TIIUnSDAT. MAY 11, 1922. THE SPRING FIELD NEWS TAGE TITIIEB I TOWN. AND VICINITY Prlag m your foundry. US cents per dosan lor fmlly wb. Cltjr ordl nana forbids delivery. Work guaran teed. I1mn 114 W. Fred L. Hake, Wet Springfield. Hp 8m "Sailor Burke's natlonal dlvs from the top deck of moving frry boat. Bes the red blooded fight between a society loader and a down and ouUr In an underworld dire. Bee thea-blg court mom arena and bow they "framed" him of murder. Be "Half a Chance", featuring Mahlon Hamilton at the Iw-ll Saturday. Neit Monday evening will be the regular mooting of the Methodltit Hrotherhoed. at the Mthodtef churVhT Tba banquet will b a "father and aona" affair. Kvery man will be el peeled to bring hi aon or somebody else's od. Supper at 7 o'clock, The afier meeting will be devoted to a discussion of the merita of candidate to appear before the corning primaries. ' The aeaeon for outings la the moun tain and "n the eoaet U likely to be rut abort by I be latenees of the open ing of the summer - t f Martin Clark has lately been sort ing K. E. Morrison's stuck of Bur-, bank potatoes In the building beside the library. The best selected smooth potatoes go for eeod. There I a brink demand now for seed potato, at GO MMUNITY CASH STORE WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT. WHY PAY MORC? Corn Starch per pkg 10c Clous Starch, 2 pkgs- 25c . Sbreadod Wheat Hlscults, 2 pkgs. . . . 25c Corn Meal, per sack 25c Hoyal White Soap 5c We are adding a few aide lines to our stock of groceries. Come In and look around you may find something you need. W. M. GREEN, Proprietor THE LEADING GROCER Telephone 32. Says What He Thinks Does What He Says Elbert Bede EcKior Cottage Grove Sentinel For the Legislature THE VALUE OF A PRE 6CRIPTION DEPENDS WHOLLY ON THE CURA. TIVE POWER OF ITS INGREDIENTS The action of good, pure drugs may be Impaired by Improper compound t n g, while poor drugs will, oi course, defeat the Inten tion of the physician! Send your prescriptions to our store where nothing but pure, potent drugs are used and where graduate pharmacists of ample ex perience do the compound ing. Proper results are assured and your interests are con served In every way. This applies to prices, too for they are always reasonable and alike to all. Let us fill your next Prescription - Note: Remember our 3rd Annual Geranium Day, on Saturday May 27th. Phone Si Charter No. RIPORT OF THE" CONDITION Of THK 10. Commercial State Bank !: ' A - i . ' 1 " At Springfield, Is the 8tat of Oregon at tba close of business oa May Sth, 122. . RESOURCES Loans and d I "county Including rediscounts shown In Ifms 29 and 30, If any Orerdrsfts secured and unsecured L V. B. government securities owned. Including thoie ihown In Item SO and J 5, If any ..... .2 $115,461.47 483.28 10,000.00 Other bonda, warrants and securities. Including foreign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc. In cluding those ihown In Item 30 and 35, If any , Banking house, $14,900.00; furniture and fixture. $4400.00 (sb) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trout companies designated and approved reserve gent of thl bank - . . Exchange for clearing house and Item on other banks In the me city or town a reporting bank Check on bank outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items Total cash and due frcm bank, Items 8, 9, 10, and 11, $30,950.20 20.842.58 19,300.00 30.459.46 489.30 100 Total LIABILITIES 21 24. 27. In Capital Stock Paid Surplua fund (a) t'tullvlded proflte $3,885.95 (b) Lees current expenses Interest and taxee paid 2,239.35 DEMAND OEPOSITS, other than banka, subject to reserve: Individual deposit subject to check. Including deposit due the Slat of Oregon, county, cltie or other public funds. Demand certificate of deposit outstanding $203,038.09 20,000.00 4.000 0!) I 1,(40.80 ' 135,905.53 ' 3,603.(1 Eugene Business College' SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Invest in a business educa tion. It will pay you well. A telephone call of a postal card brings you our cata log. Eugens Business College A .E Roberts, Pres., , Phone 666 EUGENE OREGON Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposit, subject" to reserve. Items 23, 24. 25. 26, $139,669.14 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and pay able on demand and aubject to noUce: Time certificatea of deposit outstanding Total of time and aavlngs depoeita payable on demand and subject to notice. Items 27 and 28, $25,822.35 25,822.35 Total ' L $203,031.09 1 v State of Oregon, County of Lane, se. . I. O. B. Keaaey, president, of Use above named bank, do sc&emnly aweer that tb above atatement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. B. KES8EY. President . - Correct Attest: M. M. Peery, Welby Stevens. Directors.; ' '. ; . Subscribed and worn to before me thl 10th day of May, 1922. LLOYD C MARTIN, Notary Public. My Commission expires July Bob, 1924. (SEAL) - HON. WILL H. HAYS EX CHAIRMAN, REPCULICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE TELEGRAPHS Ralph JE. Williams WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM about two and a bait cents a pound. Mr. Morrison shipped two track loads about 175 sacks, to independence, for seed, recently. , Dr. B. Ralph Dipple, dentist, Spring field, Oregon. After a little Blackening up. people began to cry for rain, to soften the crust of the aoil. And the supply seem to have eiceeded the demand. Geo. Sherman recently bought John Galea' atore and aervlce station at the old Collin stand. He still continues bis work as operator of the moving picture machine at tee Bell theatre. He operated the machine for the illus trated lecture of Mr. Bliss on Alaska Tuesday laat Friday. evening. ... .... W. Ov W. meet every evening at W. a W. nau. Next Sunday forenoon will be - a "mother's day" aervlce at the Metho dist church. The pastor requests the people attending to sit together by famllie a a much' as pos sible., A number of cars have been pledged to bring In persona who other wise would find it difficult to attend. took hi place In the anon. . . . ' SPECIAL SALE at Mrs. Thompson's MJUInery. One, Jot of bat to be sold at from $1.98 to $3.91; values to $7.60. also many otter bargain. - My bats are alwaya offered at a very small profit, so when I offer, a sale you may be assured that It la a real op portunity. Come and aee for your self. The feed mill of the Springfield FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Springfield Building Orego OR. S. RALPH OIPPEL DENTIST;;, ' Phone 3 Springfield i Oregon ; DR. N. W. EMERY OENTIST t x' Button Bldg. , Phewe SO-J fteeldeece Phene 12f-W t SprlnofleW, Oregon . ? s. GOSSLER'S PRESSING V PARLOR . WALTER N. COSSLER, frev. Cleaning, Preeslng. Renalrtng, Dy nig, HatSi blocked. Bolts aMoe BprinfrWM Oregea) Main Btreet between Srd and th I'.."1" " 111 H ." - V, I. v. v r RALPH E. WTLLIAM8 VlcsCbalrman . Republican National Committee VOTE X 13 A152NY 93 Blue Fi New York NY 1I05P May 5 1922 Ralph E. Williams. Republican National Committeman, Portland,' Oregon Mutual friends have told me that you are a candidate for re-election as Republican National Committeman thl year, and I am conatralned to send Just thl word of appreciation for your splendid aervlce on the Com mittee all the time that I waa Chair, man. Your election aa vlcechalrman of tha national committee waa the fullest poasLbl svldence of the com mittee's gratitude to you and their confldenceln your great future uaeful neaa to the committee and to the party. In this I Join most heartily. Klndeet regards and best wlshss alwaya, . WILL H. HAYS Editorial from the Morning Oregonian - . IS J ' ... MR. WILLIAMS for COMMITTEMAN r but carrlea many reeponslbil ; j me, biiu iBna lur won. its xe- . ; ' ' wards are, of course, recognition of Will I!.. Hays, who but lately re- leadership, and the prestige and In tired as chairman of tha republican Hume that go with it. Mr. WU national committee, pays tribute In a m n n committeeman for telegram to the aervlce performed to Oregon lor 14 yeara, and Is a candi the republican party by the com- ,at1 fo' reelection. There la no mlttesman for Oregon. Ralph E. WU- ood reaaon why he ahould not be re llama. Mr, Hays should know. His elected; there are good reasons wb testimony maybe aocepted aa aome " should be, the most obvious and thing more than a mere polite and unanswerable of which la that be formal expression of approval, to be .' bin" plat with the commlttre, exnetited from one member pt the or- on terms of Intimacy and coafl ganUatlon for another; for It Is sup- denca with tho national leader of ported by the entire committee, not Hie republican prty. I In line for the many months ago. by unanimous vote national chairmanship, and oun, ai.cl of the repremtntatlves of 48 states, doubtless will, perform service whlcii eloc-tsd Mr. William vlcechairmun. no new. man. whatever his tiualitleu, He is the oldest memlmr in point of can possibly perfoim. Hervlce, and it Is obvious It U not The Ort'Konlun Is rWuitant to In tlnlliy anyone that bis slundlng torture In the c;nrt fir n:ii'jn-l with the heads of the republican party ((ouiinlue' i.n; ! e ml uii'iiicm tl 1h very high. the rr..uli;cn j. arty In scgou of Mr TLa natloliol commliieemnnBtiip in v uh-iiib buti i u i-i-.-bu ; i un u,u n a i rty job. - It puya .imtlilng In mil-.' la Hint t' hh i (1'ald Adv. by Comiuitlee of n iul I nn. C. L. Slur , ll-.l I.I ) Ml! I Ml CI' C17 C.u.J Truilo UlJi-, rorilnuil Oivgon.) Piston " By order of the county court,, the Mill ft Grain company has been run question of the purchase of the coun-!ning ateadlly for a long time. The ty' fair- grounds by the county will be flosr mill, aftf r three or four weeks submitted to the voter of the conn- of idleness, started up a few daya ago ty at the time of the primary election for a steady run of a month or two. May ltth. Mother's "Day will be observed at T. F. Bennett waa off duty a couple christian church by a program of daya last week. Pratt Holveraon occurring the hour from 10 to 11. efter assembling of the Sunday school classes. M. L. Frerce, fcr many years S. P. agent her?, now agent at Reedsport, made S(.riugf!eld a short visit Tues BALLINGER A McPHERSOM REAL EBTATS Corner ' ' '. : Main and Third BpringfleM Oregon clearance 41222 of an inch when cold J1222 of an inch under fire An antoanobil engine having a 4" bore will have when cold a clMiane btwn its pistona and cylinders of arprazlmatly 41000 of an , . Inch. When tb earn engio has bn heated to operating tempenimre, tbli cleamnce will have decreased 73$, or to 110O0 of an inch. Likewise, a main crankshaft bearing having a Clearance of about 1H10O0 of an inch when cold, will abow a decrease in this clearance at operating temperature to lee than i1000 of an inch. ' All oil Ice viscosity, that is, they become lighter la body wben Subjected to the beat of engine operatioo. An analysis of Zero! en shows that the differ, ertcee In it body at the various engine temper a tare, from cold te operating temperature. follow tn close relation the decree to bearing clearanose. Tht right body at eU operating Umptrahtrts For thl reason Zerolen oils have at an engine cemperataree eaactly toe required body to splash and flow freely Into tb iastnoving, small-cUarenc bearings to provide an ad equate nua of lubricant Bomm of tbeir "oilioeaa." Zwoien oila cUng to bearing enrfeete. and at the same time ofief ' In tbenieelnes a mirumuaa of teaietence to tb engine power going to the driving wheels. For this r son they give perfect kubiicadoa and pennh the davelocimant of tb maximum power, speed and gaebtio ntOaage of the car, T4J4DARD OU COMTA tCafUtwnwl more D(mtrspeed less fiiction and vear tlini Gtiml Lubrication Vf if day. : - W. F, WALKER! FUNERAL DIRECTOR , Full Auto Equipment W. O. "VP. block Office phone 62. Red. phone 67J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. S. Land office at Roseburg, Ore gon. April 24, 1922. - Notice 1 hereby given that Fenton E. Doraey, of Marcola, Oregon, who, cn May 28. 1920, made Homesteal Entry, Serial Xo. 012872, for the SWy of Section 11, Township 163, Range 2W, Willamette Merdlan, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore E. O. Immel. U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Eugene, Oregon, on the 29th day of May, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Kan Kruk. of Marcola, Oregon; Leo Proch, of Marcola, Oregon; I. S. Saunders, of Marcola, Oregon; Daniel Carr, of Mar cola, Oregon. . W. H. CANNON. Register. A. S GILLENWATER Electrie and Oxo-Acetylene welding, Brazing and cutting 192 Blair St, Eugene, Or. Evils of Constipation Perhaps the most serious of the diseases caused by constipation Is appendicitis. If you would avoid this dsngerous disease,' keep your bowels regular. For this purpose Chamber lain's Tablets are excellent, easy to take and mild and gentle in effect A. A. ANDERSON "The Barber- Childrens hair cutting Specialty For a fine Suit and a perfect fit, go to RAMSEY, The Tailor welcome. R. L. CROSS, Secretary. ROBERT BURNS Lodge, Not 78, A. M. - F., Ancient and! Accepted Scottish Rite Uni versal and Symbolic Free Masons meets first and third Monday evening In Morri son's h&lL Visiting brothers) M. 8VBRERUDS R W. It . SI S r; T I WO r, r III m- - " Itaw'sani si ' I. C. HELMER- Canvas . Gloves Cocoa Oil Shampoo Shoe Paste, Liquids and 6tring3 1