THE STOINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1021 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Sprlngffeld. Lane County, Oregon, by FREELAND & HENDERSON Entered at the rostofflce at Springfield, Oregon, as Second-class Matter, February 24. 1903. One Year Six Months. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 2.00 Thrve MoUhs $1.0 Single Copy One Tear. When Paid In Adante,. COc Be $1.78 Hon. Franklin K. Lane, former Secretary of Interior, left a piece of writing, dictated after the operation which was performed a day or two before his death, which several of the newspapers have spoken of as a re markable letter. It was indeed re markable, but not very creditable. An ordinary man. in an ordinary sickness may utter a mess of foolishness, and no notice will be taken of it But wten a distinguished public servant utters it. and he dies soon afterwards, he may be sure that It will get Into the newspapers, to the grief of his children and the public, which would be glad to remember only his effi cient public service. According to the testimony of a high official of The United States, certain other high officials released Grover Clevland Bergboll in order that le might go and look for a pot of gold. The other end of the rainbow was located, probably by geometrical cal culations, in Western Maryland. If he found the pot of gold, he did not bring it back. The problem now is to bring him back. The state labor commission sends out a statement that there are now about seven thousand unemployed jmen in Oregon. Most of ua lad been .thinking it was nearer seven million. I o ! A newspaper story announcing a big dividend by a steel corporation bears the tead. "Steel Holding Its own." A great many people think It is holding more than Its own. o (Continued from page one) telegraph and mall could convey It. The day was observed by comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic, atded by citizens. In 27 states of the Union, very Imposing ceremonies were observed at the Arlington Cemetery in the District of Columbia, at which Gen. Ramies A GarfyU'( afterward President of the United States, de livered the principal address. J Annually on the succeeding 30th day of May this tribute to the loyal ' heroes of the Civil War has been ob served. By usage and custom the obser vance has broadened out so as to In clude the graves of our dead of all previous wars, of the Spanish-American War and World War. Some tout-ring and beautiful ceremonies were held overseas last Memorial Day as testimonials of love and respect WANTED sMlLK Plenty of fresh Jersey milk for sale, delivered evenings. I'lton Springfield 34F3. tf. FOR SAUJIIouso hold goods. Call 105W between 4 and 8 p. m. It FOR SALE By owner, 2 good high lots; 4 room houo; good bant and chicken house. All for $800. Must sell on account of poor health. Ralph Clark, 8th and O streets, Springfield. Oregon. for those who had died In the great World'War in defense of liberty, self government and the freedom of the seas. A very beautiful ceremony has bnen Instituted, embracing the scat tering abroad of flowers on the ocean Jn honor of tl;e gallant sailors ami ma rines who perished at sea. TOWN AND VICINITY K. J. Nolan of Portland. Grand Pat riarch of tho Grand Encampment of Oregon I. O. O. F. whs a dinner guest jat the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Korf Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walker were also guents at dinner. j Pltfslllll Co. Cabinet Shop. We jmake kitchen cabinets, breakfast tables, drop loaf tables, dressing tpblos. princess drestters. butter molds (step ladders, window and door frames j take order for doons, plate glass I mirror, give estimate on dutch kitchen work, stair work. Window glass and putty for sale. Repair I furniture and general Job work. Shop on corner in ana j streets. The seventh episode of "King of the Circus." featuring Eddie Polo i ! was the best thriller seen on the We give Red Stamps 2 discount Extra Closing Out Millinery Ladies' $7, $8, and $9 hats now $4.95 Groceries Salmon, large can, per dozen $1.03 Peas, 2 for 25c Large pkg. Tru Blu Crackers 39c Small pkg ". 10c Carnation Milk, 2 for 25c Edward's Dependable Coffee, per lb 43c Farmers Exchange The Store of Bargains Buy your Chick -Food here at $3.49 per 100 lbs. In a new size package j cigarette screen in this town. Springfield Taxi Service. Phone 2. Dorse Lamoureaux. Kenneth Glrard and Milton Cyr spent Saturday night and Sunday camping and fishing above Lowell. Born Tuesday. May 24. to Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Leavitt, a son. He had an idea that he could have anything he wanted he hadn't fig ured, however, on the active flea that Jumped from the cat to him. lie didn't want tl at then he commenced rio scratch he coulflti't "Stop Scratch ing his Back." ' Cyr's sedan Jitney. PI1 one 11. Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, dentist, Spi log field. Oregon. The annual meeting of the South ern Oregon conference of th Free Methodtet church is In session this week at Grants Pass, beginning Wed nesday. There will probably be no representatives from the West Spring field church. Bishop Sellen will preside. Dr. S. RalDh Dlmel. dentist. Sorinr- field, Oregon. Dr. and Mrs. X. W. Emery went io Salem last Saturday, and returned Monday. The doctor went to attend a Joint session of the Lane, Linn, j Benton, Polk, Marlon and Yamhill counties Cntal societies, Saturday evening. L. J. Lepley, who has been at Oak dale, California, for a month or two, is at home again. Robert Kizer Joined the marines a week ago Monday and left the follow ing Wednesday for Mare Island. Mrs. Susan Settle returns this week to the region near San Francisco where she spent the past fall and winter. R. N. Torbet and family, mother and aunt, motored up from Albany last Saturday, remaining over Sun day with Prof.Torbet of this city. Rev. and Mrs. T. D. Yarnes enjoyed a vsit from a group of Mrs. Yarnes'. relatives, Sunday. Mrs. Yarnes' sis ter, Mrs. F. W. Launer, whose hut band Is an Evangelical minister of Salem; and Mrs. Launer's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Newman, of Eugene. Mrs. Launer Is making an extended visit at the home of her daughter. 10 forlOcts MANY smokers prefer it. They'll find that this compact package often Lucky Strike Cigarettes will just suit them. Try them dealers now carry both sizes: 10 for 10 cts; 20 for 20 cts. It's Toasted Have you read the want ads. CLOVER SEED SEED CORN (Oregon Crown) GARDEN SEEDS ALFALFA HAY LIME CEMENT Springfield Warehouse Co. C. E. LYON, MANAGER As we said before It always pays to buy HOMH PRODUCTS. Support your home Industries by demanding thdr products and watch the community grow. Your dealer handles our full line of feeds and flour manufactured here at home for you use them be a booster for HOME PRODUCTS. SPRINGFIELD MILL AND GRAIN COMPANY "Try It Out Yourself" says the Good Judge And you will find how much more satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of tho ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the ! Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that, Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco f nil, ,.,. , i t ,M... ... , ,:l -ly t i in., i in Mi i 1 1 1 ' " 1 ' ii- n I n i , ' Evils of Constipation. dangerous disease, keep your bowels Perhaps the mont serious of tie 'Tegular. For this purpoMO Chamber diseases rauHed by constipation Is ap- Iain's Tablets are excellent, easy to penriicltls. If you would avoid this take and mild and gentle in effect J Hardware and Furniture Who caused Linseed Oil to drop from $1.50 to .... $1.10 And Paint to drop from $4.75 to $3.98 in Springfield. Ask Dad, he knows Paints Oils Varnishes Turps Putty Leads etc. Oregon made guaranteed pure, and Inexpensive. H. B. Corsaw PHONE 22 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . - u vm-JiTtmm ? ji x : x . j i. llj Lof fer's Accomodation Shop I lave you tried them our guarantee on work turned out of our Blacksmith Shop. It Is as good as any that ever stood the test in the scales of justice. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON I" I WiSS