PAGE SEVEN s6A INFORMATION DEPARTMENT TIIE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rgmm'atm uii ynaHilT mi 'IrlrVfrY WiW fan at as Man Tkl P Whsa JUnvtat These MfirtlMMilti Hotel Alder . ZMfi'S RESTAURANT 1' L Cafeteria IM VAim Anru m iprrniu) uv iuui umi ruuiuunu 3 GUARANTEED AN c o N H V M i: 8 N K A It L Y A L L A K I! K 8 The Stovcbuildcr's Masterpiece Lang's Langwood Range Bake and hold fire twice at long at any other ranee and with leu wood or your money back. Hat 20x27 inch oven and solid bottom (ire box. If your dealer will not supply you -we will sell direct. Send for catalog and price llt. F. S. LANG MFG. CO., Portland, Oregon 191 Fourth Street. WE BUILD STOVES "Witte Bone roiTLAND, 0KB. Tha pleaeure of your trip to Tort land will depend upon tha hotel you select Cosy Burroiindlnge, moderate ratea, and tha welrorue you find In your own noma town, await you at tha Multnomah. Garage in Connection. TYPEWRITERS Guaranteed Rebuilt. Rented or aold. Easy iiavmrnts. Knd for tl- luatratad fata log ua B. WUUul Tranrrilar Ca. 121 St. roKTLAND, ORE. RUBBEP STAMPS and MARK1NC DEVICES. "furry thing for a a &' aaanAaa. Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. t !. Repairing dona by mall. Moat t, modern equipment. baUaracUon fe'iy guaranteed. PRE-WAR PRICES Clark. Brower Optical Co.. 112a th Street SWOLLEN (Varicose) VEINS Are painful and often dangerous. Our Hsnd-woven-to-nt Els.tic Stockings. Belts and Bandages always give relief. Fitters and Makers for Fifty-fire Yens Batiefsetlon or Money Tack. Band for Book and Measure Blank Today. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. - Pertiaad. WoodUrk Balldlag Alder at Wait Park AUTO REPAIR PARTS Bend for frea catalog PISTONSPISTON TINS RINGS Cylinder and Crank Khsft Grinding. Auto DMitiva Machine Work ami Welding. COOK GILL' CO.. INC. 11th and Buinelde Eta. Portland. Ore. 1'hune: Bdwy. HB1 Moderate Price's Hotal of Merit" HO ILL tLirruwu Eat Morrlaon Bt, at Baat Hlxtb, tha principal Kaat Bid Hotel. minute from Lhoniifr, District Four bljcajl from S. V, - t - .. r ... . i .23 II B1U ecauou. DO YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER EOTEL tl AVW Street. Portland. Omm lit rent run room fur 11.00 hot day. or roots With hath for Sl.ftO to par dart A good plan, to Fat and Lira Wall rUmerkahle so lunekanfi at noon. Open Hm.tolt. m., Stark St. Sicth str4 opposite The Oregon Un anal AU dar trat opposite Meir A Frank'. The Baal Eating place in the Ciltjr. Tb. Finest Coffee ml Pastry Specialty. mrnt s muiirn urn i p i nr nun a hamiuia Ann a dati USE PERFECTION WALL BOARD PlasterVAllsThfif Mil Not Orach) ASK FOR SAMPLE AND INFORMATION. EVEN DAKEK N O A S II I A N I 8 R E U I II E 1 No Stove Polish Required FOR ALL TURPOSES f" CraaJ Aveaaa at YaatkiO PORTLAND. ORE. EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning EXCELLENT SERVICE Br Parcel PoaL Return Pottaee Paid. Write (or Circular and Price. "At Your Beck and Call" Ll Pacific Chiropractic College J Park and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon Augmented curriculum, able faculty. IliKheat atandnrda. Lay and night couraea. Clinical fucllltlea unexcelled. Kail term September 1. Writ for catalogue. NEW FLUFF RUGS AT HALF COST OF NEW CARPETS. Have your old worn out carpeta and woolen clothe made Into artlatlc rerera Ibla KLl'FK KUCJ8. Curneta and ruga re- r aired, ateam cleaned. Hag ruga all alien, luy from factory and aavo money. Write for prlcea. Northwest Rug Co., l?JLh! DR; G. E. WATTS 212 Oregon Un Balldlng. r JUTLAND, ORECON V SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and CLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS KODAKS Let ua flnlih what your Kodak began. Beat work, beat aervlce. Old eatabllahed Kodak flnlahera, 12 yeara In i'ortland. Mall ordera given apeclul care. . We pay return poutage. All prlnta mad on Velox paper, itegulur KftHtmun iJealera. all tha Kodaka and aundrlea In atock. Kodak or I'reino catalog uvnt on request Eveland eV Lawia, 413 Kant Morrlaon bt., fortland. PILES FISTULA, FISSURE. Itching and all oth. er rectal condltlona except Cuncer perma nently cured without a aurglcal opomtlon. My method of treatment auyea tha tla aua Inatend of deatroytiiH' It. It la pain, leaa, require! no aneHlhellc and la perma lierit. There la no confinement to bed, no Interference with buMlneaa or aoclul en gugemouta. I guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. Call or write for booklet. Mention thla paper when writing. DR. E. J. DEAN Second and Morrison Sta., Portland, Ore. lutj- ji. xqj, mm. jij - ' iil 1 1 ii. i ii a ACCOROIAN PL1ATINQ " Knlfa' and "bog 'pleating 10o yd. liuttone rcnrred. Novelty bbop. Fifth atreet, I'ortland. CTnft6PRACt6RANDECRTRc THERAPEUTICS Dra. J laker and Oleeon, 117 Dekum Dldg. CUfLOWERf A FLORAtTbS SIGNS Clark broa., Florlata, HI Morrlaon St DANCING EVERY NOON A EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chlneee-American Kitchen Comer H road way and Waah. IORTLANL FOUNDRY NU MACMINEWORKS Commercial lrnWorka, 7th Madlaoa. GUARANTEED RlBUILt MAt HINK Oregon Typewriter Co., S4-A etn u HAROvVOODL60RINO Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., til X. 7th UU N. Flooraelactrle aanded. l. aV. S. USE'S CAR EXCHANGE teed cara bot and aold. Z N. 11th Si, 1'hon Hroadway 1214. MFG9OF VULCANIZED R00 PAINT New roofa and repairing done. Young and Wooda. 110 V.. Ca rut here Bt MFCS. OF REED FURNITURE iiuy Coaat Mal Oooda. Itecd Bptclalty Hhop, lis willlama Ave OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. J. H. Lhmaon, ITop. ltH Feat Stark fYORRH EADENT iSTl Smith Long Ktevenwn SIU Huh I .ana EH, SALVATION ARM f RESCUE HOME Will help frelndieaa girla. l. M. car, Muyfulr Alexandria Bta. SllAJH AND WATKU TANM National Tank I'lpe Co.. fort land. TTPEWMITEIW-NKW UK REBUILT k built lypewHtar Co.. u4 Oak tttreot.. Welter System of Suoaeetlv Therapy Or. T. W. Ayera, 7l teaummag. vvholesALe'and reTaiL. TINWARE FortUnd Tinware Mfg. Co.. 47 Flrat Bt AI-ASK A Rt-UMg I NO A , H.EATi 9J! l7Iu7rXriiBFTxTu'reBJ"aird "Buppilea. I'lP Flttinga, lowaat prlcea. to t. Morrlaon CLEANING ANDJYEING "For rellabIi'CteaolngnST5y7mE"aarT Ice eend parcela to ua. We pay return poetage. Informatioo and pncea give upon g-B aTT DTB W0RKB EaUbllahed 10 ForUaaJ DOORS AND WINDOWS e can aell you loora, inuowa, 1 tool ing, I'alnt, Uluea arid liulldera' Hardware Jlrect We are manufacturer.. Write for piicea before buying. Ileacock Baah 4V Ioor Co., 212 Klrat HL, I'ortland. DR.SSPmr8JCIAJ4 Chronic dlaeaaea a apUaIty7Lr. WTn AUen. S02 IUllfh Bu!Id!r,. . EMBROIDERING AND PLEATING fccor Jian BSi and' bor flea tifTiTTfem atltchlng, liuttone Covered, Uralding, etc. K. Btepnana, 2l-2U-XlPlttock Uloclt. M THE TAILOR, fiulu claaned. tU9 We pay return Foataaa. , IMFourth Be, fortland. Ore HOR6E8, MULES BOUGHT, SOLD Crown BUblea, Inc., Z4 Front Bt, Port land, Ore. lloraea and mulee for aal or hire. Bpeclal rates to logger and con tractor a. With or without harneaa. r h 1111 p Buetter, Free. " V. 8. StAbLfcS, 165 Union Ave. Draft horeee bought and sold 5. L. Cha DLelL 222jhlon Ave. South, LTarn multTgraphinq Tb Callan School, only recognised achool on tha eoaat ' Experienced opera- tore alwaya In demanq. 400 Artmwna ttiag Are You Looking- for s Dependable Produce Dealer? Veal Putter Fork Cheeaa l'oultry . , Honey Any Product Get our prices. RUDY H CO. 16 Front Bt Portland, Or. Sixteen Tears' Reliability. Bead na your inquiries for aaythlag ta Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging. Sawmill, Contractor' htqulpmeat, Xoc. motlvee. Boiler. KnglDee, Craabera, Ball Cable, Belting, etc. Ilurk Macklaary Co, Vm Hallway Exchange Biog.. fortiaao, ur. ijoTnRr.vr.LFR and parte All makea. Kaay term. EAST BlOB MOTOKCYCLOfi CO. 44-4 GRAND AVE. PERSONAL ilTRRr5?EITYorfn beat and moiit succettaful "Horn Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage noon; atrlct ly confidential; nioHt reliable; years of experience; description free. "The Suc cessful Club." Mrs. NASH, - Box 650, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR W help the appearance of worn. Twenty-two Inch switch or transforma tion, value $7.(0, price 11.46 vo to ii ueaum Biag. WILLEV "FtfUIT COMPANYT INCH Portland. Oregon. Wanted to buy, three eara fancy Murbank potatoes, two cars apples, one car onions. Conslgnmenta ao Melted. All kind of fruit and produce bought for ,aah. SORE MOUTH PTJS-AZIDE MOUTH WASH cures bleeding and sore gums and mouth. Usera are boosters. At your druggist's or sent, charges paid, on receipt of price, $2.50. Hills boro Chemical Co., HUlsboro, Ore. Reference: Shute Savings Bank, HUls boro, Oregon. Eye and Eye Glasses Care i' w my specialty. Consultation free, f , ,j2 Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. B. A. lledynek. eV- llttock Block. HOTEL HOYT Sixth and lloyt BtreeU Portland, Oregon Convenient to Both Depot) Abaclutely Fireproof Rooms 11.00 and up without Bath. Kooaua 12 SO and up with Bath. ELBERT S. KOBE, Mgr. OUR CIFT TO THE BRIDE Before you order your adding announcements and cards, write or visit THE CHETOPA PRESS A request for ssmples entitles you to 60 beautiful calling" cards in an engraved affect free of charge. Broadway at Taylor Fortland, Or nun DR. E. H. EAST PHYSICIAN AND BURQKON BpeclaJUeai Qoltrea. Dlaeaaea of Ifoasaa and Maternity Office Morgan Building Portland, Ore. BROOKE DRUG C0.wS!r CUTHAm MAIL OHDtK UKUCtjlS'l'S. Gloonii 1'ila treatment, aokl under guarantee, t5,UU, no pain no operation, Chybke's Taiie worm Kemover, tlu, Chybke's 'Dermo Beutine" for skin eruption, ecsania. (&00. letters answered. Used Ford Trucks and Touring Cars Bsriralns st all times J llNIVlLsAl UK ttlHANa UmmI Kurda KKrlusivvly s. Grand A v. Yamhill Port land. Sil kf SISM i . (y Q) 1 FTER EUERV XMEAL j WLAA-kaVB& SJsV Bv WRIGLEVS yv Newest jyt !l Creation X7 Ca" ... TSie Flavor La Product of Cocoanut Tree. A 5-year-old cocoanut tree begins to yield 60 nuts a year. It Is estimated that 1,000 nuts will make 25 gallons of coconut oil, which is used for soap making and candle making. The busks are useful also; they may be turned into cordage, brushes or matting. Meanings of Dreama of Weapons. To dream of a keen-edged sword signifies a disastrous quarrel. To re ceive a sword, honor and reputation. To see an armed man or body of sol diers, fatigue and nervousness. To ex ercise with weapons, flattering hopes not likely to be realized. Garnets for Good Luck. A garnet In your engagement ring is supposed to bring good luck. The ancient Greeks used to say that gar nets gave loyalty and frankness to their possessors, and it was also be lieved that these stones kept lovers true to their vows. " Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub In Cu ticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cuticura will do if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used W all toilet purposes. Adv. Tokens of Honesty. At some of the London docks, when two men make a trade agreement, they exchange black beans as tokens of honesty. This is regarded as more binding than a written and signed con tract Valuable Invention. A Russian inventor claims to have perfected a motor that can safely utilize electricity drawn from storm clouds. Set With Any Gem. The episcopal ring was formerly set with any gem. It Is, however, at the present time set with an amethyst or a sapphire. Girl a "Miss" When Under Ten. In England "Miss" was formerly ap plied only to females under ten years of age. Q delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around pep pcrmlnt flavored cheiv ln& gum. Will aid your appetite and digestion, polish your teeth and moisten your throat. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum Soap,OtntnMnt.TlimJft. everywhere Forsamplaa . il ill n OMIaanLkmariMj-X. Mala, aLua Unique Inscription. There is at the entrance of the church of San Salvador in the Span ish city of Oveido a remarkable tomb, erected by a prince named Silo, with a curious Latin inscription which may be read 270 ways by beginning with the capital "S" in the center. Jataka a Name In Buddhism. Jataka is the technical name in Buddhist literature for a story of one or other of the previous births of Budda. The word also is used for the name of a collection of 547 of such 6torles included in the Buddhist canon. A Tea Rose Odor. The oil of guayac wood, obtained from a South American tree closely related to the lignum-vitae, is used in the perfume industry for the purpose of producing a tree-rose odor, says the American Forestry Magazine. Ancients Knew of Compressed Air. The principle of compressed air was known to the ancients, having been experimented with by Hero, who lived from 284 to 221 B. C. The compressed air pump was invented by Otto von Guerlcke of Magdeburg, in 1654. BRAZING, WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Welding- & Supply Co., 18 let Bt Everything for the Motorcyclist, Rebuilt Harley-Davidson MOTORCYCLES Same guarantee aa new. From 1200.00 up to (350.00, all lato models, with 8-speed and electric equipment. Easy terms If desired. Pay while you ride. Send for literature. Motorcycle and Supply Co.. Harley Davidson Service Center, 200 !rd 6L, Portland, Ore., corner Taylor. Are You Satisfied? BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE I tha biggest, most perfectly equipped BuBlnes Training School tn the North west Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent position assured our Graduates. Writ for catalog Fourth and TamhlU, Portland. P. N. U. No. 35, 1921 t