The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 06, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    r'Ti.'N'JfihMl MCWH
lc crrsm In an .alwara wel
come rfrahmnt. Dainty In
pparjic, delicious In tUvor,
It appata to both; t and pal
ate. Tha flarora are ao skillfully
combined there la nothing aUa
Ilk IL Try a bos and learn (or
yourteir hoar food lea cream
ran be.
''Say It With A Brick"
'pur deduction as to what
would result from competition
i created by any of the three pro
posals, it baa believed the best
bet is the retention of the Cen
tral by the Southern Pacific, 11
It be legally possible."
Again it says, as to the pur
poses of the two roads: "One ot
them. tha Union Pacific, now
announces thai it will build the
Natron cut-off If it acquires the
Central Pacl'ic. We await with
Interest word from the South
ern Pacific more positive than
, it has yet given us."
Both these railroads are see
ing to it that the newspapers of
Oregon, at least this part of
Oregon, Rre plentifully RiipplUsl
with printed matter selling
forth the benefits to be expect-
Cash Store
You caa always buy tha mfor
Men' Shoes and
Men's Wear
Herati we buy
aell for rash.
for cath and
Honest Goods at
an Honest Price
, til from either. We have no . mLJummamnmamaoasa
on ine menis 01 me cuuirsi information from tne i nlon e-
S. P. OR U. P.
tween the Southern Pacific an I pacific through any other chan-,sj jj -sdoqa mi au pjno.w j
the Union Pacific for the con- nel: we have from the Southern not llkelv that ft would build
trol of the Centra! Paciric lines, patific. ft has seemed to us them apart from the Central
It says in this article, however: ,0re that the propositions t Pacific lines, or that the Union
"In the absence of any defl- the Southern" Pacific are much Pacific would build such shops
nite statement from either rail- niore definite, less equivocal and here In any case,
road at to what extensions much more hopeful as to the . If the lint of railroad track
would be necessary nn wouiu particular Interests of Spring- known as the Natron cut-off.
field than those of It competitor, were built, without the shops. It
Now switch for a moment to would benefit the whole reirion
the region about Klamath Falls that It touched, and Springfield
1 ne i nion raciric along wrth the rest: probably
W&A r5
Keep young by eating
Bread and pastry
Succewior to I'gimann Bakery
The Portland Oregonlan of
June 30. in defending itself a-
arainst some statements of the, be made in Oreeon. If either se
SElem Capitol Journal and the cured control, or If the Central
Salem Capital Journal and th-! remained an Independent line--
bad not announced any opinion in the absence of everything butan(j beyond
' n
' 4ffS HI
i i i i i i i i ! i r r. -"v-ct r .in ii ..
a II I
Thp rfoht fiml nr
w warm weather
Pearl Oil, burned in a good oil cook- V
stove, saves the housewife a lot of uh- '
t necessary drudgery.
j Nocoalorwood to carry no ashes to
shovel out A clean, cool kitchen, with 1
all the heat concentrated directly un
der the utensils, where it is needed.
No trouble to operate an oil cooks tove,
if you buy only Pearl Oil the clean,
economical kerosene that is refined
and re-refined by a special process.
Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by
V name Pearl Ofl.
has been plying the people of not much mow than any other
that region with a propaganda, point, perhaps not is much. If
both by literature and by per- the shona were built as planned
sonal approach, compared with hv the Southern Pacific. Spring
which anything we have known field would become a cltv. with
here has been tame. And It n commanding commercial posl
seems to hove had consld ?mbl? tlon. and no doubt Institutions
Influence. When the Union Pa- of other kinds that would give
clfic talks to those people about its life proper balance.
building the Natron cut-off. that o i
means to them the completion 1 TOWN AND VICINITY
of a line of railroad from West-; I
wood Junction. Calif.. Via Klam,- Mi Dora Harr returned Saliir-.
ath Falls, to Oakrldge. greatly day from a wHk piit In Portland.
improving their connections
r. .v. j , .,.. .... il you iiKe mre noma puuires, iv
northward and southeastward. ,, ., . ... ,.
i. t. . . i . i "The Handicap at th Poll next
It has doubtless been made to
appear to them that the Union unur- ,
I Pacific would be as likely to' Mr. and Mr. v. H. Kanoff. of Mill
huiict that line as the houuieru city, drove up Tueuy to p-nd a,
Pacific; and it may not a'mear few cUya with the fmi( of Court
to them to make much differ
ence whether the Southern Pac
ific or the Union Pacific builds
it. But it does make a vast
difference to the people of
Springfield. I
Sprinefleld has an interest In
this matter different from tht
of anv other community. And
this is the greatest interest
Springfield has at stake : Just
now. We are as well assured
as we can be In advance of any
of the thines on which we take
risks in human af'alrs that it
i a d?finite nar of the nlans of
the Southern Pai'io b"!H
this line and to establish hce
its yreat porthern shons n
V.ded t "tsi8 control of the
Central Paci'to. It has the
gTound. It3 plans are made and
hi liomobol.l ('Hd and rriarliiR
to removw ttivm and hla family u.
Aililund. II will (.rt'Utli tier neti
tluiulay nvoraini ami evenliiK- Therr
will be an alt day mooting wlili din
iter at the churvli.
Aa Mr (i.-o. I. ttoan wit loins
home from Srfngfttld taut Tliiirnl)
!nlii-. driving a bucxy. and ti i J
p.usril a rar which narowed ho nuur
on her right, a henvlly loadml Cal f tar. dilvlna rapidly, alrmk the
Irft hlud hub ot ti n buggy, broke h
ar..sktrea. stripped the hnrneaa font,
the home, ovrrtuined the burrg and
Ittrew Mr I'an out on Ihe pavement.
A aack n thicken f i-d, whfih wnh
thrown from the buggy, broke the
fon-a ot her fall
Mra, Tom Ttuuuaa waa taken t
Merry hnnpltul Tueaday and auittalunit
and operation there Wednesday,
Tillamook lllda rallud for Dflvll'a
Lake road.
t'tiahnian Work on new lannerf
la undor way.
Willtmina.'- Iirlrk plant la again la
t'oncK'to highway unitr ronat ruc
tion between llarrlnhurg and llalaey.
Toledo. Cnt mi tlon atarted on
four new bouae.
Slatera aerdon of the MrKenala
highway to It aurfaced.
TlllamiKik.-Cartbaldl arhool dla
trlrt to have a new 10.00 building
loanlman.- l. W. It. & N. to bull t
S depot hr. . -
.. n
Rules for Irrigation
Mountain States Power Co.
Applying to Springfield, Oregon
Thla service la aupplled to the condition and acbedule of chargea
now tiled with the Public Service Commiaaion of Oregon and under
the aupervUion and regulation of the CommUslon.
Irrigation boura are from 6:00 A. M. o :00 A. M. and from
6:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M.
Water aervlce will be cut off without notice on tnoaa premlaea
found violating these rule after the first notice.
Only one boae U allowed to be used for each tat or major fraction
thereof that aervke la being paid tor.
In no case will custom era te allowed to ue boae without nozzle,
sptayer or lawn fountain attached.
The ua of water during a fire la atrlctly prohibited, except for
protection of property.
Sprinkling lawna or gardena. aUo outside of industrial plant
.through common hmall boae with nozzle, lawn fountain or
apiayer attached. (Payment of four month In advance, on
or before June 10th, allow annual ub.) Each mt or fraction
thereof! (building apace included) i. 13 50
piacount ii pilil on or befcro Juno 10 h Z0
Each additional lot or tnajcr fraction thereof 2. CO
Sprinkling atret or roadway In front of each lot or major fraction
thereof, and one-half width of atrett. per leason X 00
Lar!on. Mr. Kanoff and Mr. Lart
ion are alslr. Tl:e two fumlll-
rpect Tuesday evening picnicking
ntir iicndrxk'a brldgu. j
..Starting naot WeJnevUy the Boll
theatre Ii giving a thro picture pru .
gram rVature picture, (raturo I reel
western, ancT a one rvel comedy. The
feature picture nU Wednesday la
'Tlnderella'a Twin." ffafurfng ViuU
We use
Morfarn Crsvntra Clean
tnar Kerrice be. pa to ker
i"-! ymir engiM in prime eoo-
I ditiow. tjJ tbucouab
ft -sr r--i
The families of O, B. Keaaey aa. '
R. K. MorUon apent the 4tb at FoW !
Spring. !
Mr. aad Mra. C. A. Wyroan weut to
Portland on Saturdhv. Jane ST. and
met Mra. Wyman'a mith'r. Mr. 11 I.
Wymann. of Seattle. Stie relorred
with them on Sunday, fo- a vlit
a few daya. Th ehVr Wyraaa ac
comoanled hla wlf a far a Part-
land; but he la engigftd' noavwtnt e-
tensltety In gardening, and had to to
I back to 'attend to bU work.
I Dr. 8 Ralph Dlppel, dentist. Spring
j field. Oregon.
Mr. and Mra. J. K. Tocbet ar.d aon
are apendlt:g thla week., at V-at u.
Ipart. In a visit at Albany. Tby tnuy
(extend their outing aa far a Cawadla.
IW. B. C. M'lU r. formerly paatoi
of the Iiai'tlst church here, now at
Ashland, la here thl wwHt packing
Riverside Dairy
W. F. Cline
. Ran
Standard for
the last quarter
stove B
New Stoves Slightly used for Store
Ilaced In our basement exchange department and priced
letw than ordinary second-hand stoves.
Ifs a Rare Chance
Wet herbee - Walker
Furniture Company
Eugene, Ore. 9th & Oak
Lane County's Largest Home Furnishing Store
will do what we claim tot it
cure Catarrh or DeafD;a cauaed by ;
Catarrh. We do nut cUitn tc cure i
anv othsr disease. !
ii a liquid, taken inN-rnally, aad
tct tlirou:h thu UtxA tipoa the
mucoua aurfacea of the system, that
i3 1 v sit n f9 SnAiirMmariiiTi an1 Mi i
atorin; normal conlitiona.
All Dmjfista. Circulara free.
F. J. Cheaey & Co., Tclodo, 0LI.
John Henderer
Electric accessories and
j$a nttaru
T. F. BENNETT, Prop.
Picnic Hams
Headquarters for Smoked
Free delivery at 9;30 a. m., daily.
Phone 80 5thCoarTi