PAGE TIIHEE BETTER PRODUCTION AND BIGGER PROFITS FOR GROWERS OF WOOL Eileen. Burdctte v. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ' V . ' OLD TOWS IlICVKNOL Oi.n nitAMii'A lux, o called by nit the young wood Ofit :ntil. litid been bothered no inurh by the joiiiiKxtvr thnt he wnn at blswlt' d to know how to punhdi them. One day ho wn sitting outnlilu Id door doaliig In tlie sun when lUtljr Squirrel niid hi brother cljmbed Into th two over (Irundpa Fox mid let 1'iwn on a string a wlggly turtle, which den red old (Iriinripn no lie tum bled out of III cluilr. Another dny ho fell alep In hi 'lnilr and when ho nwoko Hiid (diked L up till Im, which IihiI fallen on I lit' irroiiml. what lind Toinmle and tho Hqulrrel boy dona hut filled the plpewlth block ieppr, no poor Grand (D Fox nlmoMt KtiiHWd hi head on. Another time they Mole hi specta cle mid put In a mutftilfylng glim, no (hot everything looked so big to ham thnt hc wan afraid to move. Hut the limit of hi patience ni reached when they tied string to all the atlck of wood and when (iruudpa Fox went out to get hi wood In for the night a fust a he picked It up thoe had youngster would tug at the string and down It would full. Grandpa Fox could not see real well In tin! halMlsht and It took htm. a tons time to (Ind out what wu hap IH'iiInu, hut when he did ho snapped off the string from the atlck In a hur ry, you may he sure, looking very angry. He knew better than to tulk, for thnt win Just what the youngsters wanted, and Clrandpa Fox, hnving been young hliiim-lf, had not forgotten hi youthful trick. "I'll tlx thone youngsters." said Grandpa, a ho wit smoking by 4 he lire thnt iifKht. "I may be setting old, but I think I ran scrape up a thought The Right Thing at the Right Time By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE AT THE TAIlI.i: HI can ruin th crest that cannot reach tit small. t)pnnr. AVOID any little niunnerlsrn that Indicate extreme fusslnes or tlnlcolncHH of taste. The person who appears to be examining minutely every morsel that he takes on hi fork makes ono feel thut he is suspicious that tho food Is not entirely what It ought to he. 8o, too, the person who samples every viand very carefully before beginning in earnest to eut I too finical to be a pleasant table com panion. Large pieces of bread are broken Into smaller pieces before bolng but tered and carried to the mouth. Cuke may be broken and eaten like bread or crackers or it mny be euten with a fork. Celery, olives, radishes, suited nuts, bon bons, preserved ginger and other trifles aro eaten from the fingers, but berries, melons, and grupe-frult must bo eaten with a spoon, linnamis uro generully eaten with a fork, peaches, apples and pears are ptfcled, quartered and rut Into smalt pieces and then picked up with the fingers. Grapes and small plums' are eaten from tho fingers, and the stones or skins taken Into tho hand and carried to tho plate, never dropped from tho Hps. I'runo seeds are boHt pressed out with tho spoon before the fruit Is eaten, and then luld to' one side on tho plute, Hones of fowl, game or chops must not be tuken in the finger, but green corn mny bo eaten thut way. . Artichokes, source of much grief to the Inexperienced diner, if served hot or cold with snuce must be broken npnrt, leaf by leaf, nnd tho tip dipped In t tio - sauce, and eaten from the lingers. Tho heart Is cut up and euten with a fk. Finger bowls ore provided merely to moisten tho finger tips, not for a gen eral handwashing. Your host who Inquires what portion r two Hint will piiy I he m off In good Impo." For a long tlmo after that Grandpa Fox wn very busy every evening, atid If the Kiulrrel brothers and Touitnle Itubblt had watched they mlglit have noticed the light burning lute In Grandpa' cabin. He chuckled a ho worked, and though It was very delicate work Grandpa felt It would be well worth all the trouble and rare he was tuklng. A hiutltet of big nut stood on one. side of his iliiilr and from thenc Grand pa Fox wu very carefully taking til the meat, leavliift (lie shell tnN two pieces, which fitted iM-rfectly together when empty. These he filled with pepper red pepper, too and then glued tho sheila mi nicely that even an expert could not have told they had been opened. These, of court1, were being pre pared especially for the Squirrel brothers. (Copyright) t "What's in a Name?" J r 3j Facts about your name; its history; meaning; whence it wa3 S derived: BignificanceTvour lucky day and lucky ieweL . By MILDRED LUCKHTIA THOUGH Lucretln was the name borne by the nutorlou duughter of Ilork'la, It Is one of the quaintest and rnoHt old-fiiNhloned of name In this country. It I a fur cry from ancient Home -to modern New Kngland, but the name bus completed the transi tion with very few chunnfs to mark the successful stage of Its evolution. There are two theories among ety mologist In reKiird to the original sourre of Lucretln. Some contend that It come from the Latin word Lu crum, mennlng "gain," and for that reason Lucre tlu U said to signify gain. Ou the other hand, there I much evi dence to prove that it real source was In the Latin word for Unlit, lux. Many feminine names have been derived from this root and the same word has supplied surnames without number. It Is believed, therefore, thut the noted old gens Lucretius from which Lucretla 1 directly descended, was only another of the derivative of lux. of poultry or gnme, row meat or well done you prefer will thank you for a definite answer. If you really have no preference say so definitely. Do not enumerate various ruts that appeal to you. (Copyrliht ) o Wick Will Clean Greasy Hands. That old round wick from the oil stove thnt your wtfo usually throws away when It burns too short. If silt In half and luld flat, mokes an excel lent scrubber for the motorist fo use n working the greuso nnd grime out of his hands, anserts Motor Life. THE ADDING MACHINE. THE Itubylonlan had the first re corded mechanical aid to addi tion, a "pebble-board" with small stones which were shifted about. The Chinese abacus, with Us beads ou wires, is also very ancient. Pascal, In 1041, Invented the first adding: ma chine with dials. In 1820 O. X. Thomas brought out the first successful all rouud calculating machine. (Copyright) SELF-SERVICE PROHIBITED How lt5tnriEd How dared you kiss mel You look sweet enough'to eat Well, In future please remember I'm no cafeteria where you can help yourself. 7. -wV' : ft i 1 f-Stjy s' . One of the winsome face on the "movie" screen (a that of Eileen Bur. detto, the charming little actress who has besn admired by thousands In some of the large productions. MARSHALL "Lucre, combining Ue fleere under the nldiilKht lamp," the famous old Homao tale, Inspired Khakespeare to write one of his earliest poems. Despite her no toriety, Lucretla Ilorgla probably es tablished the name of Lucretla In Italy, and in eurly modern times it was one of the few classical names to bo revived. France has a Lticrece, widen Is pop ular, and England Imported Lucretla in the eighteenth century. . Lucretlu's taltsmantc stone Is the red-hearted ruby. It has the power to bring her strength of body, an In vincible spirit and success in every un dertaking. Tuesday is her lucky day, and 0 her lucky number. (Copyright) o HOW DO YOU SAY IT? By C N. LURIE Common Errors In English and How to Avoid Them -WHERE AM I ATr TT 18 not correct to use the word A "at" or the word "to" after the word "where," as in the sentences, "Where were you at Inst Sunduy?" and "Where were you going to?" Say, instead, "Where were you last SundayT" and "Where were you going?" This Is one example of many in English in which the speaker or writer uses too many words to express bis meaning. The sentence, "Where am I at?" at tracted much attention about 20 years ago when it was used by a speaker in the bouse of representatives. The member was making a long speech, filled with long sentences. Not much attention was being paid to blni, and he "lost his place" while uttering ono of hts long sentences. So he turned to the speaker and asked: "Mr. Speak er, where am I at?" The reporter took advantage of the opportunity to poke fun at him, and the phrase was repeated and laughed at all over the United Stutes. (Coprrlvht.) A LINE 0' CHEER By John Kendrlck Bangs. NORTH AND SOUTH. SEEK out the Southland If you will, Where flowers deck your win- dOW-Blll, And tuneful bird are singing; Where soft a llk the morning breesa Confides It loereta to the tree, And BprlngUme's bell are ring ing. , I still shall hold to Winter's ways, Deaplte the roughage of her day - When arctic bluata are blowing. The blaata .that, though they thrill with atrlfe, Impart new vigor to my life. And keep my Soul a-growlng. (Copyright.) -O- Island Has Disappeared. One of tje most lffuious of disap pearing inlands Is Expedition Island, situated off tho northwest corner of Australia, and which was visited as lately as 1S03. Toduy It lias disap peared, and is now fifty feet below water. Tho Inland wus thirteen miles long, and famous for Us beauty. t'.tf tT' - V Keeping th Fleece Intact I One of th Thing Graders for Co-Operative Pool Hava Emphasized With the Growers. (Prepared by the United State Depart ment of Agriculture.) They are being "shown" down In Missouri and they like It, For the first time tho wool growers of that state have -been marketing their wool co-operatively, and the plan Is proving a great success. At 70 centralization points the wool has been brought in from the rountry for pooling. All told, several thousand growers have shared In the big co operative movement and wool amount ing to millions of pounds has been haudled. In each rose It has been graded as the growers brought It in, an expert grader supplied to the bu reau of markets. United States De partment of Agriculture, rlnsslfylng tho flecres. The work of the grader Is part of an Investigation being car ried on by the bureau In connection with a study of the tentative wool grades which the Department of Agri culture has recently established. It Isn't so much the Immediate in crease In money returns resulting from co-operative marketing that Interests these growers although they promise to fare as well or better than the aver age in this year's market, which Is far from normal but it Is the benefit they expect to derive next year and the years following from their experience of this season. The "showing" In Missouri and elsewhere has consisted in demon strating the value of grading as car ried ou under the co-operative plan. The growers have been quick to see their mistakes and propose not to re pent them. As a result the entire wool Industry Is to profit by a gen eral raising of standards among the growers. - Amazing Variety of Wrappers. The seemingly incidental but real ly very Important matter of wrapping the fleece Illustrates the benefits of co operative wool murketing. One of the regulations which must be observed. If the wool grower Is to suffer no penal ty when his wool is graded, Is that each fleere shall be wrapped In pa per twine or a hard-glazed twine. If other twine is used fibers from it are almost sure to become mixed Into the wool and may cause serious trouble In the spinning machinery, or if these fibers are woven Into fabric they be come conspicuous owtng to the fact that they take the dye differently than the wool fibers. This often results In the cloth having such defects as to be almost worthless. Many wool growers had never un derstood this until It was explained to PLANTING CORN FOR SILAGE Some Farmers Prefer to Grow Crop Thicker Than for Grain Claim. Ing Higher Yields. While sorue men prefer to grow corn for the silo thicker than for grain, claiming that In so doing they get more tons of forage per acre, the majority of farmers plant their silage corn the same as field corn aud in hills. ' ACCOUNT OF FARM BUSINESS Memorandum of Various Items Will Prove Valuable When Calculating Profit and .os. In making a record of. the farm business,- tho Item of labor Income cannot be determined accurately with out some system of accounting. ' Some farmers will require accounts showing the amounts expended for labor, oth ers on tlie amount paid for feed, and ! still others on the amount recelved.for ; crops sold. A memorandum of such ' ,ti.jim 1 m m A k 4h f k StJ, them by the grader, consequently some of tho lots of wool brought Into the warehouses were done up In ways thaf would have been amusing had It Dot meant considerable financial loss to the uninformed growers. Some used binder twine and sisal, others bark, smooth wire, and barbed wire, and still others cotton rags torn In strips. The majority, of rourse, bad their fleeces tied with the proper materials. Incidentally the bureau of markets explains that Missouri Is not alone In the ' matter of being "shown," since wool growers In all sections of the country have discovered that they have been following practices that often seriously penalized them. "No More Wet Wool for Me." But the use of proper wrapping ma terial Is not the only thing which the co-operative wool growers are learn ing. "Shear, the sheep when the wool Is absolutely dry," say the Department of Agriculture and wool experts every where. But many growers apparently do not know of this requirement One grade! in Missouri was amazed to find all of the wool In a certain lot thor oughly soaked. Pressed for an ex planation the grower admitted that be did not know that moisture made any difference In the grade, but realized that jnoisture added to the weight When OBked how be could account for the condition of his fleece, be admit ted that he had allowed his load of wool to stand In the creek all night When he discovered that t" is was re sponsible for his wool being rejected he took the decision smilingly and with a "Never again I" drove away. Burs Cause Trouble. One class of "rejects" In wool grad ing is known as "burry." Many farm ers have become Indignant when some of their fleeces were thrown into the burry class. But In each case the grnder has been able to show them by careful examination that the con demned fleeces rontained large num bers of burs sometimes 50 or 60. Every such experience has sent the grower back to his farm resolved to "clean up those burs." "Next year you'll see an Improvement In my wool," more than one man has told the grader. The bureau of markets Is prepared to furnish Information to any person Interested In learning more about co operative wool marketing as well as co-operative marketing In numerous other fields in which, success has been equally pronounced. Items will prove valuable when .the time comes to calculate the year's business. The matter of farm ac counting, according to the specialists who have studied the problem for the United States' Department of Agricul ture, Is not dependent upon any par ticular form or blank book the real secret of success lies in knowing what accounts to keep and how to make use of them. Farmer's Bulletin CCJ. suggests the sort of accounts mo8tt needed. Cause Digestive Troubles. Overfeeding the sow Is certain to cause digestive troubles with the small pigs. For the first few days a slop of wheat shorts with a little tankage or linseed meal Is the best feed. Turkeys Relish Grasshopper. Farmers troubled with grasshoppers can make no better Investment than a nice flock of turkeys. Greatest Enemy of Farmer. The jrreutest enemy of the farmer Is WASTE.