TinmSDAY. AUGUST 2i. 1922. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREW TOWN AND prlnflld. fara Friday, the 11th, U Wednesday lb lath, On thalr retnrn, Iiltla Ma sine, daughter of Uster Val- liar, who makes hr home with har Itrand parents, want with thm tor a, Ion a visit. : "The. Wild Unoee," ' at Thmtre Haturday. An aunt tha D1) 2. la tha storr of a man who wn true to one wnman. thnuth amnher man atola hr away. A roniume a bl aa a leas love. bound- Mri. Anna Knos received a night letter. Monday morning, from a nurse attending tier ituughter. Mr. I'earl O'l.tm, at Ia AiiKcb-a. Mrs. .(Jlbh a afflicted with Intestinal tuberculosis, and U not ipuc-trd to recover. Mr. Knot took a train Mumlny attrrnoon for Ia Angeles, Milk for !. 10 ranta par quart. Cow tuberculin tented. Cor. 3rd an 1 I). V K. Uiuk, a..le At the meeting of the Oregon Funer- al Director' .. l.tion. August to - 10. W. F. walker waa elected aerra tary of tha association. Tha aerre tary of thla association I, n-offlclo, resident of tha Kiata Hoard of Em balming examlnera. Milk fed trata fattened chicken., tlet one for your Punday dinner. M. Huley, 111 8. 3rd Btrert. Aa a high official of J a Southern Pacific company wa walking on Main street Tueaday afternoon, a loaded truck passed, straddling tha atreet car track. Tha 8. P. man remarked on the Injustice of such vehicle habit ually wearing out tha track of a rail road and contributing nothing to It upkrep. Maxlae Rnodgrass bad bar tonitla and adenoid and a growth In tha noae removed at Mercy boapltal on the lOih. Mr. W. It. llawkln. of I'orttand. Riverside Dairy FRESH JERSEY MTLK AND CREAM DAILY T B. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PHONE 34F3 COMMUNITY CASH STORE Tslephona) 32. Whert QUALITY and Servict Talks. Quality vs. Quantity If you are looking for QUALITY, we have It. If you are looking for quantity and QUALITY, we have it also. We give you QUALITY at quantity prices. Yours for QUALITY and Service W. M. GREEN, Proprietor AFTER MIGHTY NICE Bread. Cakes, and Pies MOON & MOON Successor to Egglmann Bakery VICINITY nni up (o Pprlngfleld Tuesday for trwdlral eiamlnatlen and consultation. he will probably return In a few daya lor an operation.. ' fr. . Ralph Dippel, dentist, Fprln. field. Oregon. NI BONE COnRETB. URABsirna In aftrnoo.is fhona 231 to Mra. A. Trua Lundy. H Jefferson, Eugene. PP'!"'ent or residence ratla. A boy waa born to Mr. and Mra. Aa llhlnevault, at Chases' gsrdens, on toe 1Mb Weight, nine and one-half pound. "Tha Wild Ooof." malic, and uplifting. August 8. tleatitlful. dra baturday. Frances Ootke, a little daughter of Mr. and Mr. 8ewl rjntke. of Mabel had her tonsils and adenoid removed at Mercy hospital, Eugene, on th 21. A Utile on of Ray C. Richardson had l-.l tonsils and adenoid removed at Mflrry honpltal cn the 21al All order of hemstitching left at F.gglmann'e. Sc per yard for all color Mra. Wm. Harnett, of Thurston, had her tonsils removed at Mercy boapl tal Tuetday. Chaa. Myera ho Joined tha remodel ing movement. Ha t ripped the roof off hla hnuaa Tueaday morning. Ho wll replace tha roof and extend It ovwr tha front porch. Tha porch will ba entirely rebuilt, and enclosed wltn low wall. Tha changea will glva th. houaa a bungalow effect. L. J. Lepley and M. J. McKHn, with some asilet- anta, are doing the work. It la belrg rushed for fear of rain. SECOND growth dry fir wood for' sale rbrap, delivered. Address box 212, Springfield. SP- H. P. Glle and family, of Goshen. have moved Into the property of D. D. Wed die. In the Stewart's addition. The WVddle family now live on the east aide of ih atreet, between C and D. I A son. their first, was born to Mr. i and Mra. O. H. Jan-ell yoaterday. The W. O. W. meeta every Tuesday evening In their own borne. Mra. IX B., Murphy returned last Friday evening from a two-weeka trip with her parents. Mr. and Mra. H. T.jon the corner or 3rd, and C streets. Mitchell, of Salem, In eastern Ore- There are five room below, besides gon. They visited their aon and bro- bathroom, closets, etc., and one room her Delbert Mitchell, at Enlerpriee, above. L. J. Lepley waa the bo car Oregon. , Dr. 8. Ralph tipple, dentlat, Spring field, Oregon. Rev. A. O. 8ater, the new paitor of the Chrlatlan church, arrived with hla family the latter part of laat week- and filled tha polplt both morning and avanlng Monday. Tby bava not got' Into a boma yat. I i William S. Hart, In "Traveling Ob", at tha Pll Theatre Sunday, Aug. 17. j Mr. and Mra. flllaa Cay and two, children arrived Sunday for a visit with tha parent of both. Mr. Cay re-j turned that day. Mra. Gay will re-1 main at tha home of bar parent, Mr. ' and Mra. Pat Con ley for a Veek. Mary Elizabeth Whitney went to Butherlln Monday, to make a visit -f a week or mora with her grandmother and bar aunt. I am going to get aome of those fine milk fed fryera of Holey tor Bun day dinner. Are youT ! The Methodist quarterly conference In elon Monday evening, by unanl moua vof, ";yeted tha T".rs of the pastor, Rev. Tho. I). Yarne, to thla charge for tha next year. It alsj adoted a memorial to the annual con ference and the prealdlng bishop to return Dr. Dan ford to thla district for the next year. The annual con ference meet at Salem September 6. Try "Rplrella" the World' Bet Comet. Ordera taken by Mra. Ida Larlaon. 114 E St. Phone 11S-W evenings. Mia OreUh. n Herrlck, the oldet daughter of Mr. and Mra. A. P. Her rlck, of Portland, returned home Mon day after apending aome ten daya visiting among her friend In Spring field. Tha Herrlck family lived In Coburg some yeara, and afterward several years In Springfield. Mr. Herrlck waa an engineer at the light plant herv. Will trade Rhode Island Red pullet tor any heavy breed ccxsVerals. These pullets are about three month old. Inquire of Pneeland at The New of-, ;fice. Qulnton Leather waa operating a trimsaw at the mill last Thursday, when the aaw caught the glove of hla ' . "I Watch Your Step." TteTi Theatre .Wednesday. August 30. The story of a city feller who swapped a high. powered roadster for a one-horse shay and a country maid. A bubbling etimedy of youth and love In a small town setting. Mrs. Ada McPheneon moved, this week. Into the new house which ahe haa been building, on the site of ber old residence, torn down last spring. penter. Frank painting. Fisher did the Inside At a apeela) meeting of the school board, held Monday evening. It was decided to fix the tuition at $15 per 4a, I H 4 1 ft i -- fif i iTj , .. .. fir J 4fi w I ' - MwMtillNmfP -W 4 & liiA , r. aanBBBCBBDBXZBgiBBsam: Impressive Individual Sta tionery f f The quality of your sta tionery has much to do with expressing your per sonality. Let your letters carry an air of dignity and distinctiveness. Crane's Highland Linen Box Papers represent the latest ideas in correct stationery both as to tints and texjtures. There's a wide variety of styles from which you may select. Phone SI year for all high school students com ing from district which have high ecbool. Student from district which have no high ecbool mill be aJ- mtiieH free for SAIJ! Famiiv tent ihii bought laat year, in good condition. m.- txamlnaUona for 8th grade pupllt '1)o are under condition in any of their studies will be held at tbe borne of Prof, Lambert September 7 and 8. School will open on Thursday Septem ber 14. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Coffin left for Newport Tnesday, for a two-weoki vacation.. , f , Mra. Ray Glass truderwent a major operation at the Eugene hospital on the t. The W. O. W. me(s every Taesdav evening In their own home. Mra. Gladys Campton ar.d her daugb- i ter, Misa Wovel Klntxley, of Loa Angeles, daughter-in-law and grand- i Aft 1 V .trp 'daughter of Z. T. Klntcley, made, Mr. Klnttley a abort visit about Lkre week a ago, then visited relative tn Seattle and Portland, and made an other visit of a boot three daya to Mr. Klntxley on the return trip, and went on borne laat Friday. Born to Mr. and Mra. Sam Splcer. of Marcola, Saturday night, the 19tb, a tin. Lk M. Chetwood and family have moved to Springfield from a place leome alx miles south of Eugene. Tbey are occupying a. home on the corner of 2nd and F etrets. Subscribe for the Newt at 11.25, and get a photograph or yourself or any 'member of your family free. J Mra. Chaa. Lamar who has been .quite a!ck for the past two weeka is 'able to be about one more. I I Mis Glady Edwards ba accepted 'a position 'o fetch school at Yoncolla She has gone to that place to look for a soluble residence for the family who will move there for the winter. i I Robert Ollson of Po-ttend has re turned from vacation apent in the mountains near Oak ridge. He will go on to Portland In a few daya. I i Mra. Glen Bown, of Landax was 'visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ketchum tha first or the week. Misa Lottie Whlttaker Is enjoying a two-weeke vacation from her work It the courthouse. Dr. 8. Ralph Dtpple, dentist, Spring field, Oregon. Chaa Myera Is re roofing hla home on B. atreet, and la adding a new front porch. Mr. and Mra. B. A,.Washburne left here Sunday morning, for a trip of a week or 10 daya to Crater Lake and o'ber pointa. By a postal card to Mr. Swart tbey reported that they ate dinner at Granta Pa at noon Sunday, and visited the Oregon cave Monday. A. W. Hard man, who has a CO acre field of watermelons near Dlllard, Laa leased a tr ct of ground from Mooaey & Son, south of their garage In West 8AME Old Story But a Good One, Mra. Mahala Burns, Savanna, Mo, relates an experience, the like of which has happened In almost every neighborhood in this country, and has been told nd related b7 thousands of o'fcers, aa follows: "I used a bottle of Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine yeara ago and it cured me of flux (dysentery). I had another attack of the same complaint three or four yeara ago and a few doaea of this remedy cured me. I have recommended it to dosena of peofle alnce I first used it and shall continue to do so tor 1 know It is a quick and positive cure for bowel troubles." Co- y'mv:&a W Springfield and expecte to pot ap light building for storehouse, and hip hla me Ion op here and aall then out la thla vicinity. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Vallter, of Tint' ber. Oregon, where Mr. Valuer la la ; the employ of 'the Southern 'Pacific Wd at the homo of Mr. Vanier'w parent, Mr. and MrnO. D. Valller, i Hot Weather Dleaeee. Disorder' of tha bowels are ex tremely dangerous particularly dur ing -the hot weather of the summer months, and In order to protect your self and family against a sudden at tack, get a- bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Dlarrohea Remedy. Tt can be depended upon. Many have test, fled to ft excellence. Correct Enalish MONTHLY MAGAZINE Authoritative Exponent cf Eng lish for 22 years Edited and founded by JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER Famous World Authority ot English Send 10 cents for Sample Copy Correct English Publishing Cow . EVAN8TON. ILLINOIS AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE WM. CL HUGHES FIRE AND AUTO tfaSURANCE Successor to John Edwarda and BaJllnger it McPherson Insurance agenciea. Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bids- fhona 20-J Residence Phone 129-VV Springfield. Oregon VY. N. GOSSLER Cleaning and Pressing Suits to Order Main Street Telephone Between 3rd & 4th 61 D. W. ROOF JEWELER FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon A. A. ANDERSON Barber Shop Two Barbers Friday and Saturday Razors Honed 50c Guaranteed DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon The finest dressed people in Oregon are those in Spring field. WHY? Because RAMSEY, The TaUor is there. W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Office phone 62. Re, phone C7-J FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton 6prlngfleld Building Oregon Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa they' cannot roach tha diseased portion of the ear. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu tional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE U a eonitltutlonal remedy. Catarrhal Deafneas Is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tuba. When thla tuba la Inflarood you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It la entire ly closed Deafness la the result Unleae Ins Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may he deatroyrd forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through tha blood on the mucous surr races of tha system, thus reducing tha In Bammatloq and restoring normal oondl tlona. Circulars frea. " All trua-irlsta. ! ' P. J. Cheney Co., Toledo. Ohio. ' t Legal Guarantee Giverv IV aee e Knlf ne paln-eoatiuus vwk. A W aes GI4Mia file TrcaUuauu KETEL'S DRUG STORE