T1IU71RDAT. NOVKMIIKfl 10, 1921 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TAG E THREE TOWN AND Mr, ii ml Mm Juhi'i Mllrlixlt, m.n rnnm liurn from llimilon mvtml wmliii unit, Iiuvk lioiinlit Hi umi II tract In '-Hi " iv1iir ri-l -t known n the JnllitM ilnrr, mi l i now aidi'td tlnr. Cull HpilnitrKdit Taxi, liny or hIkM, our lilmnn Id miiulr 2. Try our it, ttiny urn liiilnlU'louj at Einclitiniin'a. .-..r-. J ...,r.,w -no nrr iwu little In y arrlvi'd nt tlin luiiim of tior ftS-.l ... . .1 1. A iiniKiilH, Mi. Hml Mm, A, C. Travis, from LookhmKlHM. Douglas county. Tumduy afternoon Mr, Morrow had' tnkni thHr tutnltiir through to Haletn ly tiiiik. lift la locking for n w i (Bllnn. an I bopnd to find sltu.i tlmi in Halein Ho U ex;rctul In Kl'fliiRrinlit mIioui thl Hum. Kifh unliuon for sail. Will be In town Tuesdays ami Fridays i""ttil vr Cheer Upl TOWER'S NSH BRAN& RCTLDC SLICKER'4? knockt rtvtw day gloom V,i'"V. Irvlo iv forked hat JrjKf A.J.TowTca nil r. COMMUNITY CASH STORE THE PROPER PLACE TO TRADE WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT 3 lbs. macaroni 25c 2 U)B (Horn March 2.1c 2 lbs. roaatwl peanuts 25c 5 caiiH sardine '-5c 6 large dill pliklos 25c 5 packawa toilet paper 25c 2 cans fruit Jtim 25c 2 glasses fruit jam 25c 2 pairs of glovi 25c This Is a 25 rent ad. W. M. GREEN, Proprietor SPRINGFIELD, OREGON EGGIMANN'S "A Good Bakery" Take the Scenic Shasta Route TO Sunny Southern CALIFORNIA Through Sleeping Car Service TO SACRAMENTO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES ' offers all thn comforts of modern travel Convenient acbedules, obsorvatlou cars, and excellent meal are other features of th Bhasta Rout". ROUND TRIP Winter Excursion Tickets art) on ial at Reduced Fare For tickets and Information ask Agents, or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent VICINITY Jx-iiv order lit lh Community ("un'i More. Hob Ward, Buiith 2nd. ami I) at recta, tf. MarciU linn 242 children of school nc W, (). W. meet evrry Tuesday ovoiiIiir at W. ). YV. tin II. Thi school population of the (ilen wood dintrlrt. which was formerly .., ,,r4 , ffprll KflirUl district u JM) u WM , . vir a, i. TIhth wan a I Mill. II llllin , r ,.,.,, ,, .,. looked an though the dliilrlct mould .... . . ..KI-' and flfli U'til hool. Them n ri"i(aln faclnailon about II f i' In I In- row which appeal to eiyi man and woman, hut when u h a utory in ihoioKrMiliHd amid awn In-j aplrlng acrnnry thn roNiill la f'-', lin e of trnJiiciidou appeal. Hm I Wolwa of ih North," and you will ihn "wolf In -v'ry man." Wednen-, day. Nor. lBlh at Il-ll. BOVS MAKE MONEY ffc-iid your name to lha Clrrnlnllon j Mnnauir, PIJNSKT MOOAZI.N'K, Pan Kranrliwo, and n-ivlv dotuila of luj Npm lul orror to lioya wro want io ; milk 'iiclliiK money In varatlont.1 WHY TAKE THE TIME and troubl( to bake cakca. plea, biscuits and bivad when you can Imve such delicious goodies from our bakery at a price that you could not meet If you had l.i produce them yourself? Wo will take the drudgvry out of housekeeping If you will l"t us Service Our aim la to rndir Mtla factory evcrday -rvlce In all ilupMi'tiiienta of our bunlnpn", W reronnUe our duty to ihi public and fullfll It to the belt we can. Immediate profit! an not our cbli-f aim for we real lite that the lticreR"d bunlnena whlcli will roinn to ua liviauHR of ualtty of good and aupriior aervlce will cnune profit to take care of thimiaidvea. If you will tradt with ua for a 'linlted time, we f- l quite aure that our exemplary aervice will Iiim Ire In you a f'-elliiK o aecurlty that will caua you to heroine a tvgu'ar cuhIoiikt. Itone 31 f,er acliool. etc. Attractive Special , prlxe for producer. 1 The achool will be cIIhiiiIhhimI on Armistice Day, and the place of ' biiHlnoia will lie generally closed. i Mr, (icorgv) Settle returned last ,' week, from a prolonged visit In cen tral California. j ' Want a taxi, phone 2. The taxi' that alwaj gets there. j Work on the high school gymua ! slum baa been suspended for several j i days, on account of I tie delay of the ; l shipment of roofing somewhere on the! ; way from home point In California. Two tennis and several men were ' niployed, the first of trie week In ' leveling th g:vund In the rear of the' new achool house, and preparing to gravel driveway for teams bringing In wood. Dr. a Ralph Dlppel, dentist. Spring field. Oregon. , i Tise National Products company did a little preliminary production work last week. No finished work !haa been turned out yet. Repairing, and n-lltllng work Is still going on. ' i The Loud Manufacturing corpora tion fchut dowu fo: part of last week, to shift Una .lumber stock, do some re arranging of machinery and nuke - some change In a model of a garage. They are r.-ody now to employ a souk- . what larger force, from 12 to 15 men I W. O. W. meets every Tuesduy i evening at W. O. W. hall. j Thoro Is not a single subtitle In j "The Journ-y's IOihI" nd yet the action is crystul-clear. This feat has ! I.een accomplinhed by Intelligent cou ! Btructlon. more Intelligent direction, ' and skillful acting. Hell Sunday, Nov Ulli. Now the newspapers are scaring usj Good 1 1 Our big sale of lumber at special prices, Bcneauiea to c ioso November 1st, has been extended for a few days. Booth Kelly Lumber AT BARGAIN PRICES has evidently meant something to every farmer and builder In this part of the county, judging from the thousands of feet they have bought- . Hut a good many of our friends have reported they could not avail themselves of these bargains within the time spe- . elf led. bo we have decided to continue our low prices for a few days. Get your supply NOW. The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. Phone Eugene 452 with th report that the crop of ThankWln turkey la only about (7 pet cent of the normal. Never mind A Hood, bl fat young rooster, with frur leg, four wIiik. two hreantx and two liver and no nrk at all, I a mlkhly (ood aulmilliite, and wil' make about a icood an ex mi My for rlngl.ia: In a pluli of cranberry latico and drenn Ing. Th? conirnctori have annoum-orl that th pei'tlon tt pavement between (Hlvcn and freaweil, on the. Pacific high fiy, will be opened to travel on the 16th. There I a ahort atretrh on f'ama wae. In the middle, that I not to De paved until hut lug; but It ha ben or oon wVI l put In good eomlltlon for the winter travel. Mr. and Mr. I). H. Murphy of Gray' Caah. atorw "pent Sunday at Cottag" Orove at tb hom of Mr. and Mr. Nd. fMxon. Ir. Plxon I manager of Oray'a atore In that city. "Wolvea of the North", Hell. Wed nenday, Nov. lfith. The water In the rlvrr I remark 'ably clear for this Unit of tin yea., j You can count every pebble on tha ibotinm. If you don't believo thin, try lit. I'lease report the number to the j New a. j Dr. 8. Ralph Dipnoi, dentist, Spring- flId. Oregon. The jury In th trial of Fied Thomuo for the killing or Wiley Hubbard, at Dor-na, after bdng out from 6: IS Tueaday evening to 9 Wednesday morn Ing rertd that they were unable to agree. The case will be tried again November IS. A IVamWhlna sew exhibited by L. ('. Allien and Khiim, whcue farm Is just nortlieant of Springfield, took several first prir-H at the Pacific International l.lvn Stock show at Portland this week. Loffer On 2nd St. SAND and GRA VEL Plastering sand, sand or gravel for sidewalks, con crete work or othor build ing work furnished and de livered. F. H. Walker SPRINGFIELD OREGON ews Phone Springfield 65 PRINOFIELD HOSPITAL NOTES - Mr, tind Mcl'beraon underwent major operation at the hoapltal Tuco- y. i rr. Frod I (III a. cf North 5th afret I recovering from a Tt'Vnl lllitPHH, it the Kprifigrield boajltal. Iiole fornft'lua, of Toben, wa operated upon for appendicitis at tha hoepftxl Tii"dny. The rne waa a , aerloti one. nineteen Filipino t.udcn'i. In the I of O. the lilble nnlverltv and the high achor.l. In Eugene, have organ ! Ized a Filipino aHHOclatlon. CALL FOR 6CH00L WARRANTS Notice la hereby given that all School Warranta on -District No. 19. St ringf le'd, Lane County, Onegon. to and Including Kcglnter No. 5X9, Dated April 1, 1921, will be paid at the County Treasurer's office, on Satur day, November 12. 1921. Interest will ceae on that date. Datei at Eugene, this Sth day of November. 1921. EDNA WAni), County Treasurer. A TImeHy Suggestion This In the r.eaii of the year , when the prudent and careful houce- j wlf replenish" hr supply of Cham- berlain's Cough R"medy. It Is almo-t ; certain to be nnedel before the win-1 ter Is over and results are much morel prompt and satisfactory when It Isi kept at hand and given as soon as th first Indication of a cold appears and before It has become settled in th system. There Is no danger In giving it to children as It contains tio or lira . or other harmful d-rg- Coming to EUGENE Dr. Mellenthin A Successful Specialist for the Past Fifteen Years. DOES NOT USE SURGERY Will be at Osborn Hotel Thursday, Nov- 17, Office Hours: 10 a- m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Examination Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and sur gery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He visits profession ally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip consultation and examination .free, except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method ot treatment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of the stomach, tonsils or adnoids. He has to his credit many wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid neys. bed wetting, bladder, ca tarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatic, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do niot fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of long standing trouble. Remember above date, that examination on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Address: 33G Boston TJlock. Minneapolis, Minn. (Pd. adv.) SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Lane. Carrie Mi. La Vine, plaintiff, s. William D. La Vine, defendant To William D. La Vine, the above named defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yiu In the above entitled suit, within the lime hereinafter set for you to- do so. or the platutiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed fo In said camplaint, willed la in substance as follows: For a decree ot the court, dissolv ing the bonds ot matrimony now ex isting between her and the defendant, that plaintiff be remitted to resume her former nnme of Carrie M. Altai, fir the cure, custody and control ot her miner child, Edna Orcutt, and for such other anil further relief as to this honorable ' court may seem Just and proper. This summons U published in The Springfield News once a week for. a period of six consecutive weeks pur suant to an older for the same by Hon. G. F. Skipworth, Circuit Judge ot LaBU County, Oregon, dated Octo ber 13, 1921, and you are reryired to appear and answer said complaint on For a fine Suit' and perfect fit, go to " RAMSEY, The Tailor DR. EUGENE KESTER Phyticlan and Surgeon Office Fhone 82 Home Phono Ul Office Hoora: , . It to 12 A. M. 1:30 to 6 P. M. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 3' Springfield Oregon DR. NW. EMERY DENTIST Sutton Bldg. Phon 20-J Residence Phon 129 W Springfield, Oregon LEMLEY'S PRESSING PARLOR FRED G. LEMLEY Prop'r. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dye ing, Hats blocked, Suit mad to measure Main Street Springfield between 3rd and 4th Oregon JOHN E. EDWARDS REAL ESTATE INSUpANCE Comer Springfield Main and Third Oregon D. W. ROOF JEWELER FIXE WATCH REPAIRINO A 8PECIALTT Springfield. Oregon FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Building - Springfield Grego W. F. V..NLKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Full Auto Equipment YvV O. W. block Office phone 62. Red. phon t7J ROBERT BURNS Lodge, No. 78. A. M. F.. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Unt-' versal and Symbolic Fre Masons meets first and third Monday evening in Morri son's ball. Visiting brothers welcome. . F. L. Snodgrasa, W M. Green. ' Secretary. R W. M. HOWS THIS? TTALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure anv oth?r disease. HALL'S CATARRH. MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts throujrh the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and re storing normal conditions. All Drupjrisis. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. or before the last day of said period of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, namely on or before the 25th day of November, 1921, or the plaintiff will apply to the above named court for the relief hereinbefore mentioned. Tha date of the first publication of this summons Is October 13, 1921. HOWARD M. BROWN ELL. Attor twy for plaintiff. Postoffice address: Eugen?, Oregon. Date of last publication Nov. 24. 1921. CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that (lie Common Council of the town of Springfield up to 7:30 o'clock on the evening of November 14, 1921. wlil receive sealed bids for the sale of $35,000.00 par value of the "Refunding Warrant Bonds" of the town ot Spring field, said bonds being general obllgn tlous ot the town of Springfield and maturing In ten years from the data theiwof and drawing ' Interest at tha rate of I per cent per annum, payable semiannually. Bids will be received tor the whole amount or for any part thereof. The Common '' Council re serves the right to reject any and all bids. AJ1 bids shall be accompanied by a certified iheck In the amount of ) per cent of the price bid. The Com mon Council of said town will meet at said time and place to consider all bids submitted, " ,4 Dated ibis 27th day of October, 1921. VINA McLEAN. Town Recorder. " 1