The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 25, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Tiro USD AT, MAY" 85. 1821
Take a Brick of
Ice Creani home
"Say it With A Brick"
Profit By
Great Reductions
East Through California
Round Trip Sammer Toarist Tickets
Oa Sale Mar tS to August 31st Return Limit October Sift
Liber! Stoporer Privileges
"High Points" on the Way-
The Glorious Sisklyous
Majestic Ml. Shasta ,
The Rugged Sierras
"Pleasure Places" you must see
San Francisco World famous city that "'tis hard to leave."
Los Angeles Wonder city and noted tourist center.
San Diego Romantic city "Where California began."
Threa National Park Yosemite Sequoia General Grant
Scores of Charming Seashore and Mountain Resorts.
For fares, sleeping car reservations or beautiful folders
ask any agent, ox write
Southern Pa if ic Lines
General Passenger Agent
Mrs. Roy White ot Portland Is here
for a couple of weeks with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lambert.
Another daughter of the Lamberts.
Mrs Earl Baldwin, of Eugene, had the
misfortune to break one of the bones
In her hand Monday. A local pnysl
clan reduced the fracture.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ferguson, of
near Goshen, were in town Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hemenway, who
hive been living on the corner of 6ti
and A streets, have moved to CresweH.
Mrs. B. A. Washburne has bee l
quite ill for several days, but is now
much better.
Dr. S. Ralph Dipple, dentist. Spring
field, Oregon.
Ivan Male is taking the place of
Henry Korf at the Springfield garage
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Seavey, WelDy
Stevens and Henry Adrian drove up
to Lowell bridge Wednesday morning
and fished down as far as Jasper.
One report Is that they caught 78 and
another 60 trout We will have to
ask Mrs. Seavey.
From an extensive survey of the
commercial woods of the Pacific coast
and otb-r facts and conditions relat
ing to the timber and lumber Indus
tries of the Pacific roast. In the April
issue of The Tlmberman. of Portland,
the leading journal of these indus
tries In the Northwest, we gather
these interesting facts relating to
Douglas fir and the part it bears and
will bear in the years to come In these
important Industries:
Douglas fir, sometimes called
Douglas spruce, yellow fir. red fir.
Oregon pine or Washington fir, is
the most abundant and largest tree
In Oregon and Washington, where It
Polly Drlsrotl and Esther Low re
calved typewriting certificates. The
former from the Remington company,
the latter from the Underwood com
pany. We always fcaew a gin's
toague could Make speed, . bt we
were not so ssre about her fingers.
The Jan tors are planning to deco
rate the banquet table at the recep
tion, with "bleeding hearts." They
seem very sad to see the sealer
leave bat this does not seesa to be
pre re teat la the faoulty.
Some of the teachers of the train
ing class have finished their prectlcs
work and are planning, on how
they.wlU take charge over some lit
tle school away back In the moun
tains forty miles from no where.
Alene Larimer spent the week-end
, with Margaret Russell.
I The domestic art girls are busy
making their organdie dresses. In a
couple of weeks they are planning an
exhibit ot both sewing and cooking, j
along with the boys manual training
Lyndel Q. has quite a hard time
cranking Abbte'e Ford for her. First
he cranks then Jacks up the rear
wheel then cranks again.
Charlotte la now wearing a new
ring bearing the Initials C. H.
Who put this Inf "Have you got
date with anyone next Saturda)
"Leva et tu the Juniors, when et
, koines tn givin fedes." That will be
I the senior battle cry In the morning
after the night before.
C. S. has decided to become a hair
dresser. She was practicing on Ban's
hair the second period.
What's going to happen? Loto
studied a whole period today.
At last our student body president
has fulfilled his promise. He has
.We wonder how the 3: IS to 4:01
o'clock period is progressing.
NEWLAND'S The QuaKty Store
You will find It dchldiy to your advantage to visit this) ttom for your new spring mer
chandise, for we offer quality goods at very low prices.
A great many beautiful white and colored
wash fabrics now priced special The In
ducements which we offer are beyond all
competition and will prove profitable to any
woman who Is Interested on positive money
saving on her purchase.
Gingham as low as 1 0c yd.
We are showing one lot of gighams In plain
colors and plaids and checks at 10c
More Ginghams at 15c and 18c per yard
We offer you choice of another lot of ging
hams in plaids, checks and plain colors at
15c to 18c the yard.
Fine Domestic Ginghams at 25c the yarJ
Friday Specials
We offer for one day only, one lot of Crepe
f'llss, color flesh, worth regular no
35c on sale Friday at yd. oC
36 In. Silk Poplin, assorted plain colors, fin J
quality and worth regular I1.2C AH
per yard, on special sale Friday, yd. iOC
Saturday Specials
81 Inch bleached sheeting, Golden State, At
lantic, and I'wrtint, not over 10 yards to a
customer, on sale r p
Saturday at the yard DOC
45c Jap Crepe will be on special
....... ... . , I not ju -i iv vt in uc nil
ou will find In this lot the finest and beat saie Saturday at the yard
.1 . I J .. V. .. ... - A I. !.. I "
uiMiirBiiv p,ui&uaiiiB iu uxj uau vrauuiui
colors, shadow plaids, checks, stripes, and
plain colors. No better values to be had.
We are showing 32 In. Of n QtS
Zephyr ginghams at 3 OOC
Every one of the above Items are exception
Tissue Gingham 59c to 65c
Beautiful French Glno-ham 85c .the .yard
White and colored voile a splendid assort
ment. Every Item now underpriced, at the yd.
35c 59c 75c and up to 98c
Imported Swiss organdie. 45 Inches wide,
white and plain colors, regular QQ
1.25 values, our special price, yd etOC
40c and 45c mixing bowls, special
25c mixing bowls on sale at each ,
Men's Work Shirts
good quality special at
89c - 98c
l4a:Av the
a iwoiw jr tDat fcgt, to buy
surest way to get hosiery
lasts Is to buy them a.
Newland's where they cost no more than
the ordinary kind. We are now featuring on
lot of Arrowhead hosiery for women and
children at
35c 3 pr. for $1.00
1 white and colors.
Long silk gloves ,)alr i en
Mrs. Mary Imholl. aged (8
the Mercy hospital Tuesday. May Z.
Mrs. Imhorf Is the mother ot "Hank"
Imkoff. manager of the street carnival
that la showing here this week. Be
sides her son. she rr. s three daugh
ters, one of them. Mrs. Libby Bolto,
of Wichita. Kansas, being with he.
jment Is on the west slope of the Cas
died at c4e mountains, but In the states of
Idaho. Montana. Wyoming, Colorado
and. New Mexico It Is cut to some ex
tent, but the lumber Is ot poorer
quality and grade.
Those conversant with standing
timber In the Douglas fir region con
sider 35.000 to 40.000 feet board dim
are per acre as oeing average, ai
Of 100.000
at the time ot her death. The funeral
will be held at the Mercy hospital to-j though occasional stands
aay ai ociocx ana me noay win pe.ieei per acre are iouna.
sent to Wichita. Gallstones was the
cause of her death.
With the decline of the southern
pine rut It Is expected that the pro
duction of Douglas fir and associated
specie wfll be Increased, At this
time there is more lumber cut from
Douglas fir each year than from any
other one species.
The estimated present stand ot
Donglas fir. In millions of ffet, board
measure. In the principal fields of Its
I production. Is as follows: Oregon.
1253.343; Washington. 133.051; CaUfoi
forms the major part of the dense
stand of timber found on the west
slope of the Cascade mountains. Ilk
range varies In altitude from sea level
to about 000 feet. In soil to Its lik
ing. It ordinarily reaches 180 to 10
feet In height snd 3H to 6 feet In
diameter. Rather frequently trees
ever 300 feet tall and 8 to 10 feet In
diameter are found.
The northern limit of th nf'nla. 85.000; British Columbia. 78.57
Douglas fir Is In the vicinity of Tacla j ,daho- 20.781: Montana. 13.100.
lake and 8keena river. British Colum-I Tne calculated produ.-tlon of Doug
bla. Its southern limit Is not wHI f,r ln "v went years. In On.
known, but It has been found In Mex on Washington and the whol
Ico. The region of Its best develop- Vnlted 8tates. Is given rwlow. In
thousands of feet, board measure. In
V. S. land office, Roseburg, Oregon,
April 14. 1923.
11: Washington. 3.546.532; Ore
gon. 1.573.459; IT. 8, 5.413 411. In
1917: Washington. 3.330.044; Oregon.
iTr.onii- it s k ?m n?r. tn IStft-
Notice I. hereby given that Taylor , Washington. 3.679.132; Or-gon. 1.MV.
In honor of the soldiers dead
this store TdM be closed
all day May 30 '
U. Archer, or Lcaburg, Oregon, on
August 31. 1920, made addition Home
stead entry. Serial No. 013189, undet
the Act of April 28. 1904 and Act ot
June 9. 191. for the NE of NW!4
and NW'4 of NEi of section 7, town
ship 17S, range 2E. Willamette meri
dian, as additional to Homestead
entry, serial No. 010450, patented, for
Lots 10 and 11 of section 6, township
17S. range 2E. Willamette meridian,
and that upon completion of publica
tion of this notice and payment r
commissions and purchase price o-
the land, final certificate and patent
will Issue for the land embraced In
the additional entry.
The purpose of this notice Is to
allow all persons claiming the land
adversely, or desiring to show It to
be mineral In character, an opportu
nity to file objection to the applica
tion with the Register and Receiver
of the United States Land offloe at
Roseburg. Oregon, and to establish
their Interest therein or the mineral
character thereof.
W. H. CANNON. Register.
954; U. 8 , 5.820.000. In 1919: Wash
ington. 3.627.000. Oregon, 1.990.000; V.
8.. 5.903.200. In 1920: Washington,
4.275.124; Oregon, 2,347.850; U. 8. 6.
960.000. Thnse figures show that, while
Washington has largely led In pru
iductlon In these years, Oregon has
now nearly twice as much standing
fir as Washington, three times as
much as California, three and one-halt
times as much as British Columbia
and nearly as mu-h as all of them to-
Riverside Dairy
W. F. Cline
gather; and must, not many years
hence, become the chief source of supply.
North Bend. North Bend Mill U
Lumber Co., puts on double shift.
Dallas. California Pacttng eorpoi
ltlon erecting 14.600 prune dryer.
Electric railway to be extended
from Milton to L'mapltt.
Nottqi U
hereby glvea that the
has been appointed by
the County Court of the state of Ore
gon, for the County of Lane, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Henry Nee
bltt, deceased. And all persons bsv
Ing claims agalnat said real estate
are hereby notified to present same
properly verified, to the administra
trix, at the office ot Frank A. De!we.
attorney for the estate, on or before
alx months from the date hereof.
Dated this ISnd day of May 1112.
Jessie Nesbltt, Administratrix ot
lbs estate of Henry Neebltt. deceased.
Frank A. DePue, attorney for the
j rLroLs
Odfcw sal
w4 garetoa
, tfrorouiS
will do what we claim for it
cure Catarrh or DuafiicHs caused bv
Catarrh. VVe do not claim to cure
any other cliflenso.
is a liquid, taken internally, and
arte throtiph tha blood' upon the
mucous surfaces of tlw ivAtem,' thu
reducing the inflammation and re
storing normal conditions.
All Druggist. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Here's value with capital "V"
an average sailing of 15
For a limited time FREE
with each regular Vacuum
Cup Tire purchaseb.
One "Ten Tested Tube"
of corresponding size
Vacuum Cup Tires never
were better regular tread of
extra thickness, compared
with ordinary makes, plus
extra plies of highest quality
fabric, plus the extra tread of
hundreds of heavy, non-skid
Vacuum Cups.
Don't delay get full equip
ment for the season and a
FREE "Ton Tested" Tube
with each regular Vacuum
Cup casing right now.
The latest price list will
agreeably surprise you. Get
a copy of it from us today.
Springfield Garage
Automotive Service .
phne 11 4th & Main