The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 05, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    if M
that we are commercial job
printers and are well
equipped to do
your work
Zane Ory' famous "Man of tin
Forest" wi'l b at the Dell Theatre,
Saturday. January 14th
Mr. Frank U ff?iwr and family
spent the holidays at Nimrod, going
up the wetk bt-fone Christmas Mrs.
Weaver ajid the children r.Tirnod
New Year's d:iy. Mr. Weaver will re
main for another week.
Effective on January 1. 1922.
H 11 theatre there will be no
admissions of 10 cents or less.
at (hi
In all
other respects the new'law is essent
ia'ly the same as the old one.
Mrs. Wm. Sparks, of Rosebur?.
was operated upon for gall stones, a.
Mercy hospital, in Eugene, yesterday
She Is a grandmother of Mrs. C. I.
Andersen, of Pruneville.
For private piano lessons see Mis
Ruth Scott or phone 12SJ.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. U.
C. Helmer Sunday evening. January 1.
For private piano lessons ee Miss!
Ruth Scott or phono 12GJ.
Misa Agrtes Sprague. operator of
the X ray machine in the office of the
state industrial commission at Salem,
visited her 'sister, Mrs. J. E. Torb-1.
over Sunday.
Bill Hart, in "The Cradle of Cour-
ag3 , a theBell Saturday, January 7th.
Out of th mill of war, grinding the
stoop from Uis shoulders and the
twists from his soul "Square" Kelly
to the world. See William S. Hart,
Mis.i Evaiyn twVore, daughter of
Bilious Headache
Vh9n you hav.-1 a severe headach?,'
a disordered stomach and constipa
tion, take three of Chamberlain's Tab
Its. Th-?y will torrvct t:ie disortiers
of the liver and bowr-ls. effectually
curing tha headache.
The Store That Makes
Your Grocery Money Go
Itaisina and Currants, per lb, bulk 23c
Darim'ade rn'lk, large can 10c
Prunea, Del Monte, No. 2 Va tin 15C
It-iiBins, seddless or sedded, 2 jjkgs S."c
White Cloud shortening, per lb 13c
I'ura lard, per lb iqc
Ciisco, 3s L'My, Oh $1.15; 'J3 $1.0S
Dullest Diamond flour, Back . . ; $1.SD
Krr's IJ ;st flour $l.fi5
V.Vj Lave a line or Vj-tv'-a gocx;i, call In ami
look ffcen over ai.d ct our xUn
, . ,,.... k t 1 r M lt in,
I3 pg et
Mr. nd Mrs. J. B. DeVore rvturnej
to Canyonille last Sunday. wh(?re
she Is attending school. Miss IVVopm
j-has been
'. holidays.
risltlr.g at home over the
W. O. W. maets every
y,in4 t.'. W. j. .. Lull.
Mrs. N. A. Rowe was taken serious
ly siik yesterday.
j Wood for sale by Products
rv thn r.Vt Pi-l.Br.n,ii.H.i milt on
Bl0ajway street F. II .Walker.
Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Ccgiil are mov
ing into their old homo at the comer
cf Fifth and C streets.
"The Grira CcmeJian". featuring.81 Lv!l- Saturday. January 7lh.
Jack Holt is a dramatic tale of the I Rer I)avld (. Ke,loms , graduate
Irony of Fate. Bell Sunday. Jan. 8th.
Mrs. E. M. Mooney has Kas"d the
fixtures and business of the White
Lunch from Wiliard Cochran, and will
carry on the business herseli. Heri
the business herBelf. Heri
husband. Roy Mooney, will continue
in the garage and repair shop in West
I Springfield. Mr. Cochran has not yet
engaged in any other business. He is
interested with his brother. Wllforl
Co:hran, In a body of cedar timber
about Cakridge.
Wood for sil-; by Product-i
Co., the o'd Fisher-Boutin mill on
Broadway street F. H .Walker.
?.:iss Eva Scott,
her sister, Mrs.
several days.
of Salem Is visiting
W. H. Adrian, for
M-irryirg a man to reform him d.ja
not always work out but something
had to be done wh-n ho faund out
he needed reforming after they were
marri.-d "Pleasure Seekers", at Bell
WednosJay, January 11th.
Rtormlng a pleasure sc-L-kli g 1.U3
band and bringing the prodigal's
father into t'e family is no small Job
for a'-r's daughter. Elaine
lliitiierMeltt In "Pk"a'ir 8eeker",
lu ll WiMtiis.W'.y, January llttt
Prof, r M. l.otlt a ut family Hint l)r
W. II. Pollard and famlty stent pail
tit the holiday s-nsott visiting friend,
la Salem.
Wood of nil kinds for sale.
Walker. Springfield.
K. H.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. landing and lilt'"
daughter Ustled relatives III Albany.
Sinrt the morning tight with n,
ti holesome dish of Jiwpvr'a Hresk-'
fast Qtithant. Sold by 'loading grocer
1'hn.s. I In it returned to Springfield
last week, after several months ah
s.vtra la JVi'lUind and other coift
llltS. j
William S. lUrt will ho lit lht 11.11'
Saturday. Jan. "tU til "(.'radio of
Courage." i
Mis e -Whltakor nn assistant
In the county assessor's otflre, spent
purl of the holiday season In Portland.
rr. S. K.Alph DlrjH'l.
i?Kl. Orfgon.
dentist, Spring-
Hvr. H. II. Hlttvr. a Pui kanl ntln
Ist. r of Mabel. Is on a lengthy Uslt to
TiXi Grim Comedlati", a story that
will grip the Inleivst and t'tillst I he
sympathies of vieryono. Uoll Sunday
January sfli.
Pr. S. Ralph IH;ip.'l. dentist. Spring
fiold. Oregom.
K. F. S'lt fare, who used to be In
the drug business bore, where Mr
Ketels Is now. Is now superintendent 1
of tlio si-hools of Floronce. '
i l,ewls J. Shertttan. of Maroola. and Meta Ciitrlilvx llrlni Itniial.lsiin. Tlo
! Miss Opnl U Miiou. whose home wa-t (lower l omm! te ai pnlut.'.! iii r-:
'" ,ht norta l'art ' Hjrii :fli'll. were
tnarrled In Kv.gene last Saturday. Rev.
K V. Stivers officiating.
Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel. dentist. Sprlng-
vld, t'regon. I
W. J. 1-offer Is miking mi extended
visit with a daughter lit M dfcrd.
Th "plkkest crook on the coast"
was bark from the war. And his pals
(had a "Job" all ready. See William
S. Hart In "The Cradle of Courag"".
,nd for many year4 B meln,,er of the
'faculty of the Kugen? Blh'.e university
died last Monday morning, in Guthrie
Center, Iowa, where he was conduct
In a series of evanzellstlc nieetlnrs.
Eyes Tested
Glasses Fitted
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Charges Reasonable
Eyesight Specialist
&08 Willamette St.,
Eu2ene, Oregon
a d savings pass books will be
written up when preinted.
RESOLVE to get in on the next
intertst dividend which will be
pail July 1st by openlr-j a re
serve (savings) account right
r irst
SINCE lf83
t.misnt In prlugf'i-ld. Address
Albilu Tailor, tr;i rt -U. Pre. Hp
VANTi:i T. l.uv n
bicycle Price limit
I'liKimsntl's baker In
(l oond lllllltl
lo i IkM So-
I'll' HUM I'll.g
1 II was on a vein's leave o abiienee
I from the mill iMslty, nml ho and his
wife nnd eon luiil pUn'. p H-l Mioiin-'
Ih-j wi i l l. !t,lt In "The Cilm Comedian"
at Poll Sinulay, Jan. S . U .
ltoynl J
CI. k
S pccln Its.
Z-- coi re.
'V 111
il u:. iii intt thin notice. It's
'tt St, Hug-no, (M'-K-UI
A hitbv was horn tv Mr tin I Mrs
I. A. I'rtl. of Mulu l, yvsterilay morn j
liijr. Bt tho home of Mr. and Mr. Al
Hoieon. Sex unknown to i nl thin
wi ning.
Sou ruts Hill Cintuny for yotiril.. r t-r S. II, S S'k- i xpri Bni-.l o-r
n:i!h. doors nml mini's, nud K"iir'i'nl ; ." - ' I, o t lm nnnihor of row lu
I'limhiK mill work. We muk iKg.Ui.t-. ami nlm foitml It dutliuli
i I'M SOS.
T!:o following of floors were r
, ( Julllllu t.,,,,kHi, .ol1v)
Na ss Mt,n Uv ,.,,,( jmamry S;
I.t'da Ktooliind. N 0 ". IIohhIo lt-m H
V. t!.; ILinnuh I till, rot-ortltns sei ro
tnry; Vina Mil fun. flu tiu-lnt neon
tary; It.rnlri' Van Vulmh. treasitrof.
Mamie Itlrlimond. wiudon: J.':ni"
l!irn:ird. thaplaln; K'uilly
;.; llr. I.orh, O (1
I Hr! t y . I
W-ilkor, riipt.ilu of diKro? staff; Mnr
;Jor'.n M .ilil.-r. musiol in Trusters
I -i led wrr": M ta I'nti hliiB. Mnrv
Kotirrts. Kmllv I' rlty Klnanro roin
iiiltire ni.j.olut.-I ncii-: Juno Koif,
' pearl Clark. I.ll'y KUer. Anna Cl- n
Im:s Peit.lmi n I, whoso I' wits In
jured in togging work l';'iir Matel
about three w-eks ego. finally had to
baw the leg nmputnti'il above tl o
ktu'e. last Thursday. HMod pol.'i'.n
had set In.
Th.'' Sprlngfiell Mill an I Ora'tt
company finally got back their snf
yesterduy. Tire'i dnmaiird
It mere than the burglar did. Hut!
he repaired the damage he did. and ,
lh- safe Is now considered, as goo.t
as vver. even the i ombluatlun work
lug perfectly.
It Is beconilng rerognled that coal
from nonunlin coal fields Is a nation
al safeguarl and Drotertfon for th-
hundred and twenty two ittllU
r- ortlng to tho W st 'i nst I umber
men's awsfK latlnn for t'i week ett-'iiu
December 24'h, mauu'iicttire 1 f..2';.1.
f.r.5 feet of lumber; '.ill Tt. fi.931 ;
fet; and shipped S7.93'i.i! f e- i
per rent of the week'.t r!i!'iii"is !
moved by water.
Pnrt'und First unit of g-rr.
proH:e t"rm!nnls In Fast l.jitlii
to start hco", ro ?.".O.Ocft,
Brief Digest o? an Act
Passed by Last Special Serlon ,
I i.....,t,. ,...rr" J
I'rovl'll'g for ih surervlsl-n and
t gt;lntion of the transoortntlon of i
lrons und property for com: en.n
tlon over any public highway bv m-it -r
Th" new Butrimr.tlve leg'spit'on Is
Infrprrte 1 us affecting ,nl' i orpori
lions, persons or rniupiii.los ruv Inc.
crntrclliiig, operating or tirmi.e.,rf
any tno'or v hl' lo uyitd in the bu :l
iohs of IratiHportntlon cf persons oi
property for compensation ov"r t!.e
lubllc highways of the state, except
ion being made to such velilcles ns
cpernte exclutlvely within tho limits
of an IncrrporatH city or town.
The public servloa commission, In
its administration of the art. Is author
Ized to supervise and regulate such
features a rates, services and facili
ties from th? standpoint of ttvdr rea
sonableness, safety and adequacy and
to exercise Jurisdiction In such mat
ters affecting th relationship of such
companies wi h the passenger an I
shipping public.
All companies or Individuals sub
ject to the act and engaged In tha
operation of this class of public trans
'.ortatlon must first obtain front Mm
commission a certificate or permit
setting forth the twonis nnd condl'lous
covering sKh operntlons, nlso to file
a surttv bond or liability Insurance
and go"d fnl'h ii Mertnklpg. The
maximum l'cene foo Is fixod at ten
dollart per vehlc'o.
The wrouH'iry Bordlca'p.n bhinhs,
nclitdlrg a i'i!'iK Hl 'or p'irt.inerif dutn,
rccon'tifn'ed by co; c of I ho law. tfi
fi'ri.'l: hed by tho puld'c Hervlc co i
m'salon rromptly neon t'eouent. The
toUT'ty cUtlis and county JiidjrcH of
the various count l"s have ben sup
plied wl'h cojles of th.-. new law for
Me InformaHon of the general public.
Tha ccmnilHiilon i-eriuests the co
operation of the automotive Industry
and ihe general public In tha Intro
duction of and compliance wltb tba
new law In matter and spirit.
Ktlitoil ly Hip Pupil
DEKC" and E nmH" Visit Ny H. 8
Joe I'cet X h: ! .1 body tv ll-iil
of 1.1 S II S . visile I m Itool
I II , Colli wing 111.' ntl ntlti Hon III
wlii.v. Mr. Itotli Jon liml ilmn i
I'litiili if lilui on rv.iv dour
In i!i- i 1.1 luilUliiK. "l.ko" dplHi'il otiK
of lil M liiii-' "Imitt l-'rliii'i-ii". Allot
ho I,:..! illnluil out nil lfii lili lin
uuiUl think t' ln ulilftol Ms tii! .'on
lo Kiwr Tmvl. til..n a fiirmer hu im
to find
lor wny aliout Hie in w I ulld
Who War the 8urpiii onT
A surpilH' party was planned by
nonio of lh. ll!h tu-htol stu lrnts for
lnit f'owiut til bis bninn List S.vnr
day. Ivan not it! Iiomn wlioit l!oi
ruesls ti i Ivo.l. bui Mrs Cownrt mild
s!i i v ( ( i! ii i, i any moment
Thy wnld d mi lo ur or so uud tin
Iv.m tin i) no' vol r turned they .nl
nil. sd anil ha I the putty without Mm.
When the Kiiesis left pliorllv aft. r
twelve oYlorK Hun loo I nol in.tilo .U
app'-ain'o". "Where Is my wander
ing boy tonlitli' ,"'
i Miss barker returns to Sprlng'trU
The High m-lionl ntitdrtilt were il"-
I gl'.t'.olly ei'tertaitifl oy a few Hpor
i ll iiuml.erH M. tidt y afleiiioon Mlr
h'tinli-f 1'ail.vr give a few- hi l-o
. She sa1 I hh. I;.'! ewi-it-d to r
,clor l.n;rh tho old hull of k-ov. ' d.-.'
oii.e more. You i nn Imagine lo-r sur
I rite and drllpht lit seeing the in w
lllk'li Niho.d luilldlug
Whoa th Pott.
j Mary had a liltl latnh
Hut now thnt Ismb l- drnd
jllut Mury takes Mm to hnol,
IDotwTiu two hunl.s of bread.
The sophomores are going to have
masiuerade patty hefur. very long
,f fl'"'" ""d Interesi ran inakn
""Vthlt'g sueee.sful this eve it shou'd
li' n great surci ss.
S;ringleld II. g.' sihmd stadentt!
r. ki to tl. on the floor after thl i
' the loil.s of th .gs. They
:"-.v-g -he eat il w n to the cu ll 1
( ht I -t
! ; th.
!.". th-
t: IO b. "
M ii 'ny, ,
: c I ' i M or
i 1
!l 'If. U I'd U. I .'.'
lie we rume ' a.
-. -vf . t-.i: 1 1 i
'i .- i ' c V- r '
(Ic ier:;! :o m o
I, ,, i
I rr
1 I.,.1
tl"s l.ud a visitor
H'ruMbon was very
Mondny. MP'! U
,t -i-. n)eil
I '
tilo' i;u e
If It
.(la), we
wr end .
ci I li I,
vi l',l.
wr'fl ij-iiv It I r.
;-t't i e 'ed t
ti 8' lii I II. .
i: :. I I s; . iidleg I'trmt '
ot I time- t- Iking t- l;i.; It ( lire
I'l.'e.lly to Mai,e a newn mle (in the
"TaTcr'. Ii su-ce''.lei!.
' .' t'i.' ( h ,dii- .. j, at .tl.,, i ih
Ktnd ii's have (o ne lock itiif.i w.ti
candy, H'.'.'Ot c o yi tl:: i - ii
f;o t s i stu'r 'd th'i' all It iiotvl. .U:e and
si'iiltouH c is had le i'ti f.t'iMd' il out.
Mr. It'iih. fet your
nvllchei n il''. I), rnlce Jacol son
tins return I to school We fear that
ycung lady w!'l resume In r lawless. I
',:)', mi I wondnr If tonsllltls was the i
l?al teuson lor her abs.'nre. Perhaps
the stayed out fi r f-'ar her continued
nipil, hnvlor' would t xcliido her from
tt.tnta' I'M of g nod ' ttl- girls.
p" w si? " jw"!vrr
V' M
of Spi Inr.fl t 1 IHtv.h School
Thl mi
T.'l-.ii I .U.
ri tntj wlim tU
n ou ol lti
i k vi nm
N0( llOIIHU rt
ti i in, pill ol the s came Into
rl,. ttihnu.n until Whit.- llii-y twin
lli-'ie tin. io on was puldel oer by
n p.i lea. Ii.-r to k.'op d.nxti III"
Mn.ry: "Do you km w why I like t
rome to si'huol?"
Hitfl: "No,"
llniry: "Jut so I ran be with yon "
I"verbo.h' wns pracefully se ll.d
eating their liti i h when Adelnlibi
Uriel entered the room and snld, ''Wei'
vet! Imve nil t. (l.nlil, guess I'll sit
lit the table."
Matlnm: "If yon do you will l.e an
old maid."
Adelaliln: "eh! Ion-t worry. kid"
We Imve noticed quite a cloture In
tleral I nine the new Vamp stitr'od to
vi Ion I
j H 'too of us met C'niv m . Powell
. in.'ng home thin morning and w mv
I know why Audrey Mci'heisoii went
j to ileep lit t:rlh t-l
toieti.f lench.r: "MyiU. whnt l-t
thi'iirti r?"
Mvit.; "The llghtniilng s. are th
i loiuU and nmkes th"tn bump or ther
n-i Unit Is v hut make tho nol""
printout j : "Allrn, why 1( yt,n
chine your eyei when you shako your
bea !?"
Alice M ; "I have
to to keep Ho ut
frt-tn fiitlliig out '
, We student v.-rrn nil ery imicl.
fUrl!nel (o se WlnnK. f.nng nnclt
n ti-ry hnpi y mood this iifirtilng. Th
InNu'cy tin,) sol'-,.,) ;oig.. nr-riv.-1
p. st night
Allie: " hear uu and Fliner f. II
out "
Clarllne: "Yes, , went innoelng
nn I In. on ndd)lng me "
Ktta Iavl hud loen trying to rnr
mr Italph ("line slur Itecember 14,
bet li seeni that Mls Orell keeps
'o wuti h
fail I . wis turne I Into a real ladle
nan When any one aska where Carl
I thev answer, "ho I where ever
there I bunch of girls."
Bright Junior: "Kay, what type
writer ha tho b me name a your
"I don't know, wh) 7"
II J : Tiiderwood '
Three senior have becom iil!
ged fi r wo hoar ( f them coming up
'rm town Tcs lity with can ty canes.
"Father. what nro ancestor ?"
Aked l,'iin(t:i Roth.
' "W". ' son. I nm tme of your,
,""r Ktandfather nnother"
wo n wnv no peoole brag about
llo-ui so niuch?"
''"''V I'rlnoll always asks Dm Ditto
for the nml! from Myrtlf Point We
w oi' tor w hy,
Tom linittHln was seen standing on
the corner of 4th and C fur one hour
Mon lay evening walling for T Wo
wonder who?
1 "Do your sp.-rs initglilfy, grandma?"
i.fkcd llilvln iH'ine.
"Yon laddie; why o you nuk "
"Wil you please lake them off wl.llo
you cut my piece of rake?"
V.'loi wrote this craz thing?
Dear Miss Taller:-
I am a link, girl eleven yenr and
I am In live with I win (Wart. Hu Is
it grout, big, iioblo gentleman, nnd I
think ha likes mo loo. Khali I ac
ri'l t his love or not? Mumma objret
to li'in, so w have planned to elope,
would this be wise?
Utile Anxious 11.
Miss Kiiiilce Porker of Portland was
a cil'er at tho J. J Iiryan homo Muti
day. Miss Parker formerly Ilvad In
Springfield, '
Rev. Geo, Bennard
ngclisiic Services
MMst' Church
Dcg'nnlrg January 11