The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 12, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    12. 1022.
January Clearance Sale
Kcwland'a toro will ptTcr during tho month of January elreri,
nary valuta In desirable merchandise. Bancatna will b offered every
day at price, that are from 10 to 35 per rent le than the ko-kU
ar worth.
Great Clearance Sale
Ladies' Suits, Coals, Dresses
Erery ladles' suit, coat and dress has ben marked down to
c'ose cut. No excvi ttor. all nt Mr ovducilon..
$29.75 ladies coats now selling at $19.73
$14 50 ladies' coats, only a Tew left at 9.98
$3S.95 ladies coats, very special at 25.00
$20.00 silk plush coats for 13.75
Children's coats worth regular $12.00 for 7.50
$15.00 all wool Tricotlne dresses on sale at 10.t'i
$22.50 all wool Tricotlne dresses for 16.75
One lot of ladies' all wool serge suits, color navy,
nicely tailored, can be had at the low price of ... . 15.00
Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Gorduroys
Thla month we offer great bargains in new fall and winter allka and
dreaa Roods tome of these ar late arrival..
New land's- A Place to Save
Edited by the ruplls of Springfield High School
The chief difficulty our boya ex
pericnced in the (tame at Klmlra
seemed to be the smallncsa of their
floor. The boya .aid It wasn't any
larger than an ordinary box car.
Ettutra made the first basket, and
then the game realty started. Th
boya played fast and well, but they
were unaccustomed to the floor ant
aftor the long rile they were stiff.
The Mure was played In thirda.
Instead of the usual halves, and H
caressing tone:
nv vory happy.'
"This day lias made
"Can you beat It?"
It took l.owo'1 Slkes and Asahct
Fish to open one of tin doubt doom
of the auditorium so Ktta Davis could
Take my advice IU! beware. I have
heard more than my share.
Mr. Torbet and Way no r'rady were
seen making their exit (rout one ot
waa not until the last third that ourln olJ h M" l,'l
boya really began to become accua- Nobody know, what they were after
tomed to their strange aurroundlng. n ro", r -uppoaed to b
anil twvn In nlsv a m imp iieiiiallv Ai . ".Cant
on their own floor.
At the end of the last third the
score waa Elmlra 38. Springfield 33.
This tiea Elm Ira and Springfield.
Mlaa Cooley looks very lofty wh-n
Mr. Mcl'lteraon appears on the scene.
I wonder why?
There is only one cure (or Hun's
heart trouble (Viola).
Margaret HiihmII flutter Can a pan
cake. honuiso lUlptl I'lln look b-r to
a party.
Wr heard thnl Ustita brought (leotge
Slgnnr a link' "lUnle". V are
pictlng Ih'rolhy Clrard to rom anil
Ing up to school In a private taxi
now moat any day.
Ifcut't disappoint ua Ikmdhy.
Marin in Malo Insists on Ituth bring
Ing her brother to srliool at often as
possible. From the looka of things
she la dreaming of happy days.
Kvcry day In the 4th period ai
Alftvl gos to the typewriting room
ho stops at the door of the English I
while flin:.iU. so be wl'l know bow
l.v ihfi i m." lie gin a to Honolulu hex!
1 Im d meslle science rl tnusl b
iKiiomnl. Miss Williamson said they
w i to going to tnnko soup and Instea.l
of a price for soup It was a rwlpn
for cookies that she pul on the board.
They never knrw the difference.
Chic Me. "Mis Myers. Iessle I
hwlng gum."
1 ! "It aim giun, It's Just in
Bilious H.adache
When you have a sevnm headache,
a disordered stomach and ronsllpa-
room t.i see If llesslo Winter. Is still lmV thrt"' "' Chamberlain'. Tab
In existence.
i lets. They will correct the disorders
of the liver and bowels, effectually
Wayne Is already prnctlclng wearing curing the headache.
Charter No. Si
Last Friday tho sophomore class
bad a very enjoyable masquerade, par
ty. Mr. Morgan, with bl. big noaa.
and Mr.. Carpenter. In her .unbonwt, KPn T .., you c,n uk( mr noraB
ana mi... wiuiatnaon. the -giddie , ,Urry ..Sur, , folnf. ,0 illp;
w-er our chaperoned Chocolate and ln four Tol(g,
Kllen T. "Are you going lo vote (or
the party Harry?" i
Harry II. "What do I want an old
party for?"
1 .-. ... '
A. A Andersioii
Successor to STEVE BOWLES, announces the opening of
' a modern 2-chair
j Barber Shop
VJ1 electric equipment and first class service Your pat
ronage respectfully solicited
Shave 25c
Earl A Hum will operate the first
wafer, were eerved at a late hour.
Spanish I Clasa Have New Teacher
I Mis. Elinor Goodenough. a student
'at the l. of O. I. now teaching tht
KpauUh 1 class. We fear this class
mut be harj on teachers, for thi
' U the third one they have had ttna
Tl'?r? Is one (xTsun who will b
glad hcn llclvln I Hone's can of tal
cum powJcr Is gone. Are theie any
Many' w.'re dlsarpointed with their
Monday a light tap at the door
brought a atnlle to Miss Mt Kenile's
I face. When she came back h wj
so nervou.4 nr. I excllid sh forgut to.
fthitlitn a long !"on. I
Dorothy Ditto better begin to watch
report cards Men-lay. Some at them ' beenns" Charles DavU wus it n walk-
have fa-led slightly In color.
It g to school with Lul. i mid Hi hecca
LOST: 1 eversharp, 2 note books, I Audry Mt I hi-rs;u Is having n hitrl
and a Ij'.ln grammar." Ilin: trying to g.-t Herbert Taylor to
Kxery day the black-boards are cor- look her way. tut he scciiu to have .
ered wltft su'ii i;;.-"ic-i We bein to h!n ty in Mailuin Male !
1 1.
Commercial State Bank
At Springfield, In the State of Oregon at the rlowi of business on
I Seemlier St. t21.
Ians and discounts. Including rediscount.
ahown in Item 31. If any tlft.Stt II
Overdrafts secured und unsecured . 31 IS
V. H government securities owned. Including
those shewn In Heme 31 and St, If any .... 10.000 01)
Other bonds, warrants and securities. Including foreign
government, .lata, municipal, corporation, etc.. In
cluding H ose shown In Items 31 and 3. if any 16.509 M
Stocks, securities, claims, liens. Judgements, etc. NONE
Hanking bouse, 114. too 00; furniture and fixtures, 14400 00 . 11.300 00
Ileal estate owned other than banking louse NON'C
Amount, due from banka, banker, and trust companies
not designated aa approved reaerve banks ..,.., NOSE
(a) lawful reaervo with federal re nerve bank NONE
(b) Amounts due from banka. banker sand trust com
panies, designated and approved reserw agents of
this hank ,. lM!tft!)
Check, on banks outside city or town of reporting bnnk
and othr csnh Hems . IN on
Kxchangv for clearing houne and Iti fii. on other banks In
lh aume city or town aa reputing bnnk . 794 t.i
Cah on ban I in vault ,. 7.2CI Cn
Total rash and due from bankt,
Cms S, . 10 II a il 12. $2:t.r.?n 37
Interest, taxes iiml expi nM-s paid - NONI1!
Cuctoiner'a liability under letter of credit NONT,
Customer's llahlllt)' account of "ace-ptnne-s" ex'-cuted by
this I hi nk and bv other lutnks for th ai'coiint of th's bank NONE
Other assets, If -y NONE
iet su;ilc!o;j li.' fc'h-r day when
Jot'nny Tomsth lost all his tc:il;s I
Ves. It l-i quite the thlnK In oil S.
H. S. to lose your bo'.ks, your foun-,
tain pen. and lnclilenta'ly ) grade.
Indeed Mr. Hoth nald to a girl y- !
tvrday. "Are yoa sure you haven't
lost your head?"
I J'lit heard the other day that
A'lel:ille Oriel s going to knock
1 V
C'jiirity in the Mate.
fc:ar t-ig t nww we-k in j .m- The university library now lias 110,-
ua.y. an.1 lastirg six we-; .. t'i? at.nuul 0!,0 vobaii'-s.
Il'b'e ccr.e for wune-n will I o itlv-!
by tt ur;i'.rr-i!y Y. W. C. A. !,i-aders A !iort e ourse for tin- c-m-n' -rem!
o: iht 13:1. !e -our? ars uy:ti!y lady t!ulj s(.crP.3, -u-s of C- state wi'l be
There nioct h:ive btm sonietblnf,
wonderfu1 In tout 1-tter.
I.ols M was nil e xi I". n.: !.t ai. 1 blush
es today t-'li" t :! I s'ie h i I a letter
a-d It wa-t so s. hocklnc. ar.d i: ::V.
?o fc-ocl to Ik; true. .
Two ytuiiK hoi .-fnN. nittirp on u rail;
Mabel, will ya. now don't f'lll
Wlist ya tnlkin' 'bout. Lionel V ? i
Why-er i inin' tl:'-m apples on it lilac
Two young j.-eoplo were seen golns
down Mill Dfie.-t lale oik; ev ntnj
this v.'i k as the hIi.iiIows were In K 1 1)
ning to fall. Suddenly he
.-Safl Ur in if MBis m, il M
arm around her and sail In a aofl
t.i -i ti
Taylor & Ditto
Phone 5
tn'.-mb-rs of th r fiiul'y or wl-. es of
cur.nbers. I
ofi'tred by the university Juri:g the
IH r vacation. Fi!:en aeerr-tarie
, i: -r a 1 I --. , .1 r. -. i :i u: .1 I.-.-- I ,A j ;
in correspo .1 .. e study cMir.-f-t ir. j'":'r- !,!:J i; '-' '"!'l that it luay b';-(
the university is 10S6. rej.-re .-n'lrie 1 cctp an annual lea'uie. '
II .
Many j.ecjlo in this town and vicinity have decided
that this is the projei place to trade because of the big
fiavinv,-, courtHus trratuieiit and a complete 1'iie of good and feed
Come in and get acquainted
and get our prices.
Lard, Silver Leaf or shortcnenng, per lb 15c
White Cloud, or Flake White, 41b. pail 73c
Choice bacon backs per lb 252
Fancy side baton, per lb ,-...2S(;
Dacon squares, per lb 18c
; Corn, peas, tomatoes, 2 cans 25?
Full cream cheese per lb 28;
MUk comb honey, quality guaranteed, ccmb 25i
r Oranges, sweet and juicy, 20c up lo .50c
Cod fish, per brick 18c
Crackers, by box, each 402
TGIJ ctt- . v.; v.-?-.f :
. save ri.c.i'.-v, ,.r,.J ;. -
rtt.u'd I.;..? tj : !..... i I.. .
Thc:iureC..::j:.'!-..t. J.'i it..
tih'R'it tinr.c you ..!! CO to . .
j-io'. : tlic fi'joh'y i.i )'i L..Ik,..j
it:. J lower l'' j c-c' i.
Calumet ij m;Q n Mj" kr.7-
c-.t, fani:a.v H ''in;; l' 'wc: ;r
Fact' rice It tho'vVodl- No V-
Powdf Is nr 'e t.n!' r J iicr
conditional Done tan Lo b: t'.cr in
It contains only surh inTC-
die :ts a. n.-ve been oi.i-iai.y en-
Total ....
Capital stock paid In .
Surplus fund ....
lal t iidlvlibd profits .
(bl 1 e-s cnr.eni cxt.etiscN, lm r h and liixen paid -
IHvidenda imps I.I .
Auioimts due to banks, hankers and trnM companies not
approved or d slpnaded aa reserve a.ruta (or thla bank ....
Amou: ts due lo hnnls. bankers and truM runipf?nl-s ap
proved and ill olKimted as rem-rve HKents of ill's bank
1'nlted Ktatrs d i-omIIh, 'nrlitilli K pontnl snvlnc. nnd deposit,
of I'nlte.l S'.itei rllihiir.-liiK officers
DEMAND DEF03:T9. other than bankB. sithj -i t to i.-.i-rvo:
D'.i.i-I din; the of rv;-m, ui-d d'-;oiMa due county
ri''" et.'l oi!i i- public fuels ,
!: i '.:.! :e;( ii siil.jict 'i i heck
I m -.! d cr'l ': .itei of d. .o.,lt out Hatiilli-.K
Cavlli-rs b-i k i of till bank outftn -Ihii? ir-vabh- on
! ion-i.I . . , . . ' . ..
C' t ! If h- b -. out-it.imlinK
'i'otul of ilt maiirl d 1 1 ih 1 1 1 . nlh.-r th in bank d"i onltH, sebjoct
to i. M-r-. , items i'4. 2.r., L'ii. 17 and $i:;o.i'.t.;t :s
TIME AND SAVINGS DEP03IT3, . iiM-ct to r -aervo nnd pay
titl-.i .n 'It-;;it iiuii ,.ul.,Vcl lo noiice:
Time ertif.i-M f iltpoiit (tiiiKtundl ir
S i V ii it i depo-ill-i. pnvnbb) subject to t ot'en ,
Totnl of time nivl sivIiihb piiviilib' on d.-mnn-l and
i ;ihf- -t to iK.tlce. Iiciiih 'J nnd :iu. ;-J:i.:!7.T l'.-'
Note". bllU a d neeejitHnces r-dlc'ninl-( incluitina; bond.
or other wciirltlon old umler r'urclniriH ci im-ih iiIk ltli
rontlKellt ll.ibilttlea ,
IUIIh ravnblo w'th fe. rn reserve bank or with o her hunks
or tri:ft comi .'idles
Ill- x rvi-d for t ixe, liiieri-st or ili pn-.-iutlon
I.eiters of rrc-dll out.itnmlliiR
Acceetiim-n x ciuil ly this blink for ctiHtomera h.ined oil
nrriculli.ral or ci inm-'rclul trnnatictlonH
fulled Slate. Kovnrnm nt or olio r boi-d.i bnrrowod
l.l:ih!litl.-i, otto r tli:m iibove .tulud, !f liny
I no.nooon
6,1100 oo
19. 1 13 KM
I0M H'JR 71
14.S!7 Tl
U domed by tho U. S. P-re Vu.A 5
Authorities An tboolutc guaran- I I
teethnt it it pure. !
Btato of OneKon, County of Kane, hs,
i. ( . I'. Ki u , H tU i nl, if lie il e inn cd lui k. dn h'h iiiuly swear
that tho abovo statement U true lo tho bent of my knowb-dKo nnd bolluf.
O. 11. KKSSKV, President,
(i.rrcc Atte: : A. J. 1'erklnn, M M 1'eery, Wei by MrveiiH. Illivrtora.
j K.iliMcrll)" (I and sworn to before mo this filh -lay of .Iiiuimrv, 1 12.
I 1.1 'iVIi ('. MAKTIN. Noinry I'uhllc.
My Coiniiilsslon expires July Bib. 101-1.
! (SiCAM
It received highest AvaK!'",
World'. Pure Foid Expoeiiion, Chi
cago Pari, b.xiiotsuion, I'a: It,
France pcitiv proof of Ita super
lor merit.
It is used by more house
wives, domestic BrlcntiaU and chefs
than a..y other brand. That would
not be the case, if it were pos-jible
to secure biyher quality loavener.
It is sold at a moderate price.
All you have to do i. to compare
cost to determine how much you
can save by buying Calumet.
Pound can of Calumet contain, full
llfoz. Some bakinfjpowder. come in
12 oxTInateadof 16 otcansB.ure
you get e pountTwhcn you want'lf.
ml Cfmm
3 cup. Pflrf
flo-r, 3 luvd
!-,ns Calumet
iidki-.g fuw.k-r. H
cupbuitcr. Iltui4
arsnuUit-d wsar,
YuUs of 1 Kf . H
cua cold water.
Whites ot I cam I
tvKmuoQ omnn
rair4. Tl.uiiii..
ta liis niukf
Rev Gjjo. Bennard
Special Evangelistic. Services
Methodist GhurUi
Beginning January 11
Seng Louder, TrofesBor C. E. IjAMDEUT