v. k Si if ii- if MM I I II ii A J NUJ KlfillTICKNTlI YEA It SmiNGFIICLD, LANE COUNTY, OHEOON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1&22. NUMBER 62. JLL JLLsa HIGH SCHOOL PLAY ON FRIDAY THE 13th Tli Dramatic rink of Ihn Spring field IIIkIi school are, giving a two act farce comedy, "The White Hhawl", Friday. January Wh at tiro IMk'i school auditorium. ThU Ii the first y given by Dramatic rluti and Urge turn out U bring prepared for. From the re port the play will lo well worlU eelng. , . "The While Shawl" U full of ueA all itiroiiRh and Aunt Betsy surely will brine a smile over the long and' aour fare.. The cant of characters: KllutM'th Steele .... Kail.rtna Steele ... Aunt Untay Ilrlgga Arthur Clayton O'orge Ryall . Dr. Kali .. ...Elhm Tomaeth Charle Davla Holmont Ituaiwll .. Ional Voiia The scene are laid In bom of Elisabeth and the city Katherlno 8teel. Aunt Betsy Brtgga, a wealthy oldfaahloned maid aunt cornea to vialt the Sleek) family. Iter love af faire are aumeruua and huiuoroua. You niuat aee the ending and how Aunt Iletxy at laat Dnda her mate. Hotta the glrla' and boya" glee cluba and orcbeatra will favor you with a frw aelectlona. Admlaalon; adult 16c; children 16c; reiervod aeata 3fc METHODIST CHURCH REVIVAL UNDER WAY Thn revival at Hie MethndUt church I fairly nnder way with promlne of good results. Iter. Oeo. rVnnari. Ihr I'.uUi.. Mr. Director rya that he was evangelist. Is becoming well known not In tln nuto accident last Septitn throughout th country, though Ills j l r. In whlih hu was imported burl, work until lately baa linen clth-fly In I but that It was u Ham Director of the mid llo west. H vi to have commenced lat Sundny. When he wut word that hv could not b her uuill the 1 1th, the pastor ionini"nri l the revival by evangelistic preach Inn In his own Sunday rlcos. Dr. Dimfcrd rn'Hil'v-! Monday evening. and Dr J M Walters cf the Eugene I church preaehed Tuesday evening Dr. Wal'era made n good Inii-resnlon on thn congregation, llev. Mr. Itennard arrived )"tr day somewhat woary, and preached last night. Ho Is a man sma't l:i stature, but great In mind and heart II Is a man of scholarship nid cul tur. but without a-'lfassumption. pr. tei.se or claptrap methods. Ills I reaching l directed to tl.e heart nnd ( i onH l-'iit of the peoj.l and tmth ins preaching and Ms henrlnn uuiong th" pec-pln win no iloulit Inspirit confl . nee n iol bring conviction. How long the tme'l'K wll continue will bi di'iei mined bp tho remilts. i THE PRUNE CROP OF THE TWO PAST YEARS According to a review published by the Oregon Growers' Conporatltu noclaticn. a fair output of el'-- prunes for th Pacific Northwest would lie about 60.000.000 pounds. Tho 1 crop ot 1921, however. Is estimated nt only ?4.000,OUO tiouuds, of which 22.000,000 were llulUmi. The most, privluctlvn spots wero tl'o l'inpiiia val!cy. with 10,000.000 po-.inds, nearly half the wholo crop; Clnrk ci unty, WnKhlngton, wl!!i 3.000,000; and the whole Wlllainitte valhy with 0,000 000. Tho (juallty of tho U21 crop wn' cxri Me:.t. A largo part of the 1920 crop had been left over and times ha 1 been pretty dull with the prune growvrs. Notwithstanding this, (lie movement lit the new crop has he en quite satis factory. Tho market was somowh.it dull during th.- holidays on account 'of tho conservatism of dealers until after the turn of the year was past. The association expects price to rlae during tho winter. SOUTHERN PACIFIC FOLDER MAP OF OREGON The Ceneral Passenger departmont of th'A Southern Pacific at Portland, bus Just Issued n folder map, which Salvation Aitny hall In Eugene, Sun shows the counties, towns, rivers, ' day forenoon. Adjutant Clement is in lake mountains, highways and 'rail j San Fran: I aco, in attendance upon a roads, Including the more Important Brwclul ccoif 'ronce of officers of the logging, railroad. I rucltic Count Jurisdiction. The map Is about 18X20 Inches. Th wholo of the reverse side la taken up with a kind of gatettour of Oregon; tin ample and carefully prepared col lection of valuable data for the resi dent and (or one socking Information about Oragon. These subjects will indicate It scope; Climate and soil, Oragon valtoya, dlfforent regions andZBI10 0iey's novel whloh conies to their products, nomesteaaa. aiaie lands, logged off lands. Irrigation and I reclamation, water power, minerals, road and highways, dairying, poultry fops and flax, fruits and berrlos, vegetables, livestock, etc. Free on application to any agent, pet one to keep in the office or home, ad one to send to a Wend. TOWN AND VICINITY l,OHT. At Me'l.odlxt church, Sunday evening, a fountain pen. lev at Tho Nw office, or phone Frank Bartholomew. Tli Loud ManiifarttirlitK corporatloi sl-lpped a carload of garage part to Sacramento yesterday. They are r.ow working on both garage and lioue The model bungalow which they lately erected on tlip corner to the southeast of tho main factory building, present a handionw apiarance. Whm for sale by National Products ; " ' Usher Boutin mill on "roadway tret r. II .Walker. - Crystal Bryan) u w ,bIe ,0 be 0,t ,lu,h ""hriat church laat Sundar. E, K. Ilrattaln expects to return to 'ul:man today, after three or four week at hla home here Idlest word from Mr. M. Hillings, who la now with hr daughter, Mr. Alexander, at Corvallla. doea not Indi cate much progress towarda recovery. Her daughter from Colorado and ber laughter-ln law from Bend are now with her. tr. 8. Ralph Dlppel. dentist, Spring field, Oregon. Simon Dliwclor fonin'rly of the Farmers Exchange, and hla brother rsmhsnlei, who are now In the furnl 'Japan, the laat of last week. It oc ture biislneN In I'orlland. were In the 'copied seventeen cara and amounted city Wednesday on business. Simon ' to about 600.600 feot. The lumber or "Kani" a l.o wa calVd b-re re- would bo lod"d at Portland directly rorls the anlval at bis house on! from the cars to the ahlp, and would ! emitter 29, a baby girl, to be named Wllsouvlllu. Start the morning rlKht with a wholesomo dish of Jumper' Break-; fust Quiham. Sold by leading grocers ' Mr. and Mrs. ( l ind Gardner, who have IU it In Eugcire slnco their mar rle ,so move I Into ih small l.out..- formerly occupVd by Mrs Ilttlh Iliat- tain. ih-xI to the n'Klduuce of C'rss. 1 Scott. "Aco of Hearts", a big bertha of mclcilramu one that will carry Its spell of suNionie Irom, tl. aenjen :ia:ght to our ajli.a. At The U II, jHundiiy. January l.r,i!i. Mrs. Chan Lingo, nnd little son. of Astoria. Is making n vl-lt of Indefinite i.,K.n Bt t,n i mo ( Mr. Lingo's mother. Mrs. Jnmes l.nxion Wood of nil kinds for sale. Walker. Springfield. Mrs. W. A. D'.iwho:, of Allmny Is lxltliiK here at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs W. II Adrian for everiil day. Mi', and Mrs. A li Inn thilted Sunday ! end Monday at tho Dawson home III A'l.nnv. lirlncl ir Mr ii-iw.r.n iit. m on tlvlr return. Miss Eva Scott j nomimnh(J her sinter Mrs. Adrian jls far n A11,BIiy on hcr Way'-home to j.all How woul I Full House" you like to have "A See Bryant Washburn TUi Bell, Wednesday. with one at January lMh Tl e lied C.ofs Ik me nursing classes will resume their study at the library totnoirow afternoon at three o'clock. These lessons aro free and the ladles of Sprlnrdc'd are Invited to attend. The first carload of log from the Booth-Kolly logging camps above Wendllng (anio down to the mill here Tuesday. Miss Bratrlee Roberta, wlio hns been ubsout from her post as night oi riator at tho telephone office since November. 10, on account ot an oera Hon at the Springfield hospital, re turned to her work lust Saturday. Mori Lee, of West Springfield, com menced work for Mrs. E. V. Snd and Son last Saturday. Kcv. 11. C. E holl preached In the I). W. Ronf and RMey Snodgrnss wont down to Slltcoos lake by train, Friday, for a little duck uhootlng and ,.,....,, . . ,. . . ... . . , ' rp- S. Ralph Dlppol, dentist. Spring-flshl-g. They roport plenty of fowl f;oldi 0rt,Bcn, " and smull f!b.' thure. Mrs. Win Sparks, of Roseburg. who Thero is romaire, soul stirring nc- has len uiel.lug her home wltU her tlon. humor, drama und susrtiuo l.i granddauchtcr. Mrs. C. I. Antrum. Tha 1Ml Saturday, January 14th. St)8 ..Tn8 Maa of tDe yoreBt," Cecil O. Knight, of Eugene, and Margaret C. Suahan, of Springfield, were married at the residence of the officiating minister, Dr. E. V. Stiver, in Eugene, Thursday afternoon, Jan uary S, 1922. Ths license for this SPRINGFIELD FIREMEN GIVE DANCE TONIGHT Thla evening at 8tevn' ball the boy of tho Springfield Volunteer Fire department will give dance. The Harmony Jaz orchestra baa ln se cured to furnish the uiunIc and good time la looked forward to. Those winding to attend iht basket ball guinea will bare plenty of tlm-) for both an the gamea about J be ovtrjlng carried up from the rear ct thi i bv 0-.T0 Tlrkela for the dance are 75 incu(iDg w,r Us. I . ANOTHER CHANGE .IN THE BARBER BUSINESS A. A. Anderson, who baa lately aoH a three-chair ahop at Newberg, baa purchaed Steve Uowlea' barber ahop. lie took poaeeaalon Tuesday. Me La ""u arpimnce. ior ovrrj. .7...u.. jmaaglng and Lair clipping and wllTreaa, A- P. McKlnaey; Sr. Con. EUle l i i . i m I conduct a ahop on modern mvthoda In ' avafv ttiirf If.nln L"m rt A Hum mIII assist him on busy day. Mr. Ander son ha been doing barber work for about 20 year. H baa bought a farm near Goshen, and takea hla place among ua aa a man of substance. LUMBER SHIPMENT DIRECT TO JAPAN Tbe 'Booth-Kelly Lumber company shipped out a trslnload of lumbr fo.- s I rarrkd directly to the port of dea- tlnatlon In Jnjan. Japan, China, the Dutch East Jndle and the west coast of Knuth America are lately becoming j heavy buyers of lumber from the Pa clflo northwest. marrlago was the first Issuud by tho i county clerk of Lane county In 1922. and tha marringe wa possibly tho first In the county this year. I Wood of nil kinds for sal-i. F. II Walker. Srrlngfkld. The gathering of Journalists of tbe stnte at the school of Journalism In EuRRtia. Friday and Saturday of this week, promlwes a lurge attendance. Tl.u special conference of Metho JIhI lesd.-rs at Eufrene on the 17th and ISth, while arranged seclally an a nu-eting tor the southern district. will bring tcgetlwr a large number of both minings and laymen from wst-'anj era and centiul Oregon. Mrs S. 1). Calrr.a. of Went Sprlng F. II. field, went to lleedsptrt yesterday. to vlhit her son Hoy. Tl liueiitory of tho appraisers of I of SorihKflelil. flies the value of th . estate at $42,123.89. i Buchanan l:a.t ru.c!iasd the - "lore building, on Soutu lMI" "'f'- nml. the dwelling house ' on ,he nor,n l,f l1, ,rom Jolin Chr!,,' - Inn, of Not I. Tho store building has'wt. been cleared out. Mr. Buchanan may occupy one or both of thi bull li:.ps some time In the future. Zane Grey's wonderful story, "The Man of the Forest," will bo at The l!e!lo theatre Suturday, January 14th. You will w? how Milt Dal-? livod alone In tho mountain fastnesses with only a hugh black bear and a tawny moun tain lion for his e-oni aloiis. For privatu piano lessons see Mips lluth Scott or phone 1-6J. Dr. Pollard reports tho births on his record, In this registration dis trict, during the year 1921, ' as 9S; deaths 65. Dr. Radabaugh, ot Goshen, who kept hla own records during. th? first rnrt of tho year, probably has several births and deaths that have not been transferred to Dr. Pollard's record; so tl-Jit th9 total births must he over 100, and tire deaths possibly 70. Wood for sale by Natlo-.al rroductt Co., the old Fisher-Boutin mill on Broadway street- F. II .Walker. F. O. Sioufe, while cutting brush at John Seavey's, Tuesday morning, nearly severed one of his great toea. A Springfield physician put It, to gather in good.ahapend the toe bidx fair to do him good service yet. cf Prunevll'e, for some months, was cnerated unnn at Mai-pv hnsolsl. En. . , - - - - -, . , ' g3no, on the 4th, tor the removal of, gall stones. She is prcg,slng nice-' y. '' Mrs. Geo. Stewart, of 6th and O streets, underwent a major operation at Mercy hospital, Eugene, last Satur day. Sba Is doing well, : BAPTIST PEOPLE ARE FITTING UP BASEMENT Tho Baptist people are fitting up the bawement of their church, laying floor In the north part, which bad not bwn floored; plastering the parta which had not been plastered; and dividing It Into room for Sunday achool work and other subsidiary work of the church A atatrway la be oasenreni 10 lue imiii room iu iuc rear of tbe auditorium. THE UNITED ARTISANS HOLD INSTALLATION At tbe Inat regular meeting of The fTnltik-l irlliona thn fftMnwIn V nfflppra were Installed: M. A.. France Smith; Bupt. Larlnla Keater; Insp. Robt n M . a . i,t..u DUM. . j Lambert; M. C C. E. Smith; Jr. Con. Ir.kn MinvBrln,' fnnfriirtnr AAn Ada Van Man waring; Organist, Ad B. Valxah. Refreshment wre served after the session and a general good time was enjoyed by all. FRANK GODDARD IS UNABLE TO WORK. YET Frank Goddard who with Dau Dealmond wa Injured In logging work above Mabel severs! wecka ago, made an attempt to resume his work fcr two or three day lately, but wa toll by hla physician that be should not have done It He Las not tbe free ue of the Injured ! g yet It I with difficulty that he can straighten .up i0n Bttount of an Injury to his back It will probably be several weeks yt bofore he will be really fit for his former work. He Is at nl home at Mabel. Sise Pitta-Hill Company for your sash, door and frames, and general planing mill work. We make egg cases. A littVj boy of Harry Mersdorfs. whose home is north of Springfield, uL'dcrwnt a major operation, at Mery hospital," Eugene. Tuesday mnralrg, for tl.e removal of an ab&ce9i resulting from rnuiuou!a. Mrs. W. K. Gibsoo. of Fall. Creek. Is sick with pneumonia. "Ace of Hearts." a strong drama by Oouverm ur MorrW has Lon Chaney Beatrice Joy la leading roles at T;.? Belle, Sunduy, January 15th. W. O.' W. meets every ;n'.L to'. VV. 5. uoll. Tuesda) A son was litru to Mr. and Mrs. ii0v Williams, of Marcola. Monday. Frank Corbotf. a toy of about 15, living in Stewart's addition. Ml I.' ' riay at the Lincoln school, laat Thure ,iuy. an l other boys fallirg cu uiiu. j.on, bones of his left aim between n,,) wrist and clhow wera broken. He !was promptly cared for. and Is doing W. O. W. meets every Tuesday evening at W. O. W. hall. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Glaspy. of Fu'.l Creik. vvie in Springfield ou business Tuesday. Mrs. L. S. Roland, of Salem, an aunt cf Mrs. A. S. Knight, was here in uumJiinco upon tua latter's funer al. Bryant Washburn in "A Full House" at The Belle, Wednesday, January 18. Also Art Acord In the l&th episode ot "Ihe White Horseman" and a good Hinreily. "No Clothes to Guide Him." Dr. S. Ralph Dipped, dentist, Spring field, Oregon. F. L. Kirby is the now Southern Pucllic egeut ut Oakridge, formerly at Lowell. C E. Wh? aton has sold his residence cu C street, betwecu Sth and 9th, to Dan Crit os. He will move aome time aiter spilug crens, to a house he !atlv puiehasrd o:i B street between 9ta and 10th. Zane Groy's "Man tft tlie Forrest" at The Belle, Saturday, January 14th. A huge black boar a lithe, sleek, mountain cat a monkey whoso antics aie almost human a tlack ' stallion, with flowing mane, und feet shod with lire an immense mastiff -these are seme ot the animal actors that parti- cli ote In "T.-d Man in the Forest." Mrs. 8 V. Ward, wife of the owner of tie Bill tl' atre, had her tonsils rnmnvnil 1 v a lnrnl rhvslelan Wcdnej- day ;norn:in. For private piano lessons ueo Mis Ruth Scott or phono 126 J. , Geo. Spaun, whoolaiely bought the Griffin residence property, on the cor ner of 2nd and E. la remodeling it rapaperlng It, throughout and fitting INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Warrenton. Pottery plant opened here fires first kiln. ToVdo. City raised $15,000 as bonus to start big timber Industry ) that will employ 300 men a soon at bousing I provided. Indications are that all salmon cm neries will operate next year to full capacity. 1 Cold Hl!l. Large body of gold; quart ore hit In Danialson mine. Pendleton packing company em ploye 24 men, . m Salem. Plana complete for $280, 000 boys training schooL Present boy school to be used (or Institution to cure drug (lend. Florence. Siuslaw district sawmill. Idle (or year, to reopen. Reedsport door factory to Increase payroll to 60 men. Newberg. Work started on new ! business block. Continental mine In Grant county will operate all winter. Douglas county taxes 3.8 mill orer 1921. Linn county taze total $16,000 higher than last year. Bute has 28 bank with total re source of $300,447,628. State expense (or 1921 $30,862,636 or 220 warrants dally. Marshfleld. S. P. Co. to spend $47,000 on tracks In city. Gaston biulding $3400 drainage sys tem. Gardner sawmill to be enlarged and operated. Sphagnum moss Industry active In Coos county. Scofivld. Lumber mill here to re sume c Derations. Astoria spent $355,253 during 1921; ou stre. t improvements. , Wallowa. New power plant com pleted Is largest In eastern Oregon. . Brownsville. Repair work to start on buildings to be occupied bv Brownsville Woolen mills. Hoed River. Approximate returns to valley apple growers will reach $3,000,000. Reedsport. New $40,000 sash and door (actory here begins operations. WELBY STEVENS HAS - BIRTHDAY SUPPER Last Friday was Welby Stevens' fiftieth birtl-Jay. He invited a num ber ot his trends to Join him in cele brating it. Some of the lady guests turned in to help Mr. Stevens' daugh ter, Helen. In preparing a tine chicken supper. The table was decorated with u beautiful centerj;iece of lid carnations. The supper was served at 0:C0. After this the company en joyed games and a ger.eral free social lims. enlivened with music by Miss Helen Stevens. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. Juss Senvey, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryan, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Abies. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. De-rue and F. A. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clark, Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Dipple, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Stewart, Mrs. R. R lUb -rts, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Perklus, Mr. ur. 1 Mis. I. D. Larimer and Miss Eva Seen, of Albany. The guests presented Mr. Stevens with a sweater coat. ;it up for. a residence tor himself and ; wife. The refunding bonds lately voted to absorb certain floating obligations , of the city, as indicated last week, I j have been taken up by local people. Tbe Commercial State bank became sponsor for the grater part of them. Irjpy Dr. Royal J. Glck, Specialist, correctly fits glasses. JS.00 ar.d up. Bring this notice. 90S Willamette, St., Eugene, Oregon. Thirty Btudents were dropped for failure to make passing grades in, enough subjects in the fall term; 81 1 i have been placed on probation for un- satisfactory work; 1900 successfully; . passed the examinations. j The fourth Annual Oregon News paper conference will be held at the university school ot Journalism Jan uary 13 end 14, Friday and Suturday of thtu vck. PULLETS NEED DRY STRAW Poultrymen should not attempt to economize on straw litter at 1his) time of year. With such unusual wer weather litter will absorb' dampness and get soggy quickly. It is a good' . plau to stir tho straw at night, which i practice tends to keep the birds ao-'tt'-e. Clean the Utter out each week If rrcessary as clean, dry straw will promote exercise that helps to till ths egg basket. It doesn't take many eggs at present prices to pay for a I bale ot straw. O. A. C. experiment station. STILLS DISCOVERED, OPERATORS PUNISHED Tbe suspicion of the sheriff of- flee and the local officer bad bee it directed to several places about the) borders of Springfield where it wa thought liquor was being made and) sold. Last Friday, deputy sheriffs Croner and Marsh came over from Eugene, and, in company with mar shal Donaldson, they visited the) home of two Russian, John Corboff In Stewart's addition, and Kusma Kolva, on I street, between 7th anl 8th. Obtaining admission on pre tense of a business errand, they; found opportunity to search the pre mises. Tbey found complete still In full operation In both places. They:' fonnd considerable finished liquor at Corboffs and about a quart at Kolvo's. Both men were taken to tbe Jail" at Eugene. They had their trial be fore Justice Jesse Weils on Saturday, and each received a sentence of three) months in JalL This probably does not nd tnl chapter. ,- Considerable sympathy has been ex pressed (or the family of Corboff, bis wife and the children, who will prob ably suffer during the enforced ab sence of the erring ' husband and father. BASKETBALL Last Thursday evening the Ameri can Legion and the Comets of Eugeni played one of the fastest games of basketball that has been staged in Springfield for some time. . The Comets team work gave tbi edge on the CG-21 score, but the game was close all tte way through. The score was 14 to 9 in tha Comet's favor at the end of the first half. - i Monday night tbe Legion went In junction City and received a drub bing to the tune of 36 to 18. The floor at Juncton City is large with a low ceiling and the Legion seemed to be enable to get the baskets loca-. ted- . . ; . This evening there will be a double. fceaUjr gauia at the High -echoed -gyra-naslunu The Legion will ilay the Wendiing -iL's and tie-local High' school w Ul play -the Wendllng:" High, school. Both games will be close and fast and will be worth seeing. The Wendiing team, beat the Igion br 2 poiuts in the first game at Wendiing; and the Legion team is aftr revenge. Th first game will be ca'led at 7:3") LADIES' CIVIC CLUB MEETS The ladies of the Civic club met at the City hall on Tuesday evening and elected officers for the ensuing; y?ar. Presidsnt. Mrs. Wm. Donald sea; first vice' president, Mrs. M. J. McKlin; second vice-president, Mrs. Carl Olson; tl iri yice-presideut Mrs. W. C. McLagan; fourth vice-president,. Mrs. G?o. Catching; secretary, Mrs. L. K. Page; assistant secretary, Vina McLean; treasurer, Mrs. L. Valentine. Alter the regular business was con cluded a Jolly good time was planned for the evening of January 24. CARD OF THANKS i ,si!;4 We wish to extend our thanks t'j the many friends who showed kind ness to our beloved wlfa and daughter during her sickness, and especially to those who brought gifts of beauti ful flowers at the funeral. Asa L. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Lyons, and family. On Thursday. Jan. Eth, Mrs. O. H. Jarrett waa hostess to the Needlecraft club at its regular meeting. v " Members present, wom Mesdamsi H. M. Stewart. F. B. Hamlin. W. H. Pollard, D. Wv Crites, C. Olson, A. P. McKinrsy, H. E. Walker, R. P. Mor tensen, W. F. Walker, C. E. Fischer, W. N. Long, T. D. Tarnes, Bob. Drury, S. R. Dlppel, Jess Lorah, Howard. Needlecraft and visiting was in order tor the afternoon. The Club will meet with Mrs. W. IL Kllleen on January 19. ' The memtera of the Prlscilla club were very pleasantly entertained last . Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Paul Basford on 9th street. In addi tion to the regular needlework and conversation several piano selections given by Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Bas ford were much enjoyed. Dainty re freshments were served to the follow ing nieturers: Mesdarues, Seavey, Berry, Donaldson, Tomseth, Larimer, . Snodgrass, Henderson, Howard, Mor gan, Frteland, L. E. Basford and Rouse. , Clean rags wanted at The News office. Market rrVe pa'.l. ! f