, TTIUIISDAT. JUNE 8, 11)22. Tim fiPlUNOFIELD NEWS rAOEjniiiEfl I TOWN AND VICINITY I ,A special panl waa drawn 'In fin varanclee on the Jury llal for th term of court now In session. Ira A. Nlc waa on of thoe drawn oa Ihla panel. . Dr. 8. Ralph alppl, dentist. Spring field, Oregon. Tha weetlff-r man haa been out with hla water pot for tha pant day or two, but ha haa bn rather stingy with tha content. FOR HALE Fresh Jrey milk. Tutwrrulln tnted. 11 qia. night milk l; IS ut. morning milk fl. Prank Murray, lit and F at reel. Ztp Marlon Mullen, of tha lower Mo hawk valley, auatalned a aerloui op. ration at Mercy hoepltal on tha 3rd. Ma la now doing well. Gvorae Pretty men haa been alck enough to be off duty at the mill for eeverel daya. Jack Lomlon'e great atory of tha un- TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Tha arml annual teacher' exami nation will be bold In the erounty court room eonimenrlng at 9 a. m.. on Wedneaday, June 14th, luatlng four daya. A arhrdule of the time at which aubjecta are to be given, can be secured by applying to E. J. MOORE, County School Supertnten dent aaen, -Tba' Star; Rovar." la a atnklng drama of (ha .unknown within our elvea. At tha Dell Saturday. E. O. Fandrem, who waa aarloualy Injured In a lawmlll at Reedaport I.. April, cama up -to Springfield Toe a day for medical treatment Nu Done cornet. Mra. A. True Lundy, Abdominal supporter for men and women, rnnne Eugene 231 far appointment In Springfield. The atate convention of the A mer it n Legion and the Ladle' Auxiliary will be held at The Dalle July 17 29. The delegata from the legion are Fred Ix-meey and Oawald Olaon. Alternatea: M. II. lluntly and Carl 8cncney. Ifclxgatn-a from the Aui lllary: Mm. M. It. lluntly and Mrs. Hannah Hill. Alternate: Ml Pearl Snook and Mra. Elsie Pettereon. Thelma Ollbert, a girl of 13, waa brought before Judge Darnard la. Friday, and declared a delinquent. She waa paroled to Mra. J. J. Polll. of Eugene. The girl la a daughter of Abe Ollbert, a teamatrr who waa In volved In an affray with hla nephew several montha ago. The Gilbert at that time occupied a amall houae In the northwest part of town. W. O. W. meeta every TueaJay evening at W. O. W. ball. Mra. John Fltxgerald bad her ton- COMMUNITY CASH STORE WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT. WHY PAY MORE? 6 bars white soap 25c 4 bars P & Q npth 25o 5 bars Ivory aoap -l0 10 bars White Dear aoap 25c 4 lbs. of beans ". 25c Old Dutch Cleanser ........... .'.V. .. .10c W. M. GREEN, Proprietor THE LEADING GROCER Telephone 32. Then is about OdJdJdJ (nH It must be made from crudes carefully elected for their "oiUneae" and stabili ty. These crudes must be refined to preserve their original characteristics and to make them pure. m 4, In selecting crudes for Zerolene the Standard Oil Company has the advan tage of its own large production of practically every type of crude. The company Is not compelled to use any particular crude because It happens to be the only one available. Crude aelected for Zerolene are brought to our reAnariee In apedal pipe Una. They era refined by our own patented, hig'h-vanram prareae which preaervea their "oUioeae" and eubility. No other refiner on the Padflc Coaet naea any form of vacuum distillation. No other refiner In the United States naea aa high a vacuum aa thla company. Purity Essential Zerolene oil are pure. Thia company haa J waya conatdared the removal of all detrimental pro parti and compound aa essential in mak ing Zerolene. Becauae of their "olHnea,etabmty and purity, Zerolene oil give perfect lubricaUoo, and per mlt the development of the mulmura power, peed and gaaoUna mileage of the car. TAN DAKD OU. COMIANT tCa(yVnua) more powerfispeed less fiMon and wear thru (bmd lubrication Discriminating Women Have Decided that there la nothing bet ter for the skin than PERFECTION WITCH HAZEL ALMOND CREAM It protects the skin a galnst chaps, wind and dust and keeps the com plexion at Its best. Try It yourself, if you wish to know how delightful It really It. Price 25c .- .,. ... .I i Paon SI alia removed at the office of a t-c gen phyalclan Monday. , ' . I- . . i. . . . ' The erlUca aay that " A Poor Rela tion" equals The Kid" and every one know what a bit It made. Tata picture la a great American comedy, played by a great American comedian. At the Belt Sunday. Mra, .0. F. Klaer returned Tneaday from' a trip to Tacoma, Vancouver, B. C and other pointa north. Her aon Robert accompanied her and eu tered the United Statea Veteraa'i hoapital at Tacoma. ! The Lepley brother have gone to Kltaon Springe, above Oakridge, to I erect a amall aawmlll for Osa Rigs. .-They have the -form In for the foun" 'datlon of the new bungalow for Mr 'ill. U.m.. ..J III Vl . M MV. HIVH, MW Will tha main building In a few daya Rhode Iiland White baby chick. I will have a few for sale. Hatch off June 15. M. Buley. 121 8.- B, St Springfield, Oregon Bp BUI Hill la homo for a vllt of two weeka with hla parents Mr. and Mra. W. O. Hill. Bill la employed Is the O. W. R. A N. offlcea In Portland. Mr. and Mra. Ernest Con ley were In from their farm near Cogawell Hill, Tueaday, for the clrcoa. Dr. 8. Ralph DIppeL dentlat. Spring field, Oregon. ; Mi, and Mra. Art 8 need returned Sunday afternoon from a week' vlult at Caacade Lock with Mra. Bneed'a parent. They report a very enjoya ble trip. i Mlaa Viola Knlgbt, of Bremerton, Washington, apent several dawa 1at week visiting relative In Springfield. Ml Knight may decide to make net home here. Wallace Reld, In "The Hell Dlg gera," la one of hla lateat and beat plcturea. The Bell Theatre la giving away grocerte every Wedneaday and will giro a little extra next Wednea day. Moon ft Moon are going to make aome of their fine angel caket for the Bell next Wedneaday. Tueaday morning achool was called at 8 o'clock and dlimlaaed at 11 o'clock for the reet of the day, that the pupil eo desiring eonld attend the clrcua. FOR SALE Jersey cow. Gtvea 4 gallon of milk a day. Tuberculin teated. Cheap If taken at onoe. Phone 1SS-W lte On Friday, June Ird. a daughter waa born to Mr. and Mr. Del Hla aon, at the home of Mr. Hlsaon'a parent In Springfield. She has been named Jane Annette. Circuit court I la aeealon. Judge Bklpworth presiding. The seaalon opened last Monday. Henry Korf la building a "ahack" a be can it, on hla tract aorta of toww for a temporary home until he' U ready to build a more aubeUntial dwelling. H and hla family will move oat there aa aoon as the aback I done, probably by the first of July, j Ml Pearl Neleon. who lad been j In Mercy hoapiUl for about ten day, and then at the home of her' aunt In Eugene for a few daya, waa brought home laat Sunday. - . ' Strayed or atolen A amall jersey cow with dark head and ahonldera.1 If not freah wlll .be aoon. , Mlaalns alnce June lat Finder please notify Arthur H. Ham, WendliDg, Oregoa. Dr. and Mra. R. P. Mortenaen en joyed a aeries of interesting visit from relatives and close friends In -In-Society The Pine Needle Club spent .a very pleasant afternoon at the hom of Mr. Arthur Peterson, Thursday, June lat. Converaattofl and needle work were Ind aliped In aa saual, and. dainty refreshment were served by the boatesa. Members present were Meadamea: Wilbur Lloyd, Hanna. MicPberaon, Isaac Webb, Charley Bowman, Walter Lax ton, lis Caateel. Ike Iarimer, Karl Glrard, Will Dart Ing, Arne Nelson, At Montgomery, Bernlce Van Valzah, and hostees. Guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Bert Doane, and Mra. William Culvei Next meeting will be held at the borne of Mrs. Ira Grey, of Thurston, June 15tb. ' e e Mr. T. D. Tarnes was hostess to the members of the Needle Craft Club at her borne last Thursday. Members present were, Mesdames: C. Olaon, C. E. Fisher, F. B, Hamlh. Robt Drury. W. H. Pollard. .H K. Stewart. Wm. Killeen, O. H. Jarrett. R. P. Mortenaen, A. P. McKinzey, H. E. Walker, Dan Critee, Wm. Long and S. R. DIppeL Guests for the af ternoon were Mra. L. May and Mrs. N. W. Emery ' . The Club is holding their last meet ing for the summer In the form of a picnic up the Willamette next Tbur. day. . . - " e a Tha Kensington club held the laat, meeting of the year, Friday, Jnne 2, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Ed ward a. Roses and peon I e were In profusion throughout the room and the after noon wa pleaaantly apent ; with needle wcrk and games. A dainty lunch waa aerved by the hosteaa. Tha guests were Mrs. W. C Rebhan, Mra. Elliott and Mra. W.' H. Adrian. The member present 'were: Mea damea Els Sutton. 8.-R. DIpphsH. Korf, H. Whitney. Levi Neet, . Roth. O. B. Keaaey, Annie Knox.. JjT, Moore C E. 6warts,-C. E. When ton, L. May, A. 3. Morgan and Mia Edna SwartsJ On Tneaday, the Kensington club eajoyed an all-day picnic oat near the Cobarg bridge. 1 : Eugene' Business r'-College i ' ., . ) SHORTHAND 1 j 'TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPINCi i Invest In a business educa- j tlon. It will pay you well. ; A lelephone call of a postal' card brings you our cata-j log. Eugens Business A .E Roberts, Pres. Phone 666 , ' " EUGENE OREGON (1 j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. 8. Land office at Rieeborg, Ore gon, May 8L 1822. Notice la hereby given that Jesse Casteel.-ot Eugene, Oregon, who, on May 10th, 1920, made Homestead En try, Serial No. 012709, for the Efc of NEK of Section 33, Township 18S, Range 6W, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice, of Intention to : make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above describee, before E. O. Immel, U. 8. Commis sioner, at his office, at Eugene, Ore gon, on the 11th day of July, 1922. Claimant names aa witnesses r Frank Hadley, of Lorane, Oregon ; Harvey' Had ley, of Lorane, Oregon; Frank Rieck, of. Lorane, Oregon; and Henry Hadley, of Lorane, Oregon. W. H. CANON. Register, f ' . the paat few days. Mrs. J. E. Clark, of Glendale, apent aeveral daya with them, returning home Tneaday. Chas Scbomaker and wife, of Roseburg. and Mr. and Mra. Fred Moody, of Harrls burg. apent . Sunday with them. Mr. Shomaker la a brother of Mra. Mor ten sen. . t " : - i ". -Z A aon waa born to ' Mr. and Mrs Arthur Hlckpn, MaK,;in Mesry-: R. Johnson, who lives on the Psclfic highway, opposite N. H. Signor's, remodeling his house. Why Suffer from Rhevenetlsm-T , Do yon know that nine eat of every ten caeea of rhenmattem are aimply rheumatism' ef the muscles or chrnnUr rheamatlsm, neither of whch nqvlrm' any .Internal treatment T The naini niay e relieved by applying Chamber lain's Liniment,' which - make sleep and rest possible, and that eertaialy mean a great deal to - any One- af flicted with rhenmatiam. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION At Pike's Peak and wherever else tourists o they find "A. B. A." Cheques readily accepted by railroads, hotels, and business houses. The only identification the holder need furnish is his countersignature on each Cheque in the presence of the person to whom it is presented. These Cheques are safe because until countersigned they are of use only to ' the owner, and unsigned Cheques which are lost or stolen may be replaced. First National Bank SPRINGFIELD OREGON PHONE 51 MOON & MOON Successor to Egglmana Bakery . Makers of Mity-Nice Bread Think twice and buy Mity-Nice Pies, Cakes and Rolls a Specialty Patronize Your -Town V. 8. Land office at Roseburg, Ore gon, May 31, 1922. Notice Is hereby given that Fenton E. Dorsey, of Marcola, Oregon, who, on May 28, 1920, made Homestead Entry, Serial no. 012S72. for the SW of Section 11. Township 18 S. Range 2V, Willamette. Meridian, haa tiled notice of intention to make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above describee;, before E. O. Immel, TJ. S. Commit sloner, at his office at Eugene, Ore gon, cn the ,12th day of July, 1922. Claimant names aa witnesses: Karl Kruk, of Marcola, Oregon; Leo Proch, of Marcola, Oregon; I. S. Saunders, of Marcola, Oregon and Daniel Carr, of Marcola, Oregon. j W. H. CANON, Register. i AT A. ANDERSON Barber Shop ' ' Two Barbers Friday and Saturday Specialty . D. W. ROOF JEWELER FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 129-W Springfield, Oregon Chamberlain' Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family should keep this pre paration at hand during the hot sum mer months. It is almost euro to b needed, and when that time comes, is worth many times its cost. Buy it now. PUBLIC LAND SALE I U. S. Land office at Roseburg, Ore gon, May 8, 1922. Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected by the commissioner of the general land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Harry Edward Powers. Serial No. 013776. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at aot leaa than $4 00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the" 21st day of June, next, at thla office, the follow ing tract of land: Lota 5 and 8, Sea. 18, T. 193, R. 1W.. W. M. I The sale will not be kept open, but; will be declared closed when thos,! present at the hour named have ceased bidding, The person making the highest bid will be repulred to Immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Ay.. person claiming adversely the ebove-descrlbed land are advised to "!' h'r clnlm. or objection, on or before tre 'me d,M?nrtte'l for sale. W. H CANN, Rg .er. COSSLER'S PRESSING PARLOR WALTER N. GOSSLER, Prop. Cleaning. Pressing, Repairing, Dye ing. Hata blocked. Suits made t measure Main Street 8prlngflald between 3rd and 4th Oregon W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Office phone 6S. Res. phone 67J FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC utt0" 8prlngfleld Bull"n Oregon For. a , fine . Suit and a perfect fit, go to ' RAMSEY, The Tailor Legal Guarantee Givero KETEL'S DRUG STORE