The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 15, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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B iS Tl HI I I v I I L.I ) .;.
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ibi i rry.i 11 n i j.y rc
The Christmas Gift Store of
And a store where you receive
courteous service.
Shop here to save and for
The Gifts are so numerous that we list only a few
Indies silk umbrellas. $10 values $5.95
Beautiful gift blouses In special Xmas sale $4.50 to. . $9.75
Ladies silk camisole, beautiful lace trimmed.
hand embroidered. In all shades $1.50 up
Ladies silk rombnatlou suits $1.50 up
We carry a big variety of fancy work, guest townels,
Turkish towels, bureau and dresses scarfs.
Ladles handerchiefs, pure linen, hand embroidered.
latest novelties 25c up
Special offerngs of a wonderful selection of women's
hand bags at reduced prices $1.50 up
We carry a full line of Buster Brown ladies silk
stockings in all shades $1.00 up
A beautiful asorement of children and ladies slippers
in big varieties of colors at greatly reduced prices.
Bathrobes $5.95 up
We have alloted additional space to our fancy box candy
and we are prepared to give you exceptional good values
Heavy silk hose for men 75c
Wool sport sweaters $5.00
Silk handkerchiefs for men 75c
Wonderful selection of silk and knitted ties to
suit any taste 50c $1.00
Pure linen handkerchiefs, fancy garters, arm bands,
and etc., suitable for men for Christmas presents.
Our big selection of fine unbreakable dolls makes
a wonderful gift and sure will please the children.
Will be glad to show you all, and remember
"We Always Sell it for Less"
Farmers Exchange mi a
Mii Haven, tho Spanish teacher at: The S. H. S. vi. the V. M. C. A.
1 : . til t it. . , 1 .. I
mo uigo Kowi wui give up uie iu
this week on account of exams at
the U. of O. where she Is attending.
The stndnnU of ber class will mhi
her groat' and they hope the teacher
to taka her place will be as well likd.
played a basketball game Monday
evening which proved disastrous for
the Y. M. C. A. The score was 46 to
5. Didn't we say the basketball boys
were going to do wonderful things
this year?
The store from which good
things come at lowest prices
Brooms, good ones, each S9c & 49c
Raisins, seedless, per lb 20c
Currants pe r lb 25c; 2 lbs 45c
Fancy cookies, per lb. 23c; 2 lbs 45c
Xmag candy, mixed per, lb 15c
Chocolates, per lb 25c
Fluke White and White Cloud, per lb 15c
Fancy apples, per box 90c
Ci ackers, per wooden box, only 49c
Large can sardines, oval 15c
Large fancy Italian prunes, 2 lbs , 25c
Bo sure and bring your eggs to Cray's; It pays.
Edited by the Pupils of
High School to have Christmas Tree.
On the KrliUy before Christmas va
cation the high school will hav .x
Christmas tree and program. It ha
been a long tint since the high
j school has atteinptad'anvthlng of this
i kind and the prospects are fine for
'a good time,
' Nature were exchanged between tli
boys ;id gtrta. Presents will ' be
given to the persons whose name was
drawn, and the price Is sot to exceed
twenty-five cents tor students an1
fifteen for faculty.
I Mrs. Carpenter and Miss Lola Ornb
tr were appointed oh the committee
for the Christmas program. They are
'getting up a splendid program which
S. H. S. caa be proud of.
j The girls had a meeting and elected
, their basketball manager Tuesday
evening. Maudie EJmiston was thV
' victim. I
! A boys glee club has been organ
ised under Mr. Lambert, professor at
the Lincoln school. Practice U h-M
very Monday and Wednesday.
H We are very glad to see Ace Fish
9 who has Just recovered from an opr
nan ror appenaiciua, naca to oia a. n
o. again.
The manual training class. . under
the guidance of Mr. Morgan la build
ing lockers, which are to be Installed
In the new gymnasium. They bavt
falso made book cases tor the school
library. t
Mrs. Myers English IU class Is
j planning on giving a play entitled,
Christmas Carol".
A student body meeting was hll
j December 12. One of the subjects
j brought up was. to be careful and not
throw papers around In the school
j building or on the ground. Ilardly
I had It bn said when Mr. Roth torv
a small corner off a paper he was
holding and droppod it on Ihe plat
, form in the auditorium.
If Mrs. Myers charged each person
in h?r classes a penny ewrytlme she
j found them rhewl :g gum, she woul't
I soon havr a small fortune,
j Ralph C. and Adela le O. still con
' tlnue to hold hands during sihoj'
Miss Carrlebell Mathews is heart
broken because Glady Nystrom drew
Lowell Sikes' name. Furthermore It
cannot be obtained from that young
lady for love or motwy. It Is reported
that it took three dox?n handkerchiefs
to dry Carriebel'e's tears.
We hope however that the three
cents she won from Julia God man this
.morning will console her. It la said
that the subject of the bit was
whether or not the large ruby ring
on Carriebelle'a third finger was the
aforesaid Lowell Sikes' property.
W. Frady In typing: "Say, this type
writer sounds like a skeleton bavin;
(a chill on a tin roof.
i Alfred T. asked Harry H. why thr
, Wool worth building In New York was
like the hair on his head.
Harry H. . "I doa't know."
Alfred. "Because they both' cover a
It Is bard to kep Eileen Killeen in
her seat when Mr. Morgan shows tbi
physiology class the human skull or
- - ussr ... . . Tirv.v, v jjw rx jm
m" "m
Of the First National Is amicus
to render you real service ser
vice which goes beyond more
banking rautiae, and k grven
National Bank
38 years of helpful service
Springfield UlgU School
ruts the llv'f Jn two to show the dlf
fornt parts. N -
Charlie Iavls: 'Hot.. I aW all Of
your folks away from home Sunday,
What was the rvason? You know they
usually spend Sunday at home wlih
you." -( ,,
Dob Driscol): Well. )ou see I
didn't hare my shoes on all day."
The lucky ISlh of IVor-mber came
and with It rante a senior and Junior
girl (Gladys N, and Martam M ) to
visit the freshmnn room, but they
made so murh noise we "Frosh" Just
stopped, put our books away, and
iU i'l (nil to Im llidn a f'X'l big
box of our (lultrlous candles,
l is you'll miss much of th
pleasure of your otitlu. Our
rliiM'olalea, ln Imns, etc.. add
Immens'ly as Joy makers, len
der no rlrrumstanres go away
without some.
"j- "A Cood BakryM
learned how It was done. Y
Carl: "Whose nam have you got
Cecil r
Cecil: "1 don't know. I'm not
through trading yet."
Ain't It a grand and glorious feeling
'to know MrFadden drew Miss Will
. . . t . . .....I a ...
j, nson s name, n s suyiwiu w u-
srl l but wbn ' Kaowa lb
i.Ip Is uit?M
1 1 s 1
WHnatt ID)(D)(D)Tni EDdD
Willi YdDiir EidDimey?
.'flVlR? J J
t -
1 w
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on Needless ( r ! in Sound Utility
Trifles?) (Securities?
VERY Man Eevry Woman Every
Child is confronted squarely with these
two questions
What to do with one's turplut fundt ao that they will bring the grcateat hapjilneBH,
the largest meaaure of lasting comfort and satlfactlon thla is the problem every In
divdual must work out for himself.
Acquire a Profit-Sharing
Interest in this Company
Many people are now putting the money they would otherwise squander on unnec
cessary trifles. Into the purchase of our 8 Gold Notes $5 per month per share.
Kvery six months you will receive your Interest at 6. Furthermore, you have
'he knowledge that your principal Is safely Invested in permanent properties devoted
to useful public service. You can see the prcpertes of the. Company at any time you
choose. You can learn from the officers of the Company at all times any fact you
may wish to know-
Let us give you additional Irifdrmatlorl ibdut our inveitment plan. Send in the
Coivort TODAYI
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Springfield, Oregon