The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 31, 1922, Image 1

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ii il l Ui il iiJ
CHRISTIAN CHURCH card Of appreciation
' I wlil; to express my appreciation
Fire waa discovered In the roof of of the work of the Springfield fire de-
tbe Christian church, corner of 4th partment, tha Eugene flra department
mi A el reels, last Saturday, tha ittb tha Booth-Kelly milt forca and neigh-
between 10:10 and 11. Tha flra truck tra generally which raaultad In eav-
waa on tha street before tha alrn blaw. Ing my boma and other bomaa from
flut even than tha whole roof of tha tha flra last Saturday.
turth waa ablata, and flra had atari
ad In tha roof of 'tha reeldepee rloaa
by It on tha east, owned by Prank
Bcbnber. of Eugene, and occupied by
tha family of J. W. McDowall. of tha
department atora. A atrong wind
from tha northwait carried tha flatnaa
Tha Springfield Chamber of Com
merce will bold Its regular monthly
toward tha front of tha buildings. It meeting, with a luncheon In connec
was evident almost from the first that tlon. Tuesday evening. September 5
nothing rould be done to save tha Tha attendance of a large number of
churrh, and the hope of saving tha the business iiiiq of the town has
Mcltnwell residence soon had to be been assured, together with general
abandoned; and the e'forte of the expressions of Interest In the work,
firemen were directed to preventing Matters of vital moment to tha chain
the consumption of the second rest- ber and to tha community will be up
denre east, owned and occupied by fr free discussion and consideration upon here, with a view to further en-
C. W. IVttlJohn. and preventing the The luncheon will be at one of the res
further extension of the conflagration. Mauranta. and the meeting will ad
Tha Springfield firemen connected Journ lo one of the hall,
one he with the hydrant by the 1
Kaglmann corner. 4tli and Main. csr-.rKtU bUbstKMAN
rled It down 4th street, and attacked
A general meeting of tha membera
of tha 4L local and othera Interested
waa bald at tba W. O. W. ball Monday
evening. General aatlsfactlon with
tha matboda and principles of the or
ganisation, tie resulta of (heir appli
cation and tha prospects of thalr ex
tension. Several persona a poke
among them M. W. Miller, field offi
cer for district No. 1, wbosa territory
occupies tha central part of western
Geo. Davenport waa elected dele
gate to tho convention of district No.
1. to be held at Marshfleld October 0.
The number of members In tba
Springfield local was reported as 2J3
with 80 other applications In.
A few of tha points brought out by
Mr. MJIIer In his address and In con
versation afterwards are touched
the fire from the front. They at-
largement next week.
The organization has not grown In
membership In the past two years,
but has grown In Influence.
In the field where It Is established
RUN DOWN AND BRUISED and haa proved Itself, peace and order
(prevails; It Inspires confidence where
atablliing forca.
Rconomlsta. aa
well as thosa an
te, hed another hose to the hydrant Yesterday morning, btfore 8 o'clock before distrust had existed: It Is com
at the Kepner corner, 6tb and A, and Fr Hosoerman. a half blind young ing to be recognlred aa a settling and
carried It along A street, past Dr. " "'" everynooy aooui'a house, and between that and Springfield started to cross the two
tt rttljnhn building, and played bn riMdw.ya nd the old atreet car track: rarPa In Industrial pursuits, are In
the rear of the burring buildings. T. on Ml" ,r1r, weil of Spencer's quiring Into Its principles, with a
Booth Kelly mill wss shut down as " W. J. Llchty. of Eugene, was. ew to their general extension. Aa
oon as the siren blew, and a forca 'driving down Mill street In a sedan example, the aorlal silence depart-
from the mill crew attached another r "" UBTn,,n m'"rmr nrnt of Willamette university asked
ana si. runs;
to the
hose at the Kepner corner, carried tt " vv"
Benseney's blacksmith shop, and .la,- ""r '' ' 'oi n,tn- butlhe above object In view.
ed upon aoma small buildings on the "TP" .n.o .ne wnen
alley. A detachment fr.m the En- Mr- l'lchl' " 'lmoai u"n hlm- Mr
gene flra department was on the !" ' the cr wh9pU r,nd
ground with an engine SO minutes tound and looked out w
ft,r the alarm waa aounded. They " wh,t nd ""ened. B' that
attached a hose to tha hydrant at the cr ttppa. t.a rushed out.
Swans We.hburne meat market, w" " wir ,h" ,entn'
comer of 4th and Main, carried It w"- fc down- A fron wl,"1 "
down 4th to the alley back of the run orr t. 'nA ,0PP1 "
church, and played on the small build- hl '' houlder. Mr. Llchty and Mr.
lags and tha Pettljohn building from Pw released him and put him
t. :lnto the car, and Mr. Llchty took him
l.a wesi. i
Garden hosa. burketa. tuba, sprlnk- to Mrc bospltal.
lara. and wet clotha ware P""'hleaa and apparently
brought Into uee to wet down tha helple,. when they first took him op.
roora of neighboring bulldlnga and fM ratched and bleeding.
put out amall fir., atartlng bera and A SpHngfHd phyalclan cared for
there. The pump at tba rear of L. hlm- ,OOB, n
MM ImImmIm . w . . - . j a...
J. !eplay'a rasld-nca waa kept going -..--
Tba following notes of lata move
ments la tha Interest of disabled war
veterans are from tha United 8tates
Veterans' bureau. Pacific North weat
district, 8eattle:
Plana to give disabled war veterans
of this district taking training on their
own land projects special winter
courses at slate agricultural schools
of Washington Oregon and Idaho
were formulated thla week at a con
ference of United Statea Veterana bu
reau agricultural supervisors held at
8esttle. A total of 230 service men
receive ISO to $135 a month each
while establishing themselves on small
land projects, and (00 othera are tak
ing agriculture along various lines.
The training supervisors of the
northwest district also recommend!
that war veterans carry on diversified
farming, rather than to specialize In
the production of one thing, on the
ground that It Is mora profitable and
a safer Investment. The veteran
should have at least $500 cash before
taking up land for himself. It was
Vocational training of disabled war
veterans will hereafter be accepted by
tbe civil service comlsslon as meet
ing preliminary requirements of civil
service examinations, according to an
announcement made by L. C. Jesseph,
Dorthwefl district manager of the
veterans bureau. ,
More than 900 veterans have com
pleted training In this district, and
I wish to return my thanks to the
Springfield flra department, tba Eu
gene flra department, tha Booth-Kelly
mill force and all other who Joined In
efforta that resulted In aavlng my
home from destruction and checking vltatlon, tha "Natron-Klamath Fait
A meeting of tha Eugene Chamber
of Commerce waa held Monday even
ing, at which tba railroad altvatioa
waa to be discussed. By special la
the spread of tba flra last Saturday.
Extension committee" of tba Spring
field chamber and soma othera attend-,
ed. L. L. Ray, chairman, real ' -
ADDS COMPETENT ! atrong and exhaustive report, aom-
. BAKER TO FORCE marixlng tba history of tha case aa4
-- I tba present outlook. Two or three)
Virgil Moon, who owna and operates olher Eagene boslnesa men aooke.
tbe bakery at Egglmann'a. haa added , who aemed to hare a clear vision o?
Mr. Miller for Information concerning 'manjr of lhem aMt now emPlo',e,1 "
th pisns and workings of tbe 4L. with
chiefly by a relay of women. Tt
teemed that everybody In town waa
helping somewhere. After the pro
gress of tba fire had been cheeked
towards tie front, tha amall buildings
at tha rear were for a time tha great
source of danger. If tha body of the
Pettljohn building had been consumed
Dr. Pollsrd's house, tba house
but soma serious brulsea.
was announced. A total of 3300 are
taking training at the present time.
Dr. and Mrs. Rebhan were tossed Roy Palmer la building a bouse for
sbout from pillar to post during tba bis own residence on the north side
early stsges of the construction of of the Pacific highway, beyond the old
their new house. They begun to West Springfield street car station,
make It hesdrjuarrers before It was and lust west of the house which b -nearly
finished. They are prepared and hla brother Ray have heretofore
to appreciate It now that they can occupied together. They bavw dlvld
fully occupy It and enjoy It aa a real ed tha property, and Ray retains the
borne. j old house and Roy la building the
Tbe News gave a sketch of the gen aew.
eral plnn of tha building after con-j . The new bonae la 28 by 32 feet. In
struction waa well started. Wa" glva eluding a porch 8 feet wide running
bera a brief survey of It aa It 1a now. halfway back on tbe east side, and
one of tha fine new homes of Spring-'ander the same root. The , bouse
a competent baker to the force, Mr. O.
L. Sbauntelt, wbo recently arrived
here from Creston, Iowa, and who
owned and operated a bakery t that
place for 12 yeara.
Mr. Moon haa Increased the business
since his purchasing of it In tbe first
part of May, three-fold, and la running
two shifts, and baking to capacity.
Mr. Moon Is very well pleased with
his success since opening for business.
field. Tba basement la not - really Stands c Don a -concrete - foundation.
quite complete yet. but not much re-'and the floor will ba about 18 Inches
i mains to ba finished that la essential above tha high water mark of Novem-
A WIDE SPREADING AND to the home life. ber 1909. when tha water partly
FRUITFUL GRAPEVINE' Th nntslde dimensions of tba build-' covered tha floor of the old house.
i I'" rv iioe len. mere is a front td nousa win do oi two nonm, who
S. D. Cairns, of Weat Springfield, (porch tha full width of the houaa.
his a NVuchatel grapevine at his home under the ssme roof. Tbe front room
place which bss made a luxuriant Hrlng room the full width of the
to the row,n ,nJ bearing thla aeason a house, with a fireplace In the south
10 ine , , . . . .. . , i. -nd. and built-in d.vennnrts inlnil
east of h' ...Inst the wall of the bouse, near,"" front and back wall, on either
alley and probably some houses ..... . . ',m ,
ine soui n west corner, una atocc nas
been carried along the aouth wall of' In ,h rMr r ,he north end of the
the house, and clear across the front ,lT,nt r00"1- 'nlng room, and
porch on the east side, making a fine ,n tho r,,p of ,ne dining room the
shade for the norch. Another .tnrk kitchen. Tha two rooma are skill-
across A and 6th would bava gone.
The fire reached across the alley a
little. Mr. Leiiley'a new two-story
shop building wss saved with diffi
culty, slightly scorched. Dr. Pollsrd's
hen house, In the rear corner of his
lot was psrtly consumed. Th wind
carrying the fire strongly towards A
atrret, those of the Sprlngfled fight
ers working In front had to work be
hind a barricade. Several of tt'.em
were badly blistered.
The church was entirely consumed
tour rooms below and two bedrooms
and a bathroom above.
The traffic in traffic violations Is
picking np; at least tbe "cop" picked
up more of tha violatore during tha
paat week than for two or three of
tbe preceding weeks. Tbe recorder's
book shows the following offenses
dealt with since last week'a report.
taking them "big, little and aa they
run": one for running too faat, one
for running when he bad no right to
ran, one for falling to run when L
ought to have been running, and so
on. i
John Doe, displaying no tall light.
Geo. Wllhelm. no driver's license
The same, speeding on east Main
street. $15. 1 ..." j
Barney Oldfield. no Uil light. $2.00.
Albert L. Wachsmuth, epeedlng, $10.
D. B. Murphy, parking too long on
Main street, $2.00
3. M. Roby. no tall light, $2.00.
the situation and of the vital issnea
at atake for the people of this region.
Then another element manifested
Itself, wblcb advocated the policy of '
holding on a bit, calling In representa
tives of all the conflicting interests,
and have them debate the matter be
fore tbe citizens of the community,
until everybody la muddled and rat
tled, nobody knowa where be la and
nothing will be done. That course
remlnda thla scribe of the kind of
railroad meetings they used to have,
just at the critical point. In the big
gest town in a neighboring state. That
town got left, and found 'It out about
six months too late. And now it I
on a atub, when It might have been,
on a transcontinental "trunk Una
Same road, too, that these squeamish,
fellows want to toy with.
Better not wait "to sample the mJlar
of all cowe In the neighborhood, and V
have It tested, before yon decider
whether yon will milk at all or not.
Tbe baby will be atarved by that
time. Here's one cow baefced up al
ready, ard the milk dripping from her
udder. Better lay told while yo can'
and then you can Investigate an the
maybe-sos, aav along .about 1928.
waa discharged
The W. O. W. meets every Tuesday
evening In their own home.
C.E. Cady, a graduate of tbe U. of
O., of the class of 1920, baa ' been
'elected Drincloal of the Thurston
has croased -the open space between ,U,,T nrrargea win. rererence to tne High achool.
,k- k...... mwA .- ii ji ...j convenience of service in both. thM
Ing a woodhouse and a garage under read'r rceaalblllty of all appliances' phl,1P Johnson left tor South Bend.dted ,bere Aufst
We desire to express our sincere)
xhanke to all. who h any way. haver
ministered to our Immediate needs
resulting from the sudden ' hoar - of
calamftv which befell n. In tha him.
-John Doe" eettled with the officer; ln . thm rhH.M, rll-fc
ao the officer, took hla number, but M ow CIo0ng ,nd other nems
not hi. name. The driver waa not. t , uke , 8hort of tJm9
the owner of tbe car. Ugmta equip in regard to auch and tV
Geo. Wllhelm was too young iy ,,9l8Un of Menit ai bretfc.
have a llcenae. but had been trusted en tntf gpWBctote4- .. ; ; , '
out with the car. - with tee - result j o-eurlng of auch a , catastrophe
ahown above HI. arreat for apeeding',, m,,,,,, ,t th, glnni
brought out the other fact . of onr work , 8orIn.neW ,s mnca . ?
-Barney Oldfield-claimed that thla 1 frettwl by.-bntire want to aadr !
1. his true name, but be la not the cltUens 1h,t oor home ,n4 ,
famous speeder of that name. . teregU fn , bo
Two or three other cases are pend- Springfield
,ng" I Thene la rarely a lose but that could ,
jhava been greater and in thla occur
ience we are clad that h ihnttinn .
tf C , A mm W 1 I
-v "i v luikunr. roviins m persoaai
responsibilltr In the matter we thank .
the hospital' ORDER yonr tomatoea from Bar
itholomew Gardens. Phone 49F4.
Billings, who was labored s0 well and prevented a larger '
i early part of lel uq,. , ,
Mra. Minerva
taken sick In the
November, and was soon afterwards
removed to the home of her daughter.
Mra. F. R. Alexander, In Corvallla,
our own tire department that of Eu-
jgene and the many volunteers who ;
one roof. It has spread all over th?
east slope of this roof, and Is crawling
over on the other side. Between the,
two extreme points Is a
120 feet.
and the closing of all the utensils and Wnlngton. yesterday to work in a
kitchen and tableware' from view wmlll.
when not In use.
ril.t.nPA nf in oi ine oming room anil wrtn.d.v KAntomW fith The fa- " w"s FroosDiy a general oreaaoown
k lthn M ro mxm tA fwm a Aaiik lik ... rtf tha svalam 4awm niulAt nnJ 1
i "- moua melodrama or love ana aarmgr' -" .v,u,.Siru u.on
"Held by the Enemy" at the Boil
The physlc!a?!s found ter case hard
to dl&gnose. Tbe principal seat of
the troub'e was In the stomach, and
tii ir. i. k..n i.w closet sttached. A bathroom occi- .w.m .....i. ,iexertlon. She had taken but tittle! -
..scent a few charred tlmebers. and "'" ' " tha u...k u" - . . 4!s proper arrangementa can be mad
.w r. hi "rapes triromhout. 8ome one fam ' "' -'""' theatre goers. The soul-stirring ro- ' "-" '"" ul lu,,;nd Diana carried nut
the McDowell home was burned clean and tie rear bedroom. The bath . ...... ,'tlme other sickness, and was washed' p "rnea out
. , . . . . ..... w- lal " 1111 n i . uiiuin cnimiaiim .iia . iita.ii.r ui a .attain taviiu attu , are nnnintfrn mil aM
Nothing wss saved out of the church room is fnpnUhcH with kth ... . .. . .. im. ih.i h ", w' M
.... . , .. . .... ,. yiein or me vine.tris season at a ton. . . . " a p:Tud daugnter or tne soum in toe . contemniatA th.
exrent the ulano. a ft'W chalra and two .... " and tuh hth . ; i rm.r,i,ntio e contemplate tne
or three other small 'art Idea of furnl- 8 ee U ror yurs,lr- I . , heroic days of '61. fire-proof modern plant
or tnree otner smsii amis oi lurni ...i u. . ' A sun room tha ,,!1m.k v p" Wnive- wan nn. ... F h
i 1 7- mi.
turn. The McDowell fumlly lost all
their l oiischcH effects. They had no
Insurance. Mr. Schober had some In
surance on the house. The Pettljohn.
building was pretty badly damaged.
The family saved all their household .
goods, I
The origin of the fire Is not car-'
talnly known. The new pastor, Rev
A. (1. Pater, with hla fumlly. lately
cord vine trained on low supports In h" " t the west end. the 0eo A- Manning died at his home
A. Gi Sater and Family.
A. G. Sater, Pastor. i l
I desire, at this time to aay a word
In regard to cur work. Our decision
now at work.
erection of a
modest la
commensurate with the
his garden, back of the house, which rear
Is lomlcd with plump large grapes.
It contains a bed. table, chairs at ri0B8ant Hl at 8 P- m- Saturda'-, prepared the" body and brought it up!
...... luo .a,.er .n o. rnu.y needa of our work and community, and
August 26. aged 75 years, 6 months ;(o h9 undertakinff parlor3.
and other furniture,
. a as j swsl. I .1
Descending a fllh f "nu - ua'- iuo uiri ...u uur....: , . k , . .
pa In the rear, we find the wash took ,,,ce al ,h' P,e88,n,j Htl,1cfmi Sunday. August 27. The services
..... I . Oil n n. C.inHa.. . I P I
p. m.
Iroom. not yet fully equipped, in the Z V, u "
T. O. Thomas and Mra. Pell Spong """'hwest corner of ,.. basement. ',.onJUCeij the funVrai .ervlces
nu. h. .r.m hr.,. North of this, next o the stairs. Is -!tonluctea 1,16 runerai aervices.
known as the White Lunch. In E. E. fr,,lt ro- Kost of the wash room.j "'f ta Boesen. of Portland, children are buried.
lone that will lend an added Almltw
Her fun-,, ,ua
T-. . M ...k.. . . I I . , ,,.
I i. mi. tuiiucr mi servicea wi'i
v. F. ' . . , . m nem tn Morrison Hall and It la
Burr'.s w . . . . . ..... being arranged for convenience in thia
DU,r'BiThe burial was at Laurel Hill cem- .
p . . ..... .1 reg-ara. e crave your assistance and
eiery. wnere ner nusoana ana several .,,,. ., . ., 1L1.
"Mr-r wfc aS VTJl v UUIiUg VUlal
period of recor.structioa "and for All
arrived had rl ted he ho se Keener', building. ,.,. south s, t. toward, the front of the family of Dr Pollard I at; Minerva . in Indiana
. . r ii. n n nil ataa ia inn rn mn as a saam va-Ka. imsii iduiic I chi iuu tuvisviiaivi w v a i v a i "t AaB i .
nrnirlml hv ITnnrv Korf hui could not or B,H,n "reei, next BunaaV. Tne - ' " - i '"'""" '
".r". '.I". y.. ri'I'-w"" v.! dining room at the Snrlnafield hotel fu t yet been put in. !," ' Springfield. , months and n uay. oM when death
gi'i iiiiii iL iiiiiii iiiisi wnri. i iirrv iiaii - .. ... . ...
been lodging In rooma above the rear
will be carried on aa before.
of the church for about two day.. e. Robna. of Robin. Broa., and Mr.
They had carefully noted that their and Mr.. E. R. Dlckena. of Dlcken. ft
morning fire w.s out, and had gone Co of Molalla, old acoualntancea of
the northeast corner of the basement I udel Jauntta. the Infant daughter came.
The mlddli room on, of Mr. and Mra. O. H. Jarrett, died, she was married to Wm. J. Bijlings
not yet occupied. 1 Saturday, August 26. aged 3 daya. The August 11, mi. In northwestern
A. G.
able r!on for flowers, of which, she
cultivated a greater variety, probably
must hsve been slresdy well atartel from Belknap Springs.
from a defect In the flue.
Is a fuel room,
the north aide.
aet apart for a pool or billiard room. ! funeral and burial took place at Missouri. Soon afterwards they tnn anyone else in Springfield. Shi
The whole structure Is not only elo-! Ws,lter Station, the former home cf moved to Mahaska county. Iowa. Mr. n,d her full share of sorrow, but her
In the Union army cneenuiness seldom railed. Outside
nd aerved until the" the numerous circle of her own
ranced and cosv home Tha work I? Rer- T- D Varnea. W. F. Walker had close of the war. Soon after hla ro-1 household and relatives, ahe bad laid
Th. w n w mt. .very TuA.da first-class throughout Springfield ;a charge or the buriaL turn, they moved to w ebater county, I a great nosi or people unaer obligation
evening In their own home. the better for every auch dwelling, -The City of 8llent Maa" at tha
...... a n,!.,,,-. ,,. .... . . ne wnoio siruciure is not only eio-; " " "
l a f.r!'A- A Anden,on' ,,oppe'1 for ,Uort gant In exterior appearance, but. with- family, at 3:30 p. m. Sun- Billings enlisted
alarm. It la aupposed that a fire Vt ,aHt 8aturday. on their way borne ,n , commoalot, conveniently ar The services were conducted by there In 1863. a
'iowa. In 1878, they moved to Smith by many acta of kindneaa and hel
Budd Klntxler, of Lowell, vialted
which Is erected.
Bell Sunday. September 3. A Jailbird county. Kansaa.
romanr. th.t tart, in a hi. cltv'i I they came by team to Ore-
A meeting of tha church board of w,tb ' ". z T- Klntxley. Satui- Mondav. after three week.' absence un(V.rworl(1 ,nd endi pn th, heh gon. and aoon afterward, settled onj
the Christian church was called to-
the embera of the burned building
were cooled. About forty other menvj
Mrs. Billings was the mother of IS
children, 5 of whom survive her:
day, oo hla return fro Salem. Budi on account of Inlurles received In an . infinite love Thoa MelaW la ner Thurston. They Jamee Billings, of Reamsvllle. Kaa-
gother yestwrdsy afterroon, before WM "nowln nU 'r'nds a suitable automobile ace'dsnt on the highway iedlng man. j moved to Sorlrgfleld in the tall of sas; Mrs. Martha Lawman, of Haxtui),
iv. iu, in iiv ivr.u vi vv. w, n, r m i.nAr uuviioii un aubui. o. j 1091, .uu mm ..iuv uwa u.u unu v oronaii; Mrs. June varney, or I aurv
bletn. which ha bad aecured a,t Salem. w , , ,. Nt'B0NE CORSET8. BRASSIERS , ,r bome until the' time of her last too. Oregon; Mra. Leota Aieindir.
: "' "" r a. a. irueuunuy. in a.mooa. sltk. of Corvallla. Oregon; and Tboa.
by Harry " "" " " ."' 4 I " " """UB' ---.. Blinaa wss among the older. Blllinga. of Springfield.' She laavee
" " . . . . ta. hii. ..(. tin. in h. n, " l" ' " v ' "'" appoiniraonia or resiueuce cans. I th. 'ntnlf anit w.m imi, n mnilrhniini, 1 nf ..,.4.
k. h,.i.h Thu alia and form or the - ' - ... ,v. ..... v i.-i . . w. , . - -
h..iiiin. an4 iha dRtaiia of tl a on 8ut" penitentiary. , , , , . .. '2. y - i GresV Britlan, Canada, Australia, ten.ively known, and waa highly ea- children and one great great gr7J.
ivw - - - . IV I Ml I IUIU ITUIIUIU t" r I . I . , , . , . .
.' Leon I 0r" Rd,n' 'oun on 0( Mr. ' Spain. Holland and Germany pay ablp
a. or,on' ,jg. j. R,ddlng, was operated noon for aubaldle. In some form or other for
Mra. T. A. Bathbun returned to bar' appendicitis, at Mercy hospital. Eu- U maintenance of their foreign hip
work at bei hsmsltchlng shop laat gene, on Wednesday of last week. H Ping. '
IM.I. L. ... . . .. I . U .. . . .
kn war. nrABAnt. It was decided to ' , " - '
w..t. ' ..i r.h.M rom a pattern daalgred
plan for raising tha fund are not yet
determined.) The old church waa lo
ured lor $1009. UntUturther notice
th4 aervlcas will be held lo Morrison's
teemed bv all who fcrew bar. . Her
prominent characteristics were her
ceaseless Industry, her kindliness, ber
halpfulnes tor those tn need ot such
halo as she ooild give and br remark-
child. Other relatives near by; ar
tbe children and grandchlldr-. ot a,"
slater, lately deceased- the w tow '.
tie. late U... & F. RasaelL of Ttarc-
.W.. ..- . .......
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