The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 04, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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: THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1822. '
Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by
Entered at the Postoffiee at Springfield. Oregon, as Second-class
Matter, February 24, 1903.
One Year IL50 Three Months 50c
Sii Months ,75c Single Copy Ec
One Year, When paid In Advance $1.25
Some of the papers are pub
lishing the "Confessions of a
United States senator." Sup
pose he's turned state's evi
dence. Now the whole thing
will be out. with pictures, and
arrows pointing to the place
where It was done.
lican national committeeman
owes it to his party and his
state to work in harmonious co
operation with Oregon's Repub
lican delegation lu congress, to
the end that Oregon's industrial
financial and political interests
may at all times be protected."
It is said that Mr. FTthian is in
close and satisfactory relations
to both of Oregon s senators
and to Mr. McArthur, the re
presentative from his district.
It has been announced 'that
the aeroplane forest patrol will
not be in operation on the Pa
cific coast this season, because
there Is no appropriation avail
able for it. .
Try Splrella the World's Best
O. H. Ftthlan. candidate for: Corset. Orders taken by Mrs. Ida
The position of Republican na-jLartaon. in E St. Fhone ns-w
tional committeeman from Ore-1 evenings.
gon. in opposition to Ralph E.
Williams, the present Incum-
Haa the millenum arrived Here's
bnt. has been tor a number of i P01" w,,h different storr.
years a prominent business man I "His Back Against the Wall is di-
df Portland. In his published nct noelty. It's a western comedy
platform, he says: "The Repub-; w,tn ter0 who b,s ,0 be
Farmers, Exchange
Offer Special Reductions
Friday & Saturday fvlay 5-6 only
The Articles are too numerous. We mention only a few
Men's all wool Suits to close out $20.00; $23.00
Some of these suits originally sold for $45.00
$15.00 and $18.00 Boys Suits, sizes 12 to 17 yrs 6.50
$2.00 and $2.50 Men's and Boys' caps l.oo
$1.50 Summer Union Suits 1
$5.00 and $6.00 all wool and mixed Pants 3.50
Reclaimed Army Pants S"c
O. D. all wool serge shirt, special 3.43
$4.00 and $5.00 Hats in latest styles $2.50; $3.50
$3.50 Government Coverall 2 -25
Children's Coveralls, blue only Sfcc
$2.50 famous Ferguson-McKinney dress 6hirts l.oO
All wool government Blankets 2.9S
50c all wool hose .
We carry a fine complete line of Dry Goods and Ready
to Wear House Dresses and Aprons. All reduced for this
special sale.
3oc Gingham l-jc
25c and 30c Outing Flannels le
$4.00 and $5.00 all wool Storm Serges, Princess Cloth, also
French Serges and many other striped materials at
riduculously low prices, per yd $1.29; $1.S!
$7.00 Corset $3.98
$5.00 Corsets 2.48
$5.00 Wool-nap Blankets 3. 20
$1.50 Silk Hose OSc
Heavy Duck Pants $2 2J
$4.50 Thin Pants 2.6;;
$8.50 Heavy Logger Shirts 6.2!
$10.00 leather lined Vests 5.2ft
Specials in Groceries
Fisher Blend, the best hard wheat flour, Friday
and Saturday only $2.25
90c Horseshoe chewing tobacco, per plug 70c
White Wonder, the best laundry soap, 24 bars for .... 1.00
Walnuts, per lb 20c
Peaberry Coffee, 2 lbs. for 45?
Matches, per pkg 5c
Soda Crackers, per lb 14c
Karo Syrup No. 10, dark or light 55e
Karo Syrup No. 5, dark or light 3tc
Wredding Breakfast Syrup No. 5 30c
Gold Dust, per pkg 20c
Tomatoes, 1 can 10c; 11 cans for $1.00
Mission PeaB, 1 can 12c; 10 cans for 1.0J
Covo Cooking Oil, 2 qt can 94c
Argo Corn starch. 3 for 25c
Campbell's Beef soup, per can 10c
Borden or Carnation Milk, 2 large cans for 25c
Cocoa, 2 lbs. for 25c
25c Corncake tobacco 15c
And lots of other bargains we can't list them all
On Large Orders We Figure with you
We have the exclusive agency for the Bergmanns
logger and cruiser shoes. We also carry a full line or hlgi
All French heel shoes, in high top or oxford
regardless of cost to close . 1-6'j
Ladies white shoes Included. Friday and Saturday onlv.
Mens' Dress Shoes $3.00; $5.00
Mens' Work Shoes '. $2.00; $4.00
All ladies and childrens shoes reduced Friday and
Saturday only.
Farmers Exchange
Springfield, Oregon
Mr. Average Citizens
Is your wife experienced
In the handling of business
and property?
Most likely not.
Then why ask her to
wind up your affairs if you
should suddenly "d r o p
This bank is experienced
and will conserve vour es
tate to the utmost.
When drawing your will,
name as your Executor
The First
National Bank
Resources of over Three
wkVi horn Is In Philadelphia, flu
and her mother spent the winter In
Spokant. Ph wilt spend th sum
mer with her mother In Long Beach.
W. O. W. meets avery Tueatajr
vsntng at W. O. W. hall.
Will Oott has bought out his part
ner. J A. Nelson, ami will hereafter
carry on ths shoe repair shop alone.
Mr. Nelson expects to make a trip to
Portland In a few days, but he will
prohahly not move from Springfield,
as he owns his home here.
Wallace Reld In "Too Much Speed '
Is a racing romance of youth against
time. Hoarlng with speed cars and
running on laughs and love. Also
giving away free presents. At Hell
next Wednesday.
Dr. S Hulph nilp'l. dentist. Spring
field. Oregon
Whooping Coujh
Is a very dangerous disease, par
ticularly to children under five years
of age. hut when no paregoric, coilelne
or other opiate In given. Is easllv
eurod by giving Chamberlain's Cough
Itemed'. Mt people bellow that It
must run Us course, not knowing
that the time Is very much shortened
nnd that there Is little danger front
the disease when this remedy Is
given. It bus been used In many epi
demics of whooping cough, with pro
nounced success. It Is safe and pleas '
ant to take. (
That It always pays to say NOXALL when ordering
Poultry or dairy feeds from your dealer.
NOXALL feeds are scientifically mixed feeds, formu
lated to bring the beat results for local conditions they
are pure feeds.
NOXALL feeds have got to bring result a they are
made that way.
At Your Dealer
held on his horse, who shakes all
over when a gun govs off and who
cringes with tear when the cats eyes
shine forth In the dark. At the btl
next Sunday.
Westlngbouse Mazda lamps are as
good as the best tenderer's Elec
trls Shop, Main street. '
Dr. S. Ralph Dlpple, dentist. Spring- !
field, Oregon. 1
Mrs. May C. Bliss will glw an illus
trated lecture on "Alaska the Beauti
ful", at the Methodist church. Friday
evening, at 7:30. All who hav
heard this lecture say It Is highly en
tertaining and instructive. Adruif
sion 25 cents. Children under 14
free. j
Mrs. M. L. Alward and Mrs. E. A. j
Hurdwlck, mother and slxter of Mrs.;
P. H. Chase, after visiting about two;
weeks with Mrs. Chase, left. Wed-1
nesday. for Mrs. Alward's home in j
Lang Beach California. Mrs. Hard-;
Legal Guarantee Givero
N nmmt mi Knit -no pin continue work.
AJC to mc GU-o-ui Pile IrcaLuMtU.
Springfield. Oregon
From April 29 to May 6 is
National Bicycle Week. I
will give a reduction of 10
per cent on all goods In my
store for cash during that
time to boost the bicycle
J. W. Stevens
Third and Main Streets
Springfield, Oregon
In submitting my candidacy for the nomination of County Commissioner of Ijtno
County on the republican ticket at the primary election to be held on May 1!, 1 5122, I desire
to make certain specific and definite statements relative to whut I propose to assist in
Although state taxes for 15J21 were prac
tically the Baine In amount as they were In
15120, for Lane County, yet county and local
taxes have actually been Increased enough
to make a 132.000 net increase for the whol-j
of Lane County for l'J22. Thus we see that
taxes in Lane County are constantly grow
ing more burdensome, and the only way to
reduce taxes is to practice the- most riglu
economy in the administration of county
affairs in every detail of public expenditure.
In my opinion. Court House expenses can
and should be curtailed, if elected. I shall
use. my best efforts to cut down Court House
expenses to I he minimum consistent with
efficiency and business requirements. All
County Court officers ami employes of the
county entrusted with the disbursement of
county funds should be required to exercise
the same economy in the disbursement of
public money and the same efficiency in the
discharge of their respective official duties
as are required by private business enter
prises in the conduct of their business af
The present Market Ilwad Law went Into
effect in 1H20. Since that date Lane
County has received from this market road
fund $r.".jl8.00 In 15120 and $50,141100 In
1921 and $50,3 13.00 lu 15122. or a grand total
of $li;, 407.00 within the last three years.
Just how much of this enormous sum ha.s
been transferred to other funds or otherwise
diverted from the use contemplated by the
law is not within the realm of conjecture, but
certain It is that our market roads have not
received the attention to which they are en
titled: therefore, I am firmly of the opinion
that market road funds should be expended
on market roads which are essentially far
mer's roads rather than on the Pacific
Highway, which is a state road.
All sections of Lane County should re
ceive their Just proportion In the expendi
ture or road money. Special road tat
money should be used only where it is voted
to be used by the taxpayers who voted that
tax. I am unalterably opposed to the shift
lng or transfer of such funds after they have
been voted and assigned to the budget.
I am heartily In favor or road mainten
ance. The roads heretofore constructed
should be kept in good repair and patrolled
by men known to be vigilant In the enforce
ment of the law regulating the speed of auto
mobiles and the overloading of freight
trucks. These highly destructive abuses of
our public roads can only be corrected by the
constant and systematic attention of a vig
orous and vigilant road patrol,
I do not desire to obtain a single vote by
deception or through misapprehension,
therefore It Is right and proper that I should
frankly and openly stale my position upon
the-road and bridge program of Lane
I have followed the business of bridge
building for more than 4( years. If elected
I shall myself superintend with the assist
ance of a competent foreman-- the const ruc
tion of bridges in Ijine County. 1 can do so
without Interfering in the least with the
other duties of the office and thereby save
to the taxpayers of Ijtne County the salary
now paid to the bridge superintendent. I
am fully eonscioiiH of my ability to build
bridges much cheaper than Is now Im-Iiv,
done under the present management.
It is my candid opinion that the progress
of Lane County depends largely upon the
development of our county road system;
therefore, we should at all times guard
against extravagant expenses and strive to
obtain a dollar's worth of work or merchan
dise for each dollar expended. 1'nder the.
present management our roads and bridges
are, In my opinion, costing entirely too much
money mid owrhead expenses are out of ail
proportion to actual construction aceni
pllshed. I am decidedly lu favor of a less
number of road and bridge bosses, therefore,
more and better roads and bridges for the
same amount expended For the past sev
eral years Iane County has employed a
bridge superintendent at $175.00 per month
and a road superintendent at $225.00 per
month. Kadi of these superintendents have
a foreman on each Job under construction
and these foremen receive a good salary. It
elected it is my purpose to see that the tax
payers of Lane County shall receive substan
tial tax reduction by reason of the absolute
elimination of all superfluous bosses and
superfluous tax-eaters to be found on Lane
County's pay roll.
The five county-owned automobiles and
two or more freight trucks should be used
for county business only, not for pleasure,
not for private business or by families of
county officials or employes. The unoffi
cial use of these county-owned cars, to
gether with the consequent sonsumptlon of
county owned gasoline, should be positively
I desire that the people o.f Lane County
shall know that I am under no obligation,
pledge or promise to any office-holder
whomsoever. I am not a member of any
political ring or clique of any kind what
ever. If elected I will perform the duties ol
the office without fear or favor and with a
due regard for the upbuilding of Lane Coun
ty and the best Interests of the taxpayers
and I hereby solemnly promise to Btand by
and faithfully fulfill the above and foregoing
platform pledges to the very best of my