The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 08, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tmm$riArrcoKMnrcn s. 1021.
Bargains In Used Gars
1920 IXxlge Touring
1919 Dodge Roadster
19.0 Overland Roadster
1919 Chervolet Touring
1913 Ford. Touring $13.. 00
Will take your car in trade
2nd. Ave. Garage
IMitod by tlie Pupils of rlr-rfieM U School
$;iilr!iM from Went Spriniifl 'M iirisli' linn! ( n thirty wti.m tlm guo-l
wiMv tumble ti resch school List roi-nlrt I to the homo cf Kitccn t.ll c:i
Thnri1.iy and Friday on account id h Inn course ln-ulu-on hiii
served by th girls. Those who iti
Joyc I tl.e h.spttallty (f !? (an p
H:e were; lilTt 1 i f-i oil. H luiotit
Kuasell. lv:in Cowart, Lionel VotK
Halph l.i)Vt, Marvin Spores, Wlnlor.
Washington. D. C Dec. J As the
result of conferences between John
" Barton Payne, chaiitnan of the Central
committee of the American Red Cross.
' and Charles R. Forbes, director of the
' t'ntted States Veterans bureau, as .a
t methods of strengthening the coopera
tion between the two organisations to
meet the ever-growing problem of as
sisting disabled ex-service men, the
Kea cross nave announced the ap
hiph w:tr.
Cieotgo Lt:sV brother of Ruth I. us
by. vl!ted S. H. S. last Tuesday II'
tins returned frfm lleppnr, Ore
gin. where he was' force J to dim-on
tlnue teaching on account of 111 health IVIo.'lteroM Mi Thcrion. Verio rYg;il.
A student-body meeting was hold Herald Kmlltott. Klmer Sank-y. Mud
Monday at one o'clock In the suit- l'ow r ami Merit! Md'heraou. I'rof.
tcrlum for the purpose of determining ami Mrs. Hoth acted a chaperon,
whether or not the school should Join 1 .
,. ok...... ihi...i.. Mi" Mason. Im cisonator, gave a
.... ........ .rnniaiiUH, ar.ll ... . . .. .1.
to discuss approrrlatlng a sum of rt ,',",rU"""" "indent,
i money for the Armenian rellf. Mabel rilr"',,r- K'Tjr one greasy enjoyed
n,.mh. - .1 . . ... hl humorous readings.
Etacada. Koad tolng built S7ithe T11'1" this meeting. I Now ran you guess what has hap-
mlls up the Klackamas river to the' Th basketball boys battled wlth'pened Mrs. Myers had a birthday
site of the proposed 80.000 horso ,h0 rpme, ft Eugene. Tuesday even-iTuesday Kvery one greatly enjoyed
pewer hydro-electric plant of the ,n ,or ,h ,orT ot S. H. 8 In the how old she Is.
Portland Railway Light and Power tlni am of the season. Although I
companv to cost $100,000,000. j,he cor w,s tnror of the Cornell' I"!"u,,!,l dancing:
Mil. on mon hi.n .h. .t...i good game was claved and Kobert I. 'Id Juat as soon danco
a $15,000 hotel.
. . va. . u .u ...
build a 50.000 gallon tank. The Willamette Camp Fire girls en-
Wasco county to spend $65,000 on tertalned the high so boo) football boys
roads (o Antelope and Bakeoven. It a reception In the high school aud!
.thlrga are expected from the hlgh,w,,h rnr,0" t"1'' ' 'rl
school boys In the future. " M "So wou" '"
a FVkS-t la ml EVm a, n a.. I KKl.t a (aHmim b4Jaw ssahIWsw TU.i... a
polntment of Jason S. Joy as lalaon' ,7"":. " " ' ' . lu J' " ' . .-r
ffi..r n. v.-,.n. K.,.lbn,IJ ,ory 350.0OO fire proof an-.The time was spent with games and
i at v a s i CX.
wa nM,
A Klttl fiA-shmm Ir.ijuired what
they were havltg-i English 6 room
to make so much noise. Mrs. Myers
replied. "We are having Kngllsh com
bined with Harry Ilarbet."
I Salem. Flax and hemn nrlilnn I Medforl to have two new churches
r. joy, woo is assistant airector glgn u 400 acrM fjbre Vax on , 5 at a total cost of $HS.000
or domestic operations of the Red re con,ct ,nd 20 000 Mp.
.u ms nrw pusiuoo wi:i worK uj for ttw ph,nL
out. In cooperation with Mr. Forbes,
a complete and definite understanding
as to the scope, nature and relation
Turner votes $25,000 bond Issue for
a new school building.
Portland. 3-srory 100x100 Junk
Portland. Work to atart on $750.
000 hotl
Baker. $S0 a ton -gold strike re
ported from Mormon basin.
Austin. r.cctes Lumber comnanv
Ing (ha confiscation point. The ef
forts of our las.' makers to find nsw
ways of taxlt g the people In nr ler
raise revenue wouM bring belter r-
nulls If they would "Xert themselves
(o tut down our tax burdeua by
chaniilng our laaa so that the billion
of w.'itlth now going Into tat
serin Itl.-s could no! flint this looi1
hole for fmtlu'r Investments to e
rape filiation.
tur Us sIkmiIiI be airtiiedrd so Dial
tax '-tempt sei uiKles iul l le a
tlilt.- ot lh'- past
W li -n will It we-itern t-opl-er inl""'
reopen T Thev will rpen wh'ti bit I
liiit iiK'iln Jiihtlfti-s. ( we sit still and.
'sink o:ir tlimiitis, II will tuUe tuir.l ;
'ness ongr to n-vlve '
(nn nv (hat the p-oplo ran ho'p
hi the rropMili'g of Mir copper tulnes'
'an I the mloyiiitni f lens of thou-J
I sands of workmen. Is by taking ail
Interrst ill pri ilurta iimiiufiii luir l
. tn-iu copper. U'e live In the hear( of
a fipper producing lotititry and yet
we msnufai lurr but a mliiua iiinntty
i-f copper artUlos. while the field for
the use of copper Is almost unlimited
As an llltistrutlon, what ttiateilal
will make a better road stgn than a
sheet of copper? It would lu for
ever and would not have to be re
1 1m oil every frw yrars as do the pres
ent palut. mvtnl elgos. Why not
use our own Ingi'tiutty and revive our
lagging Industries Instead of waiting
for Kurope or some bankrupt foreign
country to come to our rescue with
The road sign Is merWy one of the
thousand uses that can be cited fur
: i
Eyes Tested
Glasses Fitted
I, nine h'W an $II."D.
Sj'et tat l h t (itnli js.oii,
nittl tip. I'l'it ht nial!ty.
l'itifaction Cunrnitteed
Charges Renionnbte
Eyesight Specialist
908 Willamette St.,
Eugene, Oregon
of Red Cross work in the hospitals bullilng and $100,000 laundry to go up K!nic cmpa rwmme work here
and offices of the government con
cerned with the welfare of disabled ex
aprvice men.
Assistance to disabled former ser
vice men. supplement to that provide!
by the government, since the close ot
less than 1921
school budget
rttl Increase
l r . )i. ... .
lonftA I w.iwur coumi taxes
I $100,000 over 1921.
Seaside get, $71,000 cash to erect ' ,TTm( , 'J m raJ '
new schco! building. be ' 1 " l,WMk"-
I Oregon has received 3M trucks and
Medford has shlptd lf-J carload 3 autojl from f(;JnB rod buW(in
oi jcsirs mis year.
the world war. has ben regarded byj 1 ,rar- I Portland. Liberty Laundry (o erect
me Kea cross as IU highest obligation.' snips toaaing tumter at west- $100,000 bull ilng
Proportionately with the growth rf ( P"rt nd Wauna. J Canyon City. Canyon creek ditch
this problem this service of the R.;1 I'ubllc utilities cf Or pon will pay. work to b.- completed.
Cross has expanded until today It U tasps the coming year cn a total valu-J Wlll-im'na gymnasium to be built
being maintained at a cost of $10.000.-' ation In the state of $4 4i7 7D4 76 more, th school grounds.
000 annually and last year resulted In than last year. The ful! value forj Federal highway act allows I75S.91 '
assistance in one form or another to 1920 was $151,057.52 aud for this yearJ01- fore. -it roids In Oregon.
1.500,000 veterans acd their families. $185,504,759 29. J X-? berg. SawmUl here cuttl"
J 100-000 fet ter iluy employing 20
II ' ill Astoria to t,avc a new $150.00 hoi
II II pltal n?xt year.
and pies. They are so tempting
to the eye and Just as tempting
to the palate. Bak'd with skill
with the beat mater
ia!s. they are, far superior to
ordinary baking. And there is
such a w: ie variety to choose
from. Why fuss with borne
baking when you can get such
good things here?
"A Cood Bakery"
Riddle Plans ma!e to erect $;,o.
COO community church.
Myrtle Point Application approved
for construction of John creek reser-vol.-.
Marshfleld to have a new garage.
Severs! road contracts awarded In
Myrt!e Creek section.
Klamath Falls. New Episcopal
church planned.
Marshfleld Standard Oil company
Is bullilng a concrete garage.
St. Helens. Lumber shipments for
the week were 1.000.000 feet.
La Grande (o have box factory!
witn si 5.000 payroll.
Reports coming from the east Indlonte
that buyers are breaking away trim
hn I to-mouth buying ana ar bin-
nlng to take prunes In larger qunntl-l
In California practical! all of tVl
large six- prunes have bej, sold aul!
s'.ueal no prunes liwr thn fO'iOs1
n i In the hands of the Collfonila !
glowers. As a rcns-iuen.- (ireg.-inj
L. .us near!y all of the iar
P '-'tr'S which r-iiialn unsd l
. 11 of the Ital-i prunes tnialbr
'Pa' ::0-40s which were In t'ie hnnls
el tho (Vegrn C-w rs !n--vliior.
line been rleane I i s,:i it Is
P". t. fct tho'-? w'll le an ejrly
'i i n-tip of the st i: ti band
I'hvy lilri:i"ii. b.ive b- n in I.
f.i m the assoclatloi'r n-icV Tor
'i". of o:." Mi' In.- t i t!i
it : clatlon'j ! rui:" pm l.ln. pl:i: l an
fences that a thi daVn -mi w"'
lt.h packit t; a!! -f (' pr-' i. i I-, .
Ci trli t and wo.k Is p-. k cone i-s;. i.
le It nil scrrli ti of tii. -r-tj i!.'mi. t-
amounts that may In- deposited and
allow loans lo I' J made.
Postmaster (i-nernl Hayes has
caught tlm socialistic oilerohe aul
and asks for law Jo put the post-
otrice into tno twnking and money
, Irniling trade. Kveiy potiiysH r
wi uld automatli ally be made a banker
over night and the postofflre depart
mont wifuhl get n commission on
every loan made..
Hayes already ivfera to the "op
position of certain savings banks lo
any changes" and pretends to array
inn "Interests of the people" agalns(
the money Interests back of the bank
ing business.
When was political banking In any
country anything bu( a lure and pit-
The propaganda (t Increase ralei . ,R" ,or "'asses of the people?
df Interest lii postal saving banks la
regarded as the entering we Ige for
extending state and fed Tal bank).
This Is undoubtedly the program of
Mrs. Laura M. Heyt Rscommends
Chamberlain's Tablet
have frequently usd Chamber-
state socialism to remove limit from '' Tablet, during the past three
year, an I have found them splendid
MtOtKSatmKOm HBOKKMMm tor heailarhe and blllou attacks I
I am rnly tini pi ! at any time, trt
apeak a word In praise of them."
writes Mrs Ijiura M. Iloyt. Itockporf.
N. Y.
To t!:"
alii :i tlie
gt oi!!i .
HiiTnito t-rr.on Is
sidle a bid -ltitif It
A loading western bo houe s- ri'ls
out Its Iiivostment Hulletfn. 1 1
November !r,th. with a 'lit of Hj!
American bond offering whirh ar
exempt from all federal Inrcn:.- tix-.i '
'Hundreds of bond houses r,-r the!
lanl are selling slmlllar l.i?s of tax'
exempt bonds Evry rity, roiintv. !
state and nation itself. Is Isiuing In !
creasing numbers of these tax exempt
securities. It Is estlmsted that al-1
ready over $10,000,000,000 of wealth I
Invested In this c'ass of holdings is
escaping taxation.
Wl(b billions of dollsrs being with
drawn from taxable Investments, the
fn ft. n wotid:ri Jusl whr'
th- o(i. rhri'Kv i!oi-s go -Hons
in sold'. m t uKii'i:! any r'-al
velue r I-. . ,; Th'? king o-
til's siilij"! t UJ ( tie t ir.n to do
V" a . r-eni f. : ivl g Ms
sr. r'l clung". Ko found tlin. s.i
Binil' a sum as a II. in- Incr -on -,1
by a dime a wk would wlth'n
a year I. vo. ir to rNul $12". To
tur C7.rlv.rn. Jl.ttikltiK Club
l elta mi in brr rue unjer this
utibiuo Un. Call In or write
us hbou( It.
National Bank
Buy here and save the dif
ference These prices cut
the cost of living.
Popcorn, 4 lbs 25c
Oval Sardines,, Large Can 15c
Cheese, Fancy Cream, lb 28c
Raisins, seedless, bulk lb ,., 20c
Figs, 2 lbs 25e
Prunes, 30-40s, 2 lbs 25c
Codfish, 2 lbs 35c
Fresh Crisp Crackers, 3a lb. box 49c
Mustard, bottle 10c
White Cloud or Hake White, lb 15c
Crisco. 3 lbs. C9c; lbs $1.13
American Lye, can 10c
The prune market, which has been tax burden climbs In ororortinn or,
quiet for several weeks, offer a very j the remaining taxable property. j
promising outlook at the present time. Taxation Is slowly but surely reach '
38 years of helpful wrvice
In t Cl cult Court of the Plato of
OiTon. for the County rf Lane.
Wti'trr U lioRg. plulitlff, v
Va-I i 'Y9. defendant
To Marl Hoicks, the detndi.t
sieve niimid:
In tho name of the Ktate ol Oregon,
you ! htreby required to app-ar and
aiiswrr the comnlulut fll.'d agilriKt
you in the above entitled suit whlil i
six 101 week from the date of the
first puLUcatloti of this summons;
and if you fall to answer, for waiat
thereof the plaintiff will take a decree
against you dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between you
and il.ilnlff.
This summons Is published once a
week for six 6 successive week.
In the Springfield News, a paper of
genrl circulation, published In Lane
coptity, Oreron, by order of 0. T.
Pkl'jworth. Judge of the above en
titled court, made and entered on the
Sth day of November. I92l. and th
date of the first publication hereof
s Thursday the lOth day of Novem
ber. l2l.
WILLIAMS DEAN, Attorneys for
plaintiff, Eugene, Oregon.
Dele or first publication Nov. 10, 1921.
Date of last publication Ic. 22, 1921.
If you are planning on any Holiday printing, bring it
in now, before the rush, thus assuring you first choice
of samples; also an early delivery of your order.
iiyTiTra sratJ' ti T
'1 IMfil IO!
Closed Novenolier SO, and frcm that date on the rate
will ba 1 SO a year less 25c if paid in advance