The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 12, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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U lf- of Aii I,. Knlfclit, ill. (I on
.luiunry 7, n( lln H-i IhkN.'I I tn
t il, !i-rij irt kut n tii.'tri- h-iii
null f'T m-vnml vtiK. ,,f iirii'n
l'i!i';t' tl', i Tin V'ib loin i.t I
U'nl'im, lirffiiii, N' nrnili. r II. I'-j" '
t-Vi I nwi ; i In:, ,.i , mi, f,,,,i
r niiita Mr i,i-I Mi
lit' II! t' I.) lilli , W III) n (.
: I.' ii lc .i tuvli. r ua-l Hi
i I : i.
"I' in- f'-m-t.'l w u I i ! I I V i'i.
I I: I. nl :" I f : : . - ,'
-!! I.v II 1 1 I ' il : i
'I V- I. mill w 1 ii I. ii .; I till r t.
I !'
Kl'l'l V V.VMilI'M IV Till-, Kl-ll'. Ill
iaii v, r.w.i.n to la i.j;ni:
Y. II. HiM'lxy. of ChliiiKu ami I'lilln
'IIIM. Illn milml trim rptl, will
I'l-moimlly tin ul Hi Oaliurn llnti-l, mi l
will r-ni :i I ii In KtiKiMin Tliurmliiy onlv,
January IS Mr. K-l-y any : "Th
Hprilimllc Stllf ll l'l lint (ill I V tvUltl
any of ruutur prrfi tly. Iml t on
trac'a thn opaiilng In 10 ilnya on I lie
irnii caae. Ili-lnic a vit ailvunto
iiifnl ovr nil former inMhoiW xni
I'llfylnn InMnntitneou effort Imme
diately ar-lall" dikI wlihulamlliiK
eny alraln or pr. all Ion no inetit-r His
all or location. I.ari or difficult
raa"N, or Incisional rupture (fo'low
Ing ofrratlnna) rapm-lallv aollt-ltH.
Thla Inatrument received thn only
ant In K inland and In Spain, pro
ducing riilla without eurg'ry. lnV"
tlona m'dlcal treatment or preacrlp
tlon. Mr. tnljr ha documente from
the l'nltd ittatea Oovernmen'.. Well
ington. IX'. for lnapTtlon. He wll'
h t'ad to domonetrate without rharre
or fit tbern If dlre4. Uualneae d
roanda prorant atopplng at any other
place In thla eectlon.
a. $ Every abatement In thla notice
Ka been verified befere the Federal
and State Ceurte- F. H. ley.
Horn Offkw I IT Ns. DtubeH St. Oik Age
(Pd ad.)
Worth Conalelerlnt.
Th qoettlon la not ao much bow
yea contract a cold, but bow to geti
rid of It wlQt tbo leaat loaa ot time
and IncoBYenleace. If you will con
alder the eipeiienro of other undor
almllar clrcumatancen. who bee been
moot oecafo! la checking their
cold, la their beginning, you will
ear a bottle of Chamberlain Cough
Remedy without delay, and ate It
faithfully. There art many famlllei
wbo bare need thla preparation auc
(waafully for year and bold It In bleb
eeteem. It la eieellent '
I Increase Your
Suppoae a cbanra come for
poaltloa that offer an oppor
tunity for advancement. Can
you qualify?
Remember that when the
time come. It la too late to
begin preparation.
Get your Bualneta Training
NOW and gt It under the
direction of efficient Teacher
who can give xu the benefit of
their own practical experience.
We are alway glad to tell
you about our ichool If you call,
or wo will nd full Information
f rue upon request,
Eugene Business College
A. E. ROBERT, Prealdent
Riverside Dairy
W. F. Cline
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
Tbl Ii pHsaant, afo and reliable
medicine for cougha and cold. It
hua been In uo for many year and I
ti)d In high eateem iu those house
hold where It good qualltW' bio
luiHt kuown. It U a fuvorltu with
iiintlier of young chlMri'ii, It f'1"
(ulim no oiilum or oiliur liurmful dniK.
Try It wlK'H you Imvo uoud of aucU
Every tingle) article in the Farmer Exchange Store from end to end, everything in the store now offered at a
substantially lower price than our low prices before. The principal object of this sale is to give the people the
merchandise they want, when they want it, at the lowest possible price--We are here to stay we want your patronage.
Furnishings & Dry Goods
Men's $40 and $45.00 all wool Suits in all shades
and Fabrics $21.85
Roys $12.00 and $18.00 Knlcker Suits 5.85
$7.00 Hip Boots 4.48
Army Coats, sizes 34 to 38 only ' 98 C
60c Wool Hose, 35C! 8 Palr 1.00
Boys and Girls Coveralls 98 C
$2 60 Union Suits 1.69
$7.00 Single Wool Pants for Men 3.98
Engineer and Firemen Socks, black or brown, 5pr. 95 C
Jumpers 98C
75c Ties, a beautiful assortment : "39 C
$5.00 Army Wool Shirts 2.95
$1.00 Work Shirts , ; .69C
Reclaimed Wool Army Blankets . ; . . . '3.19
$2.00 Dress Shirts, Negligee or Golf 1.19
$3.00 Umbrellas 7. .". ".TTT". "7". .T.'Tr.Tr. r. r' 1.69
. $3 00 Fiber SultCas'es ....V. ..:...!...... . 1;98
$4.00 Corduroy Pants 2.69
$4.00 and $5.00 Mens Hats ' 2.89
75c Suspenders 42 C
$3.00 Short Slickers 1.69
$5.00 Three-quarter length Slkkers 2.69
$8.00 Macklnaws 4.98
For this special sale we have greatly
reduced every article in our Ladies'
Ready-To-Wear department, also our
full line of Dry Goods. The articles
are too numerous to list them all, but
we mention a few
Ladies Coats, we have a few left, some of them
the latest styles and shades, prices ranged be
fore the sale $20 to $40, now your choice .... 7.89
$2.50 heavy Sateen Pettycoats 1.29
$4.50 Ladles Handbags in latest shades 1.98
$5.00 Wool-Nap Blanketa In beautiful colors 3.49
$7.00 Corsets, latest models 3.09
$6.00 Corsets 2.09
$1.50 Silk Hose 9flc
25c and 30c Outing Flannel, per yard 7c
22c Unbleached Muslin ....i ... 17c
$4.00 and $5 00 all Wool Storm Serges, Princess
cloth, also French Serges, and many other
- stripes tfdtolousV low prices ."f. f?. f. ff- T.&9
25c Challie in all varieties' 17c
$1.00 Ladies Heavy Drawers 59 C
3 lb. Cotton Bat ; M . . . " Q9C
2 lb. Cotton Bat 60 C
$1.50 Ladies Flannel Night Gown 98C -
$150 Knitted Caps 89 C
All Dolls and Toys at half price.
Preferred Stock Coffee, 2i2 lb. can 97c
Preferred Stock Coffee, 1 lb. can 39 C
Sunny Monday Soap, 20 bars 1.00
Royal White Soap, 24 bars 1.00
Gold DuBt, per package 20 C
Ivory Soap Flakes, 3 packages 25 C
Salmon, 4 cans for 25 C
Oysters, 3 oz. can 10c
Minced Clams, Elmore Brand, 2 cans for . 25 C
Tomatoes, 1 can, 10 C: 11 cans 1.00
Yolo Peas, 1 can 10c: 11 canB 1.00
Red X String Beans, 8 cans 95 C
Mission Peas, 12 cans 1.95
Covo Cooking Oil, 2 qt. can 94 C
Covo Cooking Oil, 1 qt. can 49 C
Kreme Cut Macaroni, 5 pkgs 25 C
Argo Corn Starch, 3 pkgs 25 C
Campbell Beef Soup, per can 10c
Mustard, 6 os. Jar OC
Syrup, light or dark Karo, lOlbs 59 C
light or dark Karo, 5 lbs. 30c
Brown Beans, 16 lbs. for 1.00
Borden or Carnation Milk, 2 cans for 25 C
Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs- 25 C
We have the exclusive agency for the
Bergmann's logger and cruiser-shoes.
We also carry a full line of high tops
$8.00 Mens Dress Shoes
$6.00 Mens Dress Shoes
$6.00 English Shoes
$7.00 Work Shoes
$5.50 Army Shoes ,
$10.00 High Top Shoes, a few 16 inch left ,
$8.00 High Top Shoes, 12 inch
$10 00 Ladies Shoes ..
$8.00 Ladies Shoes
$6.00 Ladies Shoes ,
$3.50 Boys and Girls Shoes
$4.60 Boys and Girls Shoes . . ......
We also reduced the prices on our
newly arrived low cut shoes
$12.00 Leather Lin Veets 57.49
$860 Logger 8M v'". ........ . G.49
$4.60 Tinn Pants, only a few 2.25
Heavy Duck Pants , .". . 1 B9Q
Remember these prices prevail only 3 days Moreat