TllUKHlMY, MAY 1!, 1921 ... 1 i-' & H. S. TATTLER Setter CutvH BpesV SpanlsK CISSSCS Sennrlta CeM, Instructress In th first and fourth fvT Spanish at tl. audvarattv, spoke to th Spanish Usee last Thursday. ltr parents wr both Spaniard but Ml Carres 'wm bora la South America. She sopesks with a marked foreign accent Tka papils teemed mora Interested ta Spain Utaa South America, ao she told them ot the Spanish anlTersftle bad visited. Everyone waa great sf pleased with ber address and hope I kef may hare ber apeak to them J, h, g4B,orl They aralo. Agne wore It for whit, now Abbl haa It TMii w would like to know Why Horace talka to himself ao much? What Ona had up her leve? WUat Lota railed Charley' car? Who Allco T. waa with Friday night? What happened to the ancient Mr tory class Friday? What kind ot a set Either U ta going to have in ber ring? Where three of the bookkeeping glrla are to get home to go horse bark riding Sunday? TOWN AND VICINITY ft. U War! of South C street, sus- Smith, th potato king of thl part Of the Valley. ' For reauiu Hat your place with laired a major operation at Merer tialtlnger A alrllierton hospital on the 6th. I Thoma Melghan In "The Frontier 1 ... Luc He Fritx. who ha been absent a account of aertou illness, haa re f anted to achooL Mr. J. C. Knight waa operated Upon Ot the It ha the underworld tor gall (tone at Merry bospltaL yea- thrill of "The Miracle Man". V are tenlay afternoon. I giving away many FRKK present Mr. R. r. Morteiisen surprised 'the .t'rT Wednesday. doctor, very agreeably, by returning Try "Splrella" the World I'e-t Tuesday evening front rurtland. where I t'ortet. Order taken by Mr. Ida she baa been under apeclal treatment .arlon. 114 K St. rhone 115 W for aeveral weeka. She I very much evening. improved in health. Ardrey. daughter of Ilruoe and Met A baby girl waa. born to Mr. and Stunrt, agd 4 year, died at ttto home Mra. Fred Rreanler on May the 9th 'of her grand parent. Mr. and Mr. 7!. Mr. and Mr. Z. T. Collin, of Weet'T- Monday evenlnr. the Sth. Springfield, have both been alck for.,n,, tn,1J Ul1 pneumonia, fnllowliig several week. Mr. Collin th long- ",lu,naa and never recovered from long play, they got It; and then theyjer and the more seriously. She had 11 Tn held at Walker's dtdnt want it They got a abort play. been reported Improving In the past chP'l yesterday afternoon, conducted and Mill they aold "I can't be In it." (few daya. but he wa not able to at- bv Hrt- r- M "u'r- TnP '' "I don"! want to be In It" "I don't tend tfce funeral of her little grand-. ,,u'd recently t wonder what' the matter with first wanted a Sine Abbi and Adellade Lave bad know what they want. tkelr hair bobbed, the pupil ot the cbool have had quite a bit to aay.I IVr ' M,,! ad been worry Bona ay that Adelaae look the bet:in boul n niOT ,n,t we n4 other that Abble th beat The will be without her. That Jus! toy don't have any thing to sy!'lk onlor nyway, "the dignified aUwat it because they wonder what ta th world is coming next like It." I don't believe they really dauKhter. little Ardrey Stuart, yester- i day. Who will get Melvln' ring next? Pr. S. Ralph Dipple, dentist Spring field. Oregon. PHONE 51 MOON & MOON Successor to Egginiann Bakery Makers of Mity-Nice Bread ' a 1 Think twice ' and buy Mity-Nice Pies, Cakes and Rolls a Specialty j Patronize Your Town JiJ5ki w- one-eleven cigarettes Threw Friendtf CentUmutn , TURKISH 4 VIRGINIA BIHUI i 0 In a new package that fits the pocket At a price that fits the pocketbook The same unmatched blend of Turkish. Virginia and Uurjjcy Tobaccos by IT ALWAYS PAYS TO TRADE AT CRAY'S BISCUIT "SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY I". ;- 1 Bi Se "The Glorlou Fool", a hrp. nel shell of high explosive comedy loaded with laughs and surprises. A Mary Roberts Rblnehart story featur tng Richard Dlx and Helen Chadwtck the atar of "Dangerous Curv Ahead". At the Bell Sunday. Don't forget that Sunday May 14 Is ("Mother" Day" and present some For vrsult lint your plac wl'U Ballinger t MrHicron. Mm. Grace K. May returned Sunday evening from a trip of several days Into Southern Oregon. She vllte at Canyonvllle. Ilon-lmrg ami Cottage Grove. Mix Maud Chase of rrunevllle who has been quite III la re r or ted aa much Improved. A daughter wa born to Mr. and IICNINQ fOR PURITY AND tXCILLINCl A tub full of It. Tlw. cream aith an Irrestitile flavor made from th beat product the mar ket afford. Our lc cream la known by all aa niuat excellent and nourishing Huppltud In any amount tor pubW and private Itinctlo'i. The best value . EGGIMANN'S "Say It With A Brick' " Cl.rtr No. C94I "rv D strkt Na. 11 REPORT OP CONDITION OP THI First National Bank At SprlngfWild, In the Sta'e of Oregon, at the close of buclties oa Ma Kth. 1.'2 oa RESOURCIt U)nn and discounts. Including rediscounts 167,673 68 lerriiaft. iine ured. !04 0? U. . Government aecurltie ewnd: Deposited to se:-ur circulation (I . H. Iiond par value) Alt other I'nlted Mtatea Government securities Other bonds, stocks, curlt rs. etc.: lianklng Moure, f.1,000 00; furniture and future. SS.74S Ul ..... ... .. . .. j , I . . I l iL k HLI.. I -' M. .1.-1. k. I 1 I u.'..n.M e t.- ... i n.m wmkm v uwiin unir mnn ""-" - u",u ,u lawful reserve with Federal Heserve Hank th. a baby girl. Mr. May I now em- Ed Fegle and family have moved, Cash in vault and amount due from national bank.... ployed In th Booth-Kelly office at to Kugrne. Mis father. Capt. W. 8. ! Cliccka on other banka la the aame city or town at mother. If not able to reach your own with flowers. It will gladen her heart and make the day brighter tor both you and ber. I Born to Mr, and, Mra. 'Winifred Mr Geo. J. Camp, of Donna. Thursday, the 4th. Miss Olive Smith rame up from Pcrtland. Friday, to make a short : visit with her father. She remained! 4, ISO 00 .439 00 Wendling. Marian Powell who has lived and Fegle. who haa been making hi home j with them, will apend the summer at i farmed most of his life In and around the home of his son, Wes Fegles. a' Springfield haa moved, with his fara tly. to Red Deer. Alberta, where be will try wheat raising. If you want to trade your property. see Ballinger A MePheraon. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Paris. spent Sunday at the home Jarrett" Mr. are sisters The "basement work 'of Dr. Rebhana new house am completed. Mia Mary Robert ha moved from her rooms over the library to a farm ; house near Natron where she Jasper. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION C. S. land office, Roseburg. Oregon. April 14. 12S. reporting Total two above tiem Miscellaneous cash items .. Redemption fund with I'. 8. t S. Treasurer 11.444 14 Treasurer and due from Total LIABILITIES is. of Mabel Notice I hereby given that Taylor "r'unj " Z l'e 'of O. H. D. Archer, of Leaburg. Oregon, on ; t'ndivlded pronta7r""rZ!!tr.r.I.r;!.'I!r!l!'"r . Paris and Mrs Jarrett August 31. 1920. made addition Home-1 Less current expenses. Interest, and Uxca paid tead entry. Serial No. 0t31. unclei . Circulating note outstanding nt walls and the frame- the Act of April it. 104 and Act ol!l'",h.P!f',1 chrtU '" June . 1U. for the NE4 of NW and NW4 tf NEii of section T. town ship 173. range 2E. Willamette meri dian, aa additional to Homestead HI entry, serial No. 010450. patented, for look after the welfare of ber brother j Lot 10 nd 11 of section . township Art Roberts, who works for B. O. M"S. range 2E. Willamette meridian. and that upon completion of putillca- payment i In Society tton ot thla notice and Mrs. Fred Walker waa hostess last Thursday to the Needlecrafl club at its regular meeting. A general good time was enjoyed and refreshments were served to the following guests and members: Mesdamea. Jesse j Lorah and Henry Korf. guests; Cart. Olson. H. E. Walker. C. E. Fisher.! Wm. Killeen. W. H. Pollard, A. P. McKlnzey, II. M. Stewart. Bob Drury. T. D. D. W. Crites. O. II. Jar-j rett and W. N. Iong. mmbers. The ( club win meet witn Mrs. m. k. nailer, in Eugene, on May 18. i ! The Pine Needle club met at th' home of Mrs. Nina Mcl'herson, on Thursday, May 4th. A rl' asant after noon was spent and dtiinty refresh ments we a served. Members present were: Mesdamw C. M. Dorlty. Wilbur Lloyd, O. V. Klzer. A. li. Van Val.ah. C. Bowman. I. Webb. Peterson. K. Clrard, Al Montgomery. Fred Illnson and Walter ljxton. ! The plnco of the next meeting wll. ' not be decided upon until the nxt regular Circle night. J commissions and purchase price o . the land, flual certificate and patent will Issue for the land embraced In the additional entry. .' The purpose of this notice la tc allow all persons claiming the lane adversely, or dealrlng to show It to be mlueral In character, an opportu ntty to file objection to the applica tion with the Register and Receiver of the I'nlted State Land office at Roseburg, Oregon, and to establish their Interest therein or the mineral character thereof. W. H. CANNO.f, Register. Total Otmand dapoalts (ether than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 daya): Individual deposlta subject to check Certlflcatxa If deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed I ... Slat, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of Sssetn of this bank Total of three above Item . Time dspoalt subject to Reserve (Payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 dsys or mote notice, and postal savings) : Certificates ot deposit (other than for money borrowed) State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledgw of assets of this bank Other time deposit ... Total of time deposit subject to reas-rve.. 7.SIS 4S . 3.343 41 131405 OS 43.14S03 Total $ 67.673 il K04 OS 110) 61.114 15 10.740! 14.717 14 10.R&3 4 ii.iii 4: 134.74 11771 SIS SO 1114 01 0 1&.000 09 . 6.000 00 4.144 .S&0 0O 1I5. 104.140 14 13. Ml 2 1E.7014S 17.150 00 7.000.00 7.M 03 lilH 0U 0 8lat of Oregon, County of Lan. a : I. Lloyd C. Martin, cashier ot the above-named bank, do eotemnly awear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I.LOY1) V. MARTIN, Caahier. Correct Attest: Wm G. Hughes, I. K. Page, 8 M. McPherson. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day of May. 1D22. O. R. KESSET. Notary labile for Oregon SEAL) My comiulsslou expires January 4'b. 1924 The Kensington club met Friday, May Eth, at the home of Mr. Fred Roth. The afternoon wa pleasantly spent with needlework and a guessing contest with names of flowers. Mrs. Roth rendered a piano solo. Dainty refreshment were aerved at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. Curl Olson waa the guest of the club. Members present were: Me dames Henry Korf, Lawrence May, J. W. Moore, O. B. Kessey, Anna Knoz, J. E. Edwarda. H. Wbttney, A. J. Mor gan and the hostess. The next meeting will be at the i home of Mrs. Levi Neet. Riverside Dairy FRESH JERSEY MILK AND CREAM DAILY T- 13. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PlfONE 34F3 DlCOtT.T Shall Oregon continue to hold the pre-eminence that is now hers? DI 1 CAN Shnll she forge ahead ns a leader In the Republican party? Answer "Yes" Vote for Ralph E. Williams for Republican National Committeeman In the presidential election of 1910 when there was diBseriHlon and di vision everywhere, Oregon was tho only Btate went of the Mlnsourl river to go Republican. Harmony! Progressives and Re publicans united In giving credit for this re markable achievement to Ralph E. Williams, national committeema n since 1908. . In recognition of this and other services Ralph Williams was elected vice-chairman, the second highest honor within the power of the Re publican National Committee to be 'stow. It is a position of influence to be reached only by years of faith ful and intelligent service- Ralph Williams is the first com mitteeman representative from any weBterti state to elected to the vice chairmanship. Ralph Williams Is a veteran of the national organization. He stands at the head with the leaders. A new man would, of custom and neces sity, stand at the foot with the fol lowers. Republican leaders. In Congress and out, are Ralph William's friends. This friendship means much to Ore gon and to the Northwest. Without ostentation Ralfh 'Williams enlists the aid of these leaders for tht things the Northwest needs from the national government. " Keep Oregon to the front Don't let her 'slump Vote for RALPH E. WILLIAMS for Republican National Committeeman Keep Oregon a Leader Vote for Ralph E. Williams (Paid Adv. by W. U. Ayer)