The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 11, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    TnWtSDAY.AlHlUHT 11. 1921
Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by
Estered at the Poetofflce at Springfield. Oregon, aa Secondcless Matter.
February 24, 103.
On. Year .' $1.00 Three Mouths.....
Six Month. tl.00 Single Copy
Ons Year, When raid In Advance.. -- -
A great majority of the peopbi
everywhere, possibly a. many a. nine
out of ten, have accepted the belief
that Dr. BrumtleW killed Dennis Kus
.ell. To suppose that he did this de
liberately require one to tttuk that
Pr. Brumfield purposed to hide away
from bia family for a long time, per
haps for the rest of hi life, and begin
a different manner of life in some
distsnt place. It seems to be con
cluded by these person, that second
ary purpose of bia was to hare th
body of Russell taken tor bis own, so
that hi. family mijfl.t collect some
thousand. of .dollar, of life lusurance.
He could receive no beoefit from this,
unless his family, at some future
tlma. come to him and shared his
concealment, and that he should not
be discovered by that mean. In sup
port of this theory some person, have
been unkind enough to suggest that
Brnmfreld's wife was a party to thl.
plot. To suppose that the killing of
Russell was a part of a complicated
scheme like this i. to suppose that
Bntmfld killed a man whom he had
no other reason for killing, merely
because te warned a body that he
could palm off as his own. a-nd Rus
sell's body, with the head removed,
would look somewhat like his own.
To believe all this Is a powerful
strain on the imagination, and would
not bo likely to receive much cre
dence If there was any other plausible
theory to put in place of It.
Perhaps nine out of hen of tte re
maining one-tenth believe that Rus
sell killed Bruiufield. This seems ?o
be the theory held by Mrs. Brum
field and other of BruuifieWs friend-'.
In that case, the ouiy motive suggest
ed is that of robbery. Brumfield is
supposed to have had on Ms person
that night anywhere from $500 to
$2800. If Russell killed Brumfield.
why should he resort to the burning
of the car and explosive? It is con
ceivable that he might Lave done it
to direct suspicion very much as it
has been directed.
Tne shooting, either before or aftr
the burning, might be as reasonable
in the one case as the other. Besides
all these points, it should not be for
gotten that no one .knows what may
have come up between the two men
that evening, that precipitated a mur
der that was not premeditated. In
such a case, the elaborate scheme
worked out afterwards may, contrary
to appearances, have been an after
thought. Ttere Is a third theory, not held by
very many, but stubbornly Insisted
on by a few In Springfield, that the
murder wu the work of a third roan.
In that case, this man must have dls
posed of both Brumfield and Russell.
No trai of a second body ha. been
found. It might be the policy of the
murderer. In such a cane, to allow only
one "ftody to be discovered, and tl at
nnder conditions that wouM direct
nsplcton to one or the other of th
two men.
The officers seem to have been pro
ceeding In thels search eotely on the
(first theory. They have Intimated
I that trey have dues which they ar
not giTlug out. It would be natural
that they should claim that whether
they have or not. We do not belbeve
'itiai inv credence Is to be riven to
any of the reported appearance, of
Brumfield. Since Brumfield Is sup
posed to have burnt hi. own car. and
escaped some otter way. It would be
to Kini-a lllrolv KtAfV If tADkl OSS
should report him bargaining for a
car somewhere than that be should t
seen dashing along the highways iu
dayllgt t.
If Brumfield was the murder. It is
not likely that he Is within a those
and miles of Roseburg now.
. O
MILK Plenty of fresh Jersey milk
for ssle. delivered evenings. Phon
Springfield S4P3. "
FOR SALK ir owner. I good high
lots; 4 room house; good barn snd
chicken hou.e. All for $800. Must
.ell on account of poor health.
Ralph Clark. Ith and Q .tresis,
Springfield. Oregon.
FOR SALE Or trade for Springfield
property of $1000 value. 80 acre.
10 cleared, near Reedsport. About
a million feet of fir. spruce an I
cedar. Level grade to railroad, one
half mlh distant. School !,, miles.
Apply at New. office. all.
FoKivn Adv.rti.lnt Kpro.nitlv
We are ready to believe that Ore
gon can produce almost anything.
We were reeding, this week, with an
amateur scientist's Interest, tte story
that the enforced cohabitation of a
rooster and a hen turkey had pro
duced a hybrid fowl which Is half
rooster and half gobbler. If it had
been ralf gobbler and half hen, we
should not have been a bit surprised.
We were swallowing the story,
stralght-up. on the half and half shell,
as we read. We had not choked on
tre combination of wattles and comb
We had Just about downed the state
ment that the node ripe had a cry
which commenced with a crow ant
ended with a gobble, when we cauglt
a glimpse of the closing and crowning
statement that it was four days old.
Then we found our credulity strained
jo the cracking point. We suspect
that a third party had a hand In tie
production of this wonderful bird.
Our guess is that he was half man anJ
about lalf liar.
- O
Have you read the want ad..
Statement of Unclaimed Commercial
Statement of the
of Springfield. County of Une. State
of Oregon, .howlng tie amount stand
ing to the credit of every depositor
July 1, 1921, who has not made a d
posit, or who has not withdrawn anv
part of his deposit (commercial de
posits!, principal or Interest, for a
period of more than seven (" year
prior to said date, with the name,
last known place of resilience or post-
office addres. of uch depositor, and
the fact of hi. death. If known.
Delos M. Blood. Eugene. Ore. $15 09
Chas. McMaboa. Wendllng. Ore 1.91
B. H. Mahn. MiKenile Bridge.
Oregon 105
Johu Shafer. City 00
O. O. Voss, City M
state of Oregon. County of Laos. :
I. Win. C. Hughes, being first duli
sworn, depose and say upon oath,
that I am the President of the First
National Bank of Springfield. County
of Lane. State of Oregon; that th
foregoing statement is a full, true,
correct and complete statement, show
lnr the name, last known residence
or postofflce address, fact of d.'ath. If
known, and the" amount to the credit
of each depositor as required by the
Isrovlslons of Sections 101CO-IoiW. I.i
elusive, Oregon Laws.
Win. C. HL'GHES. President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 15th day of July. A l. 121
My Commission expires July 3, 1924.
Notary Public for Oregon.
It Will Pay You
Mr. Feod-Huyer, to Investigate for yourself the eco
nomy of uslnK these Home Products:
NOXALL milk producer
NOXALL egg producer
NOXALL scratch feed
NOXALL pork producer
Manufactured by in
the road "from tie fork at MM linn's
to llsndrlck Bridge" U maintain aoJ
Improve other road. In the district.
C P. Barnard, County Judge. .
M. If. Harlow, County Commissioner
Same Old Story But a Coed One.
Mrs. Maliala Burns, Savanna. Mo.,
relates an experience, the like of
which has happened In almost every
...i.hknr) m..i lii i h I a rmiiitrv. and hat
Hcikiiwvii.u.u ... " ' '
I 1.. ... n .1 wtl tiA kv IwillMU I1IN fir
I tUlU IIU I -lKK1- ........... . .
lothers, as follows: "I used a botMe
of Chamberlain's Colic and iunnoit
Remedy about nine yvars ago snd it
I ma r.T fin IdvHentt-rr I. I had
It. M I I . J ' ... ...
.another attack of the same complaint
tbre or rour years uro aun irw
tuau stf I Mil fmii V (Ml rol Illf. I
have recommended It to dozen of
people Himn I first used it and shall
continue to do so for I know it is a
quick and ponitlve cure for bowel
When you buy Groceries of
us you get the best for less.
Armour Pan Cake Flour, pkg 10c
2 minute Wheat Food, pkg 10c
2 minute Oat Food, pkg. 10c
Fancy Jelly Beans, ia lb. 10c
McKenzie Blend Flour, 49s $1.65
Walnuts, per lb. . 25r
Walnut Meats, lb 35c
Crackers, per lb, Itic
Citrus Powder in bulk, per lb 10c
Crisco, 3 lbs. 00c
6 lbs $1.15
Fresh Canteloupes and Water Melons at the usual
low prices.
Notice Is hereby given that a meet
ing of tie legal voters being resident
tax payers and owners of real pro
perty of Itoad District No. 49 In Lan
County, Oregon will be held at the
hour of 8 o'clock p. in. on the 12th
day of . August 1921 at the Hlh
school building In Waltervllle, Oregon
Id said Itoad District to determine"
whether there shall be transferred to
U. 8. Land office ai Koseburg. Ore,
July . tin.
Notice la hereby gWu that Mike O
Kaatt. of Wendllng. Oregon, who. on
May 25. 1020, made HoQilesd entrv
serial. No. 01281, for VH NK'i. Sr
tlon 9. Township 16S, flange 1W.
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three yej?
Proof, to establish claim to the stare
described, before E. (). Immel. L'. ti.
Cnmmlxsloner at bis office, at Kugene
Oregon, on the 6th day of Hptember.
Claimant names as w linemen; Her
bert J. Downing, of Wendllng. Or--gon;
Kdward Craiidall. of WVndlliu.
Oregon; Artl.ur Stout, of Wendllns.
Oregon; W. C. Ilailey, of Wendllng.
W. II. CANNON. It.gUier.
lu the Circuit Court cf the state of
Oregon for Lane County.
Lucius Sherman, plaintiff, v.. Ells
May Shermau, defendant. .
To Klls May Pherman, the abuve
named defendant ;
In the name of Ibe Hiale of Orfgoe:
Vou are hereby summoned and re
quired tu be snd appear In the abovs
eniltkd Coutt and vua and answer
tu complslni of tbe plaintiff oa Ills
heieiu aistn.t you will In all weeks
from the date of the flrl publication
of thU sntunioi.s to wit. Jely 21st 1)21
snd If you so fall to appear and ass
wer thereto within said time, plaintiff
will apply to the Court tor a decree
dltnolrlDg the Itonda of mtiltnony
now ekixllrig by andj between you
and tb plaintiff, and for the custody
of the minor hlld. Lulte Hhermao,
snd fir full relief.
Tl Is summons Is surwd upon yotl
by piiblii a'lon in the Kprtugfieli
N.-Hh, a lieiaprr publlftbed in
Springfield, f.ane Coutp, Oi-gnn. for
six citusecutive seeks by order of the
Hon. C. 1'. H.unaid. County Judge o(
I.kiio t'oii my. Oregon, made and rn
leivd of record uly IXth. 1921.
C. M. KISRINOKIt. attorney for
Plaintiff. Ittildenco. cugene, Oregoa.
llHte of first puhltrutlon. July 21, 19:1
lat of last publUsiiriii. Sent. 1, 1!21.
Is a ti 1 1 1 dellcinus treat. Made
of pure, rich crejiin, with nnt
uial fruit tlavois, under sani
tary conditions, It Is a delight
to those who eat It. Acquaint
yourself with It. We will be
pleaded to send you a trial
"A Good Bakery"
To seal In th
dellolous Burloy
tobaooo flavor.
It's Toasted
says the Good Judge
A man can get a heap more
satisfaction from a small chew
of this class of tobacco, than
he ever could get from a big
chew of the old kind.
He finds it costs less, too. Tho
good tobacco taste lasts so
much longer he doesn't need
to have a fresh chew nearly
as often.
Any man who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put up in two styles
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco