The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 04, 1922, Image 1

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The work on the new power tint
le coralDt out of the woods Into the
OIen, so that we ran bln to see
what U going on The work of pat
ting down the holes, to pre pars for
Milting the poles to connect with th
Mountain flltloi, was commenced
Iim Saturday afternoon. The Una of
polee runa up tha aouih aids of Main
aitreet from point opposite tha eub
tallon to hi end of Ihn pavement at
inih Irnrl Klnln that iHilllt tha link
lurna auuarrly aoulh. and runa In
tralght lino throuith the pass over
l!i hllla aoulh of tha mill pond. It
wervea a Utile eastward at the croaa- Inra, made a business trip to Eugene
lug of the pond, to run clear of tht. I Wcdneaday.
lumber dinks. Only two poles wUI Mr. F. W. Page led Endeavor Hun
he out of Jlnr. One I aouth of lire day evening. The subject waa 'Ap
ia I II pond, the other will be In the, plying Itollglon to Everyday Llfo".
middle uf the eaal end of the pond. , four square meeting. He made It
A heavy plH will be driven In the very Intereatlng. Jesse Schwerlng la
pond; and a long heavy pole will be leader for next Sunday evening,
spliced to It. Mra. Fred Dot son Called on Gladys
All tha pol n the aouth sldeTf l""1"" Tueaday evening,
tie pond are aet; none on the north) tMr ttnb nl Mable arc
Id at thla writing. Tm-aday evening, i visiting their frl. nda here until their
Wo -understand that thla part of tb j ntol la out. They will then mov
work on the whole line from here to o Eastern Oregon for the aummer.
Vottage Dtov la practically compUt-j Mra. E. Ilotallng and daughlera.
d. and thla part of the line will baj Katharine and Frances attended the
ready for the wire thla week. The dlfton comedy. Tueaday evening,
-wire m-n who are here and In ,n" Kaldor waa abaent from school
vicinity to do thla work are expecting , Wednesday.
to be employed on the line aoulh of A farewell party la to bo given
Cottage Grove after thla northern
section la completed.
ON THE AUTO CAMPj,K' n,,n" ouaa'r
M. C. Van Dyke, wife and .four
hlldnn, three of them of arhool age,
drove In the camp ground Friday
v?enlng. and alayed over night. They
lived for a number of ycara about
Maker. During the war. Mr. Van
Dyke worked In the ahlpy.rd. at Coo.
Hay. ill. h.l.h broke under thla
work, and alnce that they have '!,
ed about a goou aeai. niuauj- in v u
tornla and Arlaona. In eearch of a
healthful location. They have juat
come up from Southern California.
The climate ooudltlona there the paat
winter were not conducive to tha
health of their bod lei. nor the flnan
tlal condition to the health of thlr
pura. Tliey were minded to try the
region about Albany.
What looked like a queer tourist a
outfit, on the camp Monday morning.
on Invoatlgatlon, dlacload I h e ae
facta: K. J. t'lman and K I wood Haile
ton. from the neighborhood of t'rea
well, returning home from a Job of
work, with a hlg tractor, a gang of
three ploww attucheil and an auto
atopped fir repalra which they had
not yet crmploted. They had lodgml
on the camp ground Sunday nlght-
The rsmp giound
piled with wood
is not yet tiiip-
Tim backwardiutHa of the aenaon
has delayed the work of preparing
HaiiNen'a tniirlxt park, ncroaa the
river, for the aeuann. Still, a greut
deal of the work of fitting It up has
been done, and progreas Is being
made, along. A good alsed light struo.
lure tor a dwvlllng houae has been
put up on the farther pnrt of the
camp; and C. W. Anderson and fam-
ily, who have been living In Spring-1 mlrnhr ad box number. It will heln
field for aeveral months past, have rPMtlv , molding mistakes and de
been Installed in It. and will have , , ,he rtv(,ry of your ma
charge of the tamp. A amaller build- Th,m ,,, , not ma(Je ,
lug near by will have a toilet and batu , of fuU mAng or erm,.,,,,,,,
room at each end. with a room be- ,)Ut on,y ,0 M far M pog8lble
tween iittea up ior a cova-room lor
Some difficulty
has been expo:'
lenced In getting a water supply. One
wll has been driven near the hlgti
way, and Is now In operation. An
other was being sunk towards tha
west side of the park In tbe early
part of thla week. A taw tourists
have camped there. Four or five cars
wore reported there at one time aev
eral days pgo.
Tha Eugene papers liave taken of
Tense at Mr. Hansen's sign: "Eu
Itene auto tourist park, Melvln Han
sen Mgr." They complain that It
-would detract from the Eugene muni
cipal park. Tha sign Is still there.
Tha uniform eighth grade examlna-
Hons will be given In districts where
there are pupils who have compiled
with the conditions, and for whom
applications for questions "haa been
.sent, ort Thursday and Friday, May.
11 and 11 1921
E. J. MOORE. Co. School Supt.
Mlaa Fern Travis la new employed
In tha grocery department of tbe Far
mers' Excfcanga. ' , M. ,.. '
Tha program and boi facial gatar
day evening, given by tha parent-teei-hers
association wai wall attend
ad. Several high arhool atudanta from
h-re attended tha vaudeville at lea
ning Monday evening.
Pave Fountain haa'gnne to Wend
ling, where he hae employment.
The Innian and Ilotallng families-,
went to Vlda on a picnic Sunday.
The Wllllnn Brothers are again run-
their truck on the McKenzle
N. N. Kaldtr and daughter,
froraoay; everting m me jionor or
Clara and Mable Umb.
Robert and Genevieve McN'own, and
aome frlenda made a trip to the Lucky
To the Patrona of Rural Routea No.
1 and I:
The poatnfflce department, having
! dealanaled th w k nf Miv 1 In g
.. Ilnproemen,
wfk w, (h( of h
.,,, rou,e, ,,, , J00 pr
cent efficient or as nesrly so as pos-
albla and deairlna the cooDerailnn o!
our patrona. submit the following aug
gvationa tor your consideration:
1. Tha innmirh tA 11 mftll twive
h..i.i l.,i in ,i .nn.u.inn
ii nm. . th. i. k. ...n.l
reached by the carrier. All ruta and
roles should b filled with grave,
1. All first class mall letters
post cards should, If possible, be
stamped before being placed In th"
mall box. You can buy theao sun-
Plies from the carriers, and should
keep a good supply on hand. Tlmi
apent by the rarrtra at your boxes
In counting peonies and affixing
stamps dcinv the delivery of mall to
ratrona further aloig the line.
S. Ite sure that your letters are
properly addreased. and thM your re-! laboring men. the 'bone and sinew of Singing, "Marching Through Georgia"
turn addreiM la ghyn. The proper'"16 population. jby the school. Sketch of Grant, b
Hue for the alamo la In tl-e upper) For a number of years, along about ! Prof. Torbert. Singing of "Battle
right hand corner. If you have a num-' ten years ago. the firm of Magladry I Hymn of the Republic." "Grant In
her of letters, they should all be faced & Shumate was engaged in the res' the Civil War." by Mlsa Alice Morten
one wav and lornrd against the sldt. I estate butUntsa In Eugene. During jscn." Grant as President," by Tbelma
of the box, rnther than laid flnt on that time, the firm had large Interests Layson. Salute to the flag. Singing
ih bottom of the box. This makes!
It eaaler for the carrier to get hold j
of them, thus saving time. .
4. The roHtnl reaiilutlons require
that your nemo ho plainly printed on J
your box. This Ih a great aid to the
reriilnr carriers, and Is especially valu
able o the substitute carriers when
one Is on duty.
6. Last, but not least. If vou will
IiisIhI unon having your jcorrapon-
denta address all mull to your route
your cooperation In expediting the de
livery of your mall.
Wa welcome your suggestions foi
improvement of the service at any
time, and assure you thst the same
shall be given our careful considers-1
tlon. All this for our mutual benefit
and for tha good of the service.
Yonrs very truly,
John E. Nice. R. L. C. No.
B. O. Sankey. R. L. C. No.
Seated bids will be received by th tn, 0UttM , candidate for re-elec
School Board of School District No.!tlon. hut ,t ..,,, to hm lu.MUi
19. Lane County. Oregon, for 200 cords
or wood. HUDnVl BIOS tor Second
growth fir. old fir and slab wood, to
be delivered by Angust 1R. 12I. The
Board reserves the right to reject any
end all bids. Bids to be nnened Junel
,5. 1922. at 7:S0 o. m. Mark all en-1
vones, "wood bids". Mali to J. W.
Co'fln, clerk of School District No.
IB, Springfield, Oregon.
Frank Ooddsrd and family, of Mahel
have moved Into tha Wlnsenreld pro
perty on tha corner of 2nd and B
streets, formerly occupied by Nat
Blair and his mother, who have moved
to ttia vlclnltv of North Bend.
About two month! ago. Pm
Papows, a Russian, leaned for a year,
from the owner and former occupant
Oeo. Sherman, a five acre tract Juat
north of the mala Southern Paclfk
track and eaat of the "Y". acroaa thi
river. He waa auapected of having
llijuor In Ma poaaeaalon for sal
Deputy a lie riff George Croner and
aume assistants went to the place
laat Thuraday evening, and after a
prolonged anarch, found nine gallona
of liquor under the barn. Papowa
waa arrested, trk'd and fined $100.
The liquor waa tested, found strongly
alchollc and poured out. mmm
The women of the Civic League
have begun a ayxtematlc campaign to
advertlae Springfield by having a
large number of envelopea printed
telling of Ita advantage.. Each bual-
ui hniiu whtrh nntora a mimhep n
the envelopes may have Its own busl-. car. and found two and a half gallona
neas card printed on them, bealdes the of moonshine liquor. He was tried
legend advertising Springfield. The before Justice Jesse G. Wells, In Eu
ladles pledge themselves to use thes-1 " yesterday, pleaded guilty to the
envelopes for all rrlte and business unlawful possession of Uquor, and
correspondence. They will have themjw sentenced to two months In Jail
on sale at a number of buslnes'nd a fine of $300. He will probably
houaea on and after the comlnc Satur-.erve
Thes envelopes
will carry the
name and advantagea of Bpringtleld
to all parts of Oregon and to points
all over the United States. Let every
one buy, as many of them as he can
Among the men whose name have
been firoughU before the people of
Lane county as candidates for state
senator on the Republican ticket, J.
S. Magladry stands now In the fore-
ground. Though Just In the print of
life, and full of mental and physical
'Igor, he haa been active In the busl-
. neaa lire of
the county for many
years, and but few men In the county
are better known. He la man highly
esteemed. In both hia personal and
.business relations.
Mr. Magladry haa been engaged-largo raher make It o. They need
'the lumber business during
ej. igreatcr part of bis business life in
jn(jl ane "county; first, for several years
owner and manager of the Mohawk
- umber company, at Donna, and. foi
number of years past, as principal
, owner and manager of the Bohemia
Lumber enmnanv. at Dorena. He has
Commanded; the confidence and r-s- with the singing of "America" by thi
teem of those with whom he has dealt. ! school. Prof Roth presented the pur
as an eulrioyer and otherwise. His pose of the celebration. Col. J. M.
Interests and his sympathies have Williams, of Eugene, made the ad
been with the producers and the,dreas of the occasion, on "Grant"
In. Springfield, und were Intimately
connected with the buxlncsa life of
the town. His later operations havi
brought him into intimate relations
with Cottage Grove. So that, wheri
ever ho may go, about Eugene, Spring-
field or Cottage Grove, up and down
the Mohawk valley or the Row river
valley, or throughout the central and
southern rarts of the county, there
are a multitude of men. of all grades
andclasaes, who are glad to give a
warm hand clasp to Jack Magladry.
Mr. Gagladry haa not been so com
pletely absorbed In his own affairs as
to prevent him from taxing a lively
Interest In public affairs. His busi
ness experience, extending over a
wida talcL and hla opportunity to
mingle with various classes of people,
representing varied Interests, quail-
tv htm to form an Intelligent estimate
of the needs of the county and state. I
since the wltl drawl of John B. B?l
who was also Intimately known here.
j Walter B. Jones, tha present Incum-
bent. is Mr. Magladry a only compet:-1-
tor before the primaries. In this alt
s'. . uatlon. It ought not to be difficult for
tha Republican voter to make a
choice. Tbe Incumbent Is commonly
supposed to have an advantage, at
that Mr Magladry will be placed at 1
... l..lTantaa-A on thla eennnt In
,n)g caBe
The prmare are only two weeks
' ,
Mrg, N11)e M; Phillips, of Denver,
Colorado, Is here visiting at the
j,0me of her son on east C street.
The Pine Needle club of the Wood
craft circle, ar to met with Mrs.
Nina McPherson, this afternoon.
FOR BALE 1 new and 1 used
piano In good condition, at real bar
gains. Saturday only. 71 W. 6th St.,
Eugene, Oregon. ltp
; Work waa commenced on the baaw
ment of Lawrence May'a new real-
dence, at the corner of (th and O.
thla week. Tbe houae will be 3a feet
aat and weat by 61 feet north and
south, with tha addition of a porch
22x10 feet on the th atreet front,
and one about 20x8 feet on tha 1
street front. It will hav one atory,
with alx room i, above the basement
The baaement will be 32xx28 feet. It
will contain tbe furnace, fuel, laun
dry. !:. It will be about 4 feet deep.
Geo. W. Perklna Is the bulldor. I.
Is expected that It will be completed
In about 90 dya.
F. W. Hampton, proprietor of the
White Luncb restaurant, was arrested
by tbe traffic Officers for speeding.
on tbe highway near Goahen. as he
waa coming towards home, Tueaday
evening. The officer eiimlned his
out the line.
Sunday'a Register told of tie ar
rest, on the streets of Eugene, of "n
Individual" whose sex could not be
determined. Some thought, from tha
mode of putting up the kalr, that "It
was a woman; otbera, from the kind
of cloths It wore, that It waa a man.
Neither of these features la any aure
"sign of a duck's nest" In these days,
This uncertainty Involved a question
of Jurisdiction between tbe chief of
police and the pollcv matron. Tha
question at Issue was whose duty It
was to ascertain the sex of the cul-
prlt. Since they could
not decide
thla question between themselves,
they could think of nothing better to
do In the case than to take the wan-
iton one to tbe city limit and let ltifrom the American Legion Post Na
Solomon on the police force of Eu-,
gene, '-.wr-e" ; ; s
"ww--. . .
"Grant Day"
was honored by a pro
High school. Opening
.gram by tl:e
'Star Spangled Banner.'
The resf.lenees of Mrs. Hannah Hoi
veron and Cliff Abrams, which stand
side by aide at the corner of 4th and
F street, have both been lately re
roofed. Walker brothers have a carload of
seasoned 16-inch body fir wood at
the end of Third street, near the
Loud factory for sale.
me Springfield band win give aj
concert next Sunday, at 3 p. m at
the park on the corner of 2nd ana
Main streets.
If a western bad man sent word he
would wait for you until a certain
time, to shoot you on sight, and it
you were scared of your own shadow,
and If your friends thought you were
a hero, what would you dor come
, ,n1 BeI1 Thettre Sunday night and
... ..,. Bck Aalnat the Wall."
For results list your piaoe ' with
results list your piaoe
Balllnger t McPherson.
NuBone corsets. Mrs-' A.
Lnndy. Abdominal supporters for
men and women. Fnone Eugene 23
for appointments in Springfield.
George Davis and Jim Rlrby, of
The Dalles. Oregon, ara visiting this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kort
and Mr. Davis' father; P. B. Davis, of
California, who ha been with the
Korfs for about three weeks. The !
elder Davis Is an uncre of Mrs. Kort.
Old house on lot at corner ot Main
and 7th, In block 63 for sale.
A. Rowe, city.
See N.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgomery spent. Tho .oun of th chrlitB
Sunday visiting friends at Leaburg. reaver are preparing a play en
8. B. Hantze. of Portland, Is havir.g tjtKfl "The Elopement ot Ellen''
a five days visit with his sister, Mrs.
Nina MePheison, and looking for
i location.
If you want to trade your property,
sea Balllnger ft McPherson.
W, O. W. insets avrry Tuestav
evening at W. O. W. hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Martala and
family, of Wendllng, visited relatives
here the latter part of the week.
Mr. Riley Garrison and family, of
Marcola, visited Sunday at tha home
of Mrs. Baxter's.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom 8 warts, of
Springfield, visited Sunday at the
George Piatt home.
Austin Mathews spent tbe week-end
visiting on tbe Mohawk.
Frank Campbell, what Is working
for the Coast Range Lumber com
pany, at Mabel, cut his thumb last
Sunday. It was necessary to have a
stitch taken to close tbe wound.
Curtis Price has gone to the Mc
Kenzle bridge to work during tbe
A number of the young folks hiked
up to tbe bluffs above Natron Sun
day and had a weinle roast.
Ted George, who Is working at
Veneta, spent tbe week-end at home.
Mr. Stevens, of Eugene was In th
neighborhood Thursday, tuning pianos
He tuned one for Wm. Ruth. Win.
Rennie, Ray Baugh and also the one
at the church.
Tbe has been an epidemic of sort
throat gorng throujgh tha neighbor
hood. Several from the grade school
were absent from school with It last
Mr. Harbert was taken quite aei
iously sick last Thursday. The doc
tor pronounced It after effects of ton
stlltls. He la Improving slowly.
News was received at Thurston
that Mr. W. O. Starbuck. who owns
the McKenzie stock farm had grow
worse and It was necessary to remove
him to a sanitarium In Portland last
Thursday. His trouble was caused by
aa automobile accident several months
ago. J
Quite a number from the neighbor
hood went to Goshen last Saturday
and attended pamona grange.
The parent-teachers meeting was
held last Friday (or the laat time
during this term, as school closes on
the 12th of May. Tbe members all
felt highly pleased when te secre-
tary read a letter that waa received
a;40. of Springfield, thanking them tor
purchasing flag for the school.
There Is to be a community picnic
on fcnturdsy 13, following the, close
of school. It was voted to servo ic4
cream and lemonade free. The pro
gram committee had met at Mrs. L.
YarneU's home (tine evqnlng hlcftore
and arranged their plans, which will
be held as a surprise. The picnic
will be held at tl-.e old baseball dia
mond on D. O. Baugh's place, so that
a baseball game can be played In the
afternoon. -
Dr. Aston and family, of Eugene,
visited Sunday at the Rennie home.
H. M Price Is visiting with his son
John and family.
Mrs. Lillah Rhodes and daughters
lone and Theda spent the week-end
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmistov
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobson, of
Eugene, visited at tte home of John
Edmiston Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Shough have
moved back to the McKeuzie bridge
tor the summer.
Members of the Federal Loan board
held a meeting at the George Neft
place Monday.
There Is to be a recital Thursday
evening at the church, given by the
students of the Eug-ene Bible univer
sity. There will be music, both vocal
and Instrumental, also some readings.
Admission 25 and 15 cents.
Marvin Jackson and John Edmis
ton have rented 3 acres of land from
H. E. Morris, and are going to plant
it in potatoes.
Mrs. Ernest West underwent a ma
jor operation at Mercy hospital, Eu
gene. Monday. Her husband under
went an Deration tor appendicitis
about three or tour weeks ago. Both
are getting along nicely.
Mrs. Thomas Willian made K trip
to Eugene Tuesday to visit her
daughter Mrs. Earnest West, who Is
In Mercy hospital.
Jsmeg . Rundel, of Tacoma, Wash
ington, Is hero to attend hla mother's
Roy Edmiston has quite a dlaflg
tired face, caused by a stick of wood
f1vln P striking him Juat above
The "chool board has retained Miss
earl Ream as teacher tor another
Dwaln Buell Is helping Jack Har-r-e-t
rt Ma farmlnr dnne.
v.h'ch they expect to give during the
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Stark,
at their home, at the east end of C
street, Tuesday morning, a son,
weight eight and one-half pounds.
NUMBER 1. -1
The Moon brothers, Virgil and R
R hare bought out tha bakery boat-
nesa of C. T. Egglmann and will carry
It on In the same place as before).
Both the brothers are bakers by
trad. Rolla has worked at It almost
continuously since boyhood, and baa
been in tbe employ of Mr. Egglmann..
for aeveral months past. Virgil wast
on a farm In this vicinity for several -years.
Mr. Egglmann will continue tha'
candy and confectionery business as
before. The deal will not maket
much difference In the arrangement
of the building or In the appearance)
of the front room.
Mrs. Craft and Mlsa Nelson are stilt
In the employ of Mr. Egglmann, and
Mrs. Egglmann will be in general
charge of the confectionery depart
ment during the day. Miss Lulu Mc
Pheraon will be In tbe employ of the
Moon brothers during the day In tha
bakery goods department.
Prof. Lambert, with the assistances
of Prof. Roth and Mrs. Ella Lombard,
took the agriculture claaa of th
Junior High school to tha farm of C
N. Swango, one mile north of Coburg.
Friday afternoon, where a practical
Illustration of Judging and scoring of
Holstein dairy cows waa given.
There were nineteen pupils in the)
class who made the trip, namely:
Frank Lombard. Elvln, Thnnnan, Rae i
CaateeL Oneta Smith, Abble Tomsetb, .
Doris GIrard, Helene Richmond.
Lucile Stewart. Margaret Halsey. :
Margaret Howell, Pauline McPherson. .
Constance Rebhan, Sopba Shahan. '
Edith Horning, Viola Goddard, Esther :
Lenhart, Gladys Walker, Anna Hryn--
chuk and Etta Dnryee. They went In .
three autos, took their lunch, and! .
certainly had a fine time. ;
Everybody appreciated the courtesy '
of Mr. Swango in showing hla splen-
did herd, of Holstfelns. and) demon
stratlng hla electric milking machine.
Died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Charlea Hastings, at Thurston,
Monday, May 1. She was born.
November 4t 1838, at Versaires Clalr;,
mont county, Ohio. She waa 83 yeara
5 months and 27 days old. She wa
married to Simon T. RnndeL June . .
l54. Three children were born ta
this union; one died In Infancy; the
others, Mr. James Rundel, of Tacoma. .
Washington, and Mrs. Alma Hastings
of Thurston, are left to irioum her
loss. She also leaves two grand
children, one sister and a step-;
daughter. She became a member ot
the Baptist church when she was but
16 years of age. -
Mr. and Mrs. Rundell came to
Oregon in 1883. They lived at Mol- '
alia, Clackamas county, for three
years, where they ran a store ant
postoffice. They then moved to EI-
mlra, where Mr. Rundel died on April
3, 1808. Since then she has made,
her home with her daughter Mra.
Claries Hastings. She had lived for
31 years In Lane county.
A year ago last April, she feel and
injured her hip and has been an In
valid since.
Funeral services were held at '
Veatch's charel in Eugene Wednea
day at 2 p. m.
Henry Kort of the Springfield
Garage spent aeveral days this last!
week a-t Monroe, doing tracton re
pairing for Ferrol Perklna on his farm
Wallace Reld In "Too Much Speed"! 1
A story ot love and racing care, and ;
a daredevil driver who proved fast,
worker la both. Filled with tbe thrill, j
and laugh stuff that makes a moving I !
picture move! At the Bell next Wed-' j
neaday. Don't forget the tree pro--. :
sents. j
For rsulta Ust - your piaoe with - ;
Bellinger ft McPherson.
Mlsa Myrtle Harvey, who has been '
confined to her bed for the past two. ;
months, hat ao far recovered as to be i
able to be out again. She will, not
enter school, however, nntll the fall ,' '
term. . - ' ' ! 1
Are the wolf dogs of the North able 1 (
to distinguish between friend an j j
toe? Are dogs ot the fiercest breed
capable of great affection and devo
tion T See the great northern atory
by James Oliver ' Curwood, "God's
Country and the Woman", at tbe Bell
next Saturday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Vf.
Eaaton are
moving to Landax, where they will
both be employed by a the, Lands!
Lumber company,
Mary Nesbit went te the? Bsampe
above WendUng, Sunday, where she
will be employed. .
r i