TIltniaDAY, AP1UL 27. 1922. iAOn M)JTt ppRrNurrai-D news FR T 1 EdJtwl by the Pupils of Springfield High School Oh. wll for the wealthy lad WTio imokri imported cigars! Instead ot Elmlra coming to Spring field last Friday, we had to journey down thre. The final score was to In favor ot Elmlra. Inability to field and hit caused the defeat A practice game Monday with th- Bolshevik! against the Regulars, re sulted In the score of 10 to 8 in a five Inning game, for the Bolshevlkl. I The girls received their basketball letters Friday. Kllleen had the Gig gles as usualy. Blanch Ransdel was a visitor at toe High school Thursday. All who wl9h to try for typewrltlnt, certificates will be given a chance on May 5. Quite a number are expected to try their luck. The biology and botany classes took Tuesday afternoon oft and went on a hike. Mr. McFadden went along as teacher and chaperone. We hiked up to Hendrick s park and circled around the hills and came out on the highway towards Goshen. Although Mac and his bunch took a different course from the rest of us none of us got lost and we spent a very enjoy able afternoon. It was difficult work getting up the steep hillsides where the paths were muddy, but with each ohera assistance we got along nicely. Some of ns arrived at the school house before closing time but the rest of them decided that they would make an all afternoon stay while the? were at It Many beautiful speci mens were collected for both classes and everybody returned, tired In body but still able to keep a cheerful smile on. We hope to take another hike again but It all depends. We are glad to see Esther Lee back to school again, even though she has tour eyes. D.'d It ever Happen to You? Broke, broke, broke. By thy spedthrift ways. O Girl! And I would that I had the dollars It cost to give you a whirl. Oh, well for the billionaire's son With his fleet ot expensive cars! Riverside Daily FRESH JERSEY MILK AND CREAM DAILY T B. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PHONE ZiFZ Broke, broke, broke. And royally trimmed by the. Now I surely hope that you stick with htm And never come back to me! The world Is expected to come to an end Immediately. Llndel G. got to general science class before roll tall. Foxy: "Did you see that prehistoric woman down town" Jennie: "No. Is she alive?" Griel: "She Is petrified; they carved her out of rock." Alice Mortensen has a bad eye. at least bo she says. She wears a ban. dage over It. We wonder why Lenoie D. alway; comes early In the morning? I wonder what has happened? Mrs Myers let her gymnasium class out early Monday? We wonder why Leonal Vorls gets sore so easy? Lois M. never has her algebra? The English VIII class was so sleepy Monday afternoon? That Lennabelle sticks up tor Cecil Harbert every time? Mrs. Carpenter and Miss William son were all dressed up Tuesday morning? Mac is such an algebra expert? The second team In baseball beat the first? Viola has that far oft look? They say that coming from Elmlra the other day Eileen was so scared t'cat her freckles faded. He eats his soup with honey, He's done it all his life TIs not because he likes It so But it sticks upon his knife! Mr. Roth telling the history class of a riot he was in: "1 haven't broken into history yet but I broke into a rua to get out of there." We all wonder why Ralph Love Is stepping so high today. Maybe It Is because he has some new kickers. Everybody Is beginning to look !or.g (aced again for next week Is the end of the second six weeks. That means quizzes again. WW if i- w vv e oejmeve mjijL,iai ia as ms most efficient lubricant mails fcr the modem automobile ensjoie. If It were possible to males a better oil than ZEROLEME this company would make it." PHILIP L. 8PONG Was born at Logansport, Indiana. January 17, 1850. His people came o Oregon in 1S51. and settled In Marlon county I'hlllp was married to Miss Sarah Bmmbough. at Salem, '.n 1S73 Soon afterwards they moved to Cottage Grove, where they lived until about five years ago. After that Mr. and Mrs. Spong lived at Marcola for several years. They came to Springfield for a few months, on ac count of Mrs. Spong's health She died hre March 22, 1921. She was The President of the Standard Oil Company California), author of the statement quoted alovc, is right in believing that Zcrolcnc is the best motor oil made. The lubrication engineers of this company have proved it rcjHatcdly, by means of thousands of dynamometer and road tests of Zeroleno and competing oils. The reasons for Zerolcnes superiority are: First, that the Standard Oil Company (California) possesses resources of crude oil and of manufacturing equipment and personnel that are unsurpassed in the entire petroleum industry. Sec ond, that the engineers and chemists of this company have, from the beginning, been given carte blanche to make full use of these exceptional resources, and to spend all the time antl money needed to develop a lubricant ideally suited to the needs of the modern internal combustion engine. At the President's request, we arc undertaking to tell the motorists of the Pacific Coast the story of Zerolene. We shall do this by means of a series of signed statements in the public press. These statements will set forth in plain lan guage the requirements of an efficient motor lubricant, ami the detailed reasons why Zerolene meets these require ments perfectly. STANDARD 081 COMPANY (Outran) 3 IT ALWAYS PAYS TO TRADE AT CRAY'S Prices Good Every Day In the Week SOAP Crystal White, bar 5c Fella Naptha. 10 bars 75c Van Hoeter's, 2 bars 9;: P & (J Naptha. 7 bars 50c MILK Bordens Carnation or Alpine, per can 11c Armours Veribest, per can 10c Pineapples, large can 25c Ml- Hood Washing Powder, 4 lbs 25c a slater of Mrs Belle Spong, of the Spong hotel. Mr. Hpongg death resulted from an attack of influenza which brought on heart trouble, the Immediate aue. He did at the home of hlH daughter Mrs J. H. Moshy, at iJorena, April 19. runeral services were held at Mills chapel, Cottage Grove, April 21. Tl'.e burial was at the Brumbaugh family cemetery, at Cottage Orove. Mr. Spong leaves two daughters: Mrs. J. E Miles, of Marcola, and Mrs. J. B. Moshy, of Dorena; and one son, Sherman Spong, of Salem. Also, two brothers: C'apt. A. J. Spong, of Spong's Landing, near Salem; and J. H. Spong, of Salem; and one sister, Mrs. Kate Rhodes, of Salem. "Not only local, but persistent ovjr beginning with (he first tailless ape merely a pleasant tlrenm of romunc wlde areas." i (or long tailed main by Interminable Wng ago, and Is without a particle of Prof Trice, In referring to these process of development, man has pro phenomena, says, these "Incongruous gressed from I'lelHtocene ooze, In the early dawn of his primitive savagery, to (he present almost ultimate Hostou Ian culture. Hut Is this thu way we have arrived? Have wo really ur lived In any upward climb of dis ci rnihlo progress? Is our present strata are often found repeated over and over again In the same vertical section, the same kinds of bods reap pearing alternately with others of un entirely different age as If reg ularly Imbedded " And (Klklu testi fies tliejr ai- found "In manifestly un- fl vlllzn t Inn an acquisition, or only a.: 'disturbed series of strata." Inheritance? I But yet other discoveries have been I'rof. Trie" says: "Thero Is not ! recorded within comparatively re cent years wholly at variance with Justification lu objective, historical fact. Civilization Is always an In heritance, and bus never been self originated by any race In uny age " Here then, briefly, Is the rase, against Kvolutiou, the enemy of the church, the heritage, of an Ingenious guess, the pet of science, the protego of (leductivo reasoning; a monstrosity lu thu robes of science, parading In her hulls as a legitimate child. Hut, Miss Ruth Scott returned horns during the past week from a three- weeks sojourn at Newport for health's sake. EVOLUTION AND MODERN SCIENCE (Continued from page 2) cent discoveries, that the oldest rock and tie youngest, the Cambrian and the Tertiary, have been found con formable together. Not only so, buv In compositions and consolidation It Is at times difficult to determine which Is the "older" and which the "younger". The only differentiating evidences are fossils found imbedded In them. These beds, at Oelkie says. HOWS THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what -we claim for it cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure anv other disease. IIALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through tlie.lluod upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and re storing normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ' the theory of life-succession. In al most every continent, large areas of strata have ben discovered In the reverse order of (he geological the ory; that Is, with the old on top of the young. This, too, not In a few Isolated or limited districts, but It areas literally covering thousands ot developed Into I square miles. One of these beds Is found In Idaho and Utah; another, some 350 miles in extent, runs through a part of Mantana, and ex tends up into Alberta. Here the earliest Paleotolc Is found Imbedded upon the latest Mesozolc. Another similar area bas recently been dis covered In Cblna, of more than 50b miles In extent all conformable. Cat. nature speak plainer? Can evidence be stronger? If this will not con vlnce men of the absurdity of the life succession theory, based upon paleontologies! vidnce, what will? Nature could not speak more clearly, or more strongly denounce the fallacy and futility of the theory of evolu tion, The very rocks cry out against blm who, In the blindness of bis hy pothecated wisdom, would discount the sacred scriptures and dethrone their Ood. "It Is a self-evident fact that If evolution Is true then civilization U not an Inherited blessing1, but an bp quired one," says Prof. Price, If w are to accept evolution as the true theory of man's origin and develop ment, then we must believe that slowly through the ages, step by step, A single objective, historical cxumpli) "Our little theories havo their day of a savage race that has ever thrown Thy l-.svo their dny, and cease to be' off or outgrown Us savagery, and has Slowly tho handwriting Is belli developed an agricultural life (or any traced upon the wall, and the hand o! other higher state of civilization) of science, Itself Is penning the lines, itself, and without I'.avlng received Not Its enemies, but Its friends are (he essentials of the change from the Judges by whom It Is being con some extornal source. This Idea that domnod. The Inevitable sentence savages haw of themselves slowly .must follow: "Weighed In the balance civilised people Is and found wanting." f WiASON CORDS AND FABRICS IN ALL SIZES FREE Tube with each Tire ThU offer holda good until May 10th 3', CORD $18.75 30x3'2 FABRIC $13.50 30x3 FABRIC $11.90 Exclusive saleB Agency for Springfield 2nd Ave. Garage SPRINGFIELD, ORE. R. G. Masters, Prop. i i . ,i - . , ... ,. 1.1 1 Jill... Ui. Phone; 19 I I V