The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 24, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TftllttOAt. AUOUST H. l2f.
PAOfci K)T5K
... I J
at horn tkat'a to atrongeat
statement w ea offer about
our Ice rrearo, Wtiea jroa cut
let eream Ilk our which com
paraa tn quality and flavor with
roar own delicious, creamy
homemade, why bother with
making it at hom? Tb coat
Is about h earn and you hti
all tha fus and aanoyanc.
"Say It With A Brick"
f . .. . . A - - i fc. ' . k. - Al . k . ... ... fekL.k I
'Mr. ptmnifr. OI mrn! o raise j iaca 01 pasoiouiB luiua, irum wuilb
foundation of hla atora on ona cornar. ha frequently suffer.
wharw tt haa settled several Inches. I . .
....... ., . I A number of tha dentist of thla r
. V. V. W a and family ara moving , ... . . . ., ,, . ,
. , ' i lion held a banquet at tha Hotel O.
to Eugea today. Lun r..M. u.. m.i. i...
Mr. II. IX Fountain waa taken tot" ' " " : ' "
tha hospital Wsxlneadsy morning to
hv her teetb ramorad. Thay hav
been causing Lar serious trouble tor
aeveral daya past. i
Frank Campbell who haa been
Washington tor several weeka.
turned home Tuesday..
The young people of Thurston and
several from Springfield had a welnle
roast on Fred Russell's plat Satur
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Edmlston are
Raring a new porch built on their
house. late Thurman of Springfield
is doing the work.
Dr. Sullivan and wire are spending
some time on the H. E. Morris place.
Hunger, tha Beat Sauce.
Siuoe is used to create an appetite
or'relisS for the food. The right way
is to look to your digestion. When
you have good direction you are cer
tain . to relish your food. Chamber
lain's Tablets improve the digestion,
create a healthy appetite and raune
a gentle movement of the bowels.
while the doctor la resting and gain
tag back hla health.
Miss Ethel Harris of Brooks, is visit'
trs her aunt. Mrs. Wra. Rennle.
Mrs. Sarah Shaw, of Eugene, ls
vlsltirg at the J. M. Price home.
The Thurston orchestra met
tAfter the dinner. Dr. Q. T. Kalner, a,
dental clinician working under the
auspice of the Pacific Coast Dental
dealers, gave a demonstration of all
t ... ........ .... . , . m pmnn in piaiv i-im. wim
Dr. Tbomaeot, of Portland, passed
throngs her Wednesday morning. rl METHODIST CHURCH
.naa oeea spending part or nia vac-. BUSINESS DATA
uon up In NcPvenil.
Mrs. Lee Craft and son Itarley an
staying with Mrs. Craft" parent. Mr.
an Mrs. Clinton Trotter.
Miss Virginia Kelley will return to(SunJlT ,choo enrollment. It la hope!
her home In Portland Thursday morn- ,nM wiping out ot the balance on
,n- the parsonag can be reported to to
Th road above here la now closed. annual conference,
only oren to th malls at soon and at. The Centenary drlvw of three years'
three o'clock In the afternoon. M now ahows a shrinkage, which
Mis I?ga Kaldor la visiting with ... bern nrnrated. and amounts, tor'
I her alster. Mr. Ira McN'utt ,h0 Southern Oregon district, to t:00. '
rraneea tiotanng made a business A, lh(r, , jg M,lnrl ln th district.
trip to Eusvne Wednesday. Rev. T. D. Yarnes pledged hla hun-
a, mr. r. . sprni iuenay wun dr.j, ,T.n f h ,hould have to pay It
Reporta at tha Methodist quarterly
conterenc. Monday evening, show I,
a decided gain In membership and
the John Edmlston home for practlc.
Tuesday evening.
The farmer' thresher expects to
finish up threshtrg th latter part of
the week.
Mrs. Wm. Camett had her tonsils
removed Tuesday.
her mother. Mrs. O. M. Stacey.
alt out of bis pocket. Of course, the
" """" j members of the church rropose 'o
NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY help lift thla burden, and If poeaihK
Notice Is hereby given that the
Crnnty Hoard of Equalisation for
Iane County, will meet at the Court
House In Eugene, on the Second Mon
day In September (leing the Jl?h d.iy
thereof 1921; and will publicly ex
i amine the assessment rolls and rnr-
j Increase his salary enough to help
' purchaee a car tor Ills far flung pan-torate.
Mrs. Lois Langabe?r and son Kent
are tisiiidk iu. tt. tto.aticz ana ism-1
lly tt!a week. Mrs. Langabcr Is a,""01 " ,Tor8 ,n vIu'lon. 4"P-
cousin cf Mr. Hotalfcg. ,,on cr '"!'Pn or tanas, lots or
k- i w,,. . r.,.i.-j .. otner property assesaea in sal.t rolls.
T, F. BEflHETT, Prop,
Salmon, 15 cent lb.; Sliced. 20 cents lb.
Halibut. 20 cent lb.
Today, Friday and' Saturday
Nice new lot of
Picnic Hams, Minced Ham,
Wienies, Pickled Pigs Feet,
Dressed Hens, Friers, and
Spring Lamb
Free delivery at 9;30 a. m., daily.
Phono 80 stfriML
visiting with
Mr. Hotaling
has contracted with
ber sister. Mrs. J. W. ' wh,th t,m nd 11 P"'
interested are notineil to appear.
Dated August 17th. 1921.
Assessor. S14. . Manr of the worst diseases are trans
: mltted within the sc-d where It may
This recommends i Inn coiiks from
the O. A. C. experiment nation:
Wise potato growers will ue grrat
csre In s-Wtlrg the klfd of fields j 1
frun hl-h to obtain next year's,
rd. Most Oreron potato fields con- t lnHs!lle to detect them.
i .in nirh h. B-u... nf insDcctlun 1 thercfoie necessary and
plants ahlrh will transmit disease tojuo seej should be used from auy field i I er of murders and l;omlcldes In pro-
hlr pn-teny.or leave It In the soil, unless tha lanls are as a
Field t. 1oul ted all other of the great
cities of the I'nlted States In Hie nuuv
We can furnish Dry Storage
Batteries for all makes of
Cars, Guaranteed for Three
No Water-No Sulphation
Not a Jelly Battery are Reasonable
See us first before buying
We repair all Makes of Automobiles
Supplies of All Kinds
Springfield Garage
Phone 11
4th & Main
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. V. MrDowtll of the
variety storw are taking a vacation of
some three weks from their business.
They are la Idaho at present.
j Mlses Florence and Esther Fnrn
t left for Sacrameito. Col'fo'nlt.
Monday. They will both tearh there
: the coming year.
j The Southern Pacific company has
put uo a bsrrlr on the eastern ap-
I proach to the old street car bridge,
and posted a notice warning all per
'sons not to attempt to cros.
I H. L. Mconey & Son. of the West
S;irlng?!eld garage have put In an
automatic air compressor, and furnish
free air a::d water.
j The prcrmring the ll'rle came
:b?ck of tha Sumner "Oir" and th?
. Mooney raragw. fti Wen1 Springfield.
;r?y that a god mary tenriats turn
, In there.
' Rev. J. H. Ioug!as. a former pastor,
preache-l at the Uaptist church last
Sun'lay morning. H will preach
next Sunday mcrning. Tbfre will,
probably be no preaching in the even-
'ng. Hev. Edgar B. Luther, the new
FBstcr, will arrive with his f.imilvj
nnrlig nsxt weK. end will prearli on
the following Sunday.
Eugene Business
Invest In a business educa
tion. It will pay you well.
A telephone call of a postal
'card brings you our cata
log. F.-.ll term open August 2$.
Eugene Business College
A .E Roberts, Pres.
fgrm. tru to varlwty. vigorous
y.'tatrllcally frte (mm such
!!:. bt.-ickli'g. moslac. Ute blight, etc
ule unl-j portion to Jopulntlixi. It
ius and; 3 lor each luo.nuo ot popi
Statistics gathered by Judge Wil
liam N. Ctemtulli. of Chicago, and tut
i,l."hed to the c nunlttee on law en
forcement of the American Har a
im lutlcn show that for the year 19:1
had or
puis I ion st,
1'aut had the fewest ri;M.i ;loni;iy,
New York was rext and Chlcato third.
I.oi AiiimIps and Washington were
iamorg thite having the largest num
ber according to population.
Tlfltl at
They are
Bay thUCifirtttttnJ Sat Money
10.00 REWARD
Hy ordrr of the Hoard of Directors,
School District No. 19. a warrant for
ten dollars (110. 00) Is hereby offt-red
to any pnrson or persona fttr Informa
tion leading to the arrest and convlo
t'on of any party or partlea who have
damaged grounds or bulldlrgs, or any
school ptoprrty In this district.
J. J. IJIIYAN. Chairman.
J. W. COEEIN. Clnrk" tf
Causa of Appendicitis.
When the bowels are constipated,
the lower bow.-Is or large Intestines
become packed with refuse matter,
that Is in nil" up largt-ly of gurmi.
These germs enter the vermiform ap
pendix and st up Inflammation,
whlth Is commonly known as append
icitis. Take. CbatnhtM Iain's TaMt.'d
when t.cful.ul ami keep .ur bowels
regular and you have little to fear
from appendicitis.
It always pays to trade at
I5!g Lunch Cock'es, Iced, per lb 20c
Head Ilice 3 lbs 23c
Del Monte fork and Beans 10c
Crystal UTiite Soap, 11 bars 50?:
Flour Dropped 40 cents per barrel we dropped Immediately
McKenzie Best, 49 lb. sack $1.45
i Dalles Diamond, 49 lb. sack 1.98
Fiaher Blend, 49 lb. sack 2.25
Sapphire, 49 lb. sack 2.25
Large cans Sardines in mustard and tomato sauce 15c
We have the round water melons now. Mighty fine. All
you want at lVicents per lb.
" j 1 1 - ' 1
NOTICE Having sdd my Inter-?-;
In ths Second Avenue Garage, I will 1
not he responsible for any debti con-l
traded by the above mentioned
Karaite on ar.d after August IS, 1 922.
II. O Masters.
j Mrs. Rnna Lax'on has bt-en visiting
fripnds at Cakrldire for several days, t
Her daughter Edwina went up. W-cl-
nisday. to Join her. They will return
W. R. Hill Is suffering from an at-
The Baking Powder that Gives
the Best Service in Your Kitchen
Only $5.25
and return
Sale Dates
Friday and Saturday
Return Limit
15 Days from Sale Date
Travel row and realize big pro
fits In transportation coats.
Tar further particulars, ask
w General Passenger Agent
The Economy BMl&BRHIx PfBWHBER
Psare and W&olesome Fs$3b
No Failures
When a "Big and Cheap"
can of baking powder is
offered you LOOK OUT.
Every can of Calumet is
the same keeping Qual
ity Perfect last spoon
ful good as the first.
No Vatit o
The moderate cost of
Calumet combined; with .
the highest merit estab
lishes the greatest of
You save when you buy it'
You save when you use it, ;
Tho World's Greatest Dalclnc Powdor4