Woe three TIIURSDAT. UAttCU 2. 1922. THE SPRIKCFIELD NEWS , . . TOWN AND Wanted, to rent fur 3 or 4 month, blryrto, any ol1 make, link must h In good working order. Inquire of twlht Kassey. por Kpraytng, phone !SK3. Dean. Oeo. I. Tli hop that were stared at the old li1 plant tia all han thlpd out except a'"ut one rat-load. Homo ft them were shipped out till w-k. Thus that have txxn shipped brought from 30 In 40 rvtti pound. Mont of tliem liad bean contracted bofoie thry wera atorad. Those that am, bfl longing to Palmer lira, and Mr. Uw tin, would probably not bring mora than 10 rent now. jantVlirn your eyea need attention (:onsull Dr. Hoyal J. Clck. ;) correctly fltteit. No case too dlfrirult. 90$ Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. The "accidental fall'' of the Klller'a partner, (rom a mountain cliff a ten atlonal drop of five hundred foot will be teen In "The Klllar". Also Harold l.loyd In hi firm $100,000 two rerlvr. At Hell Saturday. Frank Bartholomew baa been having a bruh with the flu, which developed Into pneumonia. i Wm. Brook, formerly manager of the Loud factory, and Itla brother-ln law, Carl Harper, Harold Dnvl and tiBBHBsaBBBasBBaaaa They call me "THE FOX" Come and hoc why. You'll nee the very flntt grout western super-production ever put on the screen. Se a thousand horsemen in a tremendous battle on the Scorching sandB of the Mo Jave desert. HARRY CAREY . . AIro NINE" cast. "THE CUSTARD with an all col"re I Bell Theatre l COMMUNITY CASH STORE WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT. WHY PAY MORE? 10 bars Golden Cake Soap 10 bars White Dear Soap 2 lbs. Gloss Starch 2 cans Phez Jam Full Cream Cheese, per lb W. M. GREEN, Proprietor THE LEADING GROCER Telephone 32. "Wear even-Inch Aluminum fg Fry Pan l: i,-pt- AlV-U1 LIMITED : t:.v?" V..'iVX--:('V5' TMmH d. m&k&MBm for m&k 'Mm only For a limited time we are offering thie seven-Inch " Wear JLver" Fry-Pan which retjularly tells for tl.tfO for 0r-. "Wear-Ever" utctuila are made from hard, thick, cold rolled sheet aluminum metal which again and again haa been pasmxl through gigantic rolling mills and aubjucted to the pressure of huge stamping machines. This special ofler it made to you can tee for yourself that Aluminum utunsils are NOT all the tame SEE the difference FEEL the difference KNOW the difference between ordinary aluminum and " Wenr-Ever " Get Your Fry Pan TODAY! i ,Ci r fit, MO r-(ir mwit 40) M.1C BRESSLER A SON VICINITY Ilarcld Ppangler are all engaged In timber work at Mabel. Mr. and Mr. J. C. Hafner moved thla week to Oregon City, where Mra. Hafner't mother live. Her father re cently died there. Now aprlng null samples on display at JoHl-r' Hull House. Mra. J. I). Ilarpnr, of (Herniate, Ore gon, spent several day litre, vlnltln I her daughter, Mr. Wm. II rook. Slie Ireturnod home Tuesday. We scour and card wool to ordsr for comforters, pa l, and mattress'. IVrfoctlon Ilatt and Mattress Co , 8tayton, Oregon. 27p Mra. Arthur Dakar and her two jdaugutar. France fend Thelma, went I to Olcndale Tueaday morning, for a visit of a week or more with Mra. naker'a father. The old gentleman ha been In III health lately, but I reported better. If ha continue to Improve, the vUlt will not be pro longed; a Ml France I employed at the Springfield restaurant and Tlielma la attending achool. O. W. meeta every Tueaday venlng at W. O. W. hall. J DO YOU KNOW that every pair of soles from MONARCH of the OAKS.' ACORN LEATHER, or L. at M. LEATHER will wear longer than any, 'nther oli leather. They are put on by Hall the Soo Doctor. I Rev. Otto Fusc-n. paitor cf the Free . MethodUt church, Mr. Fuen and ev ! eral other member of the church , were In Cottage Grove last Saturday j and Sunday attending the district' quarterly meeting. Borne other mem-i bra were visiting up Row river, andi 'seme absent by reason of sickness. So' the) attendance at the Sunday morning service waa slim. Rev. B I). Beckett filled the appointment. If you are planning on building thlt spring or summer, are U O. Buley, or call at The Newt office. Start the mornlg right with a wholesome dish of Jaspcr'a Breakfast Graham. Sold by loading grocer. Mr. and Mra. M. M. Male had rather 25c 25c 25c 25c 30c - Ever 99 for ONLY 49c TO OUR FRIENDS: The subs' intlal growth Of this bank Is due to the fine 'friendship, which it has -built up through 28 years of suceeHnful achievement In meeting the banking needs of his community. A warm welcome will be Riven YOLTl friends. Resources Over Three Million First National Bank Of EUGENE SC Yeare of Helpful Service ' 1 - - - more than the usually severe rub with I the flu. Mr. Mule waa keptp In fori about two weeks and Mrt. Male for, longer. Mr. Mali appeared on the street for the first time last Friday. Ho went to work at the mill Monday.! Mrs. Male Is recovering more slowly. Mini Grace Male waa home from Port land for the week-end on a visit. Dr. S. Ralph Dlpple, dentist, Spring field, Oregon. "WANTED Any person who heard Henry M. Stanley H-cture: "Willi Stanley in Africa Fifty Year Ago" communicate with Bell Theatre be-; fore March 8th. t Mra. F. E. Lcuk, who underwent iiii operation in Eugene, eeveral week ago, to relieve an extraordinary cr.tti of gall atone, and who waa brought home about ten daya ago, la now up and about the bouse and feeling fine. For Spraying, phone 2SF3. Geo. I. Dean. Will call for and d liver work.' Gossler'a Cleaning Parlor. Phone (. , Zeno Hansard one of the nine men who eacaped from the Lane county jail February 10, waa arrested at Salem last Saturday. He waa the fifth one to be recaptured. He waa serving out a jail aentence and fine for moonshlnlng. "The Fox", featuring Harry Care is a atory filled with heart-interest, humor, marveloua scenery, bard rid ing, death defying feats of horseman KeBtucliyWbnder f t ' J that If I'r &i e 1 1 Mmmmw Dtp, amusing western types and splendid acting. Alto "The Custard Nina" with an all colored cast. Bun day at the Dell theatre. ! Three or fottr workmen wera en- gaged during the latter part of th forenoon, Monday, In removing the old planking and putting down new, at tha eastern end of tha wagon bridge over th Willamette.' Long string of cart wera held up on both side for a considerable time. Most of those, going toward Eugena finally went by ' way of Prunevllle. I 1 WANTED TO RENT Five or tlx acrea river bottom land, closa in, fori I l . , I T". . f I gKrueiiiiiB. jiuijrm uua so, opring fleld. ltc With Stanley In Africa".. George Walsh I a marveloua recreation ti true history's most thrilling dramatic adventure plcturlzed in IS wonderful chapters. Also Hoot Gibson In "Ac tion" I five reel of fun, thrill and excitement. At Bell Theatre Wednes day. Mr. and Mra. C. K. Eastman who have made their home In Springfield for several year, left here for an other home last Saturday. They ex pected to spend a few dayt in Coburg, with th Ir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mra. John Conoway, and then go on to Portland, where they have a residence proterty. j Hal) ba the blggeat aboe In Spring .field. It will be here In a week. WATCH FOR IT. Mrs. Dan Winfrey, who underwent such a severe surgical operation sev eral weeks ago, telephoned her parent Mr. and Mrs. John Ketels, sr., thst the would resume her work in the Pleasant Hill achool Monday. She eema to be now in a good state of health. W. O. W. meet, every Tuesday evening at W. O. W. hall. "The Killer" is a drama of a man whose life creed will amaze, startle and fascinate. Also Harold Lloyd in lapt Kldd's Kid". At Bell Theatre Saturday. Old clothe, lock l:ke new after we have dyed them. Gosaler's Cleaning Parlor. Phone 6L Henry Shoemaker, the father Mrs. R. P. Mcrtensen, died at of his ... ounu., c.,u, " - ruary 19. His son. Cha. H. Shoemaker of Roseburg. came up to Springfield Monday morning, expecting to go oi to Salem with Dr. and Mrs. Morten - ten In their car. Mrs. Mortensen had already gone. During the day, Mr. Shoemaker was taken violently ill with appendicitis. On Tuesday, he was taken to a hospital in Eugene, and an operation performed. He Is pro- grossing welL t..t I O 1 C . ,1 - t . I FOR .SALE 5 room house, S foci lot. Across atreet from High school. Inquire 111 D S1000 terms. street. (900 cash, or ltc If you are planning on building this ' , iJdenBantamSwee HOME Gardeners show by their these two vegetables are among most popular. Be sure to plant year and you II always make a pla them in your garden hereafter. Th way to enjoy beans or sweet corn raise them yourself. Plant at ten intervals in order to keep a fre supply coming along. Of course you'll want radishes lettuce, peas, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, beets, cabbage, etc. Large Packages of Beans. Corn and Peas. 10c. Cartons. 20c. All Vegetable Seeds In Standard Size Pockets Except Peas. Beans and Corn Ip. Hie Sterling Seed Case AT LOCAL DEALERS pring or aummer, tea L. O. Buley or call at The New office. f ( Mr. and Mra. Lester Deal are moving Into the bora of Mr. and Mra. J. C Hafner, on Fifth atreet They bar ( lately coma from Missouri. Mr. Deal wat formerly In the grocery buslnes. 'and may engage In buslnes here. Mr. . Hafner la not quitting Springfield. He declared a purpose to build another' house hero thla year. Be Harry Carey In tba firat west ern surer feature ever put on the screen. "Tha Fox". 8unday at Bell Theatre. I'm ketthln' a train what leavea twenty minute befo' I do, so the tuiuiiri win kiiuw wcfr diu uuiiuu 111 -.. T V.J A,kl.f to do wl' it" See "The Cuatard Nine", wltL an all colored cast, taken from Harris Dickson Saturday Eveu- Ing Poet atory. At Bell Tbeatr Sunday. Dr. 8. Ralph Dipple, dentist, Sprtng- field, Oregon. Walter Wllmont and John Innls are planning to cpen a gasoline service station on ti e vacant lot at the cor ner of Main and Fifth. They were both in Portland the fore part of this week, purchasing the fixture. The erection cf the building wilt commence at once. Geo. Perkina will do the work. AT EASE. Tour feet are always at eaae when your thoea are repaired , by Hall the Shoe Doctor. j W. O. W. meets every Tuesday evening at W. O. W. halL Any cleaning, pressing or dye work to be done Gossler'a Cleaning Par lor. Phone 81. i Prcf. J. E. Torbet received a tele gram last Saturday morning, Inform- ing b,m ,hat hls brother-in-law, H. S ;Clodfelter. had died Friday night, at ) Los Angeles, California, of bronchial pneumonia. The family had gone from Orefron to Southern California for the benefit of their health. Mra. Clodfeltsr, Mr Torbets sister, accom panled by a little daughter visited here last July. USED CARS FOR SALE Ore 1917 forr passenger Ford Bug. One 1919 Maxrrell. One 1919 Chevrolet ;one 1918 Ford Sedan, 0co m5 Bulck Hoadster A TrBCtor yoa want port, , 2nd AVENUE GARAGE. Springfield, ,Oregon. Phone 19. j Chambeiialn'a Cough RemeCy Nothing ao Good for a Cough or Cold j "Everyone who Las used Chamber lain a Cough Remedy speak well o. , it." writes Edward P. Miller, Abbotts town, Pa. People who once use tht, preparation are seldom aatlsfied with any other. It la excellent to allay cough or break up a cold. B some rchases for I RiveiM Daily I FRESII JERSEY MILK AND CREAM DAILY T- D. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD, ORECON PHONE 34F3 . A. A. ANDERSON "The Barber" Childrens hair cutting a Specialty For a fine Suit and a perfect fit, go to RAMSEY, Th"e Tailor DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bldfl. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 129-W Springfield, Oregon LEMLEY'S PRESSING PARLOR FRED G. LEMLEY Prop'r. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dye ing, Hata blocked, 8ulta made to measure Main Street Springfield between 3rd and 4th Oregon JOHN E. EDWARDS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Corner Springfield Main and Third Oregon . . . D. W. ROOF JEWELER FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Springfield Building Oregon W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Office phone 63. Res. phone C7-J A. S- CILLENWATER ; J Electric and Oo-Acetylene welding, Brazing and cutting 192 Blair St., Eugene, Ore. ROBERT BURNS Lodge, No. 78, A. M. F., Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Uni versal and Symbolio Free Masons meeta first and third Monday eveulng In Morrl aon'a ball. Visiting brother welcome. R. L. CROSS, Swretary. M. SVERERTJDH r w; M. i UOVPS THIS? ITALL'S CATAKE1I MEDICINE will do what we claim for i cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure nnv other disease. IIALL'S CATAKRTI MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the Hood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thua reducing the inflammation and re storing' normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ,. State has 11,024,567 funds ready for county market roads. ; , Reednport. 100 men employed o$ the Scottsburg road.' Heppner wool on the back of the sheep selling .at thirty cents. Cr?ton Orowera association to bull! new ;lsot at Newbeig. 5