WE V - - -.- Mews PMNGFIELB KIGHTKKNTII YKAIl SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 NUMBER 43 PEDESTRIANS KEEP TO WALKS Dangeroue to Both Vehicles And Footmen to Walk On Pavement SIDEWAk IN THE V OBLEM -f TO SOLUTION A lumliifnn in n ii of Springfield, who own an unto, a iiioal of the hulii"ss The people who ere promoting tho building of iK'W sidewalk west of the rlvrr bridge hart been puahlng the jnar energetically) Tha le I.-1 wooden walk extending from Mr. Mason's gste to the bridge la finished. It la coimtructed on about the aamn plan a the oltl walk. Tbe upMrta are better braced. Mont or tha poatn, a good part of IImi strlngrs and baud rail aia of now Umber. Tha rest of tha structure la msda of the materials of the old walka. This men of Hpr4iigfeld do. and who. of P" " r ""n0 ? tonne, tm tin mailer from the auto (chamber of commerce. TIki work of lat a viewpoint, tall tin- attvtitlou ofi1"'1" ,"''t walk from th" ra th New to th unci of admoiiUhlng , '' connection with cdlrln of tha danger they are!'1'" ,K,"rJ commenced Tue- Incurring by prltlng in walking j 'v ,," r,,ln on the pavmmnla of the moat travel.J h'',r of commerce will tlr- alirela. Thcr U great danger In It, 'iilate petition to tlie county court Ym may ludulge In that practice 999 ,ta bu"1 ,,mt B,h " ,ou,h ,'1, tlmea. and Inrur no damage by n. f be wagcn bridge. They have good Hut If a fatnl or aerliiua'y damaging ' ruU"'1 to I""'' "' ! court will accld-iil hnppena the thousandth r"nl petition. Tbewj Improve Iiiih a Ifcioley uaed to nay. "Thera ':rn oinlelcd. will solve ye aie." If your neighbor's remalll.',,", '''' become a very seriou pro- are auiraied over a Hre, rlean pav-. u'"," ment on hla lliounpnilth tciiturv. you will nay. "How fixilUU ha wa." flut It might Juat aa V have hern you. j Hut then- U danger not on'y to tin pedeatilan. but also to the auto driver, and to all In hi car. The man re., lei red lo ohnve v that It la a com-f iiiiiii thing. a a driver awing in from a lilo alreet Upon one of I lie atrt-eta t ariylng llir moat traffic. ee. (ally , at ulght lo fin I a group of peileMrUn Juat In hla alh or rrolng It at any kind of an angle; and In the g'are of Die uncertain and changing light, aj Im awlnga. I It - driver la often hard put lo avoid a co'lUioti. Such altua li na are terror In autoUl drlvinc at night on such street aa Main, A, nd 6th. TOWN AND VICINITY Both the pidaMrlsn and tha drivers' of tha vehicle hare their right, and The doctor, dentlxta and drugglM on the north elite of Main at net have i liallciiKfil the aame profesnlons t n the ar.uth aide to a aiiei of three gam" of Ixiwlli g The gam' vtiil lie playel on the local alley, probably llest wrek. ni lice lgi.eil by V. A Matl. and I poaicil III the window of the building formerly occupied by Hal!' ahoe I Htoie. it a t: "Thla atore lll opn ialmut Novt-mh'T 15 aa a f Irat-t-Iaaa jaboe repair abop. New machinery ' will arrive mum " It ha tieen rumored for the pint month that Mr. lla'l I would oeii trnch a-n cxUbllabrut'iit on. Finn SPRINGFIELD If L OBSERVE ARMSTfCE DAY Military and Civic Bodies Will Form Parade. Program and Address At New High School REVIVAL MEETINGS AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH "Tbe V. t Trail" l adopted from the law and public antlnunl will pro- j the wlde!y read novel of the same tect tach when he la In bis propar nnuio by iho famous author, 7.ane Plata. The alreet ar preparnd for Orey. Ita ihillllng storjr of life and tha u of tha vehicle and tha lria-! love In the phuieor days of tlen cut walk for the uaa of pedeatrlaiia. If ting of tha trail for tha groat I'nlon each keep on his own ground and j Pacific railroad la even mora Intenaa duo car and proper .lookout la kept Hp at tba Intemectlrma, tbeta will be but little danger of accident. Th'r h been aoma excu for thla lmpnier and dangerou practice in tn.A ra' ine aKtewalka wars ao -generally bad nearly that people found It ly gripping when viewed on tha civrn than la lis original book form. Hell. Hatunlay. Not. 12th. Bpilngdeld Hoiplt, located on f atraet bctwtyn Rth and tth. Modern Ml a'l over town! " """ -- ' lllail kiihal..l...J..i.l til tatannlaiP t . Vr 1 v llUril . Arrangoments are being made for a general and . fitting cibservatlon of ArnilHtlce Day tomorrow- The expectation is to give th day the character of a general holiday, aa tar as possible, and at the same time recognize Its memorial significance by fit ting observances. Nearly all the business houses have arranged to close for at least part of the day, most of them all day. Everyone will thus be free to take part in the exercises, and nearly everyone will do so. The memorial tree planting will be In the morning. No time and place of meeting has been agreed uon. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh are the streets selected for the planting- Where the space will not admit of planting large trees, small shrubbery will be planted. The parade will form at Sixth and Main, at 1:30. The order will be substantially as folio wis: Band, Colors. G. A. It.. Ladies of ( A. R.. Spanish War Veterans, Gold Star Mothers. American Legion, legion Auxiliary, Schools, Churches, Civic Bodies and lodges. Individual Citizens. The course of the march will be: From Sixth to Second on Main; Main to A: Second to Fourth on A and Fourth to the high school. The memorial program will ojen at the high school audi torium at 2:30. It will be as follows: March Band Invocation Rev. J. T. Moore "The concessional" Double Quartet "November Eleventh" Recitation America Assembly Greetings Post Commander Memories ...Songs by Members of Post Sketch French Cafe scene Yank and Marie Illustrated Songs Double Quartet Address Wm. Moll Case The Flag of the Free Veterans of 1 SGI; Veteran of 1898; World War Veterans; Double Quartet, The Flag aud Heralds. "The Name of Old Glory" "The Flag" "The Star Spangled Banner" Assembly Benediction Rev- J. T. Moore March Band The revpie of the Christian church have planned to commence revival campaign on Sunday, November 10. The time of Ita continuance Is Indefi nite. There Is no set limit TU will depend on tbe Interest and re sults. It will probably continue for three or four weeks, as Ion ss may seem nerenoary or profitable. They have engaged an experienced and surcesRfu! evangelist. Rev. V. Wallane Zook. Mr. Zook's evangel istic work baa been mostly la Cali fornia. LARGE SAUL " 10 OPEfi SOOII An t Eight Hour Shift Her After December 1st; Wendling Later . . XP After a suspension of nine and av balf month, after Mstenlnr tn nnnt. He baa conducted about forty. K-riese hooeful rum nr. rnn to ho revival campaigns In that .t.te. He contradicted, after a long period of Is said to be a very forceful speaker the -hope def-rred that msketh tba ' and to be unsparing In bis denuncia- he,rt sick", the people of 8prtagfleld. ' i.u... u. riia or me limes, ant Ust Friday were relnlrt l 1-apVl.ll of the InglVous attacks., pu,,, ,nd ,uthorUTe .utement upon me o-iy or ctirrst and the In tegrity of tbe Bible. Hla wife Ii spoken of aa very efficient personal worker. and urgd to attend these meetings. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW that the Booth-Kelly sawmill here was soon to open, and that operations at Wendling were probably to be re lumed later. Fnllnarlnv la th avtof Everj body In Springfield Is Invited ' language in which A. C. DHon. gen eral manager, made tbe announce ment, as given In tbe Eugene papers: "We expect to start operating at onr Springfield mill December 1st. WUt operate with a normal crew and at normal capacity for eight boars. "If market conditions permit, we will that pfopln found It pl-aantr - I I 'turn Into the middle of tbe .treet ' . Murphy returned Wedueday n,'"' fr " Ti UBRARY BENEFIT when ,.y .truck th, pavment ot.m from a two d. buainc. 4 " Wc- " bU"""' AT BELL good macadam. Hut now the paved 'trip to Kal. tu m h Pct l onei ! Ir. 8. Ralph IluH dentUt, Sprinr field. Oregon. Mr. M. N. Tbomrnon loft Tueday ativat hav; generally good walka, and thn bad walka are being rapidly rcplacvd all over the bitler part of tha town. Let ua correct the bad ha lilt formed under worn conditions. The man who make thl plea ' ork "ml w' of ,ne ' In f up anolher phap nf the mailer I w,,,ll(l d"- WM ,',ml,, Imagine which, though not so vital, I worth !""" 11 'aH ",H",d of boman lu conaldvrlng. lie a vlhllnr have i l-'lllgenct.. Hut the "human intelll rxreHd Murirl that the Spring-' ''"'e" l the cne was encaiwd In field pec.pln an generally take to th streets, Inntcad of keeping to the Mlde walk which were made for peopla to walk on. and have luughed at uh h'Urt overjlla and jumper, geii'-ially Juhi a little out t sight of the ob Hei vei ; and hack of till emhodinreul were thn varlou men who Invent I a a country fled people. Now Spring-, ""' appiliuce winm made tUis mar fMd I In a fair way to bi com , ! velously adJiiKlnhle piece of clunmy city by and by, and we need lo If. 1 mjclilnery mi effective, learning lo coiidui-l oiiraclvea a cltvj A" 0,,K "f R!l-"',',, bavo been to'd people hI.oiiIiI. oHpoclally In maltom 1 ",,IU" ,,,nl "'. en et-lally as to of common prudence like the ono'wl",:' " -mi fnnn. Km proceeding here dlMcUMHfd. Wo do nut want ot "M'rntlrns hue. been locuted In viHltors to think that Ihl Ih a "Jay" , ''v',,v H,"' 10 ,n Houth.'aBt. aa fur town, and tbrl non. rf u wnre'H8 Tcxna; hut what aeein to l tho binught up lo know what slilewa'k ""ml rolliible nvcount of Its recent worn for. several weeks. Start tbe morning right with a wholesome dish of Jasper's Break fast Orabam. Sold by leading grocers The Red Cross will not bold a meeting Friday aa that Is Armstic day. The next regular meeting will be held a week from Friday. Orilera taken for sixteen Inch or four foot old growth Fir. .offer HlatkHinltU shop. South 2nd. street. THEATRE A moving picture drama, entitled "Madam X", spoken of by Mr. Ward as a fine drama, will be put on at the Bell theatre Friday evening, Novem ber 18th. Thla will be followed by a comedy, entitled "Matrimaniac." This First National and First Savings banka of Albany consolidated, with Peroy A. Young aa the new president Western ststes to get $1,000,00 each of fedaral road funds. M.-appoo'je will build $20,000 water system. Grants pass has raised present tax levey of 22 miVs to 23 mills. For the fourth time Rooeburg lost its proponed bond Issue ot $500,000 for the purpose of acquiring tbe bold Ings of the local water and light sys tem. St. Helens- Large mill increases cut to 200.000 feet per day. Mitchq'l votes $30,000 bonds for school building. Sellwood ferry $500,000 bridge. Highway from rock to be built. Astoria. Steamer clears with 8000 cases of salmon, 250,000 ponds of flour 1,5000.000 feet of lumber and JSO.OOO lath- ' Seven Portland L O. plan $200,000 building. to be displaced by Mapleton to Rain- O. V. lodges start our logging operations imme diately after January 1st. and hop to be able to start the Wendling: mill at that time, or soon after. W have an ample supply of logs at Springfield to run for some time, and will not attempt to make a final decision st this time as to wbn wai will start the camps or the Wend ling mill, but hope conditions may permit tbe program aa outlined above. "We are not anxious to operate at this time, and are doing so largely in accordance with nation-wide' - demand that those who can should make an extra effort at this timet to help out on the unemployment . situation, and do whatever they can to again start aU tha wheels of Industry moving." Whatever other interests 8pringv field may have, and however impor tant they may be on long range . view, there is nothing else of a mater- ' Oregon highway administration for ' ''"character that begins to comparer 1921 will cost C per cent W,,B 10,8 a" 11 concerns tbe people of Hay growers will ship 35.000 tons ,h is town ni "rounding country In outside of the state. 1 e mraei,1"t present There are Pine. Eastern capitalists In-! nundpd" ' People whose homes ar vestlna- in lodes Dole. Dine fop n.iutr ner' wnn "are heretofore looked to exhibition will be given under the ! C08t of $350,000. Sclo Large feed mill b?gan opera tions here November 1. Real estste pays 72 M per cent of the taxea In Oregon. Portland. 5 ships for Europe and 7 for the Orient cleared Saturday. Portland industiial payrolls for 1920 were $46,814,000. McMinnville to get water supply at W. O. W. meets every evening at W. O. W. hall. Tuesdty auspices of the library board. The proceeds will be devoted to the pur chase of new books, for which there is a great demand, and for which t there are not sufficient funds. Prices: adults, 30 cents; l.lh school students, 25 cents; children, usual prices. Asli'.and hotel. raising $150,000 tor new their employment at thia mil! for tLer means to maintain these homes. Some of them have scraped tbe bottom if tbe flour barrel more than once dur ing this period of suspension. Some of them have strained their credit to the breaking point and perhaps In some cases, forcd the merchanta to strain theirs. Soem of them . have ' given up hope, or been nnable to hold out-longer, and have gone away to seek work. A few of these may never Deschutes county potato crop totals oon,e batk' they ma be t0 Spring- ' Although November 1st wa tli'i advertise I limit set on Booth-Hully's j words, hut this Heoiiis to be the sober bargain sale 011 lumber, the price tags d't scbor, If ft did coma from CuU placod on lh pllts cf lumber marked fori) la. for the Hpeelul aale aie atlll there, and tlm lumber Is stIH going rapidly. Hale have In-tin brink, both for local distribution and for shipment, liiHt month and ao far in this. Iilxlory Is that II enme hfiv from some point In 111111 hern or central California. We hate lo wrlto these The delayed roofing for the High school gymnOBium rsme the fore pait ot this week. The work on th build ing Is now praci Rally done. A recep tion to the KioHhman class by the rest of the school, to be bvld there to morrow evening. Roy Cairns Is home from Reed 8 port vlsiilng his parents. "The Journey's End" the first serious drama ever made without a single sub-title. Two men loved her; $250,000. Ci-ents Pass farmers buy $25,000 irrigation bond issue to wat-r 1000 acres in Fort Vanney district. Plans under way for $25,000 modern Everybody come and help replenish 'hotel building in Milton. the library. Albany col'ege alumni planning $50- , 000 building. a millionaire and a laborer. And v. . . ,, , ,, -i- . o ..t-,. - t . t- j.. . j! Newport St: ong oil indications re- oirc .- ncr 1 ua rfuiuiitrj s cnu ai.u find out. Bell. Sunday Nov. 13th ported in Lincoln county. Thfre are Indications In New Vor Charles Elliott, who was associated , tha' certain of the war issues are In with Charles Buchanan in the black- much greater demand and it is Die- smith sl.op at the foot of Maiu street 1 dieted in some circles that they may!8O0n aB tne num and bu" ' thl mtl1 for several mo:itbs. is now working selling at par before the end of u",lnl"er oecomes laminar, Decomc in a shop in Eugene. field altogether. Not only tbe employees of the mill . and t'.: Mr families, but everyone who does business in tbe town. In fact every interest of the town has suf fered from the long suspension of this, as yet. the town's chief Indus try. The present pressing material need is so great that. In tbe mind of the people of Springfield, Decem ber 1st far overshadows November 11th. But the elasticity of the huma'i mind Is so savingly great that as I am hitting "The V. P. Trail". It's leading me to the Bell theatre. Sat urday, Nov. 12th. 1922. If buslucss recovery continues ' dal!y m,lUer r course, we will meas- in the course it is now fo'lowiug. j un,D'y forget the pinch of the past . Mrs. Silversteln loses her Job in i ,ew niollta8. y to plunge .the Po.tlaid city treasury. Going tojlnto the P"e,v of the holiday season, her work in a $4000 automobile tn a Tke question of the wages the men . i.itM "WHADDA THEY MEAN. DISARMAMENT? " seal coat and wearing diamonds dla- STEAM SHOVEL FINISHES A Wonderful Machine and the Wonderful Stories Told About It The big steam shovel wh'lch ha fcre:i at work so long on tha face of the bluff between Springfield 'Junc tion and Kinrald station, on th new trolley line, finished Its work last Thursday. Friday, It was standing on (ht Y, twaltl :g shipment, and tbe crew were awaiting orders. They were expecting to go to sora polut In northern California, Just whore they did not knowf . . . To b-t V? :r: at V QL IM Gf4NA TELL (v Jfcs L HARDING HMMl VxT'l ' ' 1 1 1 rUMnn an huHtwih mm m J 1 I 1 TM - ! -. are going to get now becomes a mat- turlwd the morsle or thi office force. , ler 01 e"e"i concern. Thla will ' , ... .... . llFVlKul.lv Mill Iva 1mmM .laflnlAla iter nusnana is aiso wev-to-ao ana an -" uui . exervlce man with a fimally to sup- bout tl,e tiw of Penln- There ha rort needs the Job. There are too been enera' tllc that, upon re many Mrs. SlIverstMns holding public un'Pt'n " the suspension, a great jobs. j reduction might be expected. We j realty hope that some people are put SALVATION ARMY Unf th"r 100 low- The present wage lor common labor ie $3.20 a day, and the mtntraum of tbe WELCOME MEETING Adjutant demons, in charge of the 4L '0,e ' ,3 00' P"' at a gueas Sslvatlon Army work la Kugene. was'thd new W,M wU1 b ,ounl tn In Springfield yesterday, advertising ' on,ewbw'e- But V eck tor some special services the army Is to ,h month wUl ,ook bl k.u 1 m r-n. .w ci j that. mlsslo7r Adam Olfford, who assumed rnargo of tbH division about a ywar ago. wt'I make hla first Visit to to Somebody took paina to walk over the newly laid cement walk beyond work I. M Tb. an, -U! li lB hls foot ta tha' TamTnt Its naaal aervice In th morning. 1 ; k.i.. ,,k-i. ,w, h w... th commission will presch at t p. in. j a gonaral 'Wolcomi Mtwtlng" will be held at tbe Christian chnrch. tn which thn other church.) aud clvle bodies will trke part. Tl- commlnalo'ier will cieach at the M . E. church at 7:80. ComuilgFinupr Rifford is on ot the strong men ' of the Salvation Army, and It will b well worth while tor any who car to 'Join In thla "welcome", aud buar btu pi'eih. between tha boards that bad been labl to protect the walk, and draw ob scene pictures on tat -walk. The peor pla who have been interested tn build ing thla- walk are a'so Interested ie ftr 'lug U-e pei son who did thla piece or wr rk. Th-.t P th-Kelly Lumber company la laying a new cement sidewalk aJMig the south end of e piece ef t