TI Iim 8 DAT. FEimUAIlY 23, 1922 THE 8miN0nELD NEWS PAOE HIRES' TOWN AND A number of schools In l.ane county were suspended for a lime during Ih.i tut 'Tlu" rpldml on account ot th sl knesa of teachers or pupils. Charls Ray In "An OIl Fashioned Hoy" la story if an 1MQ lover In a 1023 fashion. At 1111 Tlwalre, Ratur lay. , The annual confoiwnre of the Smith ern Oregon conference of tha Free Methodist church will ho held at iti' lr tlisiel In WVhI Hprlngf ll1, aoma time In May. Dr. B. Ralph Dlpplo, dentist, Spring field, Oregon. li'C I. Dean had a job, Monday, of "gumming out" couple of aawa for the National Product company. Tbey( bad him a I no ahow tl.tm his method i of pointing a aaw, which he baal found In bla eleven yeara' of wood' awing to be wry effective. II put tin diamond point, Instead of a atralght. atonder polut; and b says tbla greatly Increases the cutting power of a aaw. Did you smile? Sure w know you did when you beard that Hall, the shoe doctor, waa back on the Job, Ilrlng them In at the old atand. I I'rof. Lambert had bla little brush with the "flu" during the pm week. along with the rent; but he managed We are now ready to clean and polish all kinds of shoes Kid, Canvas and Nubuck "Drop In" and try us Thomas & Sweeney COMMUNITY CASH STORE WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT. WHY PAY MORE? 24 rolls of toilet paper H-00 3 lbs. of Onion sets 25 Maggot bait for use on cabbage, radish turnip and all root cropB subject to the ravages of root maggots, per package 23c W. M. GREEN, Proprietor THE LEADING GROCER Telephone 32. See- CALIFORNIA. or Go East Thru California While the Golden Poppy is in bloom ATTRACTIVE ROUND-TRIP FARES SANTA BARBARA, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO New One way and All Year Fare to Eastern Cities Btop at 8an Francisco and Loa and beautiful The Southern Puclfl eexpenda 25 up-kesp of Ita ROAD. For further particulars ask apents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT General Pasaenger Agent VICINITY lo confine the worat stage of It to the vacation time between wholes, losing only the latter part of Friday from school. Wsnled A High school girl to work for br board and room. Will pay some wage. Inquire of Mra. Jim liar pol on I) street, two bloi-ka went of High school, after 7 p. m. ltc The National Frodtiets company suspended work for two or three days, at the turn of the wk, on account oi an accident to one of their aawa. For a limited time only 49 cent map. A Woarevor Aluminum frying pun regular price $1.20 at Dresalcrs. Next Tuesday evening the Chrlatlan church basketball team will play the MelhortlBt team. W. O. W. meeta evory Tuesday evening at W. O. W. ball. A boy waa born to Mr. and Mra. Ray Klncald, of Leaburg lnxt Sunday morning. If you would aense life in all Its aapecta of humor, pathos, comedy, etrength and weakness, aee Edna Werber'a novel. "No Woman Knowa", at nll Theatre Sunday. ' LIb Daust. an Xray expert of Port (land, waa In Hprtngtleld aeveral deye of the pant week on profession work. -Now Anegles world famous cities of Ita QrM earnlnga for TO OUR FRIENDS The substantial growth of tbla bank Ih due to the fine frieodHhJps uhltb it has built tip through 38 years of BticrrHfif ul achievement In meeting the banking neeln of IiIh community. A warm welcome will be given YOUR friends. Resources Over Three Million First National Bank OP EUGENE 3S Yeara of Htlpful Service He sold Dr. lUbhan two Patterson in tenslfylng screens for bis Xray" ma chine, and gave Instruction in Xray work. Mra, Lewis Grower, of Donna, aus 'talned a mijor orerslton at Mercy bopltal, Eugene, Monday. ' "The House of tbe Tolling Bell", Is 'not a ghost story, but one that will take you to .o kdum. Also Eileen Sedgwick In a two reel western "Hart of Arizona". At Bell Theatre next , Wednesday. , rylVhen your eyes need attention t2- !onsult Dr. Royal J. Glck. Glauses correctly fitted. No case too difficult. 90S Willamette St., Eugene, i Oregon. ! Mrs. Lambert's class, ct the primary '. department, transferred from the Lin coln ac-hool. has been located In the middle room of the northwest quarter of the upper floor of the High acbool building. Mra. Lambert baa organlted i ber class Into a drum corps, for exer- else In rythm. Each pupil la provided with a small drum. She raided the i meat markets for skewers, to be used for drum sticks. WANTED Plain sewing to do. Mrs. Walter Llpes, B and 2nd Streets, Springfield, Oregon. f23p The Loud Manufacturing corpora tion baa torn down tbetr old dry kiln to make room for an extension of the main factory building northward. Tbey are preparing to put up a new dry kiln, across the driveway to the east, Growlfour Own - .UIfrS.-tirl..iii' l f and Bortb of the big abed. For arm week, beginning March t. Weerevee Aluminum f r tianm fn IS f ' vend a uivavivr. . , MMvln Feowick clalma to be able to cure any cae of "flu". ' lie u and recommends to bla nirnida a com blnatlon of remedies for different features of tho case. I? use Hotel s Amlmr-o'Iatnm cheat .ointment for local application: IU'e hapry now! Why shoes rejalred by Hall, the shoe doc tor. A. C. Dixon, general manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company, wis elected president of the West Coast Lumbermen's association, at a meet ing In Seattle, last Friday.' Dr. 8. Ralrh Dlpple. dentist, Spring field, Oregon. A. T. Stephens and family who' have been living on O etreet, tetween 4th and 6tb, have moved to Brownsville. Mr. 8tepbens will be employed on a close of yesterday funeral a its nice farm near that place. Jments hsd not been completed. The ,,, ... burial will probably be at Lowell. She will never live in it, when she . finds out you built It without consult-! A. J. Perklna bas bought the Spring ing her. You don't knew how contrary field hospital building of J. D. Baker, women are. See Charles Ray in "An Old Fashioned Boy". At Bell Theatre Wednesday. . , , . . iklna bas formed any definite plans; Loul. EFleg.1. who died at his abont lf we haye nJt ,earne(1 them borne In Eugene, on tbe 15th, waa. buried at Laurel Hill. The recent period of rainy weather i . . , . , seemed to check the flu epidemic A small business enterprise was lost 'Mniewtlt The alternation of freez-! to Springfield last week because the ,ng ,nd weath(!r InCe geemg : projector could, not find a dwelling nave cnecked the check. house here. Springfield's greatest need is more bouses. Mrs. Myrtle Henderson of Salem, I t , M .. - - 'mother and mother-W law, of the! The body of Mrs. Margaret E. Rus v,-. (n i- o., ! sell. who died at Lodl, California. Feb ruary 15, arrived at Eugene last Satur day. Tbe funeral was held at Veatch's chapel, Eugene, Monday afternoon, and was conducted by Dr. E. V. Stiver pastor of the Christian church. Eu gene. Mrs. Russell waa a lifelong member of that church. The burial .... .. , xr . was at Mt Vernon cemetery. Grant Tolliver and bis son-lnlaw Carl Holmes, were both working on the highway which the Southern Pa cific Is replacing near Mapleton, and making good money on contract work. when both were taken with severe cases of flu, and had to leave thlr,ke left packed as late in the spring as work and come home. They both possible to avcid chilling the brood ot came up tbia week. Mr. McAivay, who owes the old H'nkson farm near Springfield Junc tion, and who ia a dealer in cattle re turned Tuesday, from a trip to East ern Oregon and Idaho, where he bad disposed of two carloads of stock cattle. Another Wearever Aluminum spec la! don't miss H Fry Pans 49 cents at Bresslers. , Tbe hydrant expert of the Mountain Statea Power company, from tbe main office at Albany, waa here last Satnr day, on a call from tbe town council, at tbe Instance ot certain citizens, to All Standard SijeVegetable Packets-Hie finest Seed Obtainable At Local Dealers IS ISO repair aeveral bydenla which needed attention, In lie Intereat of batter fire protection. ' . . Ar yon aacrlflclng your life forCOn,tlp.(oB , Crm1enAfr.-S Tablet.' another? Does It pay 7 The answer to your question la found In "No Wo man Knowa", adapted from "Fanny Herself", At Bell Theatre Bonday. Mra Julia Cigstad, wife of B. K Glgslad, died at her borne In Eugene,! T.. I r U n . m rm ' Itunaumr, rcuiuar; aged ul yearn, 8 months and 14 days. The GlgsUd na i ius. family lived In Springfield for several yeara. ' Shoe repairing by Hall, the shoe doctor. Trlcoa right. Mr. and Mr 8. V. Ward hav moved from Willamette Heights to apartments In the Vitus Block. i Cornelius J. Burke died of cancer, cf the stomach, at his home at Lowell ', February 19, agd S5 years, 6 months j and 24 days. The body waa prepared i for burial and la held at Walker's . undertaking parlcrs; but up to the! cf Eugene. Various suggestion bave been made as to the disposition to be ; jrnad of the building; but, if Mr. Per , visit here. "The House of the Tolling Bell" is a weird tale of a haunted bouse. Also i a two reel western and a one reel cenredy. Bell Theatre next Wednes- day. w- O. W. meets evry I . . T ,. even ng at W. O. W. halL Tuesday Get Prolific Queen Beea Beekeepers should see to it that every hive Is beaded by a young, pro- ! lifle Italian queen. The hives should jcold nights. O. A. C. experiment sta tion. Springfield News $1.50 per year. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. The billoua and dyspeptic are con stant sufferers and appeal to our sym pathies. Many such, however, bave been completely restored to health by the use of Chamberlain's Tablet's. These tablets strengthen the stomac'v, 'invigorate the liver and improve thd digestion. They also cause a gentle movement of the bowels. When you bave any trouble with your atomach, give them a trial. Plan now to have a sue cession of vegetables in your garden all summer where you can gather them fresh and crisp when you want them. Many varieties can be sown every ten days espe cially beans, peat, radish, lettuce, beets, spinach, etc All the desired varieties may be easily selected from the convenient up right Sterling Seed Case. Full cultural directions on the back of each packet. QJJ Chambeflaln'a TabtcU For '. liMlgeetlen and Cenetlpatlon "The nicest and pleasantest me)'' cine I haver navrf tnr lnrflMttM anf writes Merjard T. Craig. Middle Grove? X. r. Tbey work like a charm and do. not crip or leave any unpleasant effect. Riverside Dairy FRESH JERSEY MILK AND CREAM DAILY T- B. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PHONE 34F3 A. A. ANDERSON "The Barber" . Chlldrens hair cutting a Specialty For a fine Suit and a perfect fit, go to RAMSEY, The Taflor DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Button Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 129-W 6pringfield, Oregon LEMLEY'S PRESSING PARLOR FRED Q. LEMLEY Prop'r. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dye ing, Hata blocked. Suite ansde to measure Main 8treet Springfield between 3rd and 4th Oregon JOHN E.' EDWARDS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Comer Springfield Main and Third Oregoa D. W. ROOF JEWELER FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon) FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC 8utton Building 8prlngfleld Oregon W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. Block Office phone 62. Res. phone C7-J A. S- CILLENWATER Electric and Oxo-Acetylene welding, Brazing and cutting 192 Blair St., Eugene, Ore. ROBERT BURNS Lodge, No. 78, A. M. F., Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Uni versal and Symbolic Freer Masons meets first and third Monday evening in Morri son's balL Visiting brothers' welcome. R. Li. CROSS, Secretary. M. SVERERUDKS R W. 11. HOWS THIS? BTALL'S CATAERII MEDICINE will do what we claim for it cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure buy other disease. IIALL'S CATARRn MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and sets through the blood upon tha mucous surfaces of the system, thua reducing the inflammation and re storing normal conditions. ; Al! Druggists. Circulars free. F. Tv Cheney & Co, Toledo. Ohio. V