The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 17, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TIIUIWOAY. AUGUST 17. 1922.
pAtlfu t)OR
r-j-ti-y as oooo as you
at horn lhal'e the atrongeat
statement we can offer about
oar Ice cream. YVtien you can
get cream like our which com
parts In quality anj flavor with
your own dellctone, creamy
homemade, why bother with
making it at home? The coat
la about ha aaroa and you aava
all the fas and annoyance.
"5v 7f WW. A Brick"
interest or ury are rerealed r ab- Ashley O. l.wt; eight percent, w
'rotated by thli aek'h except .In ao their camp equipage were travail
far as the rata or roteresi la a i neveruiet
..... . '
nereoy. j
Initiated by J.
City. l . ' ,r i
Negative argument, by 0e following
Portland orcahltatloua: Pre ttuh.
Aaaoclatlon ot CreJit.'Men.' Chamber
Fv Albright, Oregon
They were going to
California. They thought they might
trrf Iter two or three days, and look
about a Uttlt fur work.
(Continued from Pare I.)
on contract the rate ot 7 per cent
per annum, and no mora may be
charged by express agreement ot the
parties, which rate shall be Inclusive
of all brokerage commissions.
"No laws of this state relating vo
We can furnish Dry Storage
Batteries for all makes of
Cars, Guaranteed for Three
No Water-No Sulphation
Not a Jelly Battery
s Prices are Reasonable .
See us first before buying
We repair all Makes of Automobiles
Supplies of All Kinds
Springfield Garage
Phone 11 4th & Main
Stability; starts
Willi the crude
One of the most important requirements of a
good motor oil is that it possess stability that
is, that it maintain its chemical composition
and its lubricating body under all conditions
of engine operation.
If an oil changes its chemical composition
"breaksdown" athigh operating temperatures,
it can no longer maintain a lubricating Him be
tween the bearing surfaces, and its value as a
lubricant is destroyed.
Certain crude oils possess a higher degree of
stability than others. Because of its large pro
duction of practically every type of crude, thia
company is free to choose for the making of
Zerolene only those crudes which are partic
ularly adapted for the purpose.
The Patented Vacuum Process
In the process of distilling and refining these
selected crudes, h U of the greatest import
ance not to destroy their natural "oilinasa" and
stability. For this reason we employ oar own
patented high-vacuum process exclusively. By
this process the oil produced Zerolene re
tains all the natural outness" and stability of
theorina),slctdcrudefrom which it is made.
No other refiner on the Pacific Coast uses any
form of vacuum distillation. No other refiner
in the United States use aa high a vacuum
as this company. .
Zerolene of the correct grade for your car gives
perfect lubrication and permits the develop
ment of marfrtwra power, speed and gasoline?
more pmrcrfispeed
ls ihctioQ and wear
thru (brmtlubricaiion
tTAjTbAKS do, coMfaar
Jack N'ease, from Portland, bd been
a Irareltng companion ot the Emmons
ot Commerce, Associated Itetall Credit Pr 1 bg Friday, but -would to
Men. Progressiva Business Man's club. owanU leava them Saturday... He had
Klwaal'a olub, Oregon Technical 8prlngflld tor a while some
Council Ad club, East Side Dualneaa "" Wlred for people of
Men'a club. , n, own name, and apoke of knowing
Slth. Income Tas BUI. . , "enjeraon. our former merchant,
-Defining Incomes and providing for O. II. J arret t
the assessment, levy, collection and
payment of taxea thereon; preaerlb- There were seven cars on the
Ins the powers and dutlea of tha atata ground Tuesday night, three pairs and
tai commission and ot Income tat! a single. Two couples camped to
aeora with reference to the tsia gether near the north entrance. One
tlon ot Income; providing for the dls had come from about Olympln. the
poattton ot taxes on locomea; and. other fiom near Portland. They ha!
making aa appropriation for the pur- been down aa far aa Bandon snd Port '
pose of carrying out the provision Orford. visiting friend. They had
thereof." ('alien In together down that way. and
Purpose: "levying graduated an- ponied laauea for the rest of their
nual taxes on Incomes of all resident journey. Both were headed for South
ot the state and all nonresidents re-ern Calfornla. but did not care to go
celvlng Incomea from source within, down there until the weather Ja a
Its Jurisdiction; corporation. Joint jltttle cooler. They wanted to find
stock companies and associations to work In this region, preferably cook-
pay on their net Incomes not other- Ing and logging, for a few weeks.
wis tated hereunder; corporate
bonds declared Interests In corpora
tlons; natural persons to pay on net
Just Inside the south entrance was
a rar In which a young man and two
income or meir outness not other-j jroung women were traveling They
wise taxed hereunder, v exempt. X- hail rum ftvtm I na AnmUa hawt Its.
jcept pensions. InnttiTineea. Insur- as far as Vancouver. It. C. and were
anca to amount of 110.000 not receive I m their way back home. At the time
.during lifetime; making certain ex-1 we were enjoying the light showers
1!"' ,rura personal incomes ana here, they had encountered heavy
exempting mutual savings, building ratna up on the Sound. The man said
and loan, religious, charitable, etc, he tad shipped for 11 yv-ar on a
associations: provides manner of en, steamer voyaging to China and the
forceiuent; and appropriates $50,000 HiiniuDloes.
for expenses.
Initiated by the Oregon Stat
Orange. The bill fills eight pagea of
the pamphlet.
Affirmative argument, one page,
submitted by the Oregon State Orange
N'egatlre arguments: two pages, by
V. Lair Thompson, of Portland; snd.
one page, by the aame bodies as those
opposing the Interest rate amendment
Two families camped down near the
river on the aouth side had come from
near Butte, Montana, and were going
to the neighborhood or Oakland. Cali
fornia. They bad stopped for a while
Engene Woerx. wife and everal
children came here from Portland
early in July. They were on the camp.
In and out for three or four days, ant
'here Mr. Woerx found work on the
McKenxie highway, and they moved
np there. Last Thursday afternoon
they came back to the camp, and b
gaa to look about for work again.'
They left for Harriabnrg Mondav
afternoon and expected to put In the
hop picking aeason there and at In
dependence, and there move on to
Other camper reported a couple
from California aa having been on the
ground Thursday night and gone
south Friday moraine Thpv hurl
gore as far as Montana and the Yellow
stone park. They had expected to
find a family of friends In Montana,
but. Instead, received a letter Inform
ing them that their friend had moved
to Springfield. So they turned back
and found them here.
Eugene Business
Invest In a business educa
tion. K will pay you well.
A telephone call of a postal
card brings you our cata
log. Fall term opens August 28.
Eugene Business College
A .E Roberts, Pres.
T. F, BENNETT, Prop.
Today, Friday and Saturday
Nice new lot of
Picnic Hams. Minced Ham,
Wienies, Piclded Pigs Feet,
Dressed Hens, Friers, and
Spring Lamb.
Free delivery at 9;30 a. m., daily.
Phone 80 sgSTtiL
around ioitUnd. ,lhe Ontntl i'uclflc. For 37
Two car, containing lo families, years these lines and the Indus
apparently, drove In about o'clock. ( tries of the Pacific coast llttVo
They were from Coos county, and had grown up and been develope-J
been stopping awhile at McCredle together. Far-reaching Indev1
siring. must be the public harm from
One ot the parties Ibat had com Under such craiy-quilt pol
through Eugene complained of tno Iclcs how can our country pros-
mtsieading "free" municipal camp per auu how can anyone expect
signs leading Into Kugrn. They aald
! other tourists had made the same com
plaint a relating to other place.
capital or public confidence to
turn to railroads.
Crazy-Quilt Railroad Policy
On top of national regulation
we have 48 state regulatory;
bodies telling how the railroad,
properties shall be managed.
In addition to existing laws
establishing national control
there are Capper bills pending
In congress to denationalise
With plans afoot to group aU
$10.00 RKWARO
Py order of the Board of Directors.
School District No. It, a warrant for
ten dollar ($10.00) I hereby offered
to any person or persons for Informa
tion leading to the arrest and coo no
tion of any party or partle who hair,
damaged ground or building, or any
school property In this district.
J. J. nitYAN. Chairman.
J. W. COm.V. Clerk. if
Can of Appendloltla.
i vtnen ine oowei are constinated.
railroads In large Units and th lower bowela or lares Intestlnea
create zones we have the su
preme court decision that the
Southern Pacific cannot main
tain and operate another piece
of more or less scattered track
age mat constitute me central i.-iti. Take
Pacific properties. when needed
become packed with refuse matter,
that Is made up largely of germt.
These germs enter -the vermiform ap
pendix and set up Inflammation.
which la commonly known a appenJ-
Chamberlain's Tablets
and keep your bowel
A man from Mill City. Oregon, a
logger by occupation, traveling alone.
rent Friday night on our camp;and
expected to go on to Marshfiold Satur
day, and probably down the coast from
F. E. Emmons had spent most of hi
arly life In the neighborhood of Red
Bluff, California. He bad gone to
orthwes?rn Wsahlrgton, and ac
quired a large family. He and his
wife and five children most of the n
pretty well grown besides a nephew,
For 3? years the Southern regular and you hav. little to fear
Pacific has owned and operated f nppendu-uis.
Hun the IHCcBnesn
Only $5.25
and rturn
Sale Dates
Friday and Saturday -
Return Limit
15 Days fjrom Sale Date
Travel now and realise big pro
fit in transportation coats.
For further particular, ask
Central Passenger Agent
The Economy BMlJiBRKS PGMJEBElfli
A Big Time audi TJcmcy Gavesr
When you bake with
Calumet you know
there will be no loss or
failures. That's why it
is far less expensive
than some other brands
selling for less.
Don't do led into talking Quantity Sor Quality
Calumet proved best by test in millions of
Bake-Day contests. Largest selling brand
in the world, Contains only such ingredi
ents as have been approvea by U. S. Pure i
Food Authorities.
The World's Greatest Baiting Powder