TirUKFDAY.JUNH 9. 1021. THIB SPRING FTCLD NEWS TAGS EIGHT r f I I I If I U - t M. WHEN THE COVER IS RAISED r fnm a can of our tce-creani. ttt delicious refreshment or desert will be found ftrra and hard. W park each can tn a pall or tub of ice. thua lnsurlng the keeping ot tha cream. Order some for your next dinner par ty or dance. EGGIMANN'S A Good Baktry- 8 V:; TOWN AND VICINITY The 34th annual reunion and picnic of tha Linn County Pioneer Associa tion will be held In the city park. Brownsville, Oregon. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. June 22. 23 and 24. Prominent speakers, vocal and instrumental music, an interesting program and various kinds of sports each day. A. E. Senseney Is rapidly recover" ing from the effects of a recent opera tion in a Eugene tospital. He ex pects to return home the latter part of this week. Dr. S. Ralph DippeL dentist. Spring field. Oregon. Mrs. E. M. Duryee. wtose Urge house on A street, between 7th and 8th. wss so badly damaged by fire on May 27th. carried $1000 Insurance. The loss was adjusted the latter part of last week. It was estimated at 1700. The upper part was pretty badly wrecked. The lower rooms were not much damaged except by water. She expects to rebuild It and occupy it herself. She will then tave rooms to spare. Have you read the want s. Miss Doris Sikes, who has been doing newspaper work at Salem, was visiting at home the past tew days. She will be employed on the Eugene Guard. Cyr's sedan Jitney. PI. one 11. Theodore McCracken is building a good, roomy dwelling house. With concrete foundation, on D street, be tween Sth and 9th. a short distance from his own residence. Chas. F. Savage., of Portland, re presenting the Vulcan Electric Co. of Los Angeles, was in Springfield Saturday, and installed an X-ray ap 1 uratus in the office of Dr. R. P. Moitens?n. Rather an expensive ap pliance about a thousand dollars but they are becoming a necessity in medical practice. j There was a peculiarly sad incident connected with the funeral of Fred Meats. He was betrothed to a young lady in Portland, and they were to have been married immediately uin his return from the service. She com municated with his parents, and re ou'sted to be informed of the time :f his funeral, so ttat she might attend. But the telephone company, with whom she war employed, refused to allow her the time off. The West Springfield school occu pied Friday, the closing da, chiefly with literary exercises. Most of the older people interested In the school were present. The two boys of L. H. Montgomery wfie tre only pupils of the school who were neither absent nor tardy during the term. A pioclc dinner at Kincaid Park was arranged for Monday. The people , old and young, met at the school h:e at 9 . m., and drove or walked to th ground. Mis. Near and Miss Leah Hoyer were the teacrers. Roy Bench, lately of Rigsdon. Ill nois, son of F. M. Bench, of this city, has come to make l is home here. E. E. Brattain ranw up from Cush man Sunday. The family will remove to the farm as soon as Mrs. Brattain Is able to travel. She is laid up Just now with a lame back. Joe Deets went to Itoweburg Mon day, to take a Job in a garage. H botes to be pble to enter the univer sity this fall. A party of young people, teachers and others, with Dr. and Mrs. Flmery as chaperones. seventeen in all. went up to Blue River Saturday afternoon and evening, camped trere over night and straggled back through tha, day Sunday. An auto party consisting cf a imn. a woman, a ptn year old boy and a month old pup camped on our new grounds Sunday afternoon and night. They had driven from Roaeburg that day. They live in Portland. They had traveled as tar as Sacramento, and were on their way back home. Ttey reported the deer thick tu tha mountains ot Northern California. Alex Pakulek has bought a farm near Junction City, and he and his family expect to move to it uext week. Mra. L. M. Anderson and children moves this week to Chicago, where Mr. Anderson has been employed tor the past two months. Tie fire department was called out about noon last Saturday to deal with a tire at the home of M. V. End '.cot t. on E street, between 8th and 9th. Mr. Kndicott was halfway up town after dinner when the alarm sounded. His boy extinguished the fire before he or the firemen reacted the house. A hole waa burned In the roof around the chimney. Have you read the want aas Cyrs sedan Jitney. PI one 11. Importers, exporters, travelers snip and sail under the Stars and Stripes THERE are today few ports in the world of Importance to shippers or travelers, which cannot be reached by ships that sail under the Stars and Stripes. President Harding has aid that, "We cannot sell successfully where we do not carry". The American Merchant Marine that once almost vanished is again an established and important carrier of the world's com merce. You can ship or sail any where in American ships designed for utmost com fort and safety. Operators of Passenger Services Admiral Una. 17 Stat Street, Htm Ynrk, N Y. Mataon Navigation Company. IS V, iay St reel, Baltlmurt, MJ Munann Staam Ship Una. Si rVavaf Street, Nr irt, N T. New York and Porto Pico S. S. Co., II HrrM'ioay. New Ytirli. N Y. PaclAc Mall S. S Co., 4f ttfuaJway. New Yrk. N Y U. t. Mail S. S. Co.. 4 HruatWay, New York. N Y. Ward Una. (New York mni Puha Mall S S Co) r. uf Wall Street. New York, N Y. Free uae of Shipping Board films (Im nf Shipping Hoard mot I'm ptctura filrrn, four reel, tree tin retjue of any mayur, naMor, potmter, or ocga" minn A great eJurailnnal pit tor ot hir ami the in Writ for inform ation to It l.aue. Director Irifotmation ttureau. K.aim VII, I J l' ' (-" Street, N W , Wa,iiln.ori, I) C. SHITS FOR BALK (T 4 mirumm i ') Steal ataaaura. both oil aad aoal aaraara. A lo wood stcamere. wood holla eml tu.4 tul further lalariBaiiuo obtained by reuaeet. For sailings of passenger and freight ships to all parts of the world and all other information, writ$ to any of the above lines or to the U.S. Shipping Board . WASH! NITON, D. C. Thrift - With A Smile The people in the cities, towns and districts served by the Mountain States Power Company have demonstrated their thriftiness by investing a large total in our 8 per cent Gold Notes, A considerable part of this sound investment has been made on the convenient partial payment plan. Have you seen our booklet "Thrift - With a Smile?" It may give you a new idea of acquiring financial independence. Thousands have found it interesting and helpful. You may have a copy, free upon request. Saving is only one Step towards the protec tion of your future. Idle money, like idle men. does no good for any one. Your savings must be invested where they will grow and be safe. Our Partial Payment Plan is free of red tape; is simple and convenient. Your investment earns interest from the start. Why not get the facts? A Safe 8 Investment for Home People Mountain States Power Company H. M. Byllesby & Company Fiscal Agents Byllesby Engineering and Management Corporation Engineers and Managers UNIVERSITY GIRL STUDENT CASCADE FOREST LOOKOUT tniverslt of Oregon, Eugene. June 8. The position of forest lookout 16.000 feet above sea level, on the McKenzle rlwr In the Cascade forettt, will he held this summer by Miss Dorothy Dickey, a student In the I'ril versity of Oregon. She will begin h-r work about tie 10th of July and continue (III some time in September, when the fall rains begin. This Is not a new work for MUs Dickey, for she was lookout last sum mer and was the first to discover H forest fires. Though her mountain post is eighty-five miles from Eugene she says ttst she does not get parti cularly lonesome. liu 1 enacted by tin; last kgiHlature 711 per cent of thf lumber operators will get reductions Hiu-r July lt from 10 to, ?.J per cent Kline July 1, 191;. uO'J.:!97 win -olle'li from the HiinHTii Oregon lumber men and iiii lo.ws. Uiil $445 -KS0 tllnliurwil by the commission, leaving a balance of l:f,71 on hund. Oregon hax state mouoply of acci dent insurance, wlilli other states allow InduHtries to contract with competing InHiirance companies and get, as a rule, more fs voi d Me term, as low as one per cent. f rtrlirri AHvrrti.trw Kefretitatlve THK AMKHK AN PHKSS A.VK K.IA 1 1 )' SpringfW-ld Chautauqua. July 14-20. Why Suffer from Rheumatism? Do you know that nine out of every ten rases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muxcles of ofronki rheumatism, neither of which require any Internal treatment? Tha pain may he relieved by applying Cham berlain's Liniment, which makea aleeD and rest Dosslhle. and' ttat cer , tslnly means a great deal to anyone afflicted with rheumatism. ACCIDENT INSURANCE MONOPLV The pk-a of the eastern Oregon Hawmills and lumber industries for a reduction in accident Insurance in ten has been denied by the State work lngmen's compensation commission. It has been supposed by many that lumber Industries were especially favored by state accident Insurance rates but such is not the case and Oregon lumber Induslries claim they pay more than In other states. The commission "points out" that automatically new legislation that It Get your CHICK FOOD At the Farm era Exchange. Its sure a good food for ypur little Thicks. ONLY $3.49 per 100 lbs. We have good specials this week. Farmers Exchange "IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY AT CRAY'S" Watch Our Ads Watch our ads in the Eugene papers. You can always K"t get those same bargains right here In Springfield.. Lean Bacon 81 rips, lb 25c Full Cream Cheese, "lb , 2fc Uulk Cocoa, lb if:c Fresh Salted Peanuts, lb , 15C Feanut Hutter, lb ioc Corned Beef, 2 cans 350 A Dandy Broom, only k 49C 4-