The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 22, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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TirrfvFDAT June 22, 1922.
Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by
Entered at the Poetofflce at Springfield, Oregon, as Second-class
Matter, February 24, 1903.
One Year $1.50 Three Mentha 50c
- Six Months 75c Single Copy 5c
One Year, When paid in Advance 11-25
"Monkev actors" are to be'ests of the community; especial
barred in England, in the inter- ly when the most probable pur
est of prevention of cruelty to 'chaser was a sharp competitor
animals. But can actors b,who had two or three quarter
prevented from making mon- sections of his own already. To
keys of themsehre3T"-Regtster. jmake the case still worse, sup
Perhaps not; but monkey' pose the fanner's remaining
can be prevented from making quarter was tn two eighties, sep
actors of themselves, and that arated by the tract he was
will be a direct gain for the forced to sell to his competitor,
monkeys. Or. suppose the farmer in
o question had entered these two
The Register of last Thurs-: quarters from the government,
day had a local article com-1 and held its patent for them,
plaining that so few tourists, had deatt with the government
are stopping In Eugene, and according to the terms which
laying the fault to the routing ,' the government itself prescribed
of the Pacific highway through j In such deals; and now the same
the side streets. It wanted the j government comes in and corn-
signs changed so as to lead the.mands him to sell one of them.
tourists through Willamette
street, so they would see the
without regard to the kind of
market he may find or who
business part of twn and be in- may be the purchaser, or how
duced to stop and buy things, much distress the new owner
Those of us who used to have ship may cause him, or how de
to drive a buggy with a skittish triniental it may be to the in-
team through a town preferred .terests of the community
to take the side streets, rather
than try to force our way
through the Jam on such con
gested thoroughfares as Willa
mette street In Eugene, or Main
street In Springfield. But an
xpert and experienced traffic
officer on each of the principal
crossings could generally steer
an auto tourist through without
serious difficulty or danger.
S'posin A Case
It urould seem to " a man up
a tree," or to a man or body of
men "up a stump." as the busi
ness interests, of western Orgon
are since May 29, that the issu
ing of an arbitrary decree sepa
rating the properties of the
Southern and Central Pacific, is
a good deal like issuing a decrea
commanding a farmer who
owns two quarter sections of
land to sell one of them, with
out regard to the effect of the
Your Neighbor's
That boy of your netglbor'a
will surely win uccea. In fact
be Is practicing r.r success now.
It Is a good plan to practice It
vcu want to learn to do any
thing well no thl boy It train
ing for success.
Hi parent know that It cost
money to keep thla lad In
clothes, etc. They find that It
la a rod scheme to give this
ex;ens menrr to the boy and
let him plan how to get the
best results with it. If h spends
too much one month he fools
tthe rlrch during t!-.e month that
He U anslou to earn all be ran.
He thinks bvfere be upend and
a nent saving account li gro
lug as further proof of the hap
py future of the boy.
And a prorram like that will
bring larger success to any one
who really desire to win. How
about your own boy?
The First
National Bank
Resources of over Thrte
of men and women who wer ia the
service ot the I'nlted Statea during
the WMld War. It admit to It
rank all who aervtd regard! of
the plac or condition of service.
While It I designed to keep atlv
I the associations growing out ot the
war. and to Imp its upon the Ufa ot
the country th point ot view ot the
4.600.000 who served. It greatest vn.
u to the country He In stimulating
patriotism anw sound, sacrificing
Amvrcantsm. The American Legion
will be to the country durlrg the next
three-quarter of a century what the
Grand Army of the Republic has been
In the past. Therefor Its Influence
for sound and liberal Americanism la
certain to b permanently recorded In
the national consciousness of the na
tion. It Is the duty of every ex-servlc
man to join. He should add his point
of view to the legion's activities, and
thus express In civil life the spirit .f
service to country displayed In tho
national crisis Mornl:g Oregon!!).
June 14.
The Southern Pacific is gen-
In Society
A Jolly crowd of little folks gath
ered at the hme of Mr. and Mrs.
Js Smitson Tuesday afternoon to
i'elp thler daughter. Mary An (tells,
to celebrate her slith birthday. After
a Jolly round of games, the children
gathered around the table where two
huge rakes and Ice cream greeted
their eyes. After viewing th many
Utile gins of friendship, the little
cne departed wishing Miss Mary bad
a birthday every day.
The guests attending were: Velma
av.wv is p,..- . , t K.. . ho' " "
erally regarded as the outright Yi , a nd K11,n o.kop. '"' '. '
owner of the Central Pacific. I ebt,8 an.d redeem ng It . from drd n.yeoff An(teIw A,.lna
as in the supposed case of the bankruptcy. In doing this it BfaU MlWr4 Wjrcoff N,lllB s,k.
farmer. They have been oneibecan,e thf benera.fto.r ot.tth -r. Elsie ne.i. M.xine Bnodgr....
system In fact, and operated as rovernment, by rehevlng It of EtHyn ,Urrl i,trlre ,nd Veida
one. for fifty years; but. unfor-lhe den of a piece of proper- r,r,f.i Evyn JacobKin, M.,b, ,Ur.
tunately. carrying two old cor- h,,ch wa9 not considered rl, jUud Br,tUln, EI1.n Coi rn.
porate names. A much Strong-itandnK a'on' a8 bem K0 va Wycoff. Maxlne gmltson. Delorc.
er feature of the case is this: for, the debt rert,nK "P0" "5 C.steel. Olgallynchuk. Valeria Koch.
By far the greater part of theiand, b assuming and finally Wllll rox DuU c,ron Br,t.
present trackage of the com-jPS a ,debt f n'?"i"y : Rn1( w"ff- K'nn',h r
bined system In California and n,ill,on dollaI?K duf, V 1 "Clifford and Floyd Koch and the little
Oregon has been built since the lament. The Lnion Pacific be.,..
wuni-u iue kj. . tx. . ... ! Mr- pr,,,, gm,i0n ani Mr. Jet
unified ownership went into ef
feet; built mostly in small sec
Just between you and yourself do you always auk
for home manufactured products of your dealer? When
buying poultry or dairy feeds, do you IiikIhI on the NOXALL
brand? Do you buy flour from the grocer that recom
Let's be fair with ournelves and our community. It
always puys to use home product b.
la, .w, A VI .t W 1 W
tions. to saUsfy local needs
the demands of interchangeable fm .iT.-m! Lih
traffic. They were not built toii1"!?0'"'1 tbe.BKa con8ld
,k ij. . m eratJon as if it had been.
pruc iuc urcus ui tu fit. iiiiu
very much the same way, only Wycoff aii,tj with th pleasures !
for the little one.
e e e
The Minnehaha club met at the
home of Mr. R. O. Master laat Fri
th alarm of a Southern Pacific1 1 he event of the purchase .ftra0on. Th afternoon
or a Central Pacific system,!?' the Central Pacific ,by the iptnt wlth needlework and conver
considering this system apart
from the other. They were
built and have always been op-
Union Pacific, would not its UoDt mtttT whlch , d.urou z cour'
separation upon the respectiva system.
-values or the two quarter sec
tions or upon the general Inter
sratw! as nMMssrv intsrrsi fie.!nucn In conflict with the sa
consolidated r" vriuvivm oi conipwiuon
as the Southern Pacific's con-
tors of the one
control of the Central Pacific ,unch w MrTe by th, bo,t... The
and the O. W. R. & N. be as .... m h h.ii ik Mr.
McCnllum In Eugene.
-values of the two quarter sec- The Southern Pacific became , trol ,?r t!l Central and the Sun-; h Knt,OIl club hmi for
a i i - . t . . . Rr line nan nppn '
For a limited time only we are giv
ing absolutely free with each regu
lar Vacuum Cup Tire purchased
One "Ton Tested" Tube
of corresponding size
The extra thickness of the Vacu
um Cup Tread plus the extra plies
of highest quality fabric and the
good-measure tread of hundreds of
sturdy, non-skid Vacuum Cups, make
Vacuum Cup Tires, at prevailing
prices the biggest value on the market
Come in and get a copy of the
latest price schedule you will be
agreeably surprised. Get your sea
son's tire equipment today and a free
tube with every tire purchased.
Springfield Garage
Automotive Service
Phone 11 4th & Main
The American Legion will conduct I
a nationwide membership drive from!'
their annual picnic. Tuesday, June 6.
Of course there was the attraction
but after a great deal
on the part ot a few
of the circus,
of persuasion
of the members, we Inally arrived at
a moat beautiful spot along th banks
of th McKcntle river.
After the long drive we were alt
famished, so we spread a most bouu
teous dinner upon the green grass,
'neatb a spreading maple tree, and
partook of tbe laat morsel. Tb af
ternoon was spent In games and eon
test of all klnda. W returned to
our home that night a tired but
bappv crowd.
Those present were Mesdsme. IL
W. Whitney. Henry Korf. B. R. Dip
pel. O. II. Kessey; L. May. Levi Neat.
Fred Walker. J. F. Moor and I'aul
Ilaiford. w
The Pin Neele club met at lb
bom of Mrs. Ira Oray, near Thurs
ton. June 16. Th afternoon was
apent with fancy work and conversa
tion. Mr. I'rice, Mr. Mathews, and
Mrs. McMahan assisted the hostess
In serving a dainty lunch to the fol
lowing guests: Mosdamea Norman
Howard, Will Culver, Mathewa, and
I'hettepluce. Members: Mesdanir
Little Bowman, llsttlc C'astccl, Emily
Dority. Lilly Klser. 111 Peterson.
Vina McMahan. r'lora Price, Kadi
Nelson, Alice Itoan. Edith I.sxtun.
Rosa Montgomery. Mammle Van Yal
ta h, and Nina Mcl'bereon. The
meeting will be with Mr. I)oane on
June It. on th corner of lb and C
Mr. Anna Glendennlng vlslt.d la
Corvallla for a day or two In tb
for part of th week.
Fred Lemley I now employed la
Portland a bead ot a department In
a large cleaning, pressing and dyeing
establishment. '
"The Woman Ood Changed" la a
powerful dramatic tory of tangleo
live that carries th apectator to tro
pic Isles and It beautiful photogra
phy bold tha'attention aa by magic
spell. At lha Dell Saturday.
Henry Casten and Dill Hurnett and
their famlllea are taking an opting
at Lost Ijike. They drove up Tues
day, and will probably return to
morrow. H,f
June S to 27. Tbe purpose Is to en
roll ex-ervlce men who bave not yet
identified themselves with the legion
and its work.
Harry N. Nelson, adjntant of The
American Legion In Oregon, be s an
nounced that a supreme effort will b
made to double the membership In
Oregon. At present the Oregon de
partment of this great national or
ganization has enrolled K-ss than one
third of tbe ellgibles.
The American Legion Is composed
Recommends Chamberlain's Tablet
"Chamberlain's Tablets bave been
used by my husband and myself off
and on for the past five years. Wbea
ray hueb&nd goes away from bom bt
always takes a bottle of them alocg
with blm. Whenever I bave tbat
heavy feeling after eating, or f-l dull
and played out, I take one or two of
Chamberlain's Tablets and tbey fix
me op fine," writes Mrs. Newton Vree
land, Mlnoa, N. Y. Take these Tab
lets when troubled with constipation
or Indigestion and they will do you
Eugene Business
Invest in a business educa
tion. It will pay you well.
A telephone call of a postal
card brings you our cata
log. Eugene Business College
A .E Roberts, Pres.
Phona 666
Call at this offlc and pay yonr
subscription for one year ($1.26) and
we will Issue you a card, properly
vlgned, tbat will entitle yon to a
picture of yourself or any member of
your family, taken at Romane's Stu
dio at 777 Willamette St., Eugene.
These pictures ar about 10 by IS
In a neat folder and are valued at
15 00. For each year' subscription
you are entitled to one card. This
applies to old and new subscribers
and Is good for a sbort time only.
See sample In our window.