fAfiB TWO -tr TICS SPIUNOHELD NJTW3 TlroRSDAT. AUGUST . 12S(. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Erery Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by FREELAND A HENDERSON Entered at the rostofflce at Springfield, Oregon, as Second-class ' Matter. February 24, 1903. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear $1.25 Three Months 60c Six Months 75c Single Copy 6c One Tear, When paid In Advance $1-25 "It mill be another proof that Oregon is 'the fool of the fam ily of western states If the peo ple adopt a state income tax." Manufacturer. o There seems good ground for believing that the chief object the Russian soviet government had in view in sending delegates to Geneva and the Hague was to sow discord among the west ern nations and prepare the way "for Its revolutionary propa ganda. o . It has only been a few months cince the "unemployment pro blem" was one of the great pro blem of the country. Now, ac cording to a statement recently issued by the department of la bor, one of the great problems the country is facing is that of a shortage of labor. Of course (there must be, at any time. In broad, populous and diversified (country like this hundreds of cases in which the Job and the man to fit it have not yt hen brought together. o By the action of a Joint com mittee of the regents of the two institutions, the tuition fees of non-resident students In the U. of O. and O. A. C. has been raised from $G0 to $105. Stu dents who have commenced their course under the old rate will be allowed to complete It at that rate. o The Southern Pacific com pany has inaugurated the policy of bringing suit against the owners of motor vehicles which damage its trains in collisions for which they are held to be responsible. That is only dish- AFTER MIGHTY NICE r i l oreaa, -uaites, and Pies MOON & MOON Successor to Eggimann Bakery OUR SERVICE BANKING BY MAIL For the convenience of patrons who live at some distance, and cannot often come to Eugene, we make possible banking by mall. You may open a Savings, Commercial, or Time De posit Account, and both de posit and withdraw money. It is a simple thing to do, and we will be glad to fur nish all details to those in terest. And we're al ways glad to give Invest ment advice, or solve busi ness problems for those who live In the country or other small towns. "39 Years of Helpful Ser vice" The First National Bank OF EUGENE Resources of over Three Million ITEMS WORTH SAVING CULLED FROM THE MAIL MaawaaaaaM At la well known, the Biological Harvey of the United RUtee Depart ment of Agriculture hw tor n number ot yeare been tarrying on a vigorous campaign for th dlructlon of auch wild anlmata aa pray on lira (torn. Theee operattone hava bn aerloualy blndarad In eome parta of th norm weal by tha ateallng ot tha hunter trape. Thta laya tha offender liable to a tin of anywhere up to 15.000, or a Jail eentence up to flte yeare, or both. Studlea or tha Ufa and hablta ot tna lTyear clcodu or loruit ha?a tab- Riverside Dairy FRESH JERSEY MILK AND CREAM DAILY T- B. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD. OREGON niONE 3iF3 A1 BEHIND A PAIL of our ice cream we stand on maintenance of quality and uniformity. We point with pride to the success of our product and friends we have made. Strictly sani tary metods used in our es tablishment. . EGGIMANN'S "Say It With A Brick" ing out to the gander the sauce which heretofore has been fed exclusively to the goose. o Noah W. Cooper, who seems to be the only Democrat named on the ballot for the coming prl- mary In Tennessee, for U. S. ' senator, declares that he "is not running against anybody but satan and all hlB works." His competitor is at great disadvan- ; tage, because his name does not : appear on the ballot; but any admirer of his or adherent of his policies will have the privilege of writing it In. Many a voter no doubt noes that, in a way that is understood between him and the candidate, but not re cognized by a mixed election , board I As to the contest before the courts between Mr. Hall and Mr. Olrritt, the question of in terest to Republicans Is not whom they would prefer for governor. They had their chance at that in the primary. The question of interest to thorn now is. who Is rightfully en titled to the nomination? Hav ing cast his ballot In the primary if he did cast one, every good citizen should now desire that the true result of the primary sball be ascertained. He will have a chance to express his choice again In November. The question now is whether hi.) choice shall be between Mr. Hall and Mr. Pierce or between Mr. Olcott and Mr. Pierce. on TIRE Get our new prices; we can save you money Standard makes of tires are so cheap you cannot afford to send your money out of town Everything for the Automobile Springfield Garage IBB The UNI VERSIT Y g OREGON contain: Tna college of Literature, Science end tha Arta with 22 eUpertavmte. Tha proeaaional achoola of Archi tecture Buainaaa Adminiat ration -Education Graduate Study -La w Madicina Muaic Phyaical Educa tion Sociology. Tha 47th Year Opena October 2. 1923 for ecataofue or onf (nurma(on ufrttt Th ?! fror, UnlotrtUp of Oregon, Eugtn; Orvfon. All Thrifty People Insist on getting products manufactured at borne front tbelr dealers they not only feel it their duty, but they know the real economy In using home products. The NOXALL llrand of poultry and dairy feeds and NORTH WEST flour are all home products. It always pays to use NOXALL feeds better quality means more feed and then at a saving. The best groceries In town recommend Northwest MANUFACTURED BY SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY IUImmI th fart that there are about 30 dlitlnct brood a of thrm. Inhabiting dirfnront em-llone of I ho Inltrd gtatea and apiwarlrtf In dlftVront yeare, but each at Intonrala of 17 yeate. A large brood la due to appear thla year In eautern Iowa and other brnoda In nouthtrn VIronln, In llllnole, In In diana and Southern Michigan. Thrre mill he but few' of them from 12 1928. 8taiee and fctgland. C. U Scott, accompanied by Mra. Btott. went to lortland today, for an other evaaon of treatment In a eanl-larlutn. Ml W They are GOOD! A Frnnrh baby ai born 6.000 fwt up In the air. a few daya ago. While It wan a Kivnrh bahy. It waa born, ni t exactly on Italian aoll. but la 1(3 1'an air. It rtmtht-r, Madame (iporire llreyer. a "lady of hyonn," chartered an airplane for a hurried trip Ircrn a vacation retort to Naplxa, In atitlrlunllon of the arrival, hut the tna)iln waa not quite awlft enoug'i. SIij piirchaHMl the tnai hlne, ao B to preaervn the bnbn'a hlr Itpluc". That iDcldent niieht to flcure In the Hflv cult. mm in n "lilrth In high life." A rill wit horn to Mr. and V:. MorrlH IIiIIh, of Junpir. at .Mercy ho lltal. Kugniie, yeaterday ufti-rnoon. J . Itnbhan, on hi recent vl!t to hit lrttr at Scuttle, had on opportu nity to attend the cllnl- cf Nnrthweat Surgeon. The aeaalon luhtcd about two weeks, and waa attended by aev tril famoua aurgeona of tho t'nited TIKEandTUDE Standard for the last quarter century F. O. SPENCER FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARV PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield Grigo The finest dressed people In Oregon are those in Spring fit Id. WHY? Ufccune RAMSEY, The Tailor Is there. We invite a share of your trade; and feel certain we can save you money A. PIERCE & CO GROCERIES MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Offlca pbona 61. Rea. phone 17 J Successful Graduates Are the Best Recommendation of 0 Ala) Cf Thla Inatltutlen effara a thorough, pracfeal, and atandard education at a coat within reach af tha high achoel graduate It offera training for collegiate degreea In: Agriculture Mine Commerce Pharmacy Engineering and Machine Arta Vocational Education Foreatry Chemical Engineering Home Economlca Miliary Science and Tactlca It often training aluo In: The Schccl of Mualc, Phyalcal Educa tion, Induutrlal JournaliHm. Fall Term Oiens September 18. For circulate of Information and llluatrated bloklot, write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon I IT'S TRAVEL TIME Round Trip Fares afford great savings in travel costs this year to Tillamook County Beaches - Newport by-the-sea Crater Lake National Park Oregon Caves Nat'l Monument Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Mountln Resorts Shasta Mountain Resorts Yosemite National Park SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO Via "The Scenic Shasta Route" and to BACK EAST CITIES Through California "The Way to See More of the U. S. A." "Oregon Outdoora;" "California for the Tourlat" and other beautiful foldera mailed FHEE ON REQUEST For furea, reaervatlona and other particular!, auk agonta Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. 8COTT, General Taaaenger Agent Phone 1 1 4th & Main