TI IHTIS DAT. PECEMER 22. 1921 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE! i , TOWN AND VICINITY v -v Quarterly meeting will be hold i the Msthodlst rhurch nisi Wdns day evening. Dr. H, V Imnl.ird dl Irlrt aupi-rlrit-mlent, will iretld. They thought that they hud trapped Mm this man whom Ihny hsted an! feared. Hut no. The flnmea of th burning vl that roared at lil back wr no hotmr than the flames of thn wralh that surged within him aa hi crashed through the heavy oak panel of the cabin. "Tim Urute Master", ( H!l, Halurday, December I4th. Ws Iarn from the Oregonlan's upeilal Salem rorsspondence that ttov. J. W. Perkins la In charge of tho Information dttsk at tho Slate house during th special session. I Come to the 2nd Avenue Oarage 'for your new Dort car. Touring and I ttfiMlM(p tiian t A K flnln.riaM Tht prevalence of a great epldemle Cf crime, great and amall, throughout the country Is" notd In the nowspap- i i i I '' 1 ill X .' i. In Society Drop In at the "DROP IN" and get acquainted. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year SWEENEY & THOMAS COMMUNITY CASH STORE WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT. WHY PAY MORE? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year W. M. GREEN, Proprietor THE LEADING GROCER Telephone 32. IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE To aeek happiness without glr Ing la a futile quest Gift giving baa become so well established tbat It Is no longer a question of "Shall I Give but It la solely a question of "What shall I Olver And our stock answers the question satisfactorily. We have a Him of most suitable gifts and In the qualities wasted. New ness, beauty, usefulness, noveltv ftc are some of the features of our goods wblcb should ap peal to every careful and dis criminating buyer. Bring your list to us. Phone SI era. There has ben so mucn shop lifting in Eugene lately that most of the larger stores hare employed special watchmen. . The Kensington Club met with Mrs. C. E. 8 warts last Friday. A Christ mas trie was the feature of the after noon, from which each, member re celrsd a present. Mrs. 8. R. Dfppel acted as Santa Claus. At the c'.ose of the afternoon refreshments were served In keeping with the Cbristmai season. Mra. C. A, S warts was a guest of the club. Members preseut were Mesdames: Paul Basford, L. May, C. E. Wheaton, J. T. Moore, A. P. Morgan, 8. R. Dip pel, E. G. Button, J. E. Edwards, P. W. Roth. H. W. Whitney. Fred Bressler, Anna Knox, O. B. Kesse), Levi Neet, and Miss Edna 8 warts. The next meeting will be with Mra. Moore and Miss Morrli on January I. Mrs. Carl Fisher, assisted by Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, were hostesses to the Need tec raft Club last Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mr. Ftahet la Eugene. The feature of the after noon was the scheme for giving Christmas presents. Each one was given a string end which started In the hall, and was told to follow the string to the other end to obtain their present The strings were wov en about the house from upstairs to the basement Another Interesting game waa the attempt of each guest, after being blindfolded, to pin the Iron cross on Santa Claus In this game Mrs. W. H. Adrian was winner. Refreshments consisting of cream el crab on toast, French pastry, Ice cream and coffee were served. Invited guests were Mesdames: Glen Ward, Emma Ward, Copenhaver, and Arthur Ely, ot Eugene. Members present were Mesdames: S. W. Emery, A. P. MeKenste, W. H. Adrian, O. H. Jarrett, W, H. Pollard, T. D. Tames, Bob Dmry. H. M. Stew art, Dan CrHee, Herbert 'Walker, W. N. Long, W. H. Klleen, C. Olson. Martin Miller, 8. R. Dipple and Miss Ella Boeson. The next meeting will be with Mrs. O. H. Jarrett on January 6. Misses Lucy and Myrtle Conenbaver. teachers In the Portland schools, are making a holiday visit with their mother and two sisters In Eugene. Dead men tell no tales. May We extend to our many friends The Season's Greetings Mrs.EV.Sneed & Son CALIFORNIA Sunshine and Oranges Appeal to countless thousands each year Why not go to CaMfornla's Sunny Southland this winter? There you will e:ioy the warmth of an unclouded sun, the bathing beaches, outdoor sports and the fragrance of flowers snd oranges. Through Sleeping Cars Observation and Dining Cars Via The Scenic Shasta Route Provide all the comforts of modern travel. The rull Journey affords an opportunity ot seeing many interesting places a lung tho way. Round Trip Excursion Tickets Are on sale to Santa BarbaraLos AngeUsSan Diego For farea, train schedules, descriptive folders or sleeping car reservations, aakTlcket Agents, or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent fe Ml Be with you at this joyous season J. W. McDowell & Co. FranK WallaceZooK 4 ' I' i 'i i. .A ', ' - .J -An . .. i v .m yV - to .' . The Sunshine Evangelist "TED" GOODWIN Song Leader , . : , : -1 First Christian Church rvSpringfleld, Oregon Commencing November 27 ... -SPECIAL MUSIC GREAT PREACHING GREAT'SINGING' GOOD- FELLOWSHIP EVERYBODY WELCOME Upper most in our minds at this time is a desire to extend to you our wishes for a . Merry Christmas and a - Happy New Year Increase Your Earning Capacity . Suppose a chance come for a position that offers an oppor tunity for advancement Can you qualify? - r - Remember, that when the time comes, it is 'too late to -begin preparation. ! flat vnn 1,..l-... I-l NCW and get it under the direction of efficient Teachers who can give jtu the benefit of their own practical experience. We are always glad to tell you about our school if you call, or we will send full information free upon request Eugene Business Collsge A. E. ROBERT, President EUGENE OREGON s Riverside Dairy FRESH JERSEY MILK AND CREAM DAILY T- B. TESTED COWS W. F. Cline SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PHONE 34F3 May this Christmas prove a joyous one to you and .,.,,... . yours Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , Mother'a Favorite. the C. Bressler & Son The soothing and healing properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Ita pleaaant taste and prompt and effec tive cures have made It a favorite with people everywhere. It la especially prized by mothers of young children for colds, croup and whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief an-l Is free from opium and other harmful drugs. - For a fine 'Suit and a perfect fit, go to "j- ; f RAMSEY, The Tailor DR. EUGENE KESTER Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 82! Jlome Phone 91 : Office Hours;, ' '. 11 to 12 A. M. 1:30 to t P. M. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3 Springfield Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Button Bldg. - Phone 20-J Residence Phone 12W Springfield. Oregon LEM LEY'S PRESSING PARLOR FRED G. LEMLEY Prep'r. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dya Ing, Hata blocked. Suits made to measure Main Street Springfield between Srd snd 4th Oregon JOHN E. EDWARDS REAL ESTATE IN8URANCE Corner Springfield Main and Third Oregon III D. W. ROOF JEWELER FINE WATCH REPAIRING SPECIALTY Springfield. Oregon FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building Springfield Oregon W. F. WALKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment W. O. W. block Office phone 62. Rod. phone 67 J welcome. R. L. CROSS, Secretary. ROBERT BURNS Lodge, No. 78, A. M. F.. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Uni versal and Symbolic Free Masons meets first and third Monday evening in Morri son's halL Visiting brothers M. SVERERUD.Q R W. M. HOWS THIS? HALL'S CATAEEH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it cure" Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure any other disease. HALL'S CXTAEBH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring- normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. CheneT & Co- Toledo, Ohio. . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ' ' By virtue of an order of the probate court of Lane county, Oregon, maje and entered In tb estate ot Milton A. Nlcolle, deceased on the. 27th day it August, 1921, whereby the uudr signed administrator waa authorised to sell the following described pro-j perty oeioagiug to Milton A. Nleolii , at the time of his decease, to-wit: " Beginning at the southwest corner of the Felix Scott, Jr., Donation Land ' Claim Number 61, notification Num ber 3256, in Township Seventeen K south. Range throe west of the Willa mette Meridian, In Lane county, Ore gon, running thence north 89 degrees 55 minutes east 2611.6 feet,' thenee north 6Vs minutes east 4228.46 feet to the center of the county road: thenee west along-the center of said road 652 9 feet; thence south 667.18 feet: thence west 652.9 feet; thence aoutV -667.18 feet; thence ' west 20 feet; thence south 494.39 feet; thence west 930.64 feet; thence south 731.76 fot; ... thenoe west 355.26 feet; thenoe south 1667.95 feet to the plaoe of beginning, containing 183.24 acres mora or leas: all In Lane county, Oregon. The undersigned administrator will on Saturday, the 31st day of Decm- -ber, 1921, at the hour of 1 o'clock n. m. sell the above described real pro perty at the southwest door of th county court house In Eugene, .Lane . . county, Oregon., to he highest bidder 1 for cash;' and 'if no satisfactory bid ne nam, me- administrator will reject eald bid's ali 4 proceed to sell the said;- property at prlya sale; Said pro perty will be sold subject to the mort gage of $15,000.00 or, for the full amount. of cash in hand as tha pur chaser may desire. ' : Dated this 28th i day 9f JNTgyeinber.jw 1 J Nicolle, Administrator. EBut - et jiicn A. Nlcolle, deceased. '