The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 15, 1921, Image 1

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aw. . A
Chance for and Against
And Distribution of
Local Benefits
Llbnrty Ixxlr. No. 171, A. T. k A.
M,, at H regular meeting, Tuesday
evening, elected th following officer
to aPrre on year: Worthy Master,
lUrry M. Stewart I senior warden, J.
V. Ketelaj Junior warden, C. A.
HwarU; secretary, II. J. Coi; trees
uorer, II. A. Wsnhburoe; senior
deacon, 8- Raljih Dipnoi; Junior d
con. Carl Olson; tyler. Fred E. Louk;
senior steward. Theron C. CoRtll;
' Nexl Monday, the Ifcth, Is th dat junior steward, Carl A. Wyman.
for th opening of th special sesalud Trustee, to ser'v'ji lVee rr - H.
of the tsclslatur. Tbe chief purpose'
la calling it together w.. to consider j Pub1, ,.,, w he,
the qu-rtlos of aubmlttlng to tbe rw9Anr Dwmber ,7 x,
voters of tl. tt . proportion to , bBnquet w be w
u ,4,tfWlUUW m minus oi ""-for the members and tholr families.
la support oi in propoami miornauun
mX fair at Portland In ICS. Bora fur
br obeervatlona on lb fair and th
tiropod nmaiure may b to order
mow, and they might not b In order
two or thr week from now.
The flrit atatlon ouiald of Spring
field On tha nm I root oar
It seem, trident that th measure. CmI1d ..0imnwaad lllMM. lkl
. ... . .i i i - t ,
win ovi m' tuivuftu w i m i . m i
without a content. It nay not go
ItuiS tn. If riot thai will b
lb ml of tb proposition; and the"
talr project wl'J probably fell to tb
irrouea, enlea torn otbr practicable
&. el financing It ran be devised,
H 4oee pat appear that, outald Of
Portland. :tj rpoI1tlon to flnanc
th fair by" JaialM )
strongly nrgd by lb . Wwipaper.
Hon. Loula K. Dean. .
peekr of the houa of reprv.c
tlve. waa quotnd aom time ago a
being opponed to It. Il la eald to b
preparing to preaent to the Irglnlature
an alternative proposition to flnanr
th fair by an Income tax, tnatead of
a property lax. It la doubtful If that
-would fare any bettor with the log'
latora, probably not ao well with th
It would aem that In theae day.
wUun Tb reople are feeling lht bur
dona of taxation no heavily, it would
'b hard to rarry a proportion to aa
euine another heavy burden, for an
olijr-ct nut In th line of neremitlea,
at the poll. Men will be Influencel
'In aum dpgrte by conalderatlona of
locality, and by auppoaed personal or
'community Intereat; and often th y
will take loo narrow a view.
Many voter. If It cornea lo them,
perhapa aome In the leglalnture, will
not a much In th fair but an enter
prlae for the benefit of Portland. It
the fair la held, and it bring aa larg
a maa of vUltnra and exhibits aa It
I expected to do. no doubt It will
prove of lntmenei benefit to Portland.
Bo ft will to a vat exteot of the
country. Including moat of the thrve
northwoatern atate; and the benefit
will not be confined to tlteao lltnlte.
Hut probably it will coat Portland
more, for the benefit ah recelvea.
than any other locality.
. Tb benefit, no doubt, will be very
Unequally dlatrlbuteJ throughout all
parti of the region named, and no
body can foreae )ut 'how. Smn
localities that count on great benefit
m rewulvo Btth, and aome that ex
pect little will rvctriv more. The
touriat travel for tnatanr; oth th
inerw eight aeelng element and those
who come to spy out th land; might
1 expected to 1. heavier that year
than aver before, and llghlr than for
many years In 1924. Thla might be
toxpecM-d mainly to follow the ready
prepared channels railway and blgh
V but, through peraonal acqua(
anc, ll VIU be sifted more or less lute
vary community In the northwest.
Northern end western Oregon, not
much mora than halt of the iUtb. I
more favorably situated than th
outheastcrn twdtflftha, by perhaps
rive to one, to attract this traffic,
which might repreaeitt large per
centage of future cltlsenshlp and In
vestment. And here come In a place
tor a long guess, on what might look
very different next eprlng, and might
never come to a teat. Our guess
sroul 1 be that the proposed tax meas
ure, If It ever cornea to a vote at all,
will get a vry light vote In the pait
of the atate Just mentioned. Fortu
nately for the measure, Its votlu
Vopulatlon la light
Accident to Car on Highway
Turna Tourista Aaida
For tha Winter
Several Placet of Buainest
. Entered Tuesday Night.
Not Much Loot.
. L' "' "slng by tbe auto
camp ground one afternoon last wek.
waa surprised to ae a tent pitched
near on h entrances and a car
standing by It, an unfamiliar glsht
for aome weka past lnjafr(eg then
and later brought her fc'cts:
Mr. and Mr, Charles JUagery and
their two little boys, of ftskerafltld,
California, bad traveVd north" 4ring
the peat season, as far as the Bote
valley, Idaho, visiting friends here
and tbre on the way, and maintain
Ing themselves by advertising a brand 'gone ae far at they could go. unless
Th office force of the 8pringfedJ
Mill and Grain company discovered,
on preparing for JIm open'-j of bn,.
noes, yesterday morning, that the
tyflce bad been entered tbe night be
fore, and tbe eafl damaged so that It
could not he opened. Tbe lower h,
of tha win Jo w In the rear of the office
had been pried up, and the fastening
at the top of tbe saab broken. The
combination of the safe had been
sprang ao that tbe door could not be
opened. Tbe robber had apparently
Fred A. Cllngan has purchased the
foed store business of O. C. Bean, lu
cludmg the grinding work, Mr. Morri
son's Interest In which Mr. Bean hal
lately taken over. Mr. Cllngan now
baa entire control of the whole bu(.
ness. Tbe change took effect Mon
day. He I putting the buainest on
a strictly cash basis. Custom rolling
and (rinding will be promtly attended
13. ... "T ..
nr. O"1;" la M& om-
. . .upioy tor several years, and la
I thoroughly familiar with th business.
Mr. Bean will be buay with settle'
meals for. week or two. W are
not Informed, as to hi plan beyond
Soma Fancied Advantages of
n.. : -i
Dnnguovsrnsurtvin j
fit, u i
of soap. They bad gotten tha far
on their way back, and camped on the
auto ground on Tueaday or Wednes
day. Lata Thursday afternoon, Mr.
Klngery, returning from Creawell.
failed to get bla car atarted. after a
atop. Just over the bill beyond th
request of tb resident of that neigh
borhood. It will be on the embank
ment just west of the point wber th
highway psise uadr tha track.
Tb company baa built a stairway
leading up to the top of the embank
ment, on the north aide of th track,
and a footwalk from tbe aide of the
highway acrosa tbe slough to the foot
of tbe stairway, with a wing to the
norm ana soma si me sia pi j, ,ftM. n ieft
highway. . ."' tauppoaed from the aame cauae which
There wit bo anoih i. 'prevented bla etartlnr It. Th hml
tw'B blenwood atatlon and Spring-'of lh c'r WM ruln the engine
tu', Jctlon, at the point where the I " not
track en."1 the road just west of
the Free Melb'lLiJ church.
overhead crossing. He cam In to th
camp, and returned after sapper to j gen for farther WOrlt,
look after th car. He found that Hi or the
baa caugnt
they risked trying to blow np tb safe,
and tbftn gave It np. There was only
one cent of cash In tbe office, a cop
per cent la the corner of tbe office,
and tbey failed to find that A lock
smith was brought over from Eaget,
and after a preliminary cxatjailon,
removed the safe to the shoe. In Eu-
mill people did not know
wbvn they were going to get into their
safe and get the use of their books.
Jt wa soon learned that R. O,
Masters' garage, on 2nd street and O.
F. BeverVs grocery, across the river
had been entered. A comparison oof
accounts seemed to show pretty con
Th car. a Briscoe, waa only partly
paid for. was Insured and the former
owiwr held the Inaurance. Yielding elusive! that the Master's place bad
to wrong advice. Mr. Klngery left tb : been entered first, by prying open a
car on tn ground, and ruarded II rmni r th. ntn ,k
) nssauv v vaa vttivv was,
through most of two nlehts. Several
The corner of Third and Main street I o 'he 'chmenta and tools were by the use of a flat wrecking bar
has for a little while, boon one of thei,olcn". V,l'na word from the former i taken from Masters'. They took about
most prominent corners of the town, owner, hd Inally moved the remains 'l 60 In nickels and dimes which had
It t. - - 1 . i . . O a. .. .
.... " '-u m aciuai terminus cf ,w r uycuwri Men left In the till at Matters ; but
treet car traffic and the only sta- Yesterday the family moved to Eu-lthey took a number of tube and a
lion on Main atren. At certain hours gene, chiefly to get the older boy Into 'great number of small auto appliances
there has been a great isthcrlnrf ' School. Th SDrincfleld schools blnr vMch IbfV in lunraand In h
One of th few things a penny
fcuya Christmas seal.
100 men, women and children at ths
Christian church , Sunday morning.
Last Sunday w had 169 a plnce for
Oroat Interest manifested In the re
vival meetings, with 30 additions lo
dat. Hear great aermona and take
part In "eoulllftlng" song aervlw.
. J ' '
The Ked Crosa homo nursing class
which has been meeting at the library
each week has been discontinued
until after the holllays. Watch the
more at car time. Then, hv .n,,P.
there would be varioua kinds of work
connciel with the change In the im.'
golug on somewhere In that vicinity,
which would attract those who hsd
nothing to do but to gsxe. This cor-
iikb siaiion on a new
una or railroad while the
raualn. there. It is likely to be for 'nhl the sldence property
some tln to come the principal point ,trw!t Jut WMt ot 11tt, ,nd
of departure for travel nn nni.nin. ' . .
" , Hnop, ana are seining mere.
vain, ii win use up an tne pas
senger that uaed to atart from there
and those that uaed to atari from
the two cornera below.
overcrowded, they could not get him
In here. Mr. and Mr. Klngery will
seek some employment for a liveli
hood during the winter.
8. S. Potter and family, who moved
I to Bandon last spring,, returned to
terminus Springfield last week. They have
on C
I. . -. 1H.I. - Jill',
iiviiuni lor iravei on outgolnc
A car belonging to J. T. Harbet, of
Thurston, In which several high school
students, of the Harbet and other
families bave been coming In to achool
waa overturned on east Main street
the photoplay Of veaterriiv evening Th. Inn tM th-
the novel by Stewart Edward White , hela wer, broken. A ,on jt
: . . ,re,t ,0,l rU,h ,0.Jh Edmlston was slightly injured.
uiai a iir.ia. aee 11 ai uuu, satur
"The Westerners"
day, Dec. 17lh.
Alvln McBee. a child of Delbert Mc
flee, waa operated upon for hernia at
the Hpriugficld hospital Monday evening.
W. O. W. meeta every
evening at W. O. W. hall.
Mrs. W. O. Carson, of cast Main
street, has been sick for several dayt.
It seems natural to see loads of nilM
wood dumped about town again. It
will have Ita Influence on the prices
of fuel, loo.
An Oregon made picture
Golden Trail". A dramatic and thrill
Ing story of the Alaskan gold Fields
where men are men, and their real
natures, either good or bad, assert
themselves. ' Jane Novak In "Thj
Tuesday ' Golden Trail" at Bell Sunday, Decem
ber lgtn.
ried away In a email grip which tbey
took there.
At Bevere's. they pried loose the
screen and pried the lock off the
front door. They pried thn till loose
from beneath a counter, took about
ISO pennies whfcii it contained, but
left about as much in stamps. . Mr.
never bad not mfssed anything from
his stock yesterday afternoon.
Altogether, it was rather a slender
haul, to risk a few years in the pen!
tentlary for. The nliTT people were of
the opinion at first that it was tbe
work ot local talent Later, tbe num
ber of places broken inTo gave the im
pression that It was done by men of
the road. Some of their proceedings
Irdlcated some famltlarftjr with tbe
situation. Deputy Sheriff Croner was
"The on the ground during the day looking
Into tbe matter.
Preparation for . regular logging
operation are to begin at camp 28
and 29, abov Wendllng, next Monday.
Tbe camp were completely disman
tled when Jogging operations were
suspended. In tbe for part of tbe
aeeson and they will bav to be fitted
up from the tart A, crew of a-
tm Knn fn ....
gru--'' '--CB "tap. consisting of
in " D0C"r": P'ored
- preliminary work. Only on
AAnlr hnau vlll k. .
.vw. w uu lUf ui CWO
camp during the period of this pre
paratory work.
A Ud which now obstructs the
track between Wendllng and the
camps. If it should not be cleared
away before Monday, might delay tbe
opening of thla work. It la not ex
pected that logging will begin before
January 10th.
Seal your mall with the stamp
Mrs. Earl Moore, proprietress of
th laundry, who has bvn sick for
tbe past three weeks. Is caking np ber
Richard Harbet, who Uvea on James work again Her .sister.. Mrs. J. W.
Seavey'a bop ranch, baa commenced Baker, assisted at the rami (fry during
the construction of a largo story au.l her absence.
a half bungalow on the slope of WUla
. n v. ... . m . , . i . i
nr. o. uaipn uippei, aeniici, opnnri
field, Oregon. What'
mette Height, probably for rent
Try our aodaa, tbey ar odaltclouj
at Egglmann'a.
Wood for sale by Nattonal Product
Co., the old risher-Boutln mill on
Broadway street, t. H .Walker.
Dead men tell no talca.
a man'a political hopes; a
dream of happiness or a
brother's ssfty when a seventeen-year-old
girl wanta aomethlng? Gladya
Walton wtli tell you In "Short Skirts".
Bell Wednesday, Dee. SlsL
For prtvata piano lesson see Miss
Ruth Scott or phone 12 ST.
B. H. Miller, chief engineer of th
work at the overhead" crossing, was
brought to the hospital yesterday
morning to be treatM for barns on tbe
face, caused by escaping steam. Ho
is reported this morning to be doing
well, and not likely- to sustain any
permanent Injury.
Tbe nil north of the overhead
bridge, at McVey's Point, ha been
carried forward about half Its length;
but thla is by far the heaviest part of
tbe fillfag. It has reached a point
where It is less than half the height
at the bridge', and proportionaly
narrower. Stf thff work galna ground
much more rapidly than at first. The
road bed on the south side mostly re
mains to be built after list on the
north is complete! The mala part of
th cut is being poshed in to the km
side- and toward tb ateepeet part of
tbe hm ao that the fell'side here, on a
close front view, loot Hke on great
The recent long stormy period1 sud-)
It pretty nasty work tn the men.
They coufil certainly appreciate the
nne weather ot last week. Perswae
connected with the work rstimfe
that it will teke until about Ike mltfdle-
of January to finish It. Very muci
severe stormy weatber waa lit ao
doubt push the completion tf start
Dr. W. C. Rebhaa has rcentir
added to the efficiency, safety antf
convenience of bis X-ray machine iy
Installing an overhead aystem ofl
system of operation, which allow tHe
patient to be examined In ay position
atanding, sitting er lying.- A part of
the new equipment is a Coolldge tube,.
with a special screen appliance, which-
is great Improvement over the old"
gaa tube, furnishing absolute security!
against the possibility of burning tbrr
The doctor baa aa powerful and
completely equipped machine as la to
be found in tha large citiea of the
west, anl one capable of bringing a
good results. It ts furnished with ap
pltances tor acurately measuring th
strength ot the current employed, ano)
enabling the operator to know to a
certainty that he la going to obtain
Louis A. Daoust of Portland, art
X-ray expert, with extensive exper
ience In that Bn eof service in the
late war, will make periodical visits
here, apendlng several day . each
time, and giving whatever Instruction
Is needed la the operation ot the ma
chine. '.'. I
tT- r.ay be In danger of becomlnsf
. . -e In referring again to thla
disagreeable subject No matter Whac
a man favors, if he think of It enougu
to speak of It to another, he aeually
has something that passes for a rea
son, at least with himself for favorinr
It K miy be only a hasty, m-con.-sidered
thonghL springinf rotn, a
pssslng fancy, untested by eompar
son with more matare thought, and
discarded before you sea. aim again;
but for the present, be usually think
h baa a reason. . .',( ; ' .
, We are giving be re, w bell ere, all
tha reaaona. If yon may , call then
reasons, that we have known ot any
one In Springfield givtof why U
0 . -
- .weght better that .BpnnpjJii.
should cease to b a u;goTrnlna
community, and consent to .be ot
erned bjr another. AU put togetha
that we bav hard of putting fortit
any and all of theu'nucU woulj
make only a handful ift4 flet mora '
than two or thr.-e advancittff iay ma
Of them; but no doubt there are trior.
We bare not been impressed in
single case that th argument origin
ated In Springfield.
The Idea ha been advanced that If
Springfield were absorbed In Eugene)
toe value of property would be great
ly enhanced.. Wbat (or who) trtr
put It Into anybody head that hand
ing over Springfield's city government
to the governing elements ot another
town, separated from It by several
miles, whose Interests are greatly di
verse, would automatically raise the
value of his property, or of any or
all property here. No; the things
that are to stimulate the prosperity of
Springfield and raise values here must
be worked out right here, and largely
by people whose Interests are here.
Suppose there were any ground fox
such an anreasonable expectation;
should a man be willing to aacrlflcs
some of tb mer preciow interest
of tbe body of r.eope among whom ho
lived in taw hope that he might pro
fit to the extent of a few dollars?
It kaa b?en said that aom moral
conditions bave been Improved la Eu
gene. But Eagene has some moral
evil of Its own which Springfield la
not directly btwaght in contact.. We
ar not going into particular unless
w have to. Is very recent time, tbe '
nut promising enterprise that has
lees projected for botk the material
aod moral welfare of tM community,
mat an this region, ths Methodist'
axartma; project, waa defeated.
a it promoters save reason to be-
liver throegh the hostility of certain
Interests la Eugene to say such eater
prise that waa of local advantage to
Springfield, rather thaa to Eugene. -
Another reason suggested has been
improvement In city affairs. We are
not likely to be better served, by put
ting the affairs of the community'
we win not say city Into tha hands
of persona not directly Interested la
Us welfare.
Any betterment in any ot Spring
field's affair can only be wrought out.
ly Ita own people. In the exercise of,
their, own legal right and the im
provement of their own opportuniU
. These two town must remain two
tswna, no matter what Juggling thsra,
might be with the government; of
either. Their relation .have seen ;
fairly amicable for several years. Fur.'
ther persistence In thia abaurd pro par
ganda will break up this condition.,
and make It hard and disaareable
for very body to do business acrosa
tbe intervening apace.
Better quit It
Christina seal stand tr the Christ
mas spirit . . ,
1 1 1 1
Dns Moines, Iowa went without
street cars for 715 dava. Tha buslneii
tot the town was paralysed. Now tha
The Thurston basketball team will car are operating again. Comment
play a return game with the Amert Ing on the reestabllshment of car ee
:an Legion this evening at the high vie the Des Moines Capital say:
ad-col gymnasium. On the 1 3rd the "It is like gettl'g borne after a lonjf
Hty I.-ague will start tNe schedule, absence to see the street cars moving
the following teams playU:g a double ' through the streets. We should tell
header at the high school: -High all the world that the street car aro
schcol va. Baptist church, and .the j running Residents of De . Molne'
metlcan l.gion s. the Christian having friend east or wrst will do a
church. Tuesday evening, the Triple good tulr-g by writing to uch friends
t tram ot fcugeue defeated the . that Dea Moines once more has street
Christian church team It to It In
practice game.
car service. The absence of cars bat
been used to the Injury ot Des Molnea
east an vi,. TTw th? gooW.ewi