD! A rn m . . . . m. r.. urmnam, wno naa Deen Iivl-g ion J. U Clark'a farm, haa bonght tha .home of Harry Bush, In Krpner'a addi tion, and will move Into it I am going to get aoma or those fine milk fed fryera of Buley for Sun day dinner. Ara you? Rev. Edgar B. Luther, th new Baptist pastor, with bis family, will arrive In Springfield probably Friday, and will preach next Sunday, both morning and evening. ' for any heavy breed cockerala. These ! pullets ara about three monthe old. '. Inquire of Freeland at Tha Newa of ' fice. J. W. Coffin went to the Eugena hospital yesterday morning, for a few daya' special treatment Under tha auspices of tha Metho dist Sunday achoooL en entertainment will be provided for the children of tha cradle roll and tbelr motbara at tha church, Friday afternoon, at 2:30. Tbe affair will be under the direction of Mra. Robert Drury, superintended ot the cradle roll. NOTICE Having acid my Interest In tbe Second Avenue Oarage, I wtll not ba responsible (or any debta con traeted by tha above mentioned garage on and after Auguat 18, 1922. R. G. Masters. Mr. and Mra. J. W. McDowell had been gone nearly two weeks before the fire which destroyed their home They were on a visit at CaidweU and other pointa In that region of Idaho, where they formerly lived. They went by auto, and It takes about four days to drive through. When word SAME Old Story But a Good One. Mra. Mahalm Bnrna. Savanna. Mo. of Fall Creek, had hla tonsil, and ad nlMt exp!r,ence, the ke. The oldest aon of W. D. Glaspey, nolds removed at Mercy hospital, Eu gene, yesterday. Hon. C. N. McAnhur, congressman from the Srd district, waa In Enzena cna day laat week, after a abort ont- Dr. s. Ralph llpple, dentlat. Spring ing up the McKentle. He aeverly field, Oregon, criticised the nollcy of trrlna to carrri on construction work on the McVenileM Mr- S. A, Young, of Eugene, aua hlgbwayidurloi the aeaeon'of aummer ! major peratlon.' at Usrcy COMMUNITY CASH STORE Telephone 32. Where QUALITY and Service Talks. Quality vs. Quantity If you are looking for QUALITY, we have It. If you are looking for quantity and QUALITY, we have it also. We give you QUALITY at quantity prices. Yours for QUALITY and Service W. M. GREEN, Proprietor travel, and keeping the highway torn up, aa It haa been tbla season. Next Tueaday, A. A. Anderson the barber, la giving hla total receipt for that day to Jbe Chrlatian church build ing fncd. Examinations for 8th grade hokpltal Tueaday. Mr. and Mra. Henry Korf are mov ing out to their new ranch home to day. Rev. A. O. Sater, the new Chrla tian pastor, will move Into the bouse they vacate. Will trade Rhode Island Red pullet which baa happened In almost every neighborhood in this country, and baa been told and related by thouaanda of o'tiers. aa follows: I used a bottle ot Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years ago and it cured me of flux (dysentery). I bad another attack of the aame complaint three or four years ago and a few doaea of thla remedy cured me. 1 have recommended It. ta. doaena of people aince I first used It and ahall continue to do ao for I know it la aj quick and poaitlve cure for bowel troubles." , .. v A AFTER MIGHTY NICE Bread, Cakes, and Pies MOON & MOON ' Successor to Egglmann Eakery i 41 lot 1 Co to Rao IlAY the World's Best taken by Mra. Ids Bt Phone llt-W Hot Weather Dlaeaaea. Disorder of the bowela ara ez tremely dangeroua particularly dur ir.g tha hot weather of tbe aummar months, and in order to protect your self and family against a sudden at tack, get a . bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Dlarrohea Remedy. It can be depended upon. Many have testi fied to Its excellence. Correct Enqlish MONTHLY MAGAZINE Authoritative Exponent of Eng lish for 22 years Edited and founded by ' ' JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER Famous World Authority ou English Send-10 cents for Sample Copy Correct English Publishing Co. n EVAN8TON. ILLINOIS AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE WM. G. HUGHES FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Successor to John Ed ward a and Ballinger & McPbereon Insurance agenclea. Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon . DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Blefg. Phone 20-J Realdenca Phone 129-W 8pringfield, Oregon W. N. COSSLER , Cleaning and Pressing ; Suits to Order Main Street Telephone Between 3rd &-4th 61 D. W, ROOF , ,J JEWELER . FWB WATCH REPAIRING A . SPECIALTY , Sprlngfiald. Oregon . iTrir-r,- ;rew" ... It .Still. ' S ; WIMUnMttMhim'ffiMMU WfffitUfWJMffA III otv f. !( ;(' A . L kTlV A. A. ANDERSON Barber Shop Two. Barbers Friday and Saturdav My Saturday1 man is A No. 1: him. try DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon The finest dressed people fa Oregon are those in- Spring field, wiry? Because , . . RAMSEY, The TaUor Is there. W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Office phone 63. Re, phone 67 J FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC 8utton Building 8prlngfleld Oregon Catarrkl Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion ot tha ear. Catarrhal Dafns requires constitu tional treatment. HAUL'S CATAKRH MEDICINiS Is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness la caused by an In flamed condition of tha mucous lining of the Eustachian Tuba. When thla tuba la tnnamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hoarins. and when It la entire ly closed Deafness Is tha result Unleae the Inltammatlou can be reduced, your hearing may b deMroveU forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through tha blood on the mucous sue faora of the system, thus reducing; tha In rtammatloa and restoring normal condi tions. . Circulars free. All Druraista. V. J., Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Legal Guarantee Givero" ' e-oo pain coatlaue work. Ask to see Gle-a-uis file TreaUacau KETEL'S DRUG STORE