The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 21, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by
Entered at the Postofflce at Springfield. Oregon, a Saoond-class Matter.
February 24. 1901 '
One Year '. 2.0 Three Mouth..
Six Month l',v
One Year, When Paid In Advance
... r.oc
.... Be
..$1.75 !
MM. K Plenty of fresh Jersey tnllk
for sale, delivered evenings Phnns
Springfield 84KS. f
A nearby newspaper referred to
lTon. CharW O. Dawes, tie nw n.;
tional budget trimmer, a ussiiiK
cor. press to a standstill." It won' 1
Feom from this that the pr.'si.lcv.t. in
his ri cent inquiry. oerhol.eil the
ro;l . .. is.' of the "standstill."
Won! of an Insignificant fire. In th
sawdust near tie no-c. which might
as well have Ivcn stamped out by tin"
man dNi-overing It. was bronchi t
a touple of ht' firenn n privately!
ltrd;!. and cxtinguKhcd t'l a hum
nv or tun. W in!.- th" member of i
tl fit , ti.-i ;f t !:'! ht:tn.l ready (o
drop their own woik and rw at e rv
or. II. Ili"v have ;( d 'sire to have .1 nlarm Minted and the town
put t; vNpt'pse, f.r tlf saV:- of the f.-. .
they would i-.nn. when a liMle thiuiKh'
fullness a ad prompt a tion with la at hatnl wnnl.l r::ik' it
lie. i ssii'V.
FOR S.M.K H.v owner, S good high
lots; 4 room hoiie; good burn and
chicken house. All for $800. Must
sell on account of poor health.
Ralph Clark, Sth and U M reels.
Springfield. Oregon, j
j i ii 1
FOR S.M.K- Ford Sedan in cvl nit
condition In eeiy p-vi, $.V.O. IV
j M C.kins. I'lieiie ;t'H.. l.'llgelie,
OlVgi u. J-
Ja:i N over populated. It ts
boeti set forth lately, not as a pr re
Fltion le;iriuir the stamp of the. Javan
ese troi-rnii nt. but a bolus ner- -able
to Jajar.esv poli y. that the !
nization of tie adjacent parts of
IiMitern Siberia might be an aic-ol-able
outlet for Japan's surplus P l'
lat ion. Let's let them do it. There
Is no government in eith-r Russia r i utmse interests we are tint! r
any obligation to bolster up. If such;
n movement woul.l d'.vert the cunvnt
rf undesiiab'? Japanese immigration If. Unison and W. J Mill .!
i busy tlse days, liauiir.p bahn wood
I from a point on the McKcnzie to the
Ml ;
M I,. I
I t''
I .-
V V!
i i;
; 1 1 c.
ol tn
I in
; r I. it o,i
ts, 2 Mo. :. . fi. -a
S.n intfi- U tor $!0.i.
t o uilil'i i 'i - '!;'. ;l
Jordan. lo'n C, !ir"
-1 1 1 . Vll' -. f -' ,
C nl
.1 1
T uiM'iinolillo
T : i to .1 :n lies-
'011'l I" lr
I u - I : i - i!' Spl i.
lei -in 'Ms. in I
! o; era' oil. t
it. i I. I
Spr'nuJu-ld Taxi S.-rvoe. I'hone
M rs
llit son dvi'M' to Shod!
: Wediosdiy e nitip to attend R
. ln-kah l.n'c there. wiil retutn
A '.I.iukI t r was born to Mr. tut I
ri s. Oo li W l .l. at Men y h.sp:..
Itttp. ne, on the l.'.th Mrs W.nd
1'otiiieily Mts Jean 1'ls. her. i f Spri z
front our shore and relis-ve Ch'P i
from the danjrer of Japanese domina
tion, we should be doubly paiacrs.
The once famous Mistah Jol nsl; p.
not th Honorable Hiram, but th
dishonorable John Arthur, has
livinp in retirement for the past year.
but has begun apain in the lnt few j
excelsior plant in Kup"tte. They have
the contract for hauling about t'"
Mls- Kl.lUr.'S I"
i ff ti e , 1 1- . i. mi
lion tr it ft Till. in
l-i-tkliis Is fillinp
.o:i tf.e".
lien, of II. o t"'s
a t wo -i-. i i ,1
".. k. Mi s . ml ..y
Iter p!u' c at !.
It Will Pay You
Mr. IVrd-ruiyt r. to Invt'sllnlo for yoittM lf llu ot i
noiny of tisliu'; Uu-s. Jlonio ProtlmiH:
NOXALL milk producer
NOXALL egg producer
NOXALL scratch feed
NOXALL pork producer
Maiiiil'aH in t l ly iho
The forms fi,r the com '.( wmk
on the first story of the new s.hoi.t
house are ready througrout Th"
iays to push 1 imdf into the limt-' pounnp of Trie oouuete win m pin to
light. He announces himself ready ! day or tomorrow.
to bepin pettinp ready to fipht a-iy-j ,,rcmjst. l(, ,),, (,ur best to - t
body that wants to fipht him inside at r,,st tonflictinp and unsatis
of a ring IS feet square. Mr. Johnson j f;l, t0iy reports about the birth of a
may haw had pood opportunities to j ,ilUKi,ter to Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Kin
cultivate certain of his musc-H-s in tl.-; ; lllalli (,f tnH vicinity of Mabel. It ;n
year just pat; but lis manner of Unborn on Sunday. Juire 19. It wus not
did not afford the best facilities for;
born any more after thai. So the re
the even, all round course of train- port in the Kupene papers of its !ielnj
Ing which a man needs to prepare
himself, for such a bit of atreuous ex
ertion! as he would have before him.
and he mipht need more time than he
formerly would to lick Mmself Intot
rbape to lick his opponent out of;
Faape. It mipht seem that, at bisj
time of life. Mr. Johnson's chances j
gainst the present champion were,
not much brighter than rls complex-;
ion. But it should not be forgotten!
born two or three wt-eks after
date was unauthorized.
TKe Right of Way
that may man who has a jaw and a
stomach that will stand a few round
of pounding can earn a hundred; Printing I tht Salesman
thousand dollars Bet by being de-; Who Ha the Right of Way
feaUd by a present day champion, j Your ktUf ,h. United Sutet
Mr. Jotnson is probably not over-; mail hai th right ot way stfaiuht to yr
, , , ,. . , . i cutoorir' desk.
looking that fact , , . . .
' Streogtha four appeal by ung a
. . Mprof know quantity Hammermill
Some of banker Tillman's wctir-l Boodand todpn0tin which w,U
, . , . i attract your cuUr s atMauoa, ana
ttoas on hrs yacht . "Modesty" havej yon ' gooau
flpired prominently in the famous That's tba kind of printiof wa do and
dirorae trial. We suspect that some ; the paper w use.
of the persons who have handled the: (M Mra riMU,. A
name of the yacht, in tl e court re-, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ports and dispatches, have dropped:
out the first syllable somewhere along:
the way. We and others may have
committed the same fault in the use
of the word "famous," as above.
Some locul oocurancoM In the IimUc
line, stiih as newspapers generally
publish, wi'ii. broiiL'ht to otir atte-
tion last w-ek. the lav bef. : j . 1 1 1 1 " -cation;
but when Ik-khii I" '
fuller ar'1rulars f; uiipct-. d tl .it
there xv us no way that we t i.l I m;'l
tho siiti lst statenii'tit . In wliat
was oi curinK and what It ximfie
that Voubl not In- I'halleiiKe'l bv
Homebody as a nilssfatetne it of fact.
The fiiestlons Involved w-ie Mich as
we wen not capable of de idinc. and
we saw no safe way but to limine :io
attempt to report the ui.itter at all.
Arrantremet ts w-re tiiuJe towa.ds
the mi1 of last week to dismiss l ie
Sunday morning services at ail tie
churches. A union aervlre wm h.M
in tie Chautauqua tent at II ' lock
Rev. Karl 'hfldTH. pastor of th..
Christian lurh. preached the K.n-.
mon. the Methodist choir led In the
music and Hev. I). ('. Miller, pasttr
of the Itaptlat church, led In r'av- r
and read the scripture. Itev. T. Ii.
Yarnes. tine MeiliMllst paster, was
not in condition to take part
Full of fun. flirht, mischief, and the
devil, the flip f Upper Is coiyposit
impression of modern American
school tirJIoou. Cladys Walton in
"Risky Business," Wednesday, July
27th. at Hell.
Tlfe brblice gang which has l-e't
puttluc in the falm work under tie
street car bridge finished Ms work th j
latter part of last wen-k. and moved t
I I'.i'tiier plni e As It te i'ill the itll
.-i ir 1 . 1 1 y pile of timbers, taken from
the lately ivl.liilt trestle mar I 'l
Jiiiieti' n. uln I ulackod on Mill stre"t
f..r to-e In this work, is r."iie. Tl.-1
workmen may not have iolnted imv
or lit aiiiN', but I hi-y i citsitily vioUt d '
u t nee honored tradi'lnu. wl li b has j
Kuvi rin d all city work on street and ,
sidewalks for years past: they '.
cleaned up tls.- litter made by their
own work. I- a in i; iioiliiuK but two
".Mil-i.l Hauler," fiuin i novel by
l.i u' . Tiarv. ii'ithor of. In Did K !)
tin k v. at Hell. Julv INth, Sunday.
It Hie sabbatl, "lear I'hllllpa
was shoolliiK i iiipn w In Ii tint ei r
i ulli-d. h-e "KihUv ll'isliiens" wil.'i
;imlys Walton, W'l-il im-s.i.i y, Jul)' L'7.
.. Biliousness and Constipation.
"Kor years I whs troubled with
I biliousness and constipation, which
' Hindu lift lilUi'l ul.le fur im- Mv uii.
111,1 "f ,h,,H ,,,-,,,1 'uk,,, j petit., failed me. I lost my usual
together. fori e ami vitality l'epln prepara-
'tions ai d outliHi lie only made mul
lie waH a woman bn... until be W(irM,. , ( lt), k))W w.r ,
met Helen Stedf - tln-n ..he trifled ),ould have b I txy had I not
w'th Mm and he (rot rougl -o roufh tried Crurntx-ilaln' Tablets Th
that she marilwt him. Itnimatlc con- tablets relive the HI fi4lliir ut once,
flii t of the m-x-s -man vs. Klrl Ib tt slretitthn the illnesilve functions,
l.ytell In "The Misleading l.ady" nf helping the system lo do Its work
naturally," writes Mrs. lto-a I'otts,
Hell, Saturday. July 2'td.
Kirmlngham, Ala.
On Dollar Savsd Represents Ten! SUMMONS
Dollars Earned. In the Circuit Court of the State
The average man dos not save to f Oregon far the county of
exceed ten per cent of his earnings Mar7 K dark, plaintiff, vs Cbailes
lie must spena nine uouars in living A CUiik. defendant.
expenses for i-veo' dollar saved, l list, To (.Ur A (.lirk
being the ase le can not be loo care-'
. . ... named defendant:
IUI iuuui uillr(-riMt( 7 riruwi. I . I T i
often a few cents Droperlv Invextnd.!
like bnylng seeds for his garden, wi'l"" hareby required to appesr
save several dollars outlay Inter on. J"d answer the complaint filed
It is the m iu buyinc Chamber-, agalust you in the above entitled
Iain's Colic and Iiariboea Reined)-, suit and Court on or before the SSlh
H costs but a few i-ents. and a bottle, jy 0f ju)y, isjj, Bni .,t being;
abov e
In the name of the ftta'e of Oregon.
of It In the house often saves a doc
tor's bill of several dollars,
We Know of
No Other Way
Do You?
No man can start in business
for himself without capital and
can be gotten by saving. Un
less you are to Inherit money
or have wealthy friends who
will lend it to you, capital ran
be gotten hy saving and by no
other meana,
We are quite certain our S .v
ings Department can be of ser
vice to you.
First National 1
38 years of helpful service
Receipt for making
"The End of a Perfect Day"
1 Evening Paper
1 Comfortable Chair
After taking the GOOD SMOKE
lay down the Evening Paper, arise
from the Comfortable Chair -
Wind The Clock
Put Out The Cat
Go To Bed
P. S. We've got the GOOD SMOKES
V. 8. Land Office at TtowebuiK, Ore.
i July 8, 1931.
' Notice Is hereby riven that Mike
, G. Kaatz. of WendlinfC. Oregon, who.
.on May 25, J920, inude Homestead
,Kntry serial No. 012861, for the
!wHi.K4. Set tion ft. of Town
I ship 1 H.. Hane I W.. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Inten
thin to inuke Pinal Three-year Proof,
to establish cl'.tlui lo the land above
'described, before K. Illinwl. U. S.
Commissioner, at his office, ut Ku
Rojie, Oregon, on the 17th ilny i f
iAukusI 1921.
more than six werks from the data of
the first publication of this summons
and being the time prescribed for
such appearance by you in He order
of publication of the summons herein
entered of record, and if you fall so lo
appear and answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief In the complaint de
manded and prayed for, to wit: Kor
a IHree ,f the Court dissolving the
uiarrluge contract and bonds of matri
mony now existing between you and
(lie plululiff on the grounds of deser
tion for a period of more than one
year and for sin 1 other and fuither
relief uk lo Hie Coint may seem me.-t
ami eillitllbe.
Tills summons Is serveil upon you
Claimant names us witnesscx: Her-1
bert J. Downing, of Wetidllng, Ore-' hy publication thereof ptirsiiunt to nil
gou; Kdward Cnimliill, of Weudling,
Oregon; Arthur Stout, of Wetidllng,
Oregon; W. C. Halley, of Weudling.
W. If. CANNON, Register.
Notice is heis-by given that the
' Hoard of l)ire tors of Union High
School IMsttict No. 7 of Lane county
will resolve bids to have the pupils
of said Ifigh .School District hauled
by means of a suitable truck to the
Springfield High School em u hcIiooI
day of the school year 1921-22, said
children to be returned to their lotnes
ach day after the clow of school,
or as near homo as Is practicable.
Iietullcd Information can Im re
ceived from any ineinber of the Hoard.
All bids aro to bo in tho hands of the
clerk of said High School District
by August 1, 1921. Thin Hoard re
servos tie right to reject any tun! ull
V. C. Taylor, Chairman of Hoard,
j J. V. Ucrtsch, Clerk.
order or the Honorable (J. V. Skip
worth, Judge of the above Court and
entered of record on the n day of
June, 1921. ordering thm his summons
n published once a week for six sue
resslvo weeks In ih Springfield News
and thH date of (lie first publication
will b June 16tl , 1121, and the last
publication will be the 2Mb day of
July. 1921,
FRANK A. Del'l'K, attorney for
I'lalntiff, residence and postofflco ad
dress, 5th and Main Sts., SprlngfWld,
Date of first publication. June 16, 1921
Dnto o f last publication July 28, 1921
A Splendid Medicine for the Stomach
and Liver
"Chamberlain a Tablets for the
slomach unil liver aro splendid. 1
never tiro of tulliiiK my friends und
neighbors of their qualities," wrltos
Mrs. William Vollmer, Kustwood, N.
Y. When bilious, constipated or
troubled will, Indigestion, give them
a trial. They will do ye-u, good.