V TlltmSPAY. JUNE 1C. 1021. PAGE FOUR THE SWUNG FIELD NEWS WANTED Piano Html' nl i. WANTKH Will come lo Springfield onto a week. Address music ten her. 140:5 !;ml street. Kugeno. Oregou. h FOR SALE JKItSKY milk delivered or at houe. Mrs. M. V. L'nllcott. Sih & K J 211 p THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by FREE. LAND A HENDERSON Entered at tho Postoffice at Springfield. Oregon, as Second class Matter, February 24. 1903. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: One Year Three Moi.ths 50c Six Months 100 Single Copy 6c one Tear, When Paid In Advance. It la estimated that the United i grade, state examinations last Trurs Sutea and the stare of New Jersey! day and Friday. There wore IS In will 'profit to the extent of half njthe Light h A class and "2 In all that; chi. ken house. All for $800. Must million dollars by Income taxes to be, took the examinations; probably tho cll on account of poor health, levied on tht? principals and promoter! largest number that ever took tho j Uatph Clark. 8th and ( streets. In Cie ncniDseWarpeutler world's examinations In the Springfield i Springfield. Oregon. hanipionshlp prize fight. July Vncle Sam will get mow tl an loth of MII.KPlenty of fresh Jersey milk for sale, delivered evening-. Plum' Springfield 34F3. tt KOIt SALE By owner. 2 good high lots; 4 room house; good barn and 2. ; schools. I. the fighters. His will be easy money, . but theirs will come by Hard knocks. Tie master of the Washington Famous lnv ntor (Simon Lake, tho Inventor of one of our early subma- i rlnes lauds plotoplay "Wet Gul l," I which will be at Bell theatre. Sunday State Grange also Indulged an ltchln for notoriety in the form of sensa tional utterances in his anuual address. June mh. TOWN AND VICINITY Mrs. M. B. Huntly returned from Portland where she attended a call named defendant meeting of the executive board of the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion. Mrs. R. R. Gilmore accom panied her. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lewis, of Junc tion City, visited last Friday at the lome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnard. Mrs. Moore, wife of Henry Moore and sister-in-law of I.afe Moore, died Saturday at her home north of E.t gene and was buried at Eugene. S.i ? was 75 years old and a pioneer of this county. Mrs. Roy L. Moore, of Portland, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bartlett for the w-eek. LOST AND FOUND NOTICE Two boxes of rlo'hing and dry goods h ive l-ii si i . -.1 in my barn for over tl.tre cats. Were In etMttite when I uiihad th'' pliice Owner may have uni'' by paying for advertising and provln-; ownership. (. C. Thurma-i. corner of M.iln and Mill street-. Spring fl Id. Oregon. 5 10 ch LOST Lady's Elgin watch. Hunt ing case, naugl t size, fancy d.tfl. family keepsake. Itew.it d. Call Mrs. G. W. Orr. or leave at News In the name of the State of Oregon, j it: you are hereby required to appesr ' and answer the complaint filed j July. 19-1. the above entitled Fit NK A. DcPl E. attorney fur SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the county of Lain1. j Mary E. Clark, plaintiff, vs. Charles I iV Clark, defendant. To Charles A. Clark the above ! As we said before It ulwa.VH .aH lo Imy HOME l'ltODl'lTS. Support your lioiiM Industrie by loiuamlln thHr product and watch tho community row. Your (l-al-r IkiikIIch otir full line of fvvU and flour manufactured here at home for you -- use I hem bo fl booster for HOME IMtOMHTTS. Mr. and Mrs. Frauk C. Thorndyke, of Eugene, spent Sunday at the Bart lett home visiting' Mrs. Roy L. Moore of Portland. The Baptist Ladies Aid will hold a bazaar and food sale in the front of the Long and Cross store on June 25. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Carris. of Murphr and Mrs. Geo. M. Smith, of Rogue River are visit! Az this week with Mr. .nH m,. A-h.,- sfIk)nma m. June, 1921, ordering that his summons j Carris and Mr.. Smitr are slater and i bft Pub,ibtl ollt k for " 8Ut mother, respectirely. of Mrs. Stein- !tessive week in the Springfield News ana me aaie or me nrst publication will be June 16tL, 1921. and the last publication will be the 28th day of against you In suit and Court on or before th 2Sth Plaintiff, residence and postoffice ml day of July. 1921. wild date being dress. .1th and Main Sts.. Springfield.' more thau six wveks from the date of Oregon. j the first publication of this summons Pate of first publication. June 16. 1!J1 and being the time prescribed for Hate o flast publication July 2S. 1921 such apiearance by you In tie order! - ! of publication of the summons herein ' Recommends Chamberlain's Tablet . , , , ,, ... . ! "Chamberlain Tablets have been entered of record, and If you fall so to'usf,t, bv nly nusbamI ,, ,n.,,.)f off appear and answer for want thereof j ami on for the past five yeurs. When' the plaintirf will apply to the Court tiiy husband goes away from home h for the relief In the complaint d ' a,av", ,ake" boUl" " l'"'m "'V" , , , . ... ! with him. Whenever I have tt nt manded and prayed for. to wit: orihMry rtH.inB after eH,nfC, r f,.H, a Decree of the Court dissolving the dull and pluyed out. I take one or two marriage contract and bonds of matrl- I of Chamberlain's Tablets and they monv now existing between you andl" " u V'" M..rH. Nw,,,:l , ...... . !reeland. Minoa. N. V. lako these ue p.ainmi on me grouiius oi ueser- tabMll when lrou,eu with constipa ' SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY tlon for a period of more than one year and for sucr. other and further relief as to the Court may seem met and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof pursuant to an order of the Honorable G. F. Skip worth. Judge of the above Court and entered of record on th 13 day of tion or Indigestion and they will do you good. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS saetz. SupL Hamlin conducted the eighth CORSAW CLOSES OUT OX SEVERAL ARTICLES AT BELOW COST PRICES 3 Day Sale - Friday, 17 to Monday 20 DUST PANS 1 CENT EACH WITH EACH $2 PURCHASE $1.25 Laundry Raskets 70c Clothe Pins, per box 8c $7.50 Wheel Barrow (new) $4.9f $17.50 Reed Sulkeys 13.00 $32.50 Baby Carriages at 24.00 $35.00 Solid Oak Dining Table 24. 0t) Good 2nd hand Lawn Mower 3.05 Good White Sewing Machine 9.95 Gas Ranges reduced from $0 to 8.50 Good Hoes (new) 49c 7X7 Auto Tents (new) 11.00 15c Fly Swatters at 8c Nails, per keg 5.85 Good Iron Beds 3.50 Good Bed Springs from 50c to 2.50 Good Chairs, each 50c 20 good second hand ranges at reduced prices No. 2 Tuba, each 90c Sythes and Snaths 1.50 Carpet Tacks, per lb 25c $9.25 Boy's Coaster Wagon (new) 5.95 Pabcolin Floor Covering, per yd 58c Pure Linseed Oil, per gal 98 C Best Outside Paint per gal $3.75 Big Cut on Paint Brushes 15 Dining Tables from $2.00 to 9.95 Round English Breakfast Tables 3.25 $3.75 Solid Oak Dining Chairs 2.50 Dozens of other articles in the Furniture and Hardware line greatly reduced. . B. Corsaw , Notice Is hereby"- Kiven that b:e will be received by the undersigned. Recorder of the Town of Springfield, for tie construction of cement sld-' walks In the following place !n th Town of Springfield: ( On the West side of Seventh ctree'. abutting Lots 1. 2. 3, and 4 in liloi k 82 of the Springfield Investment an I Power Company's Addition to the Town of Springfield. On the South side of C Street abut ting Lots 1 and 2 in Dlock 7 In Kelly Addition to the Town of Springfield On the South side of C Street abut ting the West rulf Of Lot 3 Work 7 Kelly's Addition to tie Town of Springfield. On the North side of C Street a tin 1 1 ing Uits l::, 14. 15. 16. 17 and 18 In Work SI of the Springfield Inwxt ment and Power Company's Addition to the Town of Springfield. On the North side of A Street abut ting Lots S, fi, 7 and 8 of Ulock 8 ,f Kelly's Addition to the Town of Springfield. On the North Side of I) Street abut ting Lot. 10 Work 22 Extended Survey ito the Town of Springfield, Oregon 'and Lots 11, 12 and 13 in Ulock 74 of Springfield Invbtment and Power Company's Addition to tho Town of Springfield, Oregon. On th" South hide of K Street abut ting l.tH 1. 2. .1 and 4 In Work S2 of Springfield InveMtnifnt and Pow r Ci.iupuny's Addition to tie Town of Springfield. On the Kaxt side of Klflli Street abutting Lot 1 Clark and Wah burne'H Addition and Lots f and 6 In Work 1 of Kelly'x Addition to the Town of Springfield. II the West hide of Fifth Stre.t abutting Lots 1 and 2 in Ulock 33 nt tho Kxt-ndei Survey to the Town f Springfield and U1 8 Work I! 4 of (ho Kxtended Survey aforesaid and Lo' 22 Work II in Clark and Wushhuini'a Addition to the Town of Springfield. On the West side of Sixth Street abutting lts 7 and 8 In Work K in Kelly's Addition to tie Town of Springfield. All of said sidewalks shall be le ment sidewalks aad constructed ac cording to the utandard specifications for the construction of n-mnit side walks which Hpfc'fii atlons are on file with the undersigned. Itecorder of (hi Town of Springfield Wds shall be made teiBrftt ly f..,r each Mldewalk above described and fchall be In the Imnds of tie Itecorder of the Town of Springfield before the 2sth day or June. 1921. Hated at Springfield, Oregon, this llh day of June. 1921. VINA MrLKAN, Recorder. The Home of the Soul In old en Union, It was believed that the seat of the soul was the stomach, inont likely for the reason that man Is never so completfly used up aa when his ktomatl U out of order. Kor the cure of ordinary stomach trouble, there n nothing oulte so prompt and saUsractory as Chamberlain's Tab lets., They sirenghten the stomach and enable it to perform tts functions naturally, (live them a trial They only cost a quarter. A . ' - j , - t. 15 METHODIST CHURCH Thot D. Yarnos, Pastor Just now we are studying a very profitable line of thought In the Sunday School, l:i relation of Christianity to the viuloni plane of the social proliU in. Next Sunday the subject will 1', "Christianity Transforming the Social Order." Next Sunday evening there will be a very special feature at thl regular preaching hour when the clolr gives Its sacred Concert, com posed of the bcHt musical nwmlrcrs given during the past year. Tho choir h.i- been doing excellent woik under tin- capiiblo leadership of Arthur Johnson, of Kugcup. mwl tl is Concert will In- a treat that music loveiM cannot affoid to miss. It will he free, only the regular offering being taken. Everybody cordially welcomed H 5th & MAIN STS. PHONE 22 Have you tried the new 10c package? Dealers now carry both; 10 for 10c, 20 for 20c It's toasted. "NO W- A-DAYS" says the Good Judge A man can get a heap more satisfaction from a small chew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. I Ie finds it costs less, too. Tho good tobacco taste lasts so much longer ho doesn't need to have a fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. l'ut up in two styles W-IJ GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco